196.20(2m)(2m)Except as provided under s. 196.193, no change in schedules which constitutes an increase in rates to consumers may be made except by order of the commission, after an investigation and opportunity for hearing.
196.20(4)(a)(a) In this subsection:
196.20(4)(a)1.1. “Automatic adjustment clause” means a provision included in the rate schedule of an electric public utility after investigation, notice and hearing which permits the electric public utility to recover in rates, without prior hearing and order of the commission, an increase in costs incurred by the electric public utility.
196.20(4)(a)2.2. “Electric public utility” means a public utility whose purpose is the generation, transmission, delivery or furnishing of electric power but does not include a public utility owned and operated wholly by a municipality or cooperative and does not include any public utility which purchases, under federal or state approved wholesale rates, more than 50 percent of its electric power requirements from other than an affiliated interest as defined under s. 196.52. “Electric public utility” does not include any Class A utility, as defined under s. 199.03 (4), whose electric generation equipment has a total capacity of less than 30 megawatts.
196.20(4)(b)(b) An electric public utility may not recover in rates any increase in cost, including fuel, by means of the operation of an automatic adjustment clause.
196.20(4)(c)1.1. If an electric public utility has an approved fuel cost plan, the commission shall defer any under-collection or over-collection of fuel costs that are outside of the utility’s symmetrical fuel cost annual tolerance, as established by the commission, for subsequent rate recovery or refund.
196.20(4)(c)2.2. The commission may commence a proceeding to adjust rates for an electric public utility outside of a general rate case proceeding if the utility’s actual fuel costs are outside of the utility’s fuel cost annual tolerance, as established by the commission.
196.20(4)(c)3.3. Approval of a fuel cost plan and any rate adjustment for deferred fuel costs or refund of over-collected fuel costs shall be determined by the commission after opportunity for hearing.
196.20(4)(d)(d) The commission shall promulgate a rule to implement this subsection.
196.20(7)(a)(a) In this subsection, “mitigation payment” means, as approved by the commission, an unrestricted or recurring monetary payment to a local unit of government in which an electric generating facility is located to mitigate the impact of the electric generating facility on the local unit of government. “Mitigation payment” does not include payments made or in-kind contributions for restricted purposes to directly address health or safety impacts of the electric generating facility on the local unit of government.
196.20(7)(b)(b) Except as provided in par. (c), an electric public utility may not recover in rates any of the following:
196.20(7)(b)1.1. The cost of mitigation payments paid by the utility.
196.20(7)(b)2.2. The cost of mitigation payments paid by the owner or operator of an electric generating facility that the owner or operator recovers from the utility by selling electricity to the utility, by leasing the facility to the utility, or by any agreement between the owner or operator of the electric generating facility and the public utility.
196.20(7)(c)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the commission shall only approve a mitigation payment agreement that is received by the commission before June 10, 2003, and, if the commission finds the agreement to be reasonable, shall not subsequently modify the agreement.
196.20(7)(c)2.2. If the commission receives a mitigation payment agreement before June 10, 2003, and does not determine that the agreement is unreasonable before November 11, 2003, mitigation payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement shall be recoverable in rates, notwithstanding any subsequent limitations imposed by the commission on the mitigation payments.
196.20(8)(a)(a) In this subsection, “financial assistance” has the meaning described in s. 196.372 (2).
196.20(8)(b)(b) The revenue collected from charges applied to a class of customers to fund financial assistance may not exceed an amount equal to the financial assistance received by the class.
196.20(9)(9)The commission shall ensure in rate-making orders that a public utility recovers from its ratepayers reasonable amounts that the public utility spends on pension and other post-employment benefit costs. If requested by the public utility, the commission shall prescribe escrow accounting treatment for the recovery of public utility expenditures related to pension and other post-employment benefit costs.
196.20 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. PSC 116, Wis. adm. code.
196.20 AnnotationA utility’s expanded adjustment clause violated the requirement of public hearings prior to rate increases under sub. (2) [now sub. (2m)]. Wisconsin Environmental Decade, Inc. v. PSC, 81 Wis. 2d 344, 260 N.W.2d 712.
196.20 AnnotationThe inclusion of nuclear fuel in an adjustment clause did not violate sub. (2) [now sub. (2m)]. Wisconsin Environmental Decade, Inc. v. PSC, 105 Wis. 2d 457, 313 N.W.2d 863 (Ct. App. 1981).
196.20 AnnotationSub. (2m) requires a utility to charge only those rates that have been filed with the PSC in conformity with applicable statutes. Filed rates are those rates filed in compliance with applicable statutes, including those under sub. (2m) for changes in schedules that increase rates. CenturyTel of the Midwest-Kendall, Inc. v. PSC, 2002 WI App 236, 257 Wis. 2d 837, 653 N.W.2d 130, 02-0053.
196.201196.201Regulation of private shared telecommunications systems.
196.201(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “private shared telecommunications system” means plant or equipment used to provide telecommunications service through privately owned customer premises equipment to a user group located in a discrete premises, such as in a building complex or a large multitenant building, or used to provide telecommunications service where the cost of service is shared among 2 or more persons who are not affiliated interests under s. 196.52, and where the plant or equipment is not used to offer telecommunications service for sale directly or indirectly to the general public.
196.201(2)(2)Request for access. At the request of any person who receives telecommunications service from a private shared telecommunications system, or at the request of a telecommunications utility or telecommunications carrier seeking to provide telecommunications service requested by any such person, the owner or manager of the private shared telecommunications system shall make facilities or conduit space available to any telecommunications utility or telecommunications carrier for the purpose of providing telecommunications service.
196.201(3)(3)Commission may order. If the commission finds that the owner or manager of a private shared telecommunications system has failed to comply with a request under sub. (2), it may order the owner or manager to make facilities or conduit space available to any telecommunications utility or telecommunications carrier making a request under sub. (2) at reasonable prices and on reasonable terms and conditions, under the procedures of s. 196.04.
196.201 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 297; 1993 a. 491, 496.
196.202196.202Exemption of commercial mobile radio service providers.
196.202(2)(2)Scope of regulation. A commercial mobile radio service provider is not subject to this chapter, except as provided in sub. (5), and except that a commercial mobile radio service provider is subject to ss. 196.025 (6), 196.218 (3), and 196.859, and shall respond, subject to the protection of the commercial mobile radio service provider’s competitive information, to all reasonable requests for information about its operations in this state from the commission necessary to administer ss. 196.025 (6), 196.218 (3), and 196.859.
196.202(5)(5)Billing. A commercial mobile radio service provider may not charge a customer for an incomplete call.
196.203196.203Exemption of alternative telecommunications utilities.
196.203(1d)(1d)In this section, “local government telecommunications utility” has the meaning given in s. 196.204 (1m) (a).
196.203(1g)(1g)Alternative telecommunications utilities are exempt from all provisions of this chapter, except as provided in this section, and except for all of the following:
196.203(1g)(a)(a) An alternative telecommunications utility is subject to ss. 196.01, 196.016, 196.025 (6), 196.191, 196.206, and 196.212.
196.203(1g)(b)(b) An alternative telecommunications utility certified under this section pursuant to s. 196.50 (2) (j) 1. a. is subject to ss. 196.219 (2r) and 196.503, and, with respect only to wholesale telecommunications services, is subject to ss. 196.03 (1) and (6), 196.219 (4), 196.28, and 196.37; and, if such an alternative telecommunications utility was regulated as a price-regulated telecommunications utility prior to June 9, 2011, the alternative telecommunications utility’s intrastate dedicated access rates shall mirror its interstate dedicated access rates.
196.203(1g)(c)(c) An alternative telecommunications utility that is a local government telecommunications utility is subject to s. 196.204.
196.203(2)(a)(a) No person may commence providing service as an alternative telecommunications utility unless the person petitions for and the commission issues a certification that the person is an alternative telecommunications utility or unless the person is a telecommunications utility that the commission certifies as an alternative telecommunications utility under this section pursuant to s. 196.50 (2) (j) 1. a.
196.203(2)(b)(b) Except for an alternative telecommunications utility that is a local government telecommunications utility, certification as an alternative telecommunications utility shall be on a statewide basis and any certification issued by the commission before June 9, 2011, to an alternative telecommunications utility that is not a local government telecommunications utility is considered amended to be a statewide certification.
196.203(2)(c)(c) An alternative telecommunications utility may provide notice to the commission to maintain certification as an alternative telecommunications utility but to recertify the alternative telecommunications utility and impose on the alternative telecommunications utility only those provisions of this chapter specified in this paragraph. No later than 30 days after receiving notice under this paragraph, the commission shall issue an order granting recertification and imposing on the alternative telecommunications utility those provisions of this chapter specified in sub. (4m) (a) that are imposed on all alternative telecommunications utilities under sub. (3). The commission may impose a provision of this chapter specified in sub. (4m) (b) or (c) if in the public interest. An alternative telecommunications utility for which an order of recertification is issued is subject to sub. (1g). The granting of the recertification shall operate to terminate the alternative telecommunications utility’s prior certification. All regulatory requirements in or related to the prior certification that are inconsistent with the requirements of or regulation allowed under this section, including all such requirements imposed by the certification and all such requirements imposed by the commission, whether by statute or commission rule or order, on the alternative telecommunications utility are terminated on the effective date of the order, unless the alternative telecommunications utility, in its notice to the commission seeking recertification under this paragraph, requests to remain subject to one or more requirements of its prior certification that do not violate the alternative telecommunications utility’s requirements and obligations under this chapter and the commission does not deny the request in the commission’s recertification order.
196.203(2)(d)(d) The commission may deny a petition for certification as an alternative telecommunications utility described in s. 196.01 (1d) (f) only if the commission finds that the petitioner does not have the financial, managerial, or technical capabilities to provide its proposed services or to comply with conditions that the commission is authorized to impose under sub. (3).
196.203(3)(3)In response to a petition from any interested person, or upon its own motion, the commission shall determine whether the public interest requires that a provision of this chapter specified in sub. (4m) be imposed on a person providing or proposing to provide service as an alternative telecommunications utility. If the commission imposes a provision of this chapter specified in sub. (4m) (a) on an alternative telecommunications utility under this subsection, the commission shall impose the same provision at the same level of regulation on all other alternative telecommunications utilities.
196.203(4m)(a)(a) The commission may impose s. 196.02 (1), (4), or (5), 196.04, 196.135, 196.14, 196.197, 196.199, 196.207, 196.208, 196.218, 196.219 (1), (2) (b), (c), or (d), (2r), or (3) (a), (d), (j), (m), (n), or (o), 196.25, 196.26, 196.39, 196.395, 196.40, 196.41, 196.43, 196.44, 196.65, 196.66, 196.81, 196.85, 196.858, or 196.859 on an alternative telecommunications utility.
196.203(4m)(b)(b) In addition to the requirements under s. 196.212, the commission may, with respect only to intrastate switched access services, impose s. 196.03 (1) or (6) or 196.37 on an alternative telecommunications utility, except that the commission may not investigate, review, or set the rates for intrastate switched access services of an alternative telecommunications utility that is subject to s. 196.212 (2) or (3) except as required to enforce s. 196.212 (2) or (3).
196.203(4m)(c)(c) The commission may, with respect only to wholesale telecommunications service, impose s. 196.03 (1) or (6), 196.219 (4), 196.28, or 196.37 on an alternative telecommunications utility certified under sub. (2) (a) or (c).
196.203(5)(5)The commission may establish a reasonable fee schedule and may assess an alternative telecommunications utility to cover the cost of certification, recertification, or other determinations made under this section.
196.203(6)(6)The commission shall maintain information on certified alternative telecommunications utilities and on applicants for alternative telecommunications utility certification and make that information available to any person, upon request.
196.203 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. PSC 168, Wis. adm. code.
196.204196.204Local government telecommunications utilities.
196.204(1m)(1m)In this section:
196.204(1m)(a)(a) “Local government telecommunications utility” means a municipality that owns, operates, manages, or controls any plant or equipment, or that wholly owns, operates, manages, or controls any entity that owns, operates, manages, or controls any plant or equipment, used to furnish telecommunications services within the state directly or indirectly to the public.
196.204(1m)(b)(b) “Nongovernmental telecommunications utility” means a telecommunications utility that is not a local government telecommunications utility.
196.204(2m)(a)(a) Each telecommunications service, relevant group of services, and basic network function offered or used by a local government telecommunications utility shall be priced to exceed its total service long-run incremental cost.
196.204(2m)(b)(b) For purposes of par. (a), the total service long-run incremental cost of a local government telecommunications utility shall take into account, by imputation or allocation, equivalent charges for all taxes, pole rentals, rights-of-way, licenses, and similar costs that are incurred by nongovernmental telecommunications utilities. This paragraph does not apply to a local government telecommunications utility that is subject to the exemption under s. 66.0422 (3n). This paragraph also does not apply to a telecommunications service, relevant group of services, or basic network function if all of the following conditions apply:
196.204(2m)(b)1.1. On November 1, 2003, the commission has determined that the local government telecommunications utility is an alternative telecommunications utility under s. 196.203.
196.204(2m)(b)2.2. A majority of the governing board of the local government telecommunications utility votes to submit the question of supporting the operation of the local government telecommunications utility to the electors in an advisory referendum and a majority of the voters in the local government telecommunications utility voting at the advisory referendum vote to support operation of the local government telecommunications utility.
196.204(2m)(c)(c) Paragraph (b) does not apply to a telecommunications service, relevant group of services, or basic network function that is used to provide broadband service and that is offered by a municipal telecommunications utility, if all of the following apply:
196.204(2m)(c)1.1. The municipal telecommunications utility offers the telecommunications service, relevant group of services, or basic network function on a nondiscriminatory basis to persons who provide broadband service to end users.
196.204(2m)(c)2.2. The municipality does not provide to end users the telecommunications service, relevant group of services, or broadband service provided by the basic network function.
196.204(2m)(c)3.3. The municipal utility determines that, at the time that the municipal utility authorizes the provision of the telecommunications service, relevant group of services, or basic network function, the municipal utility’s provision of the service, group of services, or function does not compete with more than one provider of broadband service.
196.204 HistoryHistory: 2003 a. 278, 327; 2011 a. 22.
196.205196.205Election of rate regulation. A telecommunications cooperative, an unincorporated telecommunications cooperative association, or a small telecommunications utility may elect to be subject to ss. 196.28 and 196.37 as they apply to any rate, toll, or charge and to s. 196.11 (2) in any of the following ways:
196.205(1)(1)By amendment of any of the following:
196.205(1)(a)(a) The articles of incorporation of the cooperative under s. 185.51.
196.205(1)(b)(b) The articles of organization of the association under s. 193.221.
196.205(1)(c)(c) The articles of incorporation of the small telecommunications utility under s. 181.1001 or the articles of organization of the small telecommunications utility under s. 183.0201.
196.205(2m)(2m)By a majority of any of the following:
196.205(2m)(a)(a) The voting members of the board of directors of the cooperative, association, or small telecommunications utility.
196.205(2m)(b)(b) If a small telecommunications utility is organized as a limited liability company, the voting members of the small telecommunications utility.
196.206196.206Interconnected voice over Internet protocol service.
196.206(1)(1)Exemptions. An interconnected voice over Internet protocol service is not subject to this chapter, except as provided in this section, and except that an interconnected voice over Internet protocol service is subject to ss. 196.01, 196.016, 196.025 (6), 196.199, 196.218 (3), 196.858, and 196.859, and except as required for the commission to administer and enforce this section.
196.206(2)(2)Universal service fund. An entity that provides interconnected voice over Internet protocol service in this state shall make contributions to the universal service fund based on its revenues from providing intrastate interconnected voice over Internet protocol service. The revenues shall be calculated using the entity’s actual intrastate revenues, a provider-specific traffic study approved by the commission or federal communications commission, or the inverse of the interstate jurisdictional allocation established by the federal communications commission for the purpose of federal universal service assessments. To the extent applicable, the calculation of the intrastate revenues of an entity that provides interconnected voice over Internet protocol service shall be based on the primary physical service address identified by the customer.
196.206(3)(3)Intrastate switched access rates.
196.206(3)(a)(a) Unless otherwise provided under federal law, an entity that provides an interconnected voice over Internet protocol service shall pay intrastate switched access rates in connection with the interconnected voice over Internet protocol services that it provides to the same extent that any telecommunications provider is obligated to pay intrastate switched access rates in connection with the telecommunications services that it provides.
196.206(3)(b)(b) Unless otherwise provided under federal law, an entity that provides an intrastate switched access service in connection with interconnected voice over Internet protocol services shall be subject to s. 196.191 with respect to such intrastate switched access service and may charge intrastate switched access rates to the same extent that any telecommunications provider may charge intrastate switched access rates in connection with the intrastate switched access services that it provides.
196.206 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 22.
196.207196.207Telephone caller identification services.
196.207(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)