196.50(1)(b)(b) If the commission authorizes a telecommunications carrier to provide access service to the public or business access line and usage service within a local calling area under s. 196.499 (16), the commission shall consider if or to what extent a telecommunications utility with 150,000 or less access lines in use in this state may be relieved of its obligation to be the provider of last resort. The commission shall consider the extent of competition in the relevant geographic area for the service, the revenues that have been or may be lost by the telecommunications utility, the ability of competing telecommunications providers to serve the existing or projected demand and any other factors that it considers to be relevant.
196.50(1)(c)(c) Any provision in an agreement or municipal franchise that prohibits entry into the telecommunications or video services market after September 1, 1994, is void.
196.50(2)(2)Certification of telecommunications utilities.
196.50(2)(a)(a) Alternative telecommunications utilities shall be certified under s. 196.203. All other telecommunications utilities shall be certified under this subsection.
196.50(2)(b)(b) A certificate, franchise, license or permit, indeterminate or otherwise, in effect on September 1, 1994, for a telecommunications utility shall remain in effect and shall have the effect of a certificate of authority. A telecommunications utility is not required to apply for a new certificate of authority to continue offering or providing service to the extent of the prior authorization. Each telecommunications utility shall have on file with the commission a map that defines the geographical limits of the service territory that the telecommunications utility is obliged to serve.
196.50(2)(c)(c) After August 31, 1994, a person who does not possess authority from the commission to provide telecommunications services may not provide services in this state as a telecommunications utility until the person obtains a certificate of authority under this subsection. A certified alternative telecommunications utility or any other certified telecommunications utility may also apply for certification or amended certification under this subsection.
196.50(2)(d)(d) No later than 45 days after the commission receives an application for a certificate of authority or an amended certificate of authority, the commission shall determine if the application is complete. If the commission determines that the application is complete, the commission shall docket the application and issue a final order no later than the expiration date of the temporary license under par. (e). If the commission determines that the application is incomplete, the commission shall notify the applicant in writing of the commission’s determination, identify any part of the application which the commission has determined to be incomplete and state the reasons for the determination. An applicant may supplement and refile an application which the commission has determined to be incomplete. There is no limit on the number of times that an applicant may refile an application before a final order on the application. If the commission fails to make a determination within 15 days after receiving a refiled application regarding the completeness of an application previously determined to be incomplete, the refiled application shall be considered to be complete.
196.50(2)(e)1.1. Pending the determination on an application for a certificate of authority or an amended certificate of authority, the commission may issue, without notice and hearing, a temporary license for a period not to exceed one year. The issuance of a temporary license does not bind the commission in the final determination on the application.
196.50(2)(e)2.2. An application for a certificate of authority or amended certificate of authority that is filed after June 30, 1994, shall identify the geographical area to be served and the classification for which it is filed. The application shall be served by the applicant on all affected telecommunications providers.
196.50(2)(f)(f) The commission shall issue a certificate of authority or an amended certificate of authority if it finds, after notice and opportunity for hearing, that the applicant possesses sufficient technical, financial and managerial resources to provide telecommunications service to any person within the identified geographic area. In making this determination, the commission shall consider the factors identified in s. 196.03 (6).
196.50(2)(g)1.1. The authority of every telecommunications utility with a certificate under this subsection is statewide and nonexclusive. The existence of or issuance of a certificate of authority or amended certificate of authority to any telecommunications utility and the approval of any tariff for the telecommunications utility shall not preclude the commission from authorizing additional telecommunications utilities to provide the same or equivalent service or to serve the same geographical area as any previously authorized utility or approved tariff.
196.50(2)(g)2.2. A telecommunications utility’s obligation to serve is defined by the map that the utility files under par. (b).
196.50(2)(i)(i) A telecommunications utility certified under this subsection is exempt from ss. 196.02 (2) and (6), 196.05, 196.06, 196.07, 196.08, 196.09, 196.10, 196.12, 196.13, 196.16, 196.18, 196.19, 196.20, 196.219 (3) (c), (e), (g), and (L), (4d), (4m), and (5), 196.24, 196.395 (1), 196.49, 196.52, 196.58, 196.60, 196.64, 196.72, 196.78, and 196.79 and, except with respect to wholesale telecommunications service, is exempt from s. 196.219 (4).
196.50(2)(j)1.1. A telecommunications utility certified under this subsection may do any of the following:
196.50(2)(j)1.a.a. Provide notice to the commission to terminate the certification under this subsection and certify the telecommunications utility as an alternative telecommunications utility under s. 196.203. No later than 30 days after receiving notice under this subd. 1. a., the commission shall issue an order granting a certification under s. 196.203. The granting of such certification shall operate to terminate the certification under this subsection. All regulatory requirements in or related to the certification under this subsection that are inconsistent with the requirements of or regulation allowed under s. 196.203, including all such requirements imposed by the certification and all such requirements imposed by the commission, whether by statute or commission rule or order, on the telecommunications utility are terminated on the effective date of the order, unless the telecommunications utility, in its notice to the commission seeking certification under s. 196.203, requests to remain subject to one or more requirements of its prior certification under this subsection that do not violate the telecommunications utility’s requirements or obligations under this chapter and the commission does not deny the request in its order pursuant to this subd. 1. a. granting certification under s. 196.203.
196.50(2)(j)1.b.b. Provide notice to the commission to recertify the telecommunications utility under this subsection and impose on the telecommunications utility only those provisions of this chapter specified in this subd. 1. b. No later than 30 days after receiving notice under this subd. 1. b., the commission shall issue an order that grants recertification under this subsection and that imposes on the telecommunications utility only those provisions of this chapter specified in this subd. 1. b. The telecommunications utility shall be exempt from all provisions of this chapter, except ss. 196.01, 196.016, 196.025 (6), 196.191, 196.206, 196.212, 196.219 (2r), and 196.503; and except those provisions in s. 196.203 (4m) (a) that are imposed on all alternative telecommunications utilities under s. 196.203 (3); and except, with respect to its wholesale telecommunications services only, ss. 196.03 (1) and (6), 196.219 (4), 196.28, and 196.37. If required by the public interest, the commission may, with respect only to intrastate switched access services, impose on the telecommunications utility s. 196.03 (1) and (6) and 196.37, except that the commission may not impose s. 196.03 (1) or (6) without also imposing s. 196.37 on the telecommunications utility. The granting of the recertification shall operate to terminate the telecommunications utility’s prior certification. All regulatory requirements related to the prior certification that are inconsistent with the requirements of or regulation allowed under this subd. 1. b., including all such requirements imposed by the certification, and all such requirements imposed by the commission, whether by statute or commission rule or order, on the telecommunications utility are terminated on the effective date of the order unless the telecommunications utility, in its notice to the commission seeking recertification under this subd. 1. b., requests to remain subject to one or more requirements of its prior certification that do not violate the telecommunications utility’s requirements or obligations under this chapter and the commission does not deny the request in its recertification order.
196.50(2)(j)2.2. Issuance of a commission order under subd. 1. shall operate as a limited waiver of the telecommunications utility’s right to an exemption under 47 USC 251 (f) (1), which shall apply only to all of the following:
196.50(2)(j)2.a.a. The requirements of 47 USC 251 (c) (1) and (2).
196.50(2)(j)2.b.b. The requirements of 47 USC 251 (c) (5), but only with respect to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.325 (a) (1) and (2).
196.50(2)(j)3.3. Issuance of a commission order under subd. 1. shall operate as a limited waiver of the telecommunications utility’s right to petition the commission for suspension or modification under 47 USC 251 (f) (2), which shall apply only to all of the following:
196.50(2)(j)3.a.a. The requirements of 47 USC 251 (b) and (c) (1) and (2).
196.50(2)(j)3.b.b. The requirements of 47 USC 251 (c) (5), but only with respect to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.325 (a) (1) and (2).
196.50(3)(3)Second utility. Any certificate, permit, license or franchise issued to a public utility, other than a telecommunications utility, which contains any term interfering with the existence of a 2nd public utility, other than a telecommunications utility, is amended to permit any municipality to grant a franchise for the operation of the 2nd public utility.
196.50(4)(4)Municipality restrained. No municipality may construct any public utility if there is in operation under an indeterminate permit in the municipality a public utility engaged in similar service other than a telecommunications service, unless it secures from the commission a declaration, after a public hearing of all parties interested, that public convenience and necessity require the municipal public utility.
196.50(5)(5)Injunction. Pending investigation and finding by the commission as to whether public convenience and necessity require a 2nd public utility, the furnishing of any public utility service, other than a telecommunications service, in any municipality contrary to the provisions of this section may be enjoined at the suit of the state or of any public utility having an interest in the issue.
196.50(6)(6)No denial on federal financing. No certificate of convenience and necessity or permit to any public utility under ss. 196.49 and 196.50 shall be denied because of the amount of the public utility’s notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness issued to the United States in connection with loans to rural telecommunications utilities made under the rural electrification act of 1936, 7 USC 901 to 950aaa-5, as amended, or by reason of the ratio of such indebtedness to the value of the public utility’s property or to its other classes of securities.
196.50(7)(7)Interlata certification.
196.50(7)(a)(a) This subsection applies to any telecommunications utility that is restricted under federal law or under any consent decree approved by a federal district court.
196.50(7)(b)(b) Upon application by a telecommunications utility subject to this subsection for a certificate to provide interlata services, the commission shall consider all of the following factors in determining whether to grant a certificate of authority:
196.50(7)(b)1.1. Whether granting the certificate is in the public interest.
196.50(7)(b)2.2. Whether the utility will provide interconnection to its local exchange network under reasonable terms and conditions.
196.50(7)(b)3.3. Whether the utility will permit appropriate resale and sharing of its services.
196.50(7)(b)4.4. Whether the utility will provide unbundled services under reasonable terms and conditions.
196.50(7)(b)5.5. Whether the utility provides its services in compliance with s. 196.204.
196.50(7)(b)6.6. Whether competition in the interlata marketplace will be enhanced or hindered by granting the certificate.
196.50(7)(c)(c) The commission may impose terms and conditions upon the grant of a certificate under par. (b) that are necessary to protect the public interest and promote competition.
196.50(7)(d)(d) The commission, after providing notice and opportunity for hearing, shall issue its decision on the application within 180 days after the filing. The time period may be extended upon agreement of the commission and the applicant.
196.50(7)(e)(e) An applicant may not be authorized to provide interlata service before the availability of dial-1 presubscription on an intralata basis in all of its exchanges except where it is technically infeasible to offer intralata dial-1 presubscription due to the action or inaction of a switch vendor.
196.50 Cross-referenceCross-reference: For division of service between competing utilities, see s. 197.01 (4).
196.503196.503Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations.
196.503(1)(1)Definitions. In this section, “basic voice service” means the provision to residential customers of 2-way voice communication within a local calling area. “Basic voice service” includes extended community calling and extended area service. “Basic voice service” does not include the offering of Internet access service or any discretionary or optional services that are provided to a residential customer, even if provided in a bundle or package with basic voice service.
196.503(2)(2)Incumbent local exchange carrier obligations.
196.503(2)(a)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter, and except as provided in sub. (3), an incumbent local exchange carrier shall make basic voice service available to all residential customers within a local exchange area in which it operates as an incumbent local exchange carrier.
196.503(2)(b)(b) An incumbent local exchange carrier may satisfy its obligations under par. (a) through an affiliate and through the use of any available technology or mode.
196.503(3)(a)(a) An incumbent local exchange carrier may apply to the commission for a waiver from compliance with sub. (2) (a) in a local exchange area.
196.503(3)(b)(b) The commission shall grant a waiver requested under par. (a) for a local exchange area if any of the following is satisfied:
196.503(3)(b)1.1. The commission finds that the incumbent local exchange carrier demonstrates that the waiver is in the public interest or that effective competition exists for basic voice service in the local exchange.
196.503(3)(b)2.2. The commission has made a previous finding of effective competition under s. 196.195 (2), 2009 stats., for basic local exchange service in the local exchange. The commission may not grant a waiver under this subdivision until after June 1, 2012.
196.503(3)(c)(c) The commission’s review of a waiver requested under par. (a) shall be strictly limited to determining whether any of the criteria specified in par. (b) 1. or 2. is satisfied.
196.503(3)(d)1.1. Within 120 days of the filing of a waiver request based on par. (b) 1., the commission shall grant or deny the request and, if denied, the commission shall issue a written decision identifying the reasons for its denial. If the commission fails to grant or deny the waiver request within 120 days of its filing, the waiver request is considered granted by operation of law.
196.503(3)(d)2.2. The commission shall grant a waiver based on par. (b) 2. as soon as the commission verifies that the commission has previously made the finding specified in par. (b) 2., but no later than 20 days after the filing of the waiver request. If the commission fails to grant a waiver request based on par. (b) 2. within 20 days of its filing, the waiver request is considered granted by operation of law. If the commission denies a waiver based on par. (b) 2., the commission shall issue a written decision identifying the reasons for its denial.
196.503(4)(4)Effect on other requirements.
196.503(4)(a)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a commission decision prior to June 9, 2011, eliminating an incumbent local exchange carrier’s provider of last-resort obligations, by operation of law or otherwise, remains in force and in effect as to the elimination of those obligations.
196.503(4)(b)(b) Except to enforce this section, nothing in this section provides the commission with any authority to regulate, or any jurisdiction over, incumbent local exchange carriers and the rates, terms, and conditions of their services that the commission does not otherwise have under this chapter.
196.503(5)(5)Sunset. This section does not apply after April 30, 2013.
196.503 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 22.
196.504196.504Broadband expansion grant program; Broadband Forward! community certification.
196.504(1)(1)In this section:
196.504(1)(ab)(ab) “Economic development” has the meaning given in s. 196.796 (1) (c).
196.504(1)(ac)(ac) “Eligible applicant” means any of the following:
196.504(1)(ac)1.1. An organization operated for profit or not for profit, including a cooperative.
196.504(1)(ac)2.2. A telecommunications utility.
196.504(1)(ac)3.3. A political subdivision that submits an application in partnership with an eligible applicant under subd. 1. or 2.
196.504(1)(ad)(ad) “Fixed wireless service” has the meaning given in s. 77.51 (3rn), except that it does not include mobile wireless service, as defined in s. 77.51 (7k), or telecommunications services, as defined in s. 77.51 (21n), transmitted through the use of satellite.
196.504(1)(ae)(ae) “Political subdivision” means a city, village, town, or county.
196.504(1)(am)(am) “Scalable” means, with respect to a project for a broadband network, that the broadband network has the ability to maintain the quality of its service while increasing parameters relating to the size of the network, such as the number of users, the number of network nodes, the number of services provided, or the network’s geographic spread.
196.504(1)(c)(c) “Unserved area” means an area of this state that is not served by an Internet service provider offering Internet service that is all of the following:
196.504(1)(c)1.1. Fixed wireless service or wired service.
196.504(1)(c)2.a.a. Provided at actual download speeds of 100 megabits per second or greater and upload speeds of 20 megabits per second or greater.
196.504(1)(c)2.b.b. Beginning on July 1, 2025, and on July 1 of each successive odd-numbered year thereafter, the commission may, by rule, adjust the threshold speeds designated in subd. 2. a. if, upon review, it determines there is good cause to do so in order to align with changes in technology and actual market conditions. If the commission adjusts these threshold speeds, it shall publicize the adjusted speed thresholds on its website.
196.504(1)(c)3.3. Available and reliable.
196.504(2)(2)The commission shall administer the broadband expansion program and shall have the following powers:
196.504(2)(a)(a) To make broadband expansion grants to eligible applicants for the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in unserved areas designated under par. (e). Grants awarded under this section shall be paid from the appropriations under ss. 20.155 (3) (r) and (rm) and 20.866 (2) (z), in the amount allocated under s. 20.866 (2) (z) 5.
196.504(2)(b)(b) To prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that shall be contained in an application for a grant under this section. The application shall require the applicant to identify the area of the state that will be affected by the proposed project and explain how the proposed project will increase broadband access.
196.504(2)(c)1.1. To establish criteria for evaluating applications and awarding grants under this section, which shall require applicants to participate in the federal communications commission’s affordable connectivity program or any federally mandated successor program. The criteria shall prohibit grants that have the effect of subsidizing the expenses of a provider of telecommunications service, as defined in s. 182.017 (1g) (cq), or the monthly bills of customers of those providers. The criteria shall give priority to all of the following:
196.504(2)(c)1.a.a. Projects that include at least 25 percent matching funds and shall give higher priority to projects with more than 25 percent matching funds.
196.504(2)(c)1.b.b. Projects that involve public-private partnerships.
196.504(2)(c)1.c.c. Projects that are scalable.
196.504(2)(c)1.d.d. Projects that promote economic development.
196.504(2)(c)1.e.e. Projects that will not result in delaying the provision of broadband service to areas neighboring areas to be served by the proposed project.
196.504(2)(c)1.f.f. Projects that affect a geographic area that is difficult to connect or a large number of unserved individuals or communities.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)