29.519(5)(c) (c) Catch disposition records. The licensee shall keep a complete, legible and accurate record of the disposition of landed catch, in the manner required and on forms provided by the department. The record shall include the complete name, address and commercial fishing license number of the licensee; for each wholesale sale, the complete name, address and wholesale fish dealer license number, if any, of the buyer and the kinds of fish sold, the number of pounds of each kind and the description of the fish sold and the date of the transaction; for direct retail sales, the kinds of fish sold and the total pounds of each kind; and the signature of the licensee. In this paragraph, "landed catch" means those fish or fish parts caught in commercial fishing operations and brought to shore to sell or otherwise utilize.
29.519(5)(d) (d) Reports. On or before the 10th day of each month, each commercial fishing licensee shall submit the reports required under this subsection for the preceding month to the department. If the reports are mailed to the department, the date of the postmark constitutes the date of filing.
29.519(6) (6)Inspection. For purposes of enforcement of this section, wardens or department employes duly authorized and designated by the secretary, upon presenting appropriate credentials to the licensee or agent in charge, are authorized:
29.519(6)(a) (a) To enter any building or structure, excluding a dwelling place, in which nets or fish are stored, processed, packed or held, or to enter any boat or vehicle being used to transport nets or fish when the owner or agent in charge is present or upon 8 hours' notice at other times.
29.519(6)(b) (b) To inspect buildings, structures, boats or vehicles, all pertinent equipment including nets used or stored in the places to be inspected and any fish stored, processed, packed or held in the places to be inspected.
29.519(6m) (6m)Interference with inspections. No licensee, licensed crew member, operator of a vehicle or boat for the licensee or an employe acting on behalf of the licensee may prohibit entry or prohibit an inspection to be conducted as authorized under sub. (6) unless a court restrains or enjoins the entry or inspection.
29.519(7) (7)Commercial fishing boards. The Lake Superior and Lake Michigan commercial fishing boards established under s. 15.345 (2) and (3) shall review and consider applications for a transfer of license under this section and shall approve or deny applications on the basis of rules promulgated by the department. The boards shall recommend to the department species harvest limits and formulas for the allotment of individual licensee catch quotas when the department establishes species harvest limits for allocation among licensees. The boards shall assist the department in establishing criteria for identifying inactive licensees. The criteria established for identifying inactive licensees shall be the basis for rules governing the issuance of licenses. The boards may also advise the department on all other commercial fishing matters relating to Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.
29.519 History History: 1975 c. 94 s. 91 (9); 1975 c. 199, 317; 1977 c. 29, 418; 1979 c. 32 s. 92 (1); 1979 c. 154, 221; 1983 a. 25; 1983 a. 27 s. 2202 (38); 1985 a. 29; 1985 a. 332 s. 251 (1), (3); 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 112; 1997 a. 27, 189, 191, 237; 1997 a. 248 ss. 461 to 475; Stats. 1997 s. 29.519; s. 13.93 (2) (c).
29.519 Annotation The warrantless search of fisherman's truck by a state conservation wardens under sub. (6) was presumptively reasonable. State v. Erickson, 101 W (2d) 224, 303 NW (2d) 850 (Ct. App. 1981).
29.519 Annotation An employe was improperly charged with a license violation under sub. (1) since the burden to obtain licenses for employes is on the employer. State v. Filipczak, 132 W (2d) 208, 390 NW (2d) 110 (Ct. App. 1986).
29.519 Annotation Relationship between Indian fishing rights and commercial fishing quotas discussed. 68 Atty. Gen. 416.
29.522 29.522 Description of nets; use of.
29.522(1) (1)Entrapping nets.
29.522(1)(a)(a) Fyke net. A fyke net is a composite net consisting of the following parts:
29.522(1)(a)1. 1. One net of a general hoop or circular-like structure commonly called a crib or pot with numbers of hoops holding, encasing or inclosing net webbing.
29.522(1)(a)2. 2. One or more small funnel-shaped nets commonly called tunnels with a large opening at one end and a small opening or throat at the other end through which the fish can pass from the outer part of the net into the crib or pot. This tunnel or these tunnels are attached to the inside of the crib or pot.
29.522(1)(a)3. 3. Two fence-like nets called wings or hearts attached to and extending obliquely outward from each side of the mouth of the net proper.
29.522(1)(a)4. 4. One fence-like net called a leader running from the center of the tunnel outward between the wings in a straight or angular line away from the net proper.
29.522(1)(b) (b) Drop net. A drop net is a composite net consisting of the following parts:
29.522(1)(b)1. 1. One net of a general hoop or circular-like structure called a crib or pot with numbers of hoops holding, encasing or inclosing net webbing.
29.522(1)(b)2. 2. One or more small funnel-shaped nets commonly called tunnels with a large opening at one end and a small opening or throat at the other through which the fish can pass from the outer part of the net into the crib or pot. This tunnel or these tunnels are attached to the inside of the crib or pot.
29.522(1)(b)3. 3. One funnel- or hood-shaped net called a tunnel sloping upward and outward from the pot or crib.
29.522(1)(b)4. 4. Two fence-like nets called wings or hearts attached to and extending obliquely outward from each end of the tunnel.
29.522(1)(b)5. 5. One fence-like net called a leader running from the center of the tunnel outward between the wings in a straight or angular line away from the net proper.
29.522(1)(c) (c) Short tunnel pound net. A short tunnel pound net is a composite net consisting of the following parts:
29.522(1)(c)1. 1. One boxlike receptacle closed at the bottom and sides and open at the top in which the fish are finally caught or impounded and variously known as a pound, pot or crib, but generally and commonly known in Wisconsin as a pot.
29.522(1)(c)2. 2. Two fence-like nets called hearts set one on each side of the tunnel mouth and used to form a preliminary inclosure resembling a heart in shape with no cover on the top or bottom.
29.522(1)(c)3. 3. One or more funnel-shaped nets commonly called a tunnel or tunnels with a large opening at one end and a small opening or throat at the other through which the fish can pass from the hearts into the pot.
29.522(1)(c)4. 4. One fence-like net called a leader running from the opening in the hearts in a straight or angular line away from the net proper.
29.522(1)(c)5. 5. All pound nets licensed or operated under this section must have their tunnels located and fastened entirely on the inside of the pot of the same, forming a net that is commonly known and called a short tunnel pound net.
29.522(2) (2)Entangling nets.
29.522(2)(a)(a) Trammel net. A trammel net is made of 3 sheets of net webbing, one of them of comparatively small mesh and of fine twine being hung between 2 sheets of net webbing of much larger mesh and heavier twine. This net is equipped at the top and bottom with lead or maitre cord, line, or rope to which at the top are attached floats and at the bottom, sinkers. The inner web of this net is of considerably greater fullness than the outside web.
29.522(2)(b) (b) Gill net. A gill net is a net designed to entangle fish and made of a single web of fine thread hung and fitted at the top and bottom with lead or maitre cord, line, or rope to which are attached at the top, floats, and at the bottom, sinkers.
29.522(3) (3)Drag nets; seine. A seine is a net made of a circular, square or long webbing of coarse twine hung very full and fitted at the top and bottom with lead or maitre cord, line or rope. To such lines at the top are attached floats, and at the bottom, sinkers. This net is hung with such fullness that it creates or forms a kind of a bag near the center of the net which holds or entraps the fish while the net is being drawn through the waters.
29.522 History History: 1977 c. 418; 1997 a. 248 s. 477; Stats. 1997 s. 29.522.
29.523 29.523 Net licenses, Mississippi and St. Croix rivers.
29.523(1)(1) Licenses which authorize the use of nets in the Mississippi River and in that part of the St. Croix River downstream from the dam at St. Croix Falls shall be issued subject to s. 29.024 by the department to a resident who applies for a license. This subsection, as applicable to the St. Croix River, is not effective unless Minnesota has in effect similar legislation.
29.523(2) (2) Each net license authorizes the use of one or more of the following nets only:
29.523(2)(a) (a) Seine nets.
29.523(2)(b) (b) Gill nets.
29.523(2)(c) (c) Bait nets used without leads.
29.523(2)(d) (d) Buffalo nets.
29.523(2)(e) (e) Frame nets.
29.523(4) (4)
29.523(4)(a)(a) Except when lifting or setting a gill net, no person may use a seine, gill, bait, buffalo or frame net in the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers unless the net has the required number of tags stamped to designate the kind of net and number of the net license covering it securely fastened to it.
29.523(4)(b) (b) The required number of tags is as follows:
29.523(4)(b)1. 1. For a seine net, one tag for each 500 lineal feet, or fraction thereof.
29.523(4)(b)2. 2. For a gill net, one tag for each 2,000 lineal feet, or fraction thereof.
29.523(4)(b)3. 3. For a bait, buffalo or frame net, one tag for each net.
29.523(4)(c) (c) The department shall issue net tags to the licensee at the time of issuing the net license.
29.523(5) (5) Each licensee shall keep a strict record and account as to each variety of fish and the number of pounds of each variety that are taken by the licensee in gear licensed to the licensee and such other information as the department requires; and shall report thereon to the department on or before the 10th day of each month during the license period.
29.523(6) (6) No person who holds a net license may operate a fish farm that contains a variety of fish that the holder of the license is authorized to catch under this section.
29.523 History History: 1975 c. 360; 1983 a. 27, 192; 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 478 to 481; Stats. 1997 s. 29.523.
29.526 29.526 Slat net fishing in the Mississippi River.
29.526(1) (1) A slat net license authorizing the taking of commercial fish through the use of slat nets in that part of the Mississippi River over which this state has jurisdiction between the Minnesota-Iowa boundary line extended and the Wisconsin-Illinois boundary line extended shall be issued subject to s. 29.024 by the department to any resident who applies for this license.
29.526(2) (2) A person who is issued a slat net license or a crew may operate not to exceed 50 properly tagged slat nets.
29.526(3) (3) No person may use a slat net unless it is properly tagged. In order to be properly tagged a slat net is required to have attached to it a tag stamped to designate the kind of net and the number of the slat net license. Slat net tags are required to remain attached to the nets until replaced by renewal tags.
29.526(4) (4) No slat net may be set within 100 feet of any muskrat or beaver house. Any slat net found in any waters during the closed season for the use of slat nets and any slat net found on the Wisconsin banks or shores without a slat net tag and showing evidence of being used in the previous 5 months shall be seized and held subject to the order of the court or judge under s. 29.931 (2).
29.526(5) (5) A sufficient supply of slat net tags shall be furnished by the department to persons issuing approvals under this section.
29.526(6) (6) No person who holds a slat net license may operate a fish farm that contains a species of fish that the holder of the license is authorized to catch under this section.
29.526 History History: 1971 c. 266; 1983 a. 27 ss. 793 to 795; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 482 to 488; Stats. 1997 s. 29.526.
29.529 29.529 Trammel net fishing in the Mississippi River.
29.529(1)(1) The department may issue a trammel net license to any resident who applies for this license.
29.529(2) (2) This license authorizes the use of trammel nets in that part of the Mississippi River over which this state has jurisdiction.
29.529(3) (3) No person may use a trammel net which exceeds 300 feet and no person may use a trammel net unless it is properly tagged. In order to be properly tagged, a trammel net is required to have attached to it a tag stamped to designate the kind of net and the number of the trammel net license. Trammel net tags are required to remain attached to the nets until replaced by renewal tags.
29.529(4) (4) No trammel net may be set within 100 feet of any muskrat or beaver house. Any trammel net found in any waters during the closed season for the use of trammel nets and any trammel nets found on the Wisconsin banks or shores without a trammel net tag and showing evidence of being used in the previous 5 months shall be seized and held subject to the order of the court or judge under s. 29.931 (2).
29.529(5) (5) No person who holds a trammel net license issued under this section may operate a fish farm that contains a species of fish that the holder of the license is authorized to catch under this section.
29.529 History History: 1983 a. 27 s. 795; 1983 a. 192; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 489, 490; Stats. 1997 s. 29.529.
29.531 29.531 Set or bank pole licenses.
29.531(1) (1) A set or bank pole license authorizing the use of not to exceed 5 set or bank poles for taking, catching or killing fish in the inland waters of the state where the use of setlines is permitted shall be issued subject to s. 29.024 by the department to any resident who applies for the license.
29.531(2) (2) No set or bank pole may be used unless there is securely attached to the pole a tag stamped with the number of the license. Tags shall be furnished by the department to the licensee at the time of issuing the license.
29.531(3) (3) For the purposes of this section a set or bank pole is defined as a pole equipped with one line and not to exceed 2 hooks of a size not smaller than 3-0 which pole is used for fishing from the banks of lakes or rivers and may be operated in the same manner as a setline.
29.531(4) (4) No person who holds a set or bank pole license may operate a fish farm that contains a species of fish that the holder of the license is authorized to catch under this section.
29.531 History History: 1983 a. 27; 1983 a. 192 s. 303 (6); 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 491 to 494; Stats. 1997 s. 29.531.
29.533 29.533 Setline licenses; inland waters.
29.533(1) (1) A setline license authorizing the use of setlines and hooks in inland waters in the manner determined by the department for taking, catching or killing fish shall be issued subject to s. 29.024 by the department to any resident applying for this license.
29.533(3) (3)
29.533(3)(a)(a) No person may operate any setline unless he or she has a setline license. No person may use a setline unless it is properly tagged. In order to be properly tagged a setline is required to be securely attached to a buoy or stake at one end, the buoy or stake is required to have attached to it a tag stamped to designate the serial number of the setline license covering it and the buoy or stake is required to be placed and the tag attached in a manner so the tag is visible above the surface of the water.
29.533(3)(b) (b) The department shall issue setline tags to the licensee at the time of issuing the setline license.
29.533(4) (4) All fishers licensed under this section shall file such reports on the amounts and kinds of fish taken as may be requested by the department.
29.533(5) (5) No person who holds a setline license issued under this section may operate a fish farm that contains a kind of fish that the holder of the license is authorized to catch under this section.
29.533 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1983 a. 27; 1983 a. 192 s. 303 (6); 1985 a. 332; 1997 a. 27; 1997 a. 248 ss. 495 to 500; Stats. 1997 s. 29.533.
29.537 29.537 Clams, clamming and commercial clamming.
29.537(1)(1)Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the taking of clams in order to conserve and maintain their supply, to require licensing of persons engaged in commercial clamming and to protect those clam species which are endangered, threatened or rare.
29.537(2) (2)Definitions. In this section:
29.537(2)(a) (a) "Assistant clam buyer" means any natural person who engages in clam buying on behalf of a clam buyer.
29.537(2)(b) (b) "Clam" means any freshwater mussel, shell, valve or part of any shell, or meat of a freshwater mussel found in inland or outlying waters, but does not include meat after it has been processed for human or animal consumption and does not include bait, pearls, shells and parts of shells which have been mounted for display or fashioned into jewelry or items of apparel.
29.537(2)(c) (c) "Clam buyer" means any person who engages in clam buying or who employs or authorizes an assistant clam buyer to do so on the person's behalf.
29.537(2)(d) (d) "Clam buying" means buying, bartering or obtaining clams from commercial clam shellers or others for resale as clams.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?