48.57(3m)(am)5m. 5m. The kinship care relative is not receiving payments under sub. (3n) with respect to the child.
48.57(3m)(am)6. 6. The child for whom the kinship care relative is providing care and maintenance is not receiving supplemental security income under 42 USC 1381 to 1383c or state supplemental payments under s. 49.77.
48.57(3m)(ar) (ar) The department shall promulgate rules to provide assessment criteria for determining whether a kinship care relative who is providing care and maintenance for a child is eligible to receive payments under par. (am). The rules shall also provide that any criteria established under the rules shall first apply to applications for payments under par. (am) received, and to reviews under par. (d) conducted, on the effective date of those rules.
48.57(3m)(b)1.1. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall refer to the attorney responsible for support enforcement under s. 59.53 (6) (a) the name of the parent or parents of a child for whom a payment is made under par. (am).
48.57(3m)(b)2. 2. When any kinship care relative of a child applies for or receives payments under this subsection, any right of the child or the child's parent to support or maintenance from any other person, including any right to unpaid amounts accrued at the time of application and any right to amounts accruing during the time that payments are made under this subsection, is assigned to the state. If a child who is the beneficiary of a payment under this subsection is also the beneficiary of support under a judgment or order that includes support for one or more children who are not the beneficiaries of payments under this subsection, any support payment made under the judgment or order is assigned to the state in the amount that is the proportionate share of the child who is the beneficiary of the payment made under this subsection, except as otherwise ordered by the court on the motion of a party.
48.57(3m)(c) (c) The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall require the parent or parents of a child for whom a payment is made under par. (am) to initiate or continue health care insurance coverage for the child.
48.57(3m)(cm) (cm) A kinship care relative who receives a payment under par. (am) for providing care and maintenance for a child is not eligible to receive a payment under sub. (3n) or s. 48.62 (4) for that child.
48.57(3m)(d) (d) A county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall review a placement of a child for which the county department or department makes payments under par. (am) not less than every 12 months after the county department or department begins making those payments to determine whether the conditions specified in par. (am) continue to exist. If those conditions do not continue to exist, the county department or department shall discontinue making those payments.
48.57(3m)(e) (e) The department shall determine whether the child is eligible for medical assistance under ss. 49.43 to 49.47.
48.57(3m)(f) (f) Any person whose application for payments under par. (am) is not acted on promptly or is denied on the grounds that a condition specified in par. (am) 1., 2., 5. or 6. has not been met and any person whose payments under par. (am) are discontinued under par. (d) may petition the department under par. (g) for a review of that action or failure to act. Review is unavailable if the action or failure to act arose more than 45 days before submission of the petition for review.
48.57(3m)(g)1.1. Upon receipt of a timely petition under par. (f) the department shall give the applicant or recipient reasonable notice and an opportunity for a fair hearing. The department may make such additional investigation as it considers necessary. Notice of the hearing shall be given to the applicant or recipient and to the county department or subunit of the department whose action or failure to act is the subject of the petition. That county department or subunit of the department may be represented at the hearing. The department shall render its decision as soon as possible after the hearing and shall send a certified copy of its decision to the applicant or recipient and to the county department or subunit of the department whose action or failure to act is the subject of the petition. The decision of the department shall have the same effect as an order of the county department or subunit of the department whose action or failure to act is the subject of the petition. The decision shall be final, but may be revoked or modified as altered conditions may require. The department shall deny a petition for review or shall refuse to grant relief if any of the following applies:
48.57(3m)(g)1.a. a. The petitioner withdraws the petition in writing.
48.57(3m)(g)1.b. b. The sole issue in the petition concerns an automatic payment adjustment or change that affects an entire class of recipients and is the result of a change in state law.
48.57(3m)(g)1.c. c. The petitioner abandons the petition. Abandonment occurs if the petitioner fails to appear in person or by a representative at a scheduled hearing without good cause, as determined by the department.
48.57(3m)(g)2. 2. If a recipient requests a hearing within 10 days after the date of notice that his or her payments under par. (am) are being discontinued, those payments may not be discontinued until a decision is rendered after the hearing but payments made pending the hearing decision may be recovered by the department if the contested action or failure to act is upheld. The department shall promptly notify the county department of the county in which the recipient resides or, if the recipient resides in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the subunit of the department administering of the kinship care program in that county that the recipient has requested a hearing. Payments under par. (am) shall be discontinued if any of the following applies:
48.57(3m)(g)2.a. a. The recipient is contesting a state law or a change in state law and not the determination of the payment made on the recipient's behalf.
48.57(3m)(g)2.b. b. The recipient is notified of a change in his or her payments under par. (am) while the hearing decision is pending but the recipient fails to request a hearing on the change.
48.57(3m)(g)3. 3. The recipient shall be promptly informed in writing if his or her payments under par. (am) are to be discontinued pending the hearing decision.
48.57(3n) (3n)
48.57(3n)(a)(a) In this subsection, "long-term kinship care relative" means a stepparent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, first cousin, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle or any person of a preceding generation as denoted by the prefix of grand, great or great-great, whether by consanguinity, direct affinity or legal adoption, or the spouse of any person named in this paragraph, even if the marriage is terminated by death or divorce.
48.57(3n)(am) (am) From the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) (cz) and (kc), the department shall reimburse counties having populations of less than 500,000 for payments made under this subsection and shall make payments under this subsection in a county having a population of 500,000 or more. A county department and, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall make monthly payments for each child in the amount specified in sub. (3m) (am) (intro.) to a long-term kinship care relative who is providing care and maintenance for that child if all of the following conditions are met:
48.57(3n)(am)1. 1. The long-term kinship care relative applies to the county department or department for payments under this subsection and provides proof that he or she has been appointed as the guardian of the child under s. 48.977 (2).
48.57(3n)(am)2. 2. The county department or department inspects the long-term kinship care relative's home, interviews the long-term kinship care relative and determines that long-term placement with the long-term kinship care relative is in the best interests of the child.
48.57(3n)(am)4. 4. The county department or department conducts a background investigation under sub. (3p) of the long-term kinship care relative, the employes and prospective employes of the long-term kinship care relative who have or would have regular contact with the child for whom the payments would be made and any other adult resident, as defined in sub. (3p) (a), of the long-term kinship care relative's home to determine if the long-term kinship care relative, employe, prospective employe or adult resident has any arrests or convictions that are likely to adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care relative's ability to care for the child.
48.57(3n)(am)4m. 4m. Subject to sub. (3p) (fm) 1m. and 2m., the long-term kinship care relative states that he or she does not have any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care relative's ability to care for the child and that, to the best of the long-term kinship care relative's knowledge, no adult resident, as defined in sub. (3p) (a), and no employe or prospective employe of the long-term kinship care relative who would have regular contact with the child has any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care relative's ability to care for the child.
48.57(3n)(am)5. 5. The long-term kinship care relative cooperates with the county department or department in the application process, including applying for other forms of assistance for which the long-term kinship care relative may be eligible.
48.57(3n)(am)5m. 5m. The long-term kinship care relative is not receiving payments under sub. (3m) with respect to the child.
48.57(3n)(am)5r. 5r. The child for whom the long-term kinship care relative is providing care and maintenance is not receiving supplemental security income under 42 USC 1381 to 1383c or state supplemental payments under s. 49.77.
48.57(3n)(am)6. 6. The long-term kinship care relative and the county department or department enter into a written agreement under which the long-term kinship care relative agrees to provide care and maintenance for the child and the county department or department agrees, subject to sub. (3p) (hm), to make monthly payments to the long-term kinship care relative at the rate specified in sub. (3m) (am) (intro.) until the earliest of the following:
48.57(3n)(am)6.a. a. The date on which the child attains the age of 18 years.
48.57(3n)(am)6.b. b. The date on which the child dies.
48.57(3n)(am)6.c. c. The date on which the child is placed outside the long-term kinship care relative's home under a court order or under a voluntary agreement under s. 48.63.
48.57(3n)(am)6.d. d. The date on which the child ceases to reside with the long-term kinship care relative.
48.57(3n)(am)6.e. e. The date on which the long-term kinship care's guardianship under s. 48.977 terminates.
48.57(3n)(am)6.f. f. The date on which the child moves out of the state.
48.57(3n)(ar) (ar) Subject to sub. (3p) (fm) 1m. and (hm), a county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall enter into an agreement under par. (am) 6. if all of the following conditions are met:
48.57(3n)(ar)1. 1. All of the conditions in par. (am) 1. to 5r. are met.
48.57(3n)(ar)2. 2. The applicant has expressed a willingness to enter into the agreement.
48.57(3n)(b)1.1. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall refer to the attorney responsible for support enforcement under s. 59.53 (6) (a) the name of the parent or parents of a child for whom a payment is made under par. (am).
48.57(3n)(b)2. 2. When any long-term kinship care relative of a child applies for or receives payments under this subsection, any right of the child or the child's parent to support or maintenance from any other person, including any right to unpaid amounts accrued at the time of application and any right to amounts accruing during the time that payments are made under this subsection, is assigned to the state. If a child is the beneficiary of support under a judgment or order that includes support for one or more children who are not the beneficiaries of payments under this subsection, any support payment made under the judgment or order is assigned to the state in the amount that is the proportionate share of the child who is the beneficiary of the payment made under this subsection, except as otherwise ordered by the court on the motion of a party.
48.57(3n)(c) (c) The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall require the parent or parents of a child for whom a payment is made under par. (am) to initiate or continue health care insurance coverage for the child.
48.57(3n)(cm) (cm) A long-term kinship care relative who receives a payment under par. (am) for providing care and maintenance for a child is not eligible to receive a payment under sub. (3m) or s. 48.62 (4) for that child.
48.57(3n)(d) (d) The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department shall, at least once every 12 months after the county department or department begins making payments under this subsection, determine whether any of the events specified in par. (am) 6. a. to f. have occurred. If any such events have occurred, the county department or department shall discontinue making those payments.
48.57(3n)(e) (e) The department shall determine whether the child is eligible for medical assistance under ss. 49.43 to 49.47.
48.57(3n)(f) (f) Any person whose application for payments under par. (am) is not acted on promptly or is denied on the grounds that a condition specified in par. (am) 1., 2., 5., 5m. or 5r. has not been met and any person whose payments under par. (am) are discontinued under par. (d) may petition the department under par. (g) for a review of that action or failure to act. Review is unavailable if the action or failure to act arose more than 45 days before submission of the petition for review.
48.57(3n)(g)1.1. Upon receipt of a timely petition under par. (f) the department shall give the applicant or recipient reasonable notice and an opportunity for a fair hearing. The department may make such additional investigation as it considers necessary. Notice of the hearing shall be given to the applicant or recipient and to the county department or subunit of the department whose action or failure to act is the subject of the petition. That county department or subunit of the department may be represented at the hearing. The department shall render its decision as soon as possible after the hearing and shall send a certified copy of its decision to the applicant or recipient and to the county department or subunit of the department whose action or failure to act is the subject of the petition. The decision of the department shall have the same effect as an order of the county department or subunit of the department whose action or failure to act is the subject of the petition. The decision shall be final, but may be revoked or modified as altered conditions may require. The department shall deny a petition for review or shall refuse to grant relief if any of the following applies:
48.57(3n)(g)1.a. a. The petitioner withdraws the petition in writing.
48.57(3n)(g)1.b. b. The sole issue in the petition concerns an automatic payment adjustment or change that affects an entire class of recipients and is the result of a change in state law.
48.57(3n)(g)1.c. c. The petitioner abandons the petition. Abandonment occurs if the petitioner fails to appear in person or by a representative at a scheduled hearing without good cause, as determined by the department.
48.57(3n)(g)2. 2. If a recipient requests a hearing within 10 days after the date of notice that his or her payments under par. (am) are being discontinued, those payments may not be discontinued until a decision is rendered after the hearing but payments made pending the hearing decision may be recovered by the department if the contested action or failure to act is upheld. The department shall promptly notify the county department of the county in which the recipient resides or, if the recipient resides in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the subunit of the department administering of the long-term kinship care program in that county that the recipient has requested a hearing. Payments under par. (am) shall be discontinued if any of the following applies:
48.57(3n)(g)2.a. a. The recipient is contesting a state law or a change in state law and not the determination of the payment made on the recipient's behalf.
48.57(3n)(g)2.b. b. The recipient is notified of a change in his or her payments under par. (am) while the hearing decision is pending but the recipient fails to request a hearing on the change.
48.57(3n)(g)3. 3. The recipient shall be promptly informed in writing if his or her payments under par. (am) are to be discontinued pending the hearing decision.
48.57(3p) (3p)
48.57(3p)(a)(a) In this subsection, "adult resident" means a person 18 years of age or over who lives at the home of a person who has applied for or is receiving payments under sub. (3m) or (3n) with the intent of making that home his or her home or who lives for more than 30 days cumulative in any 6-month period at the home of a person who has applied for or is receiving payments under sub. (3m) or (3n).
48.57(3p)(b)1.1. After receipt of an application for payments under sub. (3m) or (3n), the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services, with the assistance of the department of justice, shall conduct a background investigation of the applicant.
48.57(3p)(b)2. 2. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services, with the assistance of the department of justice, may conduct a background investigation of any person who is receiving payments under sub. (3m) at the time of review under sub. (3m) (d) or at any other time that the county department or department of health and family services considers to be appropriate.
48.57(3p)(b)3. 3. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services, with the assistance of the department of justice, may conduct a background investigation of any person who is receiving payments under sub. (3n) at any time that the county department or department of health and family services considers to be appropriate.
48.57(3p)(c)1.1. After receipt of an application for payments under sub. (3m) or (3n), the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services, with the assistance of the department of justice, shall, in addition to the investigation under par. (b) 1., conduct a background investigation of all employes and prospective employes of the applicant who have or would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made and of each adult resident.
48.57(3p)(c)2. 2. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services, with the assistance of the department of justice, may conduct a background investigation of any of the employes or prospective employes of any person who is receiving payments under sub. (3m) who have or would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made and of each adult resident at the time of review under sub. (3m) (d) or at any other time that the county department or department of health and family services considers to be appropriate.
48.57(3p)(c)2m. 2m. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services, with the assistance of the department of justice, may conduct a background investigation of any of the employes or prospective employes of any person who is receiving payments under sub. (3n) who have or would have regular contact with the child for whom payments are being made and of each adult resident at any time that the county department or department of health and family services considers to be appropriate.
48.57(3p)(c)3. 3. Before a person who is receiving payments under sub. (3m) or (3n) may employ any person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or permit any person to be an adult resident, the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services, with the assistance of the department of justice, shall conduct a background investigation of the prospective employe or prospective adult resident unless that person has already been investigated under subd. 1., 2. or 2m.
48.57(3p)(d) (d) If the person being investigated under par. (b) or (c) is a nonresident, or at any time within the 5 years preceding the date of the application has been a nonresident, or if the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services determines that the person's employment, licensing or state court records provide a reasonable basis for further investigation, the county department or department of health and family services shall require the person to be fingerprinted on 2 fingerprint cards, each bearing a complete set of the person's fingerprints. The department of justice may provide for the submission of the fingerprint cards to the federal bureau of investigation for the purposes of verifying the identity of the person fingerprinted and obtaining records of his or her criminal arrest and conviction.
48.57(3p)(e) (e) Upon request, a person being investigated under par. (b) or (c) shall provide the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services with all of the following information:
48.57(3p)(e)1. 1. The person's name.
48.57(3p)(e)2. 2. The person's social security number.
48.57(3p)(e)3. 3. Other identifying information, including the person's birthdate, gender, race and any identifying physical characteristics.
48.57(3p)(e)4. 4. Information regarding the conviction record of the person under the law of this state or any other state or under federal law. This information shall be provided on a notarized background verification form that the department shall provide by rule.
48.57(3p)(fm)1.1. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may provisionally approve the making of payments under sub. (3m) based on the applicant's statement under sub. (3m) (am) 4m. The county department or department of health and family services may not finally approve the making of payments under sub. (3m) unless the county department or department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice indicating that the conviction record of the applicant under the law of this state is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3. or payment is approved under par. (h) 4. The county department or department of health and family services may make payments under sub. (3m) conditioned on the receipt of information from the federal bureau of investigation indicating that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3.
Effective date note NOTE: Subd. 1. is repealed and recreated eff. the day after publication of the 2001-03 biennial budget by 1997 Wis. Act 27 to read:
Effective date text (fm) 1. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may provisionally approve the making of payments under sub. (3m) based on the applicant's statement under sub. (3m) (am) 4m. The county department or department of health and family services may not finally approve the making of payments under sub. (3m) unless the county department or department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice indicating that the conviction record of the applicant under the law of this state is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3. The county department or department of health and family services may make payments under sub. (3m) conditioned on the receipt of information from the federal bureau of investigation indicating that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3.
48.57(3p)(fm)1m. 1m. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may not enter into the agreement under sub. (3n) (am) 6. unless the county department or department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice relating to the conviction record of the applicant under the law of this state and that record indicates either that the applicant has not been arrested or convicted or that the applicant has been arrested or convicted but the director of the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services to review conviction records under this subdivision determines that the conviction record is satisfactory because it does not include any arrest or conviction that the director or person designated by the secretary determines is likely to adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care relative's ability to care for the child. The county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may make payments under sub. (3n) conditioned on the receipt of information from the federal bureau of investigation indicating that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory because the conviction record does not include any arrest or conviction that the director of the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services to review conviction records under this subdivision determines is likely to adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care relative's ability to care for the child.
48.57(3p)(fm)2. 2. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may provisionally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or provisionally permit a person to be an adult resident if the person receiving those payments states to the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the employe or adult resident does not have any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the ability of the person receiving payments to care for the child. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may not finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident until the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice indicating that the person's conviction record under the law of this state is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3. and the county department so advises the department of health and family services and the person receiving payments under sub. (3m) or the department of health and family services so advises that person. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident conditioned on the receipt of information from the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the federal bureau of investigation indicates that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3.
Effective date note NOTE: Subd. 2. is repealed and recreated eff. the day after publication of the 2001-03 biennial budget by 1997 Wis. Act 27 to read:
Effective date text 2. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may provisionally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or provisionally permit a person to be an adult resident if the person receiving those payments states to the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the employe or adult resident does not have any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the ability of the person receiving payments to care for the child. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may not finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident until the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice indicating that the person's conviction record under the law of this state is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3. and the county department so advises the department of health and family services and the person receiving payments under sub. (3m) or the department of health and family services so advises that person. A person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident conditioned on the receipt of information from the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the federal bureau of investigation indicates that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory according to the criteria specified in par. (g) 1. to 3.
48.57(3p)(fm)2m. 2m. A person receiving payments under sub. (3n) may provisionally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or provisionally permit a person to be an adult resident if the person receiving those payments states to the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that, to the best of his or her knowledge, the employe or adult resident does not have any arrests or convictions that could adversely affect the child or the ability of the person receiving payments to care for the child. A person receiving payment under sub. (3n) may not finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident until the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services receives information from the department of justice relating to the person's conviction record under the law of this state and that record indicates either that the person has not been arrested or convicted or that the person has been arrested or convicted but the director of the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services to review conviction records under this subdivision determines that the conviction record is satisfactory because it does not include any arrest or conviction that is likely to adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care relative's ability to care for the child and the county department or department of health and family services so advises the person receiving payments under sub. (3n). A person receiving payments under sub. (3n) may finally employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or finally permit a person to be an adult resident conditioned on the receipt of information from the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services that the federal bureau of investigation indicates that the person's conviction record under the law of any other state or under federal law is satisfactory because the conviction record does not include any arrest or conviction that the director of the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the person designated by the secretary of health and family services to review conviction records under this subdivision determines is likely to adversely affect the child or the long-term kinship care relative's ability to care for the child.
48.57(3p)(g) (g) Except as provided in par. (h), the county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may not make payments to a person applying for payments under sub. (3m) and a person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may not employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or permit a person to be an adult resident if any of the following applies:
Effective date note NOTE: Par. (g) (intro.) is repealed and recreated eff. the day after publication of the 2001-03 biennial budget by 1997 Wis. Acts 27 and 252 to read:
Effective date text (g) A county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may not make payments to a person applying for payments under sub. (3m) and a person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may not employ a person in a position in which that person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or permit a person to be an adult resident if any of the following applies:
48.57(3p)(g)1. 1. The person has been convicted of a violation of ch. 961 that is punishable as a felony or of a violation of the law of any other state or federal law that would be a violation of ch. 961 that is punishable as a felony if committed in this state.
48.57(3p)(g)2. 2. The person has had imposed on him or her a penalty specified in s. 939.62, 939.621, 939.63, 939.64, 939.641 or 939.645 or has been convicted of a violation of the law of any other state or federal law under circumstances under which the person would be subject to a penalty specified in any of those sections if convicted in this state.
48.57(3p)(g)3. 3. The person has been convicted of a violation of ch. 940, 944 or 948, other than a violation of s. 940.291, 940.34, 944.36, 948.45, 948.63 or 948.70, or of a violation of the law of any other state or federal law that would be a violation of ch. 940, 944 or 948, other than a violation of s. 940.291, 940.34, 944.36, 948.45, 948.63 or 948.70, if committed in this state, except that a county department or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department of health and family services may make payments to a person applying for payments under sub. (3m) and a person receiving payments under sub. (3m) may employ in a position in which the person would have regular contact with the child for whom those payments are being made or permit to be an adult resident a person who has been convicted of a violation of s. 944.30, 944.31 or 944.33 or of a violation of the law of any other state or federal law that would be a violation of s. 944.30, 944.31 or 944.33 if committed in this state, if that violation occurred 20 years or more before the date of the investigation.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?