66.884(1)(c) (c) Of the initial commissioners who are not elected officers appointed by the mayor of the 1st class city under s. 66.882 (2) (a), one commissioner has a term of one year, one commissioner has a term of 2 years and 2 commissioners have a term of 3 years. One of the initial commissioners appointed by the executive council under s. 66.882 (2) (b) has a term of one year, one of the initial commissioners has a term of 2 years and 2 of the initial commissioners have terms of 3 years.
66.884(2) (2)Successors. The mayor shall appoint successors to commissioners appointed under s. 66.882 (2) (a) and the executive council shall appoint successors to commissioners appointed under s. 66.882 (2) (b), as provided in s. 66.882. Each successor shall be appointed at least 6 weeks before the expiration of the preceding commissioner's term.
66.884(3) (3)Change of residence or loss of elected status. Any commissioner appointed under s. 66.882 (2) (a) who moves his or her principal residence outside the 1st class city and any commissioner appointed under s. 66.882 (2) (b) who moves his or her principal residence outside the district or into the 1st class city shall resign. Any commissioner who is an elected official and who is not reelected or who otherwise leaves the elected office may serve not more than an additional 90 days after leaving office or until a successor is appointed, whichever occurs first.
66.884(4) (4)Vacancies. Vacancies occurring during the term of any commissioner shall be filled as provided under s. 66.882, but only for the balance of the unexpired term. All vacancies shall be filled within 90 days. The balance of the unexpired term constitutes one term for the commissioner appointed to fill the vacancy. A commissioner appointed to fill a vacancy may be reappointed for subsequent full terms, as provided in sub. (1) (a).
66.884(5) (5)Oath of office. Before assuming the duties of the office, each commissioner shall take and subscribe the oath of office required under s. 19.01 and file the oath with the secretary of state, duly certified by the official administering the oath.
66.884(6) (6)Expenses; salary. Each commissioner, including any commissioner who serves as a member of the legislature, shall receive actual and necessary expenses incurred while in the performance of the duties of the office and, in addition, shall receive a salary in an amount the commission specifies by resolution. Any change in salary after its initial establishment applies only to subsequently appointed or reappointed commissioners. The salary shall be paid at the time and in the same manner that the salaries of employes of the commission are paid.
66.884(7) (7)Reapportionment.
66.884(7)(a)(a) Commencing in 1990, in the year immediately following the date when the federal decennial census of population becomes available in printed form, the commission shall reapportion the allocation of appointments between s. 66.882 (2) (a) and (b) to reflect as nearly as possible the proportionate populations within the district of the 1st class city and of the cities, villages and towns that are represented on the executive council. As part of its reapportionment the commission may increase the number of seats to not more than 13 and may decrease the number of seats to not less than 9.
66.884(7)(b) (b) If the commission fails to reapportion itself under par. (a), any municipality, any aggrieved person or any county in which the district is initially created may petition the circuit court for the county in which the district is initially created for an order compelling reapportionment. After reasonable notice to the commission the court may order reapportionment.
66.884(8) (8)Removal from office. Any commissioner appointed by the mayor under s. 66.882 (2) (a) may be removed by the mayor. Any commissioner appointed by the executive council under s. 66.882 (2) (b) may be removed by the same process as is used for appointment.
66.884 History History: 1981 c. 282; 1987 a. 417.
66.884 Annotation Section13.625 does not prohibit the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District from paying normal expenses and salaries to commissioners who are legislators and does not prohibit those legislators from accepting those payments. 78 Atty. Gen. 149.
66.886 66.886 Commission; organization.
66.886(1) (1)Quorum. Six commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If after reapportionment under s. 66.884 (7) the number of commissioners is increased to 12 or 13, 7 commissioners constitute a quorum. If after reapportionment under s. 66.884 (7) the number of commissioners is reduced to 9 or 10, 5 commissioners constitute a quorum.
66.886(2) (2)Action concerning financing for the district.
66.886(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b):
66.886(2)(a)1. 1. No resolution adopted by the commission under s. 66.91 (1), (3) (c) or (6), 67.05 (1) or 67.12 (12), no schedule of charges under s. 66.076, 66.898 (4), 66.899 or 66.91 (5) (b) 3., no decision to borrow against taxes under s. 67.12 (1) and no decision to borrow under s. 24.61 (3) (a) 7. is valid unless adopted by an affirmative vote of at least a two-thirds majority of all commissioners.
66.886(2)(a)2. 2. No resolution adopted by the commission under s. 67.12 (1) (b) is valid unless adopted by an affirmative vote of at least a three-fourths majority of all commissioners.
66.886(2)(b) (b) If one or more resolutions authorizing full financing of the capital budget adopted under s. 66.908 are not adopted on or before October 15 succeeding the annual adoption of the budget, the commission may by a vote of a simple majority of all commissioners annually levy taxes under s. 66.91 (6) (a) 4. or otherwise appropriate a sum from any source for the purpose of financing the capital budget. The total levy and appropriation may not exceed $40,000,000.
66.886(3) (3)Chairperson. The commission shall elect one commissioner as chairperson of the commission, for a term specified by rule by the commission. The chairperson is removable at pleasure by the commission. The chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the commission and shall perform other duties imposed upon the chairperson by ss. 66.88 to 66.918 or assigned by the commission. The commission may also appoint a vice chairperson who may exercise the powers and shall perform the duties of the chairperson in the absence or disability of the chairperson.
66.886(4) (4)Secretary. The commission shall appoint a secretary who is not a member of the commission. The secretary is removable at pleasure by the commission and shall receive the compensation the commission determines. The compensation shall be paid at the time and in the same manner that the salaries of other employes of the district are paid. The secretary shall maintain all records concerning the district and shall perform the other duties that are imposed upon the secretary by ss. 66.88 to 66.918 or that are assigned by the commission.
66.886(5) (5)Treasurer. The commission shall appoint a treasurer who shall oversee and be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all money received by the district and for the investment of money received by the district.
66.886(6) (6)Records; meetings. All records of the commission are subject to subch. II of ch. 19. Subchapter V of ch. 19 governs all meetings of the commission.
66.886(7) (7)Annual audit. The commission shall annually audit the financial transactions of the district and shall include a summary of the audit in its annual report under sub. (9).
66.886(8) (8)Demand audit.
66.886(8)(a)(a) On the demand of any municipality or county located wholly or partly within the boundaries of the district, the district shall request an audit by the public service commission of its books, records and practices. The district shall pay the costs of the audit. The audit shall determine the district's compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. The public service commission may contract with an auditing firm to perform the audit if the public service commission cannot complete a requested audit in a timely manner. Under no circumstances is the district subject to a further demand audit under this subsection until at least one year elapses from the date the report of the previous demand audit under this subsection is filed.
66.886(8)(b) (b) Upon completion of the demand audit and receipt of the audit report, the district shall hold a public hearing within 45 days in the municipality or county that demanded the audit. The district shall arrange for summaries of the report to be made available for the hearing.
66.886(9) (9)Annual report. The commission shall prepare annually a full report of its official transactions and expenditures and shall mail the report to the governor, to the secretary of natural resources and to the governing body of each municipality.
66.886 History History: 1981 c. 282, 391; 1983 a. 27; 1983 a. 207 s. 95; 1985 a. 29, 49; 1991 a. 39.
66.888 66.888 Boundary; name; corporate status.
66.888(1) (1)Boundary.
66.888(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (b) to (d), the initial boundary of the district is the boundary of the county in which the 1st class city is located.
66.888(1)(b) (b) The initial boundary of a district created under s. 66.882 (1) (b) is the same as the boundary of the district created under s. 59.96 (5), 1979 stats.
66.888(1)(c)1.1. The commission shall, by resolution, exclude areas from the district that it finds are not likely to receive sewerage service from the district within 25 years.
66.888(1)(c)2. 2. The commission may, by resolution, redefine the boundary of the district initially defined under sub. (1) (b) in accordance with subds. 3. to 5. If an area is likely to receive sewerage service from the district within 10 years, the area shall be included within each boundary redefined under this subdivision.
66.888(1)(c)3. 3. Within 90 days after all commissioners have been appointed under s. 66.882, the commission shall adopt rules concerning the factors to be considered in determining the redefined boundary of the district under subd. 2. The commission may also establish conditions by rule that shall apply if an area is not within the district after the boundary is redefined but is subsequently added to the district under par. (d). When adopting rules under this subdivision the commission shall consider, among other considerations:
66.888(1)(c)3.a. a. The weight to be given to the need for private sewage systems, as defined in s. 145.01 (12), to maintain the public health and welfare in any area located within the district prior to a redefinition of the boundary but located outside the district after any redefinition of the boundary.
66.888(1)(c)3.b. b. The weight to be given to the effects of excluding any area from the district by a redefinition of the boundary on property taxation of the area excluded, on the use of the area and on property taxation of the district as a whole.
66.888(1)(c)3.c. c. The need to maintain the consistency of any redefined boundary of the district with a regional water quality management plan established or approved under ss. 281.12 (1) and 283.83 or any facilities plan established and approved under s. 281.41.
66.888(1)(c)3.d. d. The equity of providing similar treatment of properties located within a common drainage basin.
66.888(1)(c)3.e. e. The weight to be given to plans approved by any municipality for expansion of its local sewers and for general development.
66.888(1)(c)4.a.a. Within 45 days after adopting rules under subd. 3., the commission shall determine whether to redefine the boundary under subd. 2. Before the commission adopts a final resolution that would redefine the boundary, the commission shall first obtain the consent of the governing body of the city, village or town in which the area is located and shall hold a public hearing on the proposed resolution. The commission shall mail a notice that states the time and place of the hearing and is accompanied by a copy of the proposed resolution to the clerk of each municipality at least 30 days before the hearing. The commission shall also publish a copy of the notice and of the proposed resolution as a class 2 notice under ch. 985 within the district. The date of the first publication shall be at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing. The proposed resolution shall contain the description by metes and bounds of each area to be affected by redefining the boundary.
66.888(1)(c)4.b. b. Any area not included within the redefined boundary under subd. 1. or 2. ceases to be a part of the district for all purposes upon the filing of a certified copy of the resolution describing the area not within the district with the clerk of each county in which the district is located. The commission shall also record the resolution with the register of deeds for each county in which the district is located, and file a certified copy of the resolution with the clerk of each city, village and town in the district and with the department of natural resources.
66.888(1)(c)5. 5. The commission shall biennially review the redefinition of the boundary under subd. 4. a. If, after any biennial review, the commission finds that an area is likely to receive sewerage service from the district within the following 10 years, the commission shall redefine the boundary to include the area in the district. Additions to the district under this subdivision are not subject to par. (d).
66.888(1)(d)1.1. The commission shall, by resolution, add any area to the district if all of the following conditions are met:
66.888(1)(d)1.a. a. Sewage from the area to be added drains or may drain into any lake or into any river or stream flowing into a lake that is used or may be used as a source of drinking water for a municipality.
66.888(1)(d)1.b. b. The commission has authorized the addition to the sewerage system of all facilities needed to treat and dispose of the sewage from the area to be added.
66.888(1)(d)1.c. c. The municipality in which the area to be added is located requests that the commission add the area to the district.
66.888(1)(d)1.d. d. Adding the area to the district is consistent with any regional water quality management plan.
66.888(1)(d)2. 2. Before the commission adopts a final resolution to add area to the district, the commission shall first obtain the consent of the governing body of the city, village or town in which the area is located and shall hold a public hearing on the proposed resolution. The commission shall mail a notice stating the time and place of the hearing along with a copy of the proposed resolution to the clerk of each municipality at least 30 days before the hearing. The commission shall also publish a copy of the notice and of the proposed resolution as a class 2 notice under ch. 985 within the district. The date of the first publication shall be at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing. The proposed resolution shall contain the description by metes and bounds of each area to be added to the district.
66.888(1)(d)3. 3. Any area added to the district under this paragraph becomes a part of the district for all purposes upon the filing of a certified copy of the resolution describing the area being added with the clerk of each county in which the district is located. The commission shall also record the resolution with the register of deeds for each county in which the district is located, and file certified copies with the clerk of each city, village and town in the district and with the department of natural resources.
66.888(2) (2)Name.
66.888(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the name of the district is the metropolitan sewerage district of the county or counties in which it is established.
66.888(2)(b) (b) The name of a district created under s. 66.882 (1) (b) is the Milwaukee metropolitan sewerage district.
66.888(3) (3)Corporate status. The district is a municipal body corporate that may enter into binding contracts and that may sue and be sued in its own name. The district is a special district under article XI, section 3, of the constitution.
66.888 Annotation Section 66.888 (1) (c) 2 .to 5. is constitutional. Brookfield v. Milw. Sewerage Dist. 171 W (2d) 400, 491 NW (2d) 484 (1992).
66.89 66.89 General duties of the commission. Subject to ss. 66.88 to 66.918, the commission shall:
66.89(1) (1)Sewerage system functions. Project, plan, design, construct, maintain and operate a sewerage system for the collection, transmission and disposal of all sewage and drainage of the sewerage service area including, either as an integrated or as a separate feature of the system, the collection, transmission and disposal of storm water and groundwater.
66.89(2) (2)Combined sewer overflow abatement. Abate combined sewer overflows to the extent necessary to comply with federal or state law.
66.89 History History: 1981 c. 282, 391.
66.892 66.892 Local sewers.
66.892(1)(1)Duties of municipalities.
66.892(1)(a)(a) Each municipality shall construct, operate and maintain local sewers and appurtenant facilities and shall repair and rehabilitate local sewers and appurtenant local facilities.
66.892(1)(b) (b) Except as provided in sub. (2), ss. 66.88 to 66.918 do not authorize the commission to operate, maintain, rehabilitate or preserve local sewers or appurtenant local facilities constructed by a municipality or to separate combined storm and sanitary sewers.
66.892(1)(c) (c) This subsection does not prohibit the commission from operating, maintaining, rehabilitating or preserving its sewerage system.
66.892(2) (2)Separating combined sewers.
66.892(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (b) to (d) and subject to s. 281.41, no commission may separate combined storm and sanitary sewers.
66.892(2)(b)1.1. If the commission undertakes abatement of combined sewer overflows, it shall use the most cost-effective method available.
66.892(2)(b)2. 2. If partial or complete separation of combined storm and sanitary sewers is the most cost-effective method of abating combined sewer overflows, the commission may separate the combined sewers.
66.892(2)(b)3. 3. If 2 or more methods of abating combined sewer overflows are approximately equally cost-effective, the commission shall select the method of abatement that involves separating the fewest linear feet of combined storm and sanitary sewers.
66.892(2)(c) (c) If separation of a combined storm and sanitary sewer is authorized under par. (b), the commission shall adopt an authorizing resolution before commencing the separation. The resolution shall include a statement that any person aggrieved may petition for judicial review under par. (d). Before adopting the resolution, the commission shall first obtain the consent of the governing body of the city, village or town in which the combined storm and sanitary sewer is located and shall hold a public hearing on the proposed resolution. The commission shall mail a notice that states the time and place of the hearing and is accompanied by a copy of the proposed resolution to the clerk of each municipality at least 30 days before the hearing. The notice shall include a statement that judicial review of the commission's decision is available, as provided in par. (d). The commission shall also publish a copy of the notice and the proposed resolution as a class 2 notice under ch. 985 within the district. The date of the first publication shall be at least 30 days prior to the date of the hearing.
66.892(2)(d) (d) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the commission to separate a combined storm and sanitary sewer may file a petition for judicial review in the circuit court for the county in which the district is located. Nothing in this paragraph affects any review under s. 281.41.
66.892 History History: 1981 c. 282, 391; 1995 a. 227.
66.894 66.894 Sewerage construction, operation and maintenance.
66.894(1)(1)General powers of the commission. To the extent necessary to carry out its duties under s. 66.89, the commission may project, plan, design, adopt, construct, operate and maintain:
66.894(1)(a) (a) District, interceptor and outfall sewers.
66.894(1)(b) (b) Conduits, drains and pumping and other plants for the collection and transmission of residential, industrial and other sanitary sewage from local sewers to and into the interceptor sewers of the district.
66.894(1)(c) (c) Facilities for the treatment and disposal of sewage transmitted into the interceptor sewers of the district.
66.894(1)(d) (d) Pumping stations and tunnels for the purpose of flushing any of the rivers flowing through the district.
66.894(1)(e) (e) Storm sewers and other facilities and structures for the collection and transmission of storm water and groundwater.
66.894(1)(f) (f) Buildings, structures and facilities appurtenant to structures authorized under pars. (a) to (e).
66.894(2) (2)River and lake beds.
66.894(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the commission may lay, construct and maintain, without compensation to the state, any part of the sewerage system or of its works or appurtenances over, upon or under any part of the bed of any river or its branches flowing through the district, or of any land that has not been the subject of a state lake bed grant to a county in which a 1st class city is located and that is covered by any of the outlying waters, as defined in s. 29.001 (63).
66.894(2)(b) (b) Nothing in ss. 66.88 to 66.918 authorizes the commission to lay or construct any part of the sewerage system after April 27, 1982, over, upon or under any land covered by any outlying waters, as defined in s. 29.001 (63), unless the commission first obtains the prior consent of both houses of the legislature and the governor.
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