Effective date note Judicial Council Note, 1990:: [Re amendment of (13)] The right to confront one's accusers does not apply to the preliminary examination, and since credibility is not an issue, demeanor evidence is of less significance than at trial. For these reasons, a party should not be permitted to prevent the admission of telephone testimony, although the proponent of such evidence should bear the burden of showing good cause for its admission. [Re Order eff. 1-1-91]
970.03 Annotation While hearsay relied upon in support of a criminal complaint requires some basis for crediting its reliability whether the informants are named or not, that requirement is satisfied where the hearsay is based upon observation of the informants. State ex rel. Cullen v. Ceci, 45 W (2d) 432, 173 NW (2d) 175.
970.03 Annotation There is no obligation on the magistrate to conduct an investigation to verify the contents of a criminal complaint, for this is the duty of the state, and if the latter fails to put sufficient facts before the magistrate to show probable cause, the complaint must fail even though clews and leads that could provide such information are revealed therein. State ex rel. Cullen v. Ceci, 45 W (2d) 432, 173 NW (2d) 175.
970.03 Annotation At the preliminary defendant is entitled to cross-examine witnesses who identified him thereat and who also identified him at a lineup, because if the lineup was unfair the identification evidence might be suppressed. Hayes v. State, 46 W (2d) 93, 175 NW (2d) 625.
970.03 Annotation A ruling on admissibility of evidence at a preliminary hearing is not res adjudicata at the trial. Meunier v. State, 46 W (2d) 271, 174 NW (2d) 277.
970.03 Annotation A failure to comply with the procedural requirements of 954.05 (1), Stats. 1967, affects only the court's jurisdiction over the person and is waived by a guilty plea. Crummel v. State, 46 W (2d) 348, 174 NW (2d) 517.
970.03 Annotation It was not error for the magistrate and trial court to fail to sequester witnesses without motion by the defendant, especially in the absence of a showing of prejudice. Abraham v. State, 47 W (2d) 44, 176 NW (2d) 349.
970.03 Annotation A bind over is not invalid because the judge stated it was "for the purpose of accepting a plea". Dolan v. State, 48 W (2d) 696, 180 NW (2d) 623.
970.03 Annotation A defendant is not entitled to call witnesses for pretrial discovery or to shake the credibility of the state's witness. State v. Knudson, 51 W (2d) 270, 187 NW (2d) 321.
970.03 Annotation Where a defendant has been indicted by a grand jury he is not entitled to a preliminary examination. State ex rel. Welch v. Waukesha Co. Cir. Court, 52 W (2d) 221, 189 NW (2d) 417.
970.03 Annotation When the preliminary examination is not timely held, personal jurisdiction is lost, but when defendant on arraignment entered a plea he waived the defense. Armstrong v. State, 55 W (2d) 282, 198 NW (2d) 357.
970.03 Annotation Defense counsel should be allowed to cross-examine a state's witness to determine the plausability of the witness, but not to attack his general trustworthiness. Wilson v. State, 59 W (2d) 269, 208 NW (2d) 134.
970.03 Annotation Purpose of hearing under (1) is to determine whether any felony, whether charged or not, probably was committed. After bind over, prosecutor may charge any crime not wholly unrelated to transactions and facts adduced at preliminary examination. Wittke v. State ex rel. Smith, 80 W (2d) 332, 259 NW (2d) 515.
970.03 Annotation Appellate review of preliminary hearing is limited to determination whether record contains competent evidence to support the examining magistrate's exercise of judgment. Although motive is not element of any crime and does not of itself establish guilt or innocence, evidence of motive may be given as much weight as fact finder deems it entitled to at preliminary hearing or trial. State v. Berby, 81 W (2d) 677, 260 NW (2d) 798.
970.03 Annotation Section 970.03 (8) neither limits prosecutor's discretion to prosecute under 59.47 nor prohibits second examination under 970.04. State v. Kenyon, 85 W (2d) 36, 270 NW (2d) 160 (1978).
970.03 Annotation This section does not require that proof of exact time of offense be shown. State v. Sirisun, 90 W (2d) 58, 279 NW (2d) 484 (Ct. App. 1979).
970.03 Annotation See note to 902.01, citing State ex rel. Cholka v. Johnson, 96 W (2d) 704, 292 NW (2d) 835 (1980).
970.03 Annotation See note to 971.01, citing State v. Hooper, 101 W (2d) 517, 305 NW (2d) 110 (1981).
970.03 Annotation Accused does not have constitutional right to closing argument at preliminary examination. State ex rel. Funmaker v. Klamm, 106 W (2d) 624, 317 NW (2d) 458 (1982).
970.03 Annotation If any reasonable inference supports conclusion that defendant probably committed a crime, magistrate must bind over defendant. State v. Dunn, 117 W (2d) 487, 345 NW (2d) 69 (Ct. App. 1984); aff'd. 121 W (2d) 389, 359 NW (2d) 151 (1984).
970.03 Annotation State has right to appeal dismissal when it believes error of law was committed. Uncorroborated confession alone was sufficient to support probable cause finding. State v. Fry, 129 W (2d) 301, 385 NW (2d) 196 (Ct. App. 1985).
970.03 Annotation Mandatory closure of hearing solely at request of complaining witness over objection of defendant violates right to public trial. Stevens v. Manitowoc Cir. Ct., 141 W (2d) 239, 414 NW (2d) 832 (1987).
970.03 Annotation If appellate court stays trial court proceedings on interlocutory appeal, (2) does not set a mandatory time limit for the preliminary hearing upon remittitur. State v. Horton, 151 W (2d) 250, 445 NW (2d) 46 (Ct. App. 1989).
970.03 Annotation Unconstitutionally obtained confession may be admitted and serve as sole basis for bindover at preliminary examination. State v. Moats, 156 W (2d) 74, 457 W (2d) 299 (1990).
970.03 Annotation Defendant claiming error at preliminary examination may obtain relief only prior to trial; defendant may seek interlocutory review from court of appeals under 809.50. State v. Webb, 160 W (2d) 622, 467 NW (2d) 108 (1991).
970.03 Annotation Adjourning a preliminary examination for cause is within court's discretion. State v. Selders, 163 W (2d) 607, 472 NW (2d) 526 (Ct. App. 1991).
970.03 Annotation A court commissioner's determinations of admissibility of evidence will be upheld absent an erroneous exercise of discretion; the reviewing court then determines whether if believed the evidence would permit a reasonable magistrate to conclude the defendant probably committed the crime. State v. Lindberg, 175 W (2d) 332, NW (2d) (Ct. App. 1993).
970.03 Annotation Where a bindover decision is made by a court commissioner or circuit judge, review must be by a motion to dismiss brought in circuit court. Habeas corpus is not available to review a bindover. Dowe v. Waukesha County Circuit Ct. 184 W (2d) 724, 516 NW (2d) 714 (1994).
970.03 Annotation Single count complaints under sub. (7) and multiple count complaints under sub. (10) are to receive the same procedural treatment. In multiple count complaints a court must dismiss any count for which it believes there is not probable cause to believe a felony has been committed by the defendant. The specific felony charged need not be proved and it is inadvisable for the court to opine as to what felony was probably committed. Evidence that is not transactionally related to a count for which bind over is considered proper may not form the basis for a count in an ensuing information, but the information may include any count which is transactionally related to a count on which the defendant is bound over. State v. Williams, 198 W (2d) 516, 544 NW (2d) 406 (1996). See also State v. Williams, 198 W (2d) 479, 544 NW (2d) 400 (1996) and State v. Akins, 198 W (2d) 495, 544 NW (2d) 392 (1996).
970.032 970.032 Preliminary examination; juvenile under original adult court jurisdiction.
970.032(1) (1) Notwithstanding s. 970.03, if a preliminary examination is held regarding a juvenile who is subject to the original jurisdiction of the court of criminal jurisdiction under s. 938.183 (1) or (2), the court shall first determine whether there is probable cause to believe that the juvenile has committed the violation of which he or she is accused under the circumstances specified in s. 938.183 (1) (a), (am), (ar), (b) or (c) or (2), whichever is applicable. If the court does not make that finding, the court shall order that the juvenile be discharged but proceedings may be brought regarding the juvenile under ch. 938.
970.032(2) (2) If the court finds probable cause to believe that the juvenile has committed the violation of which he or she is accused under the circumstances specified in s. 938.183 (1) (a), (am), (ar), (b) or (c), the court shall determine whether to retain jurisdiction or to transfer jurisdiction to the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938.The court shall retain jurisdiction unless the juvenile proves by a preponderance of the evidence all of the following:
970.032(2)(a) (a) That, if convicted, the juvenile could not receive adequate treatment in the criminal justice system.
970.032(2)(b) (b) That transferring jurisdiction to the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 would not depreciate the seriousness of the offense.
970.032(2)(c) (c) That retaining jurisdiction is not necessary to deter the juvenile or other juveniles from committing the violation of which the juvenile is accused under the circumstances specified in s. 938.183 (1) (a), (am), (ar), (b) or (c), whichever is applicable.
970.032 History History: 1993 a. 98; 1995 a. 77, 352; 1997 a. 35, 205.
970.032 Annotation This section does not violate a defendant's right to equal protection. State v. Martin, 191 W (2d) 647, 530 NW (2d) 420 (Ct. App. 1995).
970.032 Annotation The juvenile bears the burden of proof to demonstrate that the factors under sub. (2) support removing jurisdiction to the juvenile court. The removal decision is within the discretion of the trial court. State v. Verhagen, 198 W (2d) 177, 542 NW (2d) 189 (Ct. App. 1995).
970.032 Annotation Sub. (2) (a) allows the trial court to balance the treatment available in the juvenile system and adult system and requires it to decide under the facts of the case which treatment will better benefit the juvenile. State v. Dominic E.W. 218 W (2d) 52, 579 NW (2d) 282 (Ct. App. 1998).
970.032 Annotation Sub. (2) is not unconstitutionally vague. State v. Armstead, 220 W (2d) 626, 583 NW (2d) 444 (Ct. App. 1998).
970.035 970.035 Preliminary examination; juvenile younger than 15 years old. Notwithstanding s. 970.03, if a preliminary examination under s. 970.03 is held regarding a juvenile who was waived under s. 938.18 for a violation which is alleged to have occurred prior to his or her 15th birthday, the court may bind the juvenile over for trial only if there is probable cause to believe that a crime under s. 940.03, 940.06, 940.225 (1) or (2), 940.305, 940.31 or 943.10 (2), 943.32 (2) or 961.41 (1) has been committed or that a crime that would constitute a felony under chs. 939 to 948 or 961 if committed by an adult has been committed at the request of or for the benefit of a criminal gang, as defined in s. 939.22 (9). If the court does not make any of those findings, the court shall order that the juvenile be discharged but proceedings may be brought regarding the juvenile under ch. 938.
970.035 History History: 1987 a. 27; 1993 a. 98; 1995 a. 77, 448; 1997 a. 35, 205.
970.04 970.04 Second examination. If a preliminary examination has been had and the defendant has been discharged, the district attorney may file another complaint if the district attorney has or discovers additional evidence.
970.04 History History: 1993 a. 486.
970.04 Annotation Where the state has no additional new or unused evidence upon which to base a second complaint, preliminary examination order discharging defendant is appealable. Wittke v. State ex rel. Smith, 80 W (2d) 332, 259 NW (2d) 515.
970.04 Annotation Where first preliminary examination became chaotic, prosecution properly abandoned the proceedings before presenting all evidence and reissued the complaint. State v. Brown, 96 W (2d) 258, 291 NW (2d) 538 (1980).
970.04 Annotation State was not barred from recharging defendant, whether or not it had new evidence. State v. Hoffman, 106 W (2d) 185, 316 NW (2d) 143 (Ct. App. 1982).
970.04 Annotation Complaint was properly reissued although evidence at second examination was identical to evidence at first examination, because judge did not consider evidence at first examination. State v. Twaite, 110 W (2d) 214, 327 NW (2d) 700 (1983).
970.05 970.05 Testimony at preliminary examination; payment for transcript of testimony.
970.05(1) (1) The testimony at the preliminary examination shall be transcribed if requested by the district attorney, the defendant or an attorney representing the defendant or ordered by the judge to whom the trial is assigned. The reporter shall file such transcript with the clerk within 10 days after it is requested.
970.05(2) (2)
970.05(2)(a)(a) When a transcript is requested under sub. (1) by someone other than a person specified in par. (b) or (c), the county shall pay the cost of the original and any additional copies shall be paid for at the statutory rate by the party requesting the copies.
970.05(2)(b) (b) When a transcript is requested under sub. (1) by the state public defender or by a private attorney appointed under s. 977.08, the state public defender shall pay the cost of the original from the appropriation under s. 20.550 (1) (f) and any additional copies shall be paid for at the statutory rate by the party requesting the copies.
970.05(2)(c) (c) When a transcript is requested under sub. (1) by a defendant who is not indigent under ch. 977 or by an attorney retained by a defendant who is not indigent under ch. 977, the defendant shall pay the cost of the original and any additional copies shall be paid for at the statutory rate by the party requesting the copies.
970.05 History History: 1993 a. 437; 1995 a. 199.
970.05 Annotation Counsel is not entitled to a free copy of the transcript if the original is reasonably available for his use. State v. Schneidewind, 47 W (2d) 110, 176 NW (2d) 303.
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