632.32 Annotation Sub. (6) (b) 1. prevents insurers from excluding persons related by blood or marriage from coverage under a liability policy, but is inapplicable to other than liability policies. Peabody v. American Family Mutual Insurance Co. 220 Wis. 2d 340, 582 N.W.2d 753 (Ct. App. 1998).
632.32 Annotation Uninsured motorist coverage under sub. (4) (a) 2. b. for a hit and run requires contact between the unidentified vehicle and the insured's vehicle. That an unidentified vehicle struck a 3rd vehicle, which then struck the insured's vehicle in a chain reaction, is insufficient. Smith v. General Casualty Insurance Co. 230 Wis. 2d 411, 601 N.W.2d 844 (Ct. App. 1999).
632.32 Annotation No hit and run under sub. (4) (a) 2. b. occurred when the insured's vehicle was struck by ice that dislodged from an unidentified truck as it passed. Dehnel v. State Farm Mutual Insurance Co. 231 Wis. 2d 14, 604 N.W.2d 575 (Ct. App. 1999).
632.32 Annotation Sub. (4) requires uninsured motorist coverage when a detached piece of an unidentified motor vehicle is propelled into the insured's motor vehicle by an unidentified motor vehicle. Theis v. Midwest Security Insurance Co. 2000 WI 15, 232 Wis. 2d 749, 606 N.W.2d 162.
632.32 Annotation Sub. (5) (j) allows "drive other car" exclusions in only very narrow and specific circumstances. It did not allow exclusion of uninsured motorist coverage for an insured injured while occupying a fire truck in the course of her employment. Blazekovic v. City of Milwaukee, 2000 WI 41, 234 Wis. 2d 587, 610 N.W.2d 467.
632.32 Annotation Although only one parent was the named insured under an uninsured motorist insurance policy paying benefits for the wrongful death of their child, s. 895.04 requires payment of the proceeds to both parents. The purpose of the coverage is to reimburse the victim. If the victim is deceased the compensation must go to the victim's survivors, not to other insureds. Bruflat v. Prudential Property & Casualty Insurance Co. 2000 WI 69, 233 Wis. 2d 523, 608 N.W.2d 371.
632.32 Annotation Neither sub. (6) nor s. 344.33 requires an automobile insurance policy to include motorcycle coverage. Beerbohm v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. 2000 WI App 105, 235 Wis. 2d 182, 612 N.W.2d 338.
632.32 Annotation Sub. (5) (i) does not deprive an insured of any state or federal constitutional right to enter into an insurance contract without fraud. An insurer may reduce payments made pursuant to an underinsured motorist clause by amounts received from other legally responsible parties, provided that a fixed level of recovery that will be arrived at by combining payments is clearly stated. Dowhower v. West Bend Mutual Insurance Co. 2000 WI 73, 236 Wis. 2d 113, 613 N.W.2d 557.
632.32 Annotation Uninsured motorist coverage: Wisconsin courts open up additional avenues of recovery. Dunphy. WBB Nov. 1982.
632.34 632.34 Defense of noncooperation. If a policy of automobile liability insurance provides a defense to the insurer for lack of cooperation on the part of the insured, the defense is not effective against a 3rd person making a claim against the insurer unless there was collusion between the 3rd person and the insured or unless the claimant was a passenger in or on the insured vehicle. If the defense is not effective against the claimant, after payment the insurer is subrogated to the injured person's claim against the insured to the extent of the payment and is entitled to reimbursement by the insured.
632.34 History History: 1975 c. 375, 421; 1979 c. 102, 104, 177.
632.34 Annotation Legislative Council Note, 1979: This provision is continued from former s. 632.34 (8). It is changed from a required provision of the policy to a rule of law. It is not the kind of rule that needs to be put in the policy to inform the policyholder. Indeed, the policyholder should receive no encouragement to fail to cooperate. This is a relaxation of present law. [Bill 146-S]
632.34 Annotation Prejudice is not a component of the defense of noncooperation. Schaefer v. Northern Assurance Co. 182 Wis. 2d 148, 513 N.W.2d 16 (Ct. App. 1994).
632.35 632.35 Prohibited rejection, cancellation and nonrenewal. No insurer may cancel or refuse to issue or renew an automobile insurance policy wholly or partially because of one or more of the following characteristics of any person: age, sex, residence, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, marital status or occupation.
632.35 History History: 1975 c. 375; 1979 c. 102.
632.36 632.36 Accident in the course of business or employment.
632.36(1)(1)Rate and other terms. An insurer may increase or charge a higher rate for a motor vehicle liability insurance policy issued or renewed on or after April 16, 1982, on the basis of an accident which occurs while the insured is operating a motor vehicle in the course of the insured's business or employment, only if the policy covers the insured for liability arising in the course of the insured's business or employment. An insurer may issue or renew a motor vehicle liability insurance policy on or after November 1, 1989, on terms that are less favorable to the insured than would otherwise be offered, including but not limited to the rate, because of an accident which occurs while the insured is operating a motor vehicle in the course of the insured's business or employment, only if the policy covers the insured for liability arising in the course of the insured's business or employment.
632.36(2) (2)Cancellation or nonrenewal. An insurer may cancel a motor vehicle liability insurance policy that is issued or renewed on or after November 1, 1989, or refuse to renew a motor vehicle liability insurance policy on or after November 1, 1989, on the basis of an accident which occurs while the insured is operating a motor vehicle in the course of the insured's business or employment, only if the policy covers the insured for liability arising in the course of the insured's business or employment.
632.36 History History: 1981 c. 178; 1989 a. 31.
632.365 632.365 Use of emission inspection data in setting rates. An insurer may not use odometer reading data collected in the course of an inspection under s. 110.20 (6) or (7) as a factor in setting rates or premiums for a motor vehicle liability insurance policy or as a factor in altering rates or premiums during the term, or at renewal, of such a policy. However, an insurer may use such data as a basis for investigation into the number of miles that the motor vehicle is normally driven.
632.365 History History: 1991 a. 279; 1993 a. 213.
632.37 632.37 Motor vehicle glass repair practices; restriction on specifying vendor. An insurer that issues a motor vehicle insurance policy covering the repair or replacement of motor vehicle glass may not require, as a condition of that coverage, that an insured, or a 3rd party, making a claim under the policy for the repair or replacement of motor vehicle glass obtain services or parts from a particular vendor, or in a particular location, specified by the insurer.
632.37 History History: 1991 a. 269.
632.38 632.38 Nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts.
632.38(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
632.38(1)(a) (a) "Insured" means the person who owns the motor vehicle that is subject to repair or the person seeking the repair on behalf of the owner.
632.38(1)(b) (b) "Insurer's representative" means a person, excluding the person repairing the motor vehicle, who has agreed in writing to represent an insurer with respect to a claim.
632.38(1)(c) (c) "Motor vehicle" means any motor-driven vehicle required to be registered under ch. 341 or exempt from registration under s. 341.05 (2), including a demonstrator or executive vehicle not titled or titled by a manufacturer or a motor vehicle dealer. "Motor vehicle" does not mean a moped, semitrailer or trailer designed for use in combination with a truck or truck tractor.
632.38(1)(d) (d) "Nonoriginal manufacturer replacement part" means a replacement part that is not made by or for the manufacturer of an insured's motor vehicle.
632.38(1)(e) (e) "Replacement part" means a replacement for any of the nonmechanical sheet metal or plastic parts that generally constitute the exterior of a motor vehicle, including inner and outer panels.
632.38(2) (2)Notice of intended use. An insurer or the insurer's representative may not require directly or indirectly the use of a nonoriginal manufacturer replacement part in the repair of an insured's motor vehicle, unless the insurer or the insurer's representative provides to the insured the notice described in this subsection in the manner required in sub. (3) or (4). The notice shall be in writing and shall include all of the following information:
632.38(2)(a) (a) A clear identification of each nonoriginal manufacturer replacement part that is intended for use in the repair of the insured's motor vehicle.
632.38(2)(b) (b) The following statement in not smaller than 10-point type: "This estimate has been prepared based on the use of one or more replacement parts supplied by a source other than the manufacturer of your motor vehicle. Warranties applicable to these replacement parts are provided by the manufacturer or distributor of the replacement parts rather than by the manufacturer of your motor vehicle."
632.38(3) (3)Delivery of notice.
632.38(3)(a)(a) The notice described in sub. (2) shall appear on or be attached to the estimate of the cost of repairing the insured's motor vehicle if the estimate is based on the use of one or more nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts and is prepared by the insurer or the insurer's representative. The insurer or the insurer's representative shall deliver the estimate and notice to the insured before the motor vehicle is repaired.
632.38(3)(b) (b) If the insurer or the insurer's representative directs the insured to obtain one or more estimates of the cost of repairing the insured's motor vehicle and the estimate approved by the insurer or the insurer's representative clearly identifies one or more nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts to be used in the repair, the insurer or the insurer's representative shall assure delivery of the notice described in sub. (2) to the insured before the motor vehicle is repaired.
632.38(3)(c) (c) The insurer or the insurer's representative may not require the person repairing the motor vehicle to give the notice described in sub. (2).
632.38(3)(d) (d) Notwithstanding par. (b), if an insured authorizes repairs to begin prior to the approval by the insurer or the insurer's representative of an estimate that clearly identifies one or more nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts to be used in the repair, the insurer or the insurer's representative shall send the written notice described in sub. (2) by mail to the insured's last-known address no later than 3 working days after the insurer or the insurer's representative receives the estimate.
632.38(4) (4)Notice by telephone. Notwithstanding sub. (3), notice of the intention to use nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts in the repair of the insured's motor vehicle may be given by the insurer or the insurer's representative by telephone. If such notice is given, the insurer or insurer's representative shall send the written notice described in sub. (2) by mail to the insured's last-known address no later than 3 working days after the telephone contact.
632.38 History History: 1991 a. 176.
subch. V of ch. 632 SUBCHAPTER V
632.41 632.41 Prohibited provisions in life insurance.
632.41(1)(1)Assessable policies. No insurer may issue assessable life insurance policies under which assessments or calls may be made upon policyholders or others.
632.41(2) (2)Burial insurance. Except as provided in s. 632.415, no contract in which the insurer agrees to provide benefits to pay for any of the incidents of burial or other disposition of the body of a deceased may provide that the benefits are payable to a funeral director or any other person doing business related to burials.
632.41 History History: 1975 c. 373, 375, 422; 1979 c. 102; 1995 a. 295; 1999 a. 191.
632.41 Annotation Sub. (2) does not prohibit naming funeral director as beneficiary of life insurance policy in conjunction with separate agreement between insured and funeral director that proceeds will be used for funeral and burial expenses. 71 Atty. Gen. 7.
632.41 AnnotationPurpose of (2) is to prevent monopolistic or unfair trade practices. 76 Atty. Gen. 291.
632.415 632.415 Funeral policies.
632.415(1)(1) In this section, "multipremium funeral policy" means a life insurance policy sold under sub. (2) for which premiums to fund the policy are paid over time.
632.415(2) (2) A life insurance policy may provide for the assignment of the proceeds of the policy to a funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment if the insurance intermediary who sells or solicits the sale of the policy is not an agent of the funeral director or operator of the funeral establishment or if the assignment of proceeds is contingent on the provision of funeral merchandise or funeral services as provided for in a burial agreement that satisfies the requirements of s. 445.125 (3m) and rules promulgated by the funeral directors examining board under s. 445.125 (3m) (j) 1. b.
632.415(3) (3) A life insurance policy sold under sub. (2) shall permit the policyholder to designate a different beneficiary, upon written notice to the insurer, and a different funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment that is to receive the assignment of proceeds, after written notice to the current funeral director or operator of the funeral establishment.
632.415(4) (4)
632.415(4)(a)(a) An insurer may issue a multipremium funeral policy only if, at the time that the policy is issued, the face amount of the policy is not less than the value of funeral merchandise and services to be provided under a burial agreement under s. 445.125 (3m).
632.415(4)(b) (b) The death benefit under a multipremium funeral policy may not be less than the face amount of the policy unless all of the following apply:
632.415(4)(b)1. 1. The policy contains a detailed explanation of the lower death benefit, as well as full disclosure of the lower death benefit on the first page of the policy.
632.415(4)(b)2. 2. The applicant does not apply for, or qualify for, any full face amount multipremium funeral policy that the insurer offers.
632.415(4)(b)3. 3. The death benefit is not less than at least one of the following:
632.415(4)(b)3.a. a. Twenty-five percent of the face amount of the policy during the first year that the policy is in effect, 50% of the face amount of the policy during the 2nd year that the policy is in effect and the full face amount of the policy after the end of the 2nd year that the policy is in effect, but in no event less than the total of the premiums actually paid.
632.415(4)(b)3.b. b. During the first 2 years that the policy is in effect, an amount equal to the actual premiums paid plus simple interest at the rate of 3% per year, and, after the end of the 2nd year that the policy is in effect, the full face amount of the policy.
632.415(4)(c) (c) The period over which premiums may be payable under a multipremium funeral policy may not exceed the following applicable period:
632.415(4)(c)1. 1. Twenty years, if the insured is less 60 years of age when the policy is issued.
632.415(4)(c)2. 2. Ten years, if the insured is at least 60 years of age but less than 80 years of age when the policy is issued.
632.415(4)(c)3. 3. Five years, if the insured is at least 80 years of age when the policy is issued.
632.415(4)(d) (d) At the time that an applicant applies for coverage under a multipremium funeral policy, the insurance intermediary or other person selling or soliciting the sale of the policy shall disclose the maximum number of premium payments to be made over the life of the policy, the frequency of the premium payments and the amount of each premium payment.
632.415(5) (5) Subject to subs. (3) and (4), the commissioner shall by rule establish minimum standards for claims payments, marketing practices and reporting practices for life insurance policies sold under sub. (2).
632.415 History History: 1999 a. 191 ss. 2 to 5.
632.42 632.42 Trustee and deposit agreements in life insurance.
632.42(1)(1)Trustee and other agreements. An insurer may hold as a part of its general assets the proceeds of any policy subject to this subchapter under a trust or other agreement upon such terms and restrictions as to revocation by the policyholder and control by the beneficiary and with such exemptions from the claims of creditors of the beneficiary as the insurer and the policyholder agree to in writing. An insurer may also receive funds in such amounts and upon such conditions, including the right of the policyholder to withdraw unused portions thereof, as the insurer and the policyholder agree to in writing:
632.42(1)(a) (a) Advance premiums. As premiums in advance upon policies or annuities subject to this subchapter; or
632.42(1)(b) (b) New policies. To accumulate for the purchase of future policies or annuities subject to this subchapter.
632.42(2) (2)Accumulation of funds. Any insurer may, in connection with life insurance or annuity contracts, accept funds remitted to it under an agreement for an accumulation of the funds for the purpose of providing annuities or other benefits, under such reasonable rules as are prescribed by the commissioner.
632.42 History History: 1975 c. 373, 375, 422.
632.43 632.43 Standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance.
632.43(1)(1) On and after January 1, 1948, no policy of life insurance, except as stated in sub. (8), shall be issued or delivered in this state unless it shall contain in substance the following provisions, or corresponding provisions which in the opinion of the commissioner are at least as favorable to the defaulting or surrendering policyholder as the minimum requirements under this section and are substantially in compliance with sub. (7m):
632.43(1)(a) (a) In the event of default in any premium payment, the company will grant, upon proper request not later than 60 days after the due date of the premium in default, a paid-up nonforfeiture benefit on a plan stipulated in the policy, effective as of the due date, of an amount specified in this section or an actuarially equivalent paid-up nonforfeiture benefit which provides a greater amount or longer period of death benefits or a greater amount or earlier payment of endowment benefits.
632.43(1)(b) (b) Upon surrender of the policy within 60 days after the due date of any premium payment in default after premiums have been paid for at least 3 full years in the case of ordinary insurance or 5 full years in the case of industrial insurance, the company will pay, in lieu of any paid-up nonforfeiture benefit, a cash surrender value of such amount as may be hereinafter specified.
632.43(1)(c) (c) A specified paid-up nonforfeiture benefit shall become effective as specified in the policy unless the person entitled to make such election elects another available option not later than 60 days after the due date of the premium in default.
632.43(1)(d) (d) If the policy shall have become paid up by completion of all premium payments or if it is continued under any paid-up nonforfeiture benefit which became effective on or after the third policy anniversary in the case of ordinary insurance or the fifth policy anniversary in the case of industrial insurance, the company will pay, upon surrender of the policy within 30 days after any policy anniversary, a cash surrender value of such amount as may be hereinafter specified.
632.43(1)(e) (e) For policies which cause on a basis guaranteed in the policy unscheduled changes in benefits or premiums, or which provide an option for changes in benefits or premiums other than a change to a new policy, a statement of the mortality table, interest rate, and method used in calculating cash surrender values and the paid-up nonforfeiture benefits available under the policy. For other policies, a statement of the mortality table and interest rate used in calculating the cash surrender values and the paid-up nonforfeiture benefits available under the policy and a table showing any cash surrender value or paid-up nonforfeiture benefit available under the policy on each policy anniversary during the shorter of the first 20 policy years or the term of the policy assuming that there are no dividends or paid-up additions credited to the policy and that there is no indebtedness to the company on the policy.
632.43(1)(f) (f) A statement that the cash surrender values and the paid-up nonforfeiture benefits available under the policy are not less than the minimum values and benefits required by or pursuant to the insurance law of the state in which the policy is delivered; an explanation of the manner in which the cash surrender values and the paid-up nonforfeiture benefits are altered by the existence of any paid-up additions credited to the policy or any indebtedness to the company on the policy; if a detailed statement of the method of computation of the values and benefits shown in the policy is not stated therein, a statement that such method of computation has been filed with the insurance supervisory official of the state in which the policy is delivered; and a statement of the method to be used in calculating the cash surrender value and paid-up nonforfeiture benefit available under the policy on any policy anniversary beyond the last anniversary for which such values and benefits are consecutively shown in the policy.
632.43(1)(g) (g) The company shall reserve the right to defer the payment of any cash surrender value for a period of 6 months after demand therefor with surrender of the policy.
632.43(1)(h) (h) Any of the foregoing provisions or portions thereof not applicable by reason of the plan of insurance may, to the extent inapplicable, be omitted from the policy.
632.43(2) (2)
632.43(2)(a)(a) Any cash surrender value under the policy on default of a premium payment due on any policy anniversary shall be not less than any excess of the then present value of any existing paid-up additions and future guaranteed benefits which would have been provided by the policy, if there had been no default, over the sum of the present value of the adjusted premiums under subs. (4) to (6m) corresponding to premiums which would have fallen due on and after the anniversary and the amount of any indebtedness to the company on the policy.
632.43(2)(b) (b) For a policy issued on or after the operative date of sub. (6m) providing by rider or supplemental provision supplemental life insurance or annuity benefits at the option of the insured on payment of an additional premium, any cash surrender value under the policy on default of a premium payment due on a policy anniversary shall be not less than the sum of the following:
632.43(2)(b)1. 1. The cash surrender value under par. (a) for the policy without the rider or supplemental provision.
632.43(2)(b)2. 2. The cash surrender value under par. (a) for a policy providing only the benefits of the rider or supplemental provision.
632.43(2)(c) (c) For a family policy issued on or after the operative date of sub. (6m) providing term insurance on the life of the spouse of the primary insured expiring before the spouse attains the age of 71, any cash surrender value under the policy on default of a premium payment due on a policy anniversary shall be not less than the sum of the following:
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