445.045(2)(b) (b) Any person who served actively in the armed forces of the United States between August 3, 1951, and October 1, 1959, and who was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, registers with the examining board within 6 months of the date of discharge, and who satisfies the legal requirements in effect at the time the person entered the armed forces.
445.045 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. FD 1, Wis. adm. code.
445.06 445.06 Renewal of licenses. The renewal date and renewal fee for a funeral directors' license are specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a). Before any renewal license is delivered to any licensed funeral director, proof must be furnished by the applicant, to the satisfaction of the examining board, that the applicant is doing business at a recognized funeral establishment, except that if such applicant is not doing business at a recognized funeral establishment at the time of application for a license, the applicant shall be given a certificate, without additional cost, to the effect that the applicant is in good standing as a funeral director, and shall be entitled to a renewal license at any time during that license period, when located at a recognized funeral establishment, without payment of any additional renewal fee. The applicant must also furnish proof of completion of at least 15 hours of continuing education during the previous 2-year licensure period, except that new licensees are exempt from this requirement during the time between initial licensure and commencement of a full 2-year licensure period.
445.06 History History: 1975 c. 39 s. 732 (2); 1975 c. 199; 1977 c. 29; 1979 c. 175 s. 29; 1979 c. 221 s. 662; Stats. 1979 s. 445.06; 1983 a. 485; 1985 a. 29; 1991 a. 39.
445.06 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ss. FD 1.10, 1.11, and 4.01, Wis. adm. code.
445.08 445.08 Reciprocity in issuance of licenses.
445.08(1) (1) Any person holding a valid license as a funeral director or embalmer in another state having requirements substantially equal to those in this state for a funeral director's license may apply for a license to practice in this state by filing with the examining board a certified statement from an authorized official of the state in which the applicant holds a license, showing the qualifications upon which said license was granted. Thereupon the examining board may, upon the payment of the required fee, issue a funeral director's license.
445.08(4) (4) Applications for the examination at a time and place to be arranged and conducted by the examining board for a reciprocal funeral director's license shall be in writing and verified on a form to be furnished by the examining board, and shall be accompanied by all of the following:
445.08(4)(a) (a) [Proof] of compliance with the requirements for a reciprocal funeral director's license.
445.08 Note NOTE: The bracketed language was inserted by 2001 Wis. Act 107 without being underscored. The insertion was intended. Corrective legislation is pending.
445.08(4)(b) (b) Any other information that the examining board requires.
445.08(4)(c) (c) The examination fee for each application.
445.08 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. FD 5, Wis. adm. code.
445.09 445.09 Display of licenses. Funeral director's licenses and certificates of apprenticeship shall be displayed conspicuously in the place of business conducted by the licensee or where the licensee or apprentice is employed.
445.09 History History: 1979 c. 175 s. 29; 1979 c. 221 s. 662; Stats. 1979 s. 445.09; 1983 a. 485.
445.095 445.095 Apprenticeship, funeral directors.
445.095(1) (1)
445.095(1)(a)(a) A person desiring to become an apprentice as a funeral director shall apply on a form provided for the purpose and appear before the examining board, or any duly appointed representative of the examining board. The application shall state that the applicant is 18 years of age or older, holds a high school diploma or possesses equivalent education as defined by the examining board, does not have an arrest or conviction record, subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, and has completed one academic year of instruction in a recognized college or university in a course of study approved by the examining board or has equivalent education. The application must be substantiated by the oath of the applicant and be accompanied by the fee specified in s. 440.05 (6). When the examining board is satisfied as to the qualification of an applicant for apprenticeship, it shall issue a certificate of apprenticeship. When the apprentice enters the employment of a licensed funeral director, the apprentice shall immediately notify the examining board, giving the name and place of business of the funeral director whose service the apprentice has entered. If, at any time thereafter, the apprentice leaves the employ of the licensed funeral director whose service the apprentice has entered, the licensed funeral director shall give the apprentice an affidavit showing the length of time served as an apprentice with that employer, and the work done in detail, which affidavit shall be filed with the examining board and made a matter of record in that office. If the apprentice thereafter enters the employ of another licensed funeral director in this state, the applicant shall forthwith report such employment to the examining board.
445.095(1)(b) (b) All apprentices under this chapter shall be paid at least the minimum wage in effect in this state.
445.095(1)(c) (c) A certificate of apprenticeship issued under this section shall be renewable annually upon the payment on January 1 of each year of the renewal fee specified in s. 440.08 (2) (b).
445.095(1)(d) (d) All apprentices registered under this section shall report at least semiannually to the examining board upon forms provided by the examining board. The reports shall contain the information required by the examining board. Failure to submit the required reports shall constitute justification for termination of the apprenticeship.
445.095(1)(e) (e) The semiannual report must show the number of hours served by the apprentice and the number of bodies the apprentice has assisted in embalming, or otherwise prepared for burial or disposition during such period, the number of funeral services at which the apprentice has assisted, and give such other information as may be required by the examining board. The data contained in the report shall be certified to as correct by the licensed funeral director under whom the apprentice has served during such period.
445.095(2) (2)
445.095(2)(b)(b) The term of a registered apprentice shall be recognized only when given employment in a funeral establishment under the personal supervision of a licensed funeral director.
445.095(2)(c) (c) Only one funeral director apprenticeship shall be recognized by the examining board at any one establishment in a current year that has had less than 150 funeral services or prepared less than 150 bodies for burial or shipment during the preceding year.
445.095(2)(d) (d) The examining board may recognize a 2nd funeral director apprenticeship at a funeral establishment during the current year that has had 150 funerals or more and has prepared 150 bodies or more for burial or shipment during the preceding year, provided that full-time employment is given to at least 2 licensed funeral directors at such funeral establishment.
445.095(3) (3) All apprentices shall be governed by ch. 106 and apprenticeship rules of the department of workforce development.
445.095(4) (4) Before such apprentice shall be eligible to receive a license to practice funeral directing, the apprentice shall present, in connection with the other evidence required by this chapter, affidavits from the several licensed funeral directors under whom the apprentice has worked, showing that the apprentice has assisted in embalming for burial or shipment at least 25 bodies, has assisted in preparing 25 dead human bodies for burial or transportation, other than by embalming, and has assisted in at least 25 funeral services during the apprenticeship. This work must all have been done within 4 years from the date of registering as an apprentice, but such time may be extended by the examining board for good cause shown, not to exceed one additional year. The provisions of this section shall be suspended for such period as a registered apprentice may be an active member of the military or naval forces of the United States.
445.095 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ss. FD 1.06, 1.07, 2.06, and 2.07, Wis. adm. code.
445.10 445.10 Term of apprenticeship.
445.10(1) (1) The term of an apprenticeship for a funeral director shall begin on the date of registration and terminate after a period of not more than 4 years from the time of first registration unless the time is extended under this chapter. A registered apprentice must make application for license and must appear before the examining board for examination within 4 years from the date of registration unless the time is extended under this chapter. Noncompliance with this subsection terminates the right to serve as an apprentice.
445.10(2) (2) In all applications of apprentices for licenses as funeral directors under this chapter, the eligibility of the applicant to take the examination shall be determined by the records filed with the examining board.
445.10(6) (6) The examining board may limit, suspend or revoke a certificate of apprenticeship, or reprimand an apprentice, for violation of any provision of this chapter.
445.10(7) (7) An apprentice who has allowed a certificate of apprenticeship to lapse or who has had an apprenticeship suspended or revoked, may within one year after such lapse or suspension or revocation make application for reregistration, but not more than 2 such reregistrations shall be allowed by the examining board. The examining board may, at its discretion, allow an apprentice credit under a registration for the time actually served under a previous registration; provided, that if the previous registration has been suspended or revoked for cause, not more than 75% of the time previously served shall be credited on the reregistration.
445.10 History History: 1975 c. 39 s. 732 (2); 1975 c. 199; 1977 c. 418; 1979 c. 175 ss. 29, 53; 1979 c. 221 ss. 662, 2202 (45); Stats. 1979 s. 445.10; 1983 a. 485.
445.105 445.105 Funeral establishment permits.
445.105(1) (1) No person shall conduct, maintain, manage or operate a funeral establishment unless a permit for each such establishment has been issued by the examining board and is conspicuously displayed in such funeral establishment. In case of funeral services held in any private residence, church, or lodge hall, no permit shall be required.
445.105(2) (2) No permit to operate a funeral establishment shall be issued by the examining board unless each such funeral establishment has in charge, full time therein, a licensed funeral director.
445.105(3) (3) Applications for funeral establishment permits shall be made on forms provided by the department and filed with the department and shall be accompanied by the fee specified under s. 440.05 (1). The renewal date and renewal fee for a funeral establishment permit are specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a).
445.105(4) (4) Violations of this chapter or any rules or regulations of the examining board committed by any person, or an officer, agent or employee with the knowledge or consent of any person operating such funeral establishments shall be considered sufficient cause for reprimand or for limitation, suspension or revocation of such funeral establishment permit.
445.105(5) (5) No operator of a funeral establishment shall allow any licensed funeral director to operate out of such funeral establishment unless such licensed funeral director is the operator of or an employee of the operator of a funeral establishment which has been granted a permit by the examining board.
445.105 History History: 1975 c. 39 s. 732 (2); 1977 c. 29, 418; 1979 c. 175 s. 29; 1979 c. 221 s. 662; Stats. 1979 s. 445.105; 1987 a. 27; 1991 a. 39.
445.105 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. FD 2 and ss. FD 1.08 and 1.09, Wis. adm. code.
445.105 Annotation Licensing requirements prohibit operators of funeral establishments from allowing free-lance funeral direction. The statute does not prohibit operation of 2 establishments from one location nor regular use of a church for funeral services. 60 Atty. Gen. 147.
445.11 445.11 Register; change of address. The examining board shall keep a register of the names and business address of all persons to whom licenses or certificate of registration are issued under this chapter, the number and date of each license or certificate, and date of renewal. The register shall be available for purchase at cost.
445.11 History History: 1975 c. 39 s. 732 (2); 1975 c. 199; 1977 c. 418; 1979 c. 175 s. 29; 1979 c. 221 s. 662; Stats. 1979 s. 445.11; 1983 a. 485; 1987 a. 27.
445.12 445.12 Prohibited practices.
445.12(1) (1) No funeral director may embalm a dead human body when he or she has information reasonably indicating crime in connection with the cause of death, until permission of the coroner or medical examiner has first been obtained.
445.12(2) (2) No licensed funeral director may sign a certificate stating that he or she has embalmed or prepared a dead human body, when in fact, some other person embalmed or prepared said dead human body; provided, that this subsection shall not be construed as preventing a registered apprentice funeral director assisting the licensed funeral director from so certifying.
445.12(3) (3) No licensed funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment may, directly or indirectly, solicit a funeral service or the right to prepare a dead human body for burial or transportation either before or after death has occurred, or pay or cause to be paid any sum of money or other valuable consideration for the securing of the right to do such work. This subsection does not prohibit any of the following:
445.12(3)(a) (a) The solicitation of memberships or the sale of stock or memberships in any association organized under ch. 185 by any person who is not a licensed funeral director.
445.12(3)(b) (b) The solicitation or sale of burial agreements under s. 445.125 (1) and the solicitation and sale of burial agreements under s. 445.125 (3m) to the extent permitted under sub. (3g) and s. 445.125 (3m).
445.12(3g) (3g)
445.12(3g)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), a licensed funeral director, agent of a licensed funeral director, operator of a funeral establishment or agent of an operator of a funeral establishment may not solicit the sale of a burial agreement under s. 445.125 (3m) by doing any of the following:
445.12(3g)(a)1. 1. Knowingly contacting a prospective purchaser of a burial agreement in a hospital, health care facility or similar facility or institution.
445.12(3g)(a)2. 2. Knowingly contacting a relative of a person whose death is imminent or appears to be imminent.
445.12(3g)(a)3. 3. Contacting a prospective purchaser of a burial agreement by door-to-door solicitation or in a manner that violates rules promulgated by the examining board under s. 445.125 (3m) (j) 2.
445.12(3g)(b) (b) A licensed funeral director, agent of a licensed funeral director, operator of a funeral establishment or agent of an operator of a funeral establishment may solicit the sale of a burial agreement under s. 445.125 (3m) by contacting any person if any of the following applies:
445.12(3g)(b)1. 1. The prospective purchaser requests the contact.
445.12(3g)(b)2. 2. The contact is part of a mass-mailing, television, radio, print or other type of advertising campaign that is not directed solely toward persons in a hospital, health care facility or similar facility or institution or toward the relatives of a person whose death is imminent or appears to be imminent.
445.12(3g)(c) (c) Paragraph (a) 3. does not prohibit a licensed funeral director, agent of a licensed funeral director, operator of a funeral establishment or agent of an operator of a funeral establishment from using mass-marketing practices or in-person contacts or communications permitted under this section or by a rule promulgated by the examining board under s. 445.125 (3m) (j) 2.
445.12(3r) (3r) No licensed funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment may do any of the following:
445.12(3r)(a) (a) Require a person who enters into a burial agreement under s. 445.125 (3m) to purchase a life insurance policy used to fund the agreement from an insurance intermediary licensed under ch. 628 who is specified by the funeral director or operator of the funeral establishment.
445.12(3r)(b) (b) Authorize an insurance intermediary licensed under ch. 628 to sell or solicit the sale of a burial agreement under s. 445.125 (3m) (b) 2. a. unless the insurance intermediary meets the training requirements established by the examining board by rule under s. 445.125 (3m) (j) 1. a.
445.12(4) (4) No licensed funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment may publish, or cause to be published, any false, misleading or fraudulent advertisement, or take undue advantage of patrons or commit any fraudulent act in the conduct of business, or do any other act not in accord with the rules established by the department of health and family services and the examining board and not in accord with proper business practice as applied to the business or profession of funeral directing and embalming.
445.12(5) (5) Any licensed funeral director who knowingly permits any person not licensed as a funeral director to embalm or prepare for burial any body under his or her jurisdiction, or who permits any person not licensed as a funeral director to hold or conduct any funeral service for which he or she is responsible, or who permits any person not licensed as a funeral director to remove any dead human body from any home, hospital or institution for preparation, or who permits any person under his or her supervision or associated with him or her to violate the provisions of this chapter, shall be guilty of violating the provisions of this chapter and subject to the penalties provided therein. The foregoing provisions shall not be construed as to restrict the activities of a duly registered apprentice operating under the supervision of a licensed funeral director.
445.12(6) (6) No licensed funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment may operate a mortuary or funeral establishment that is located in a cemetery or that is financially, through an ownership or operation interest or otherwise, connected with a cemetery. No licensed funeral director or his or her employee may, directly or indirectly, receive or accept any commission, fee, remuneration or benefit of any kind from any cemetery, mausoleum or crematory or from any owner, employee or agent thereof in connection with the sale or transfer of any cemetery lot, outer burial container, burial privilege or cremation, nor act, directly or indirectly, as a broker or jobber of any cemetery property or interest therein.
445.12(7) (7) No licensed funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment may sell or cause to be sold any shares of stocks, certificates of membership or any other form of certificate which provides for any burial benefit or any rebate at the time of death to the holders thereof. This subsection does not prohibit the sale of burial agreements to the extent permitted under, and that are in conformity with, s. 445.125 (3m).
445.12 History History: 1973 c. 272; 1975 c. 39, 199; 1979 c. 175 s. 29; 1979 c. 221 s. 662; Stats. 1979 s. 445.12; 1983 a. 485; 1989 a. 307; 1993 a. 100; 1995 a. 27 s. 9126 (19); 1995 a. 295.
445.12 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also chs. FD 2 and HFS 135 and 136, Wis. adm. code.
445.12 Annotation If subsidiary corporations have prohibited financial connections, their corporate structure will not save them from the prohibitions of ss. 157.067 (2) and 445.12 (6). Those statutes are not unconstitutionally vague. Cemetery Service, Inc. v. Department of Regulation and Licensing, 221 Wis. 2d 817, 586 N.W.2d 191 (Ct. App. 1998).
445.12 Annotation Whether parent and subsidiary corporations violate sub. (6), which prohibits an operator of a funeral establishment from being connected with a cemetery, depends upon the facts relating to legal separateness of the parent and subsidiary corporations. 78 Atty. Gen. 5.
445.125 445.125 Burial agreements.
445.125(1)(1)Burial agreements funded by trusts.
445.125(1)(a)1.1. Except as provided in sub. (3m), whenever a person, referred to in this subsection as the depositor, makes an agreement with another person selling or offering for sale funeral or burial merchandise or services, referred to in this subsection as the beneficiary, for the purchase of a casket, outer burial container not preplaced into the burial excavation of a grave, combination casket-outer burial container or other receptacle not described in sub. (4) (b) for the burial or other disposition of human remains or for the furnishing of funeral or burial services, either of which is intended to be provided for the final disposition of the body of a person, referred to in this subsection as the potential decedent, wherein the use of such personal property or the furnishing of such services is not immediately required, all payments made under the agreement shall be and remain trust funds, including interest and dividends if any, until occurrence of the death of the potential decedent, unless the funds are sooner released upon demand to the depositor, after written notice to the beneficiary.
445.125(1)(a)2. 2. Notwithstanding s. 701.12 (1), such agreements may be made irrevocable as to the first $2,500 of the funds paid under the agreement by each depositor.
Effective date note NOTE: Subd. 2. is amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 16 to read:
Effective date text 2. Notwithstanding s. 701.12 (1), such agreements may be made irrevocable as to the first $3,000 of the funds paid under the agreement by each depositor.
445.125(1)(a)3. 3. Any interest or dividends accruing to a trust fund under subd. 2. may be made irrevocable.
445.125(1)(a)4. 4. Any depositor who made an irrevocable agreement under subd. 2. may designate a different beneficiary at any time prior to death, after written notice to the current beneficiary.
445.125(1)(b) (b) All trust funds under par. (a) shall be deposited with a bank or trust company within the state whose deposits are insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation, deposited in a savings and loan association or savings bank within the state whose deposits are insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation or invested in a credit union within the state whose savings are insured by the national board, as defined in s. 186.01 (3m), or by the Wisconsin credit union savings insurance corporation and shall be held in a separate account in the name of the depositor, in trust for the beneficiary until the trust fund is released under either of the conditions provided in par. (a) 1. In the event of the death of the depositor before the death of the potential decedent, title to such funds shall vest in the potential decedent, and the funds shall be used for the personal property and services to be furnished under the contract for the funeral of the potential decedent. The depositor shall be furnished with a copy of the receipts, certificates or other appropriate documentary evidence showing that the funds have been deposited or invested in accordance with this subsection. The depositor or the beneficiary shall furnish the bank, trust company, savings bank, savings and loan association or credit union with a copy of the contract. Upon receipt of a certified copy of the certificate of death of the potential decedent, together with the written statement of the beneficiary that the agreement was complied with, the bank, trust company, savings bank, savings and loan association or credit union shall release such trust funds to the beneficiary.
445.125(1)(c) (c) The payment pursuant to this subsection of such fund and any interest or dividends which may have accumulated shall relieve the bank, trust company, savings bank, savings and loan association or credit union of any further liability for such funds, interest or dividends. A bank need not comply with ch. 223 to accept and disburse deposits under this subsection.
445.125(3m) (3m)Burial agreements funded with proceeds of life insurance policies.
445.125(3m)(a)(a) In this subsection:
445.125(3m)(a)1. 1. "Agent" means an authorized representative of a funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment.
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