20.923(18)(b) (b) In addition to the salary set under par. (a), each sales representative of prison industries and each sales manager of prison industries who is appointed in the unclassified service under s. 303.01 (10) shall be eligible to earn commission compensation in an amount established by the appointing authority as defined in s. 230.03 (4). That appointing authority shall establish the amount of commission compensation based on invoiced sales and new customers.
20.923 Annotation The salary cap provisions of sub. (15) (b) do not apply to judicial salaries. Moran v. Department of Administration, 230 Wis. 2d 103, 603 N.W.2d 234 (Ct. App. 1999).
20.924 20.924 Building program execution.
20.924(1) (1) In supervising and authorizing the implementation of the state building program under the appropriation authority of s. 20.867, the building commission:
20.924(1)(a) (a) Shall authorize the design and construction of any building, structure or facility costing in excess of $500,000 regardless of funding source, only if that project is enumerated in the authorized state building program.
20.924(1)(b) (b) Shall authorize the acquisition of land, or the repair, remodeling or improvement to any existing building, structure or facility costing in excess of $500,000, regardless of funding source, only if that project is enumerated in the authorized state building program. This paragraph does not apply to the acquisition of land by the building commission in the city of Madison within a block number specified in s. 13.48 (18). This paragraph does not apply to projects authorized under s. 16.858.
Effective date note NOTE: Par. (b) is amended by 1997 Wis. Acts 5 and 27, eff. 7-1-02 or upon completion of acquisition of property sufficient for the construction of a facility to meet the space needs of the state law library, the legislative reference bureau library and legislative and judicial branch agencies and support staffs, to read:
20.924 Note (b) Shall authorize the acquisition of land, or the repair, remodeling or improvement to any existing building, structure or facility costing in excess of $500,000, regardless of funding source, only if that project is enumerated in the authorized state building program. This paragraph does not apply to projects authorized under s. 16.858.
20.924(1)(d) (d) Shall exercise considered judgment in supervising the implementation of the state building program, and may authorize limited changes in the project program, and in the project budget if the commission determines that unanticipated program conditions or bidding conditions require the change to effectively and economically construct the project. However, total state funds for major projects under the authorized state building program for each agency shall not be exceeded.
20.924(1)(e) (e) May authorize the application of federal grants or private gift funds or other moneys in addition to or in lieu of the projects and project funds enumerated in the authorized state building program.
20.924(1)(em) (em) May substitute any available source of funding in whole or in part for borrowing authority under s. 20.866 (2) (s) to (zm) and (zz) that is authorized to be used to fund a project enumerated under the authorized state building program.
20.924(1)(f) (f) May authorize advance planning or architectural design of future high priority projects.
20.924(1)(g) (g) Shall not authorize a project enumerated in the authorized state building program if the commission determines that the need for the project has changed, making it superfluous.
20.924(1)(i) (i) Shall not acquire or lease or authorize the acquisition or leasing of any building, structure, or facility, or portion thereof, for initial occupancy by the department of corrections for the purpose of confining persons serving a sentence of imprisonment to the Wisconsin state prisons or for the purpose of confining juveniles alleged or found to be delinquent unless one of the following applies:
20.924(1)(i)1. 1. If the building, structure, or facility was converted for that purpose, the conversion either was completed before January 1, 2001, or began after the building, structure, or facility was enumerated in the authorized state building program.
20.924(1)(i)2. 2. If the building, structure, or facility was not converted for that purpose, the construction of the building, structure, or facility either was completed before January 1, 2001, or began after the building, structure, or facility was enumerated in the authorized state building program.
20.924(3) (3)Subsection (1) (a) and (b) does not apply to the acquisition of land for, or the construction, repair, remodeling or improvement of, any building, structure or facility for the state fair park board.
20.924(4) (4) In addition to the authorized building program for the historical society, the society may expend any funds which are made available from the appropriations under s. 20.245 (1) (a), (h), (m), (n), and (r).
20.924(5) (5) The building commission may utilize any funds at its disposal to supplement the otherwise authorized building program for any agency.
20.924 Annotation Funds may not be used to construct a project that has not been provided for in either the long-range building program or specifically described in the session laws. 61 Atty. Gen. 298.
20.924 AnnotationBuilding commission authority is discussed. 80 Atty. Gen. 146.
20.925 20.925 Salary of temporary successors. Whenever a temporary vacancy has been found to exist under s. 17.025 and the certificate of temporary incapacity filed in the office of the secretary of state remains in effect, the affected incumbent shall continue to be entitled to receive the incumbent's full salary, and employer-paid fringe benefits, during the period of the temporary vacancy but not beyond the expiration of the incumbent's term. The person selected or qualified under s. 17.025 (4) to replace the incumbent during the temporary vacancy shall be reimbursed for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of duties as temporary successor and shall as compensation for those services be entitled to receive a sum equal to the amount of salary the disabled incumbent receives during the temporary vacancy, but if the person serving as temporary successor is already a salaried officer or employee of this state, the amount payable to the temporary successor, in addition to the temporary successor's regular salary, shall be the difference between the temporary successor's regular salary and the salary of the incumbent in the position in which the temporary vacancy exists. Nothing in this section shall authorize a reduction in the salary of a state officer or employee appointed to fill a temporary vacancy.
20.925 History History: 1991 a. 316.
20.927 20.927 Subsidy of abortions prohibited.
20.927(1g) (1g) In this section, "abortion" means the intentional destruction of the life of an unborn child, and "unborn child" means a human being from the time of conception until it is born alive.
20.927(1m) (1m) Except as provided under subs. (2) and (3), no funds of this state or of any county, city, village, town or family care district under s. 46.2895 or of any subdivision or agency of this state or of any county, city, village or town and no federal funds passing through the state treasury shall be authorized for or paid to a physician or surgeon or a hospital, clinic or other medical facility for the performance of an abortion.
20.927(2) (2)
20.927(2)(a)(a) This section does not apply to the performance by a physician of an abortion which is directly and medically necessary to save the life of the woman or in a case of sexual assault or incest, provided that prior thereto the physician signs a certification which so states, and provided that, in the case of sexual assault or incest the crime has been reported to the law enforcement authorities. The certification shall be affixed to the claim form or invoice when submitted to any agency or fiscal intermediary of the state for payment, and shall specify and attest to the direct medical necessity of such abortion upon the best clinical judgment of the physician or attest to his or her belief that sexual assault or incest has occurred.
20.927(2)(b) (b) This section does not apply to the performance by a physician of an abortion if, due to a medical condition existing prior to the abortion, the physician determines that the abortion is directly and medically necessary to prevent grave, long-lasting physical health damage to the woman, provided that prior thereto the physician signs a certification which so states. The certification shall be affixed to the claim form or invoice when submitted to any agency or fiscal intermediary of the state for payment, and shall specify and attest to the direct medical necessity of such abortion upon the best clinical judgment of the physician.
20.927(3) (3) This section does not apply to the authorization or payment of funds to a physician or surgeon or a hospital, clinic or medical facility for or in connection with the prescription of a drug or the insertion of a device to prevent the implantation of the fertilized ovum.
20.927 History History: 1977 c. 245; 1999 a. 9; 2001 a. 103.
20.927 Annotation This section's restrictions on state funds does not apply to Public Employee Trust Fund monies used to fund state employee insurance plans. OAG 1-95.
20.9275 20.9275 Prohibitions on funding for abortion-related activities.
20.9275(1)(1) In this section:
20.9275(1)(a) (a) "Abortion" has the meaning given in s. 253.10 (2) (a).
20.9275(1)(b) (b) "Local governmental unit" means a city, village, town, county or family care district under s. 46.2895 or an agency or subdivision of a city, village, town or county.
20.9275(1)(c) (c) "Organization" means a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 66.0129 (6) (b), or a public agency, as defined in s. 46.856 (1) (b).
20.9275(1)(e) (e) "Pregnancy program, project or service" means a program, project or service of an organization that provides services for pregnancy prevention, family planning, as defined in s. 253.07 (1) (a), pregnancy testing, pregnancy counseling, prenatal care, pregnancy services and reproductive health care services that are related to pregnancy.
20.9275(1)(f) (f) "Program funds" means all of the following funds distributed or attributable to an organization for operation of a pregnancy program, project or service:
20.9275(1)(f)1. 1. Funds specified under sub. (2) (intro.).
20.9275(1)(f)2. 2. Income derived from a grant, subsidy or other funding specified under sub. (2) (intro.) or from a pregnancy program, project or service funded by a grant, subsidy or other funding specified under sub. (2) (intro.).
20.9275(1)(f)3. 3. Funds that are matching funds to a grant, subsidy or other funding specified under sub. (2) (intro.).
20.9275(1)(g) (g) "State agency" means an office, department, agency, institution of higher education, association, society or other body in state government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, which is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature, the courts and an authority created in ch. 231 or 233.
20.9275(2) (2) No state agency or local governmental unit may authorize payment of funds of this state, of any local governmental unit or, subject to sub. (3m), of federal funds passing through the state treasury as a grant, subsidy or other funding that wholly or partially or directly or indirectly involves pregnancy programs, projects or services, that is a grant, subsidy or other funding under s. 46.99, 46.995, 253.05, 253.07, 253.08 or 253.085 or 42 USC 701 to 710, if any of the following applies:
20.9275(2)(a) (a) The pregnancy program, project or service using the state, local or federal funds does any of the following:
20.9275(2)(a)1. 1. Provides abortion services.
20.9275(2)(a)2. 2. Promotes, encourages or counsels in favor of abortion services.
20.9275(2)(a)3. 3. Makes abortion referrals either directly or through an intermediary in any instance other than when an abortion is directly and medically necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman.
20.9275(2)(b) (b) The pregnancy program, project or service is funded from any other source that requires, as a condition for receipt of the funds, that the pregnancy program, project or service perform any of the activities specified in par. (a) 1. to 3.
20.9275(2m) (2m) Nothing in sub. (2) prohibits the providing of nondirective information explaining any of the following:
20.9275(2m)(a) (a) Prenatal care and delivery.
20.9275(2m)(b) (b) Infant care, foster care or adoption.
20.9275(2m)(c) (c) Pregnancy termination.
20.9275(3) (3) Subject to sub. (3m), no organization that receives funds specified under sub. (2) (intro.) may use program funds for an activity that is specified under sub. (2) (a) 1. to 3.
20.9275(3m) (3m) The restriction under subs. (2) and (3) on the authorization of payment and the use of federal funds passing through the state treasury shall apply only to the extent that the application of the restriction does not result in the loss of any federal funds.
20.9275(4) (4) If an organization that receives funds specified under sub. (2) (intro.) violates sub. (3), all of the following shall apply:
20.9275(4)(a) (a) The organization may not receive funds specified under sub. (2) (intro.) for 24 months after the date on which the state agency or local governmental unit last authorized payment or the date on which the organization, under a pregnancy program, project or service, last violated sub. (3), whichever is later.
20.9275(4)(b) (b) The grant, subsidy or other funding under which an organization, under a pregnancy program, project or service, has used funds in violation of sub. (3), is terminated; and the organization shall return to the state agency or local governmental unit all funds that have been paid to the organization under the grant, subsidy or other funding.
20.9275(5) (5) If a state agency or local governmental unit authorizes payment in violation of sub. (2), the grant, subsidy or other funding under which the state agency or local governmental unit authorized payment in violation of sub. (2), is terminated; and the organization shall return to the state agency or local governmental unit funds that have been paid to the organization under the grant, subsidy or other funding.
20.9275 History History: 1997 a. 27, 237; 1999 a. 9; 2003 a. 33.
20.928 20.928 Supplementation procedure for compensation and fringe benefits.
20.928(1) (1) Each state agency head shall certify to the department of administration, at such time and in such manner as the secretary of administration prescribes, the sum of money needed by the state agency from the appropriations under s. 20.865 (1) (c), (ci), (cj), (d), (i), (ic), (j), (s), (si) and (t). Upon receipt of the certifications together with such additional information as the secretary of administration prescribes, the secretary shall determine the amounts required from the respective appropriations to supplement state agency budgets.
20.928(1m) (1m) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System may not include in any certification to the department of administration under sub. (1) any sum to pay the costs resulting from employer contributions for the payment of health insurance premiums for any teacher described under s. 40.02 (25) (b) 1m., for coverage before the first day of the 7th month beginning after the teacher begins employment with the state.
20.928(2) (2) Any state agency head who is aggrieved by the determination of the secretary of administration under this section may appeal the determination to the governor, who may set aside or modify the determination.
20.928(2m) (2m) After each determination is made, the secretary of administration shall forward the determination to the joint committee on finance. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the determination within 14 working days after the date of the secretary's submittal, the secretary may supplement appropriations of state agencies in accordance with the determination. If, within 14 working days after the date of the secretary's submittal, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the secretary that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the determination, no supplement may be made without the approval of the committee.
20.928(3) (3) All compensation adjustments for state employees approved by the legislature shall take effect and be earned at the beginning of the pay period closest to July 1 or the date prescribed by law or by the appropriate authority. In the odd-numbered years, payments for such adjustments, including payments under collective bargaining agreements, may not be made prior to enactment of the biennial budget bill.
20.928(4) (4) If insufficient moneys are available from the appropriation under s. 20.865 (1) (cj) to fund the costs of pay and related adjustments for employees of the University of Wisconsin System that are payable from that appropriation in any fiscal year, the secretary of administration shall prorate payments made on behalf of each employee in the proportion that the moneys available bears to the total amount payable to all employees.
20.929 20.929 Agency drafts or warrants. The secretary of administration may authorize any state agency to issue drafts or warrants drawn on the state treasury. Such drafts or warrants may be issued only in connection with purchase orders authorized under subch. IV of ch. 16 and may not exceed $300 per draft or warrant. The secretary shall pay such drafts or warrants as presented and shall audit the purchase orders issued. Any purchase order that is disapproved by the secretary as unlawful or unauthorized shall be returned by the secretary to the state agency for reimbursement to the treasury. The secretary shall make written regulations for the implementation of this section. The secretary may require any state agency to utilize one or more separate depository accounts to implement this section. The illegal or unauthorized use of purchase orders and drafts or warrants under this section is subject to the remedies specified in s. 16.77.
20.929 History History: 1983 a. 27 s. 589; 1983 a. 368 s. 15; 1983 a. 538; 2003 a. 33.
20.930 20.930 Attorney fees. Except as provided in ss. 46.27 (7g) (h), 49.496 (3) (f) and 49.682 (6), no state agency in the executive branch may employ any attorney until such employment has been approved by the governor.
20.930 History History: 1979 c. 221; 1989 a. 119 s. 1; Stats. 1989 s. 20.930; 1993 a. 490; 1999 a. 9.
20.930 Annotation This section applies to principal administrative units and whatever agencies assist those units in administration and governance of the unit. Kaye v. Board of Regents, 158 Wis. 2d 664, 463 N.W.2d 398 (Ct. App. 1990).
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