293.43 History History: 1977 c. 421; 1979 c. 221, 355; 1985 a. 60; 1991 a. 259; 1995 a. 227 ss. 759, 760, 762, 994; Stats. 1995 s. 293.43.
293.43 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. NR 182, Wis. adm. code.
293.45 293.45 Prospecting; department grant or denial of permit.
293.45(1)(1) The department shall issue a prospecting permit under this section to an applicant within 60 days following the date of the completion of the hearing record if, on the basis of the application, the department's investigation and hearing and any written comments, it finds that the site is not unsuitable for prospecting or, absent a certification under s. 293.35 (1), surface mining, the department has approved the prospecting plan and the reclamation plan complies with ss. 293.13 (2) and 293.35 (2) and (3) and rules promulgated under ss. 293.13 (2) and 293.35 (2) and (3). The department may modify any part of the application or reclamation plan and approve it as modified. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, prospecting permits shall be valid for the life of the project, unless canceled under s. 293.83 (1) or (3) or 293.85 or revoked under s. 293.87 (2) or (3).
293.45(2) (2) The department shall deny a prospecting permit within 60 days following the date of the completion of the hearing record if it finds that the site is unsuitable for prospecting or, absent certification under s. 293.35 (1), surface mining, or the reclamation plan, including the bond, does not comply with ss. 293.13 (2) and 293.35 (2) and (3) and rules promulgated under ss. 293.13 (2) and 293.35 (2) and (3) or that the applicant is in violation of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter. If the applicant has previously failed and continues to fail to comply with this chapter, or if the applicant has within the previous 20 years forfeited any bond posted in accordance with prospecting or mining activities in this state, unless by mutual agreement with the state, the department may not issue a prospecting permit. The department may not issue a prospecting permit if it finds that any officer, director or manager of the applicant has, while employed by the applicant, the applicant's parent corporation, any of the applicant's principal shareholders or members, or any of the applicant's subsidiaries or affiliates, in which the applicant owns more than a 40% interest, within the previous 20 years forfeited any bond posted in accordance with prospecting or mining activities in this state unless by mutual agreement with the state. In this subsection, "forfeited any bond" means the forfeiture of any performance security occasioned by noncompliance with any prospecting or mining laws or implementing rules. If an application for a prospecting permit is denied, the department, within 30 days from the date of application denial, shall furnish to the applicant in writing the reasons for the denial.
293.45(3) (3) The department, in granting a permit under this section, shall require the permit holder to perform adequate monitoring of environmental changes during the course of the permitted activity and for such additional period of time as is necessary to satisfactorily complete reclamation and completely release the permit holder from any bonds required.
293.45 History History: 1977 c. 421; 1981 c. 87; 1995 a. 227 ss. 753, 766, 994; 1999 a. 186.
293.45 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. NR 182, Wis. adm. code.
293.47 293.47 Prospecting data.
293.47(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
293.47(1)(a) (a) "Economic information" means financial and economic projections for any potential mining of an ore body including estimates of capital costs, predicted expenses, price forecasts and metallurgical recovery estimates.
293.47(1)(b) (b) "Geologic information" means information concerning descriptions of an ore body, descriptions of reserves, tonnages and grades of ore, descriptions of a drill core or bulk sample including analysis, descriptions of drill hole depths, distances and similar information related to the ore body.
293.47(1)(c) (c) "Prospecting data" means data, records and other information furnished to or obtained by the department in connection with the application for a prospecting permit.
293.47(2) (2)Prospecting data in general. Except as provided under sub. (3), prospecting data are public records subject to subch. II of ch. 19.
293.47(3) (3)Confidential prospecting data.
293.47(3)(a)(a) Request for confidential status. An applicant for a prospecting permit may request confidential status for any prospecting data.
293.47(3)(b) (b) Confidential status. The department shall grant confidential status to prospecting data if the applicant makes a request and if the prospecting data relates to economic information or geologic information or is entitled to confidential status under rules promulgated by the department.
293.47 History History: 1973 c. 318; 1979 c. 221; 1981 c. 86; 1981 c. 335 s. 26; 1995 a. 227 s. 795; Stats. 1995 s. 293.47.
293.49 293.49 Mining; department grant or denial of permit.
293.49(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in sub. (2) and s. 293.50 and except with respect to property specified in s. 41.41 (11), within 90 days of the completion of the public hearing record, the department shall issue the mining permit if it finds:
293.49(1)(a)1. 1. The mining plan and reclamation plan are reasonably certain to result in reclamation of the mining site consistent with this chapter and any rules adopted under this chapter and the department has approved the mining plan.
293.49(1)(a)2. 2. The proposed operation will comply with all applicable air, groundwater, surface water and solid and hazardous waste management laws and rules of the department.
293.49(1)(a)3. 3. In the case of a surface mine, the site is not unsuitable for mining. The preliminary determination that a site was not unsuitable for mining under s. 293.45 may not be conclusive in the determination of the site's suitability for mining under this section. However, at the hearing held under this section and s. 293.43, testimony and evidence submitted at the prospecting permit proceeding relevant to the issue of suitability of the proposed mining site for surface mining may be adopted, subject to the opportunity for cross-examination and rebuttal, if not unduly repetitious.
293.49(1)(a)4. 4. The proposed mine will not endanger public health, safety or welfare.
293.49(1)(a)5. 5. The proposed mine will result in a net positive economic impact in the area reasonably expected to be most impacted by the activity.
293.49(1)(a)6. 6. The proposed mining operation conforms with all applicable zoning ordinances.
293.49(1)(b) (b) Each approval or denial shall be made in findings of fact, conclusions of law and an order setting forth reasons with clarity and in detail. The department may modify the operator's proposed mining or reclamation plans in order to meet the requirements of this chapter, and, as modified, grant its approval.
293.49(2) (2) Within 90 days of the completion of the public hearing record, the department shall deny the mining permit if it finds any of the following:
293.49(2)(a) (a) That the site is unsuitable for surface mining, if the application is for a proposed surface mine.
293.49(2)(b) (b) That the applicant has violated and continues to fail to comply with this chapter or any rule adopted under this chapter.
293.49(2)(c) (c) That the applicant, principal shareholder of the applicant or a related person has within 10 years before the application is submitted forfeited a mining reclamation bond that was posted in accordance with a permit or other approval for a mining operation in the United States, unless the forfeiture was by agreement with the entity for whose benefit the bond was posted and the amount of the bond was sufficient to cover all costs of reclamation.
293.49(2)(d) (d) That the applicant, a related person or an officer or director of the applicant has, within 10 years before the application is submitted, been convicted of more than one felony for violations of laws for the protection of the natural environment arising out of the operation of a mining site in the United States, unless one of the following applies:
293.49(2)(d)1. 1. The person convicted has been pardoned for all of the felonies.
293.49(2)(d)2. 2. The person convicted is a related person or an officer or director of the applicant with whom the applicant terminates its relationship.
293.49(2)(d)3. 3. The applicant included in its permit application under s. 293.37 (1) a plan to prevent the occurrence in this state of events similar to the events that directly resulted in the convictions.
293.49(2)(e) (e) That the applicant or a related person has, within 10 years before the application is submitted, declared bankruptcy or undergone dissolution that resulted in the failure to reclaim a mining site in the United States in violation of a state or federal law and that failure has not been remedied and is not being remedied.
293.49(2)(f) (f) That, within 10 years before the application is submitted, a mining permit or other mining approval issued to the applicant or a related person was permanently revoked because of a failure to reclaim a mining site in the United States in violation of state or federal law and that failure has not been and is not being remedied.
293.49(3) (3) The department may not deny a mining permit under sub. (2) (c) to (f) if the person subject to the convictions, forfeiture, permanent revocation, bankruptcy or dissolution is a related person but the applicant shows that the person was not the parent corporation of the applicant, a person that holds more than a 30% ownership in the applicant, or a subsidiary or affiliate of the applicant in which the applicant holds more than a 30% interest at the time of the convictions, forfeiture, permanent revocation, bankruptcy or dissolution.
293.49(4) (4) The prior issuance of a prospecting permit under s. 293.45 for all or part of a site shall, in and of itself, be given no weight in the decision to grant or deny a mining permit under this section, and the department must find, in any order granting, or granting with conditions, a mining permit that no weight was given in the decision to the prior issuance of a prospecting permit. However, to the extent that testimony and evidence submitted at the prospecting permit proceedings is relevant to the issue of whether to grant or deny a mining permit, the testimony and evidence may be adopted in the mining permit proceedings, subject to the opportunity for cross-examination and rebuttal to the extent that the testimony and evidence are not unduly repetitious.
293.49(5) (5) The department shall send its statement, together with a copy of its rules and finding as to whether the applicant has otherwise satisfied the requirements of this chapter, to the applicant and to the other parties.
293.49(6) (6) Except as otherwise provided in ss. 293.53 (2), 293.55 to 293.59, 293.63, 293.81 and 293.83, mining permits shall be valid for the life of the project unless canceled under s. 293.83 (1) or (3) or 293.85 or revoked under s. 293.87 (2) or (3).
293.49(7) (7) The department, in granting a permit under this section, shall require the permit holder to perform adequate monitoring of environmental changes during the course of the permitted activity and for such additional period of time as is necessary to satisfactorily complete reclamation and completely release the permit holder from any bonds required.
293.49(8) (8) No operator may engage a general contractor or affiliate to operate a mining site if the general contractor or affiliate has been convicted of more than one felony for violation of a law for the protection of the natural environment arising out of the operation of a mining site in the United States within 10 years before the issuance of the operator's permit, unless the general contractor or affiliate receives the department's approval of a plan to prevent the occurrence in this state of events similar to the events that directly resulted in the convictions.
293.49 History History: 1995 a. 227 s. 771, 773, 777, 778, 779, 994; 1997 a. 171.
293.49 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. NR 182, Wis. adm. code.
293.50 293.50 Moratorium on issuance of permits for mining of sulfide ore bodies.
293.50(1) (1) In this section:
293.50(1)(a) (a) "Pollution" means degradation that results in any violation of any environmental law as determined by an administrative proceeding, civil action, criminal action or other legal proceeding. For the purpose of this paragraph, issuance of an order or acceptance of an agreement requiring corrective action or a stipulated fine, forfeiture or other penalty is considered a determination of a violation, regardless of whether there is a finding or admission of liability.
293.50(1)(b) (b) "Sulfide ore body" means a mineral deposit in which metals are mixed with sulfide minerals.
293.50(2) (2) Beginning on May 7, 1998, the department may not issue a permit under s. 293.49 for the mining of a sulfide ore body until all of the following conditions are satisfied:
293.50(2)(a) (a) The department determines, based on information provided by an applicant for a permit under s. 293.49 and verified by the department, that a mining operation has operated in a sulfide ore body which, together with the host rock, has a net acid generating potential in the United States or Canada for at least 10 years without the pollution of groundwater or surface water from acid drainage at the tailings site or at the mine site or from the release of heavy metals.
293.50(2)(b) (b) The department determines, based on information provided by an applicant for a permit under s. 293.49 and verified by the department, that a mining operation that operated in a sulfide ore body which, together with the host rock, has a net acid generating potential in the United States or Canada has been closed for at least 10 years without the pollution of groundwater or surface water from acid drainage at the tailings site or at the mine site or from the release of heavy metals.
293.50(2m) (2m)
293.50(2m)(a)(a) The department may not base its determination under sub. (2) (a) or (b) on any mining operation that has been listed on the national priorities list under 42 USC 9605 (a) (8) (B) or any mining operation for which the operator is no longer in business and has no successor that may be liable for any contamination from the mining operation and for which there are no other persons that may be liable for any contamination from the mining operation.
293.50(2m)(b) (b) The department may not base its determination under sub. (2) (a) or (b) on a mining operation unless the department determines, based on relevant data from groundwater or surface water monitoring, that the mining operation has not caused significant environmental pollution, as defined in s. 293.01 (4), from acid drainage at the tailings site or at the mine site or from the release of heavy metals.
293.50(3) (3) This section applies without regard to the date of submission of the permit application.
293.50 History History: 1997 a. 171.
293.51 293.51 Bonds.
293.51(1)(1) Upon notification that an application for a prospecting or mining permit has been approved by the department but prior to commencing prospecting or mining, the operator shall file with the department a bond conditioned on faithful performance of all of the requirements of this chapter and all rules adopted by the department under this chapter. The bond shall be furnished by a surety company licensed to do business in this state. In lieu of a bond, the operator may deposit cash, certificates of deposit or government securities with the department. Interest received on certificates of deposit and government securities shall be paid to the operator. The amount of the bond or other security required shall be equal to the estimated cost to the state of fulfilling the reclamation plan, in relation to that portion of the site that will be disturbed by the end of the following year. The estimated cost of reclamation of each prospecting or mining site shall be determined by the department on the basis of relevant factors including, but not limited to, expected changes in the price index, topography of the site, methods being employed, depth and composition of overburden and depth of mineral deposit being mined.
293.51(2) (2) The applicant shall submit a certificate of insurance certifying that the applicant has in force a liability insurance policy issued by an insurer authorized to do business in this state, or in lieu of a certificate of insurance evidence that the applicant has satisfied state or federal self-insurance requirements, covering all mining operations of the applicant in this state and affording personal injury and property damage protection in a total amount deemed adequate by the department but not less than $50,000.
293.51(3) (3) Upon approval of the operator's bond, mining application and certificate of insurance, the department shall issue written authorization to commence mining at the permitted mining site in accordance with the approved mining and reclamation plans.
293.51(4) (4) Any operator who obtains mining permits from the department for 2 or more mining sites may elect, at the time the 2nd or any subsequent site is approved, to post a single bond in lieu of separate bonds on each site. Any single bond so posted shall be in an amount equal to the estimated cost to the state determined under sub. (1) of reclaiming all sites the operator has under mining permits. When an operator elects to post a single bond in lieu of separate bonds previously posted on individual sites, the separate bonds may not be released until the new bond has been accepted by the department.
293.51(6) (6) Any person who is engaged in mining on July 3, 1974 need not file a bond or deposit cash, certificates of deposits or government securities with the department under this section to obtain the written authorization to commence mining under sub. (3).
293.51 History History: 1973 c. 318; 1977 c. 421; 1979 c. 102 s. 236 (3); 1979 c. 176; 1995 a. 227 ss. 784, 994; Stats. 1995 s. 293.51.
293.53 293.53 Review of permits; periodic reports.
293.53(1) (1)
293.53(1)(a)(a) Eighteen months after the issuance of a prospecting permit, and annually thereafter until prospecting ceases, the department shall review the permit, reclamation plan and bond to ascertain adequacy, compliance with state or federal laws enacted after the issuance of the permit and technological currency. If the department after review determines that the plan should be modified or the bond amount changed, it shall notify the permit holder of the necessary modifications or changes. If the permit holder does not request a hearing within 30 days, the modifications or changes shall be deemed accepted.
293.53(1)(b) (b) If the permit holder desires to modify the permit, an amended application shall be submitted to the department, which shall process the amendment as if it were an original application if the proposed modification substantially broadens or changes the scope of the original prospecting proposal.
293.53(1)(c) (c) To the extent that testimony and evidence submitted at the original prospecting permit proceedings or from previous modification hearings is relevant to the issues of modification or granting or denial of the amendment, it may be adopted in the subsequent proceedings, subject to the opportunity for cross-examination and rebuttal, if not unduly repetitious.
293.53(2) (2)
293.53(2)(a)(a) The operator shall furnish the department with a report for each mining site every 12 months after issuance of the permit, within 30 days after completion of all mining at the mining site and within 30 days after completion of the mining plan and of the reclamation plan. The reports shall include, in addition to such other information as the department requires, such information and maps as the department deems necessary to evaluate the extent of mining and the reclamation accomplished during the previous calendar year.
293.53(2)(b) (b) Annually, the department shall review the mining and reclamation plans and bonds, using the procedure specified under sub. (1).
293.53(2)(c) (c) The department shall cancel the mining permit held by any operator who fails and refuses to submit reports required under this subsection.
293.53 History History: 1995 a. 227 s. 767; 1995 a. 227 ss. 791, 994.
293.55 293.55 Modifications.
293.55(1)(a)(a) Application. An operator at any time may apply for amendment or cancellation of a mining permit or for a change in the mining or reclamation plans for any mining operation which the operator owns or leases. The operator shall submit any application for the amendment, cancellation or change on a form provided by the department and shall identify the tract of land to be added to or removed from the permitted mining site or to be affected by a change in the mining or reclamation plans.
293.55(1)(b) (b) Procedure. The department shall process the application for an increase or decrease in the area of a mining site or for a substantial change in the mining or reclamation plans in the same manner as an original application for a mining permit except as provided under par. (d).
293.55(1)(c) (c) Substantial changes. The department shall determine if any change in the mining or reclamation plans is substantial and provide notice of its determination in the same manner as specified under s. 293.43 (3) (b) 1. to 3.
293.55(1)(d) (d) Notice. The department shall provide notice of any modification which involves an increase or decrease in the area of a mining site or a substantial change in the mining or reclamation plan in the same manner as an original application for a mining permit under s. 293.43 (3). If 5 or more interested persons do not request a hearing in writing within 30 days of notice, no hearing is required on the modification. The notice shall include a statement to this effect.
293.55(1)(e) (e) Hearing. If a hearing is held, testimony and exhibits from the hearing on either the original applications for a mining permit or from previous modification hearings which are relevant to the instant modification may be adopted, subject to cross-examination and rebuttal if not unduly repetitious.
293.55(1)(f) (f) Removal. If the application is to cancel any or all of the unmined part of a mining site, the department shall ascertain, by inspection, if mining has occurred on the land. If the department finds that no mining has occurred, the department shall order release of the bond or the security posted on the land being removed from the permitted mining site and cancel or amend the operator's written authorization to conduct mining on the mining site. No land where mining has occurred may be removed from a permitted mining site or released from bond or security under this subsection, unless reclamation has been completed to the satisfaction of the department.
293.55(2) (2) If the department finds that because of changing conditions, including but not limited to changes in reclamation costs, reclamation technology, minimum standards under ss. 293.13 and 293.15 (1) to (12) or governmental land use plans, the reclamation plan for a mining site is no longer sufficient to reasonably provide for reclamation of the project site consistent with this chapter and any rules adopted under this chapter, it shall require the applicant to submit amended mining and reclamation plans which shall be processed in the same manner as an application for an original mining permit. The applicant shall be deemed to hold a temporary mining permit which shall be effective until the amended mining permit is issued or denied. The department shall review the mining and reclamation plans annually after the date of the mining permit issuance or previous review under this section.
293.55 History History: 1995 a. 227 ss. 785, 787.
293.57 293.57 Successors. When one operator succeeds to the interest of another in an uncompleted mining operation by sale, assignment, lease or otherwise, the department shall release the first operator from the duties imposed upon the first operator by this chapter as to such operation if:
293.57(1) (1) Both operators have complied with the requirements of this chapter; and
293.57(2) (2) The successor operator discloses whether it has forfeited any performance security because of noncompliance with any prospecting or mining laws within the previous 20 years, posts any bond required under s. 293.51 and assumes all responsibilities of all applicable permits, licenses and approvals granted to the predecessor operator.
293.57 History History: 1995 a. 227 s. 786.
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