65.20(2)(a) (a) The budget director and employees of the budget department shall be selected under civil service rules and procedures. The budget department shall assist in preparing and analyzing the budget and shall be responsible to the mayor.
65.20(2)(b) (b) The budget department shall make special studies, provide budget and management analysis and information and perform any other duties related to the department's functions, as the council determines are necessary.
65.20 History History: 1977 c. 109; 1983 a. 207, 234, 538; 1987 a. 289; 1989 a. 266.
65.90 65.90 Municipal budgets.
65.90(1)(1) Unless otherwise provided, in this section, "municipality" means each county other than counties having a population of 500,000 or more, each city, excepting cities of the 1st class, village, town, school district, technical college district and all other public bodies that have the power to levy or certify a general property tax or budget. Every municipality shall annually, prior to the determination of the sum to be financed in whole or in part by a general property tax, funds on hand or estimated revenues from any source, formulate a budget and hold public hearings thereon.
65.90(2) (2) Such budget shall list all existing indebtedness and all anticipated revenue from all sources during the ensuing year and shall likewise list all proposed appropriations for each department, activity and reserve account during the said ensuing year. Such budget shall also show actual revenues and expenditures for the preceding year, actual revenues and expenditures for not less than the first 6 months of the current year and estimated revenues and expenditures for the balance of the current year. Such budget shall also show for informational purposes by fund all anticipated unexpended or unappropriated balances, and surpluses.
65.90(3) (3)
65.90(3)(a)(a) A summary of the budget required under sub. (1) and notice of the place where the budget in detail is available for public inspection and notice of the time and place for holding the public hearing thereon shall be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, in the municipality at least 15 days prior to the time of the public hearing except that:
65.90(3)(a)1. 1. In towns a summary of the budget required under sub. (1) and notice of the time and place of the public hearing thereon shall be posted in 3 public places at least 15 days prior to the time of the public hearing.
65.90(3)(a)2. 2. Any school district reproducing and providing general distribution within the district of an annual report incorporating a budget summary at least 15 days prior to the annual meeting is exempt from the notice requirements of this paragraph.
65.90(3)(a)3. 3. A common school district, as defined under s. 115.01 (3), shall publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, as required under this paragraph, at least 10 days prior to the time of the public hearing thereon.
65.90(3)(b) (b) Any budget summary required under par. (a) shall include all of the following for the proposed budget and the budget in effect, and shall also include the percentage change between the budget of the current year and the proposed budget:
65.90(3)(b)1. 1. For the general fund, all expenditures in the following categories:
65.90(3)(b)1.a. a. General government.
65.90(3)(b)1.b. b. Public safety.
65.90(3)(b)1.c. c. Public works.
65.90(3)(b)1.d. d. Health and human services.
65.90(3)(b)1.e. e. Culture, recreation and education.
65.90(3)(b)1.f. f. Conservation and development.
65.90(3)(b)1.g. g. Capital outlay.
65.90(3)(b)1.h. h. Debt service.
65.90(3)(b)1.i. i. Other financing uses.
65.90(3)(b)2. 2. For the general fund, all revenues from the following sources:
65.90(3)(b)2.a. a. Taxes.
65.90(3)(b)2.b. b. Special assessments.
65.90(3)(b)2.c. c. Intergovernmental revenues.
65.90(3)(b)2.d. d. Licenses and permits.
65.90(3)(b)2.e. e. Fines, forfeitures and penalties.
65.90(3)(b)2.f. f. Public charges for services.
65.90(3)(b)2.g. g. Intergovernmental charges.
65.90(3)(b)2.h. h. Miscellaneous revenue.
65.90(3)(b)2.i. i. Other financing sources.
65.90(3)(b)3. 3. Revenue and expenditure totals for each impact fee that is imposed by a municipality.
65.90(3)(b)4. 4. All beginning and year-end governmental and proprietary fund balances.
65.90(3)(b)5. 5. The contribution of the property tax to each governmental fund and to each proprietary fund that receives property tax revenue and the totals for all funds.
65.90(3)(b)6. 6. Revenue and expenditure totals, by fund, for each governmental fund, and for each proprietary fund and the revenue and expenditure totals for all funds combined.
65.90(3)(bm) (bm) Any budget summary created under par. (a) shall include an itemization of proposed increases and decreases to the current year budget due to new or discontinued activities and functions.
65.90(3)(c) (c) The department of public instruction under s. 115.28, the department of revenue under s. 73.10 and the technical college system board under s. 38.04 shall encourage and consult with interested public and private organizations regarding the budget summary information required under pars. (a) and (b). The department of public instruction and the technical college system board shall specify the revenue and expenditure detail that is required under par. (b) 1. and 2. for school districts and for technical college districts.
65.90(3)(d) (d) A municipality may publish any additional budget summary information that its governing body considers necessary, but the additional information shall be reported separately from the information required under pars. (a), (b) and (bm).
65.90(4) (4) Not less than 15 days or, in the case of common school districts as defined under s. 115.01 (3), not less than 10 days, after the publication of the proposed budget and the notice of hearing thereon a public hearing shall be held at the time and place stipulated at which any resident or taxpayer of the governmental unit shall have an opportunity to be heard on the proposed budget. The budget hearing may be adjourned from time to time. In school districts holding an annual meeting the time and place of the budget hearing shall be the time and place of the annual meeting.
65.90(5) (5)
65.90(5)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b) and except for alterations made pursuant to a hearing under sub. (4), the amount of tax to be levied or certified, the amounts of the various appropriations and the purposes for such appropriations stated in a budget required under sub. (1) may not be changed unless authorized by a vote of two-thirds of the entire membership of the governing body of the municipality. Any municipality, except a town, which makes changes under this paragraph shall publish a class 1 notice thereof, under ch. 985, within 10 days after any change is made. Failure to give notice shall preclude any changes in the proposed budget and alterations thereto made under sub. (4).
65.90(5)(b) (b) A county board may authorize its standing finance committee to transfer funds between budgeted items of an individual county office or department, if such budgeted items have been separately appropriated, and to supplement the appropriations for a particular office, department or activity by transfers from the contingent fund. Such committee transfers shall not exceed the amount set up in the contingent fund as adopted in the annual budget, nor aggregate in the case of an individual office, department or activity in excess of 10 per cent of the funds originally provided for such office, department or activity in such annual budget. The publication provisions of par. (a) shall apply to all committee transfers from the contingent fund.
65.90(6) (6) As part of the annual budget required under sub. (1), the governing body of any municipality and of any county having a population of 500,000 or more may establish and maintain, and levy a tax for, a liability reserve fund for the purpose of paying liability claims against the municipality or premiums on insurance to pay such claims. The governing body may allow amounts appropriated to the fund to accumulate from year to year. The annual taxes levied for this purpose may not exceed the level necessary to collect the amount recommended by an actuary, in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles, that will be sufficient to pay any insurance premiums and the uninsured portion of claims that are anticipated to be made based on occurrences during the year in which the tax is collected. Payment of claims and premiums may either be made directly from the reserve account or appropriations may be made from the reserve account to an operating account for such payments. No other transfers may be made from the fund except in accordance with the procedure specified in sub. (5) (a) and unless:
65.90(6)(a) (a) If the fund is to be dissolved, an actuary has determined that all claims that are to be paid from the fund have been paid or a sufficient reserve has been created from the fund to pay such claims; or
65.90(6)(b) (b) If the fund is to be continued and the types of claims or the amount of coverage of claims by the fund is to be reduced, an actuary has determined, under generally accepted actuarial principles, that the balance in the fund exceeds the amount necessary to pay claims and premiums and the amount transferred is not more than the excess amount.
65.90 Annotation Under sub. (5), the vote of two-thirds of a board's entire membership is needed to transfer funds from a contingency fund to use for a purpose not anticipated in the budget. 76 Atty. Gen. 145.
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