71.04(8)(b)2. 2. In this section, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, "public utility" means any business entity providing service to the public and engaged in the transportation of goods and persons for hire, as defined in s. 194.01 (4), regardless of whether or not the entity's rates or charges for services have been established or approved by a federal, state or local government or governmental agency.
71.04(8)(c) (c) The net business income of railroads, sleeping car companies, car line companies, pipeline companies, financial organizations, telecommunications companies, air carriers, and public utilities requiring apportionment shall be apportioned pursuant to rules of the department of revenue, but the income taxed is limited to the income derived from business transacted and property located within the state.
71.04(9) (9)Nonresident income from multistate tax-option corporation. Nonresident individuals and nonresident estates and trusts deriving income from a tax-option corporation which is engaged in business within and without this state shall be taxed only on the income of the corporation derived from business transacted and property located in this state and losses and other items of the corporation deductible by such shareholders shall be limited to their proportionate share of the Wisconsin loss or other item, except that all income that is realized from the sale of or purchase and subsequent sale or redemption of lottery prizes if the winning tickets were originally bought in this state shall be allocated to this state. For purposes of this subsection, all intangible income of tax-option corporations passed through to shareholders is business income that follows the situs of the business, except that all income that is realized from the sale of or purchase and subsequent sale or redemption of lottery prizes if the winning tickets were originally bought in this state shall be allocated to this state.
71.04(10) (10)Department may waive factor. Where, in the case of any nonresident individual or nonresident estate or trust engaged in business in and outside of this state and required to apportion its income as provided in this section, it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the department of revenue that the use of any one of the 3 factors provided under sub. (4) gives an unreasonable or inequitable final average ratio because of the fact that such nonresident individual or nonresident estate or trust does not employ, to any appreciable extent in its trade or business in producing the income taxed, the factors made use of in obtaining such ratio, this factor may, with the approval of the department of revenue, be omitted in obtaining the final average ratio which is to be applied to the remaining net income. This subsection does not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007.
71.04(11) (11)Department may apportion by rule. If the income of any such nonresident individual or nonresident estate or trust properly assignable to the state of Wisconsin cannot be ascertained with reasonable certainty by the methods under this section, then the same shall be apportioned and allocated under such rules as the department of revenue may prescribe.
71.05 71.05 Income computation.
71.05(1)(1)Exempt and excludable income. There shall be exempt from taxation under this subchapter the following:
71.05(1)(a) (a) Retirement systems. All payments received from the U.S. civil service retirement system, the U.S. military employee retirement system, the employee's retirement system of the city of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County employees' retirement system, sheriff's annuity and benefit fund of Milwaukee County, police officer's annuity and benefit fund of Milwaukee, fire fighter's annuity and benefit fund of Milwaukee, or the public employee trust fund as successor to the Milwaukee public school teachers' annuity and retirement fund and to the Wisconsin state teachers retirement system, which are paid on the account of any person who was a member of the paying or predecessor system or fund as of December 31, 1963, or was retired from any of the systems or funds as of December 31, 1963, but such exemption shall not exclude from gross income tax sheltered annuity benefits.
71.05(1)(am) (am) Military retirement systems. All retirement payments received from the U.S. military employee retirement system, to the extent that such payments are not exempt under par. (a).
71.05(1)(an) (an) Uniformed services retirement benefits. All retirement payments received from the U.S. government that relate to service with the coast guard, the commissioned corps of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, or the commissioned corps of the public health service, to the extent that such payments are not exempt under par. (a) or (am).
71.05(1)(b) (b) State legislature allowance for expenses. All amounts received in accordance with s. 13.123 (1) (a) which are spent for the purposes specified in s. 13.123 (1) (a) if the person does not claim a deduction for travel expenses away from home on legislative days. In this chapter, the place of residence of a member of the state legislature within the legislative district which the member represents shall be considered the member's home.
71.05(1)(c) (c) Certain interest income. Interest received on bonds or notes issued by any of the following:
71.05(1)(c)1. 1. The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority under s. 234.65, if the bonds are used to fund an economic development loan to finance construction, renovation, or development of property that would be exempt under s. 70.11 (36).
71.05(1)(c)1m. 1m. The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority under s. 234.08 or 234.61, on or after January 1, 2004, if the bonds or notes are issued to fund multifamily affordable housing projects or elderly housing projects.
71.05(1)(c)3. 3. A local exposition district created under subch. II of ch. 229.
71.05(1)(c)4. 4. A local professional baseball park district created under subch. III of ch. 229.
71.05(1)(c)5. 5. A local professional football stadium district created under subch. IV of ch. 229.
71.05(1)(c)6. 6. A local cultural arts district created under subch. V of ch. 229.
71.05(1)(c)7. 7. The Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.
71.05(1)(f) (f) Income from the sales of certain insurance policies. Income received by the original policyholder or original certificate holder from the sale of a life insurance policy or certificate, or the sale of the death benefit under a life insurance policy or certificate, under a viatical settlement contract, as defined in s. 632.68 (1) (d).
71.05(2) (2)Nonresident reciprocity. All payments received by natural persons domiciled outside Wisconsin who derive income from the performance of personal services in Wisconsin shall be excluded from Wisconsin gross income to the extent that it is subjected to an income tax imposed by the state of domicile; provided that the law of the state of domicile allows a similar exclusion of income from personal services earned in such state by natural persons domiciled in Wisconsin, or a credit against the tax imposed by such state on such income equal to the Wisconsin tax on such income.
71.05(3) (3)Menominee Indian tribe; distribution of assets. No distribution of assets from the United States to the members of the Menominee Indian tribe as defined in s. 49.385 or their lawful distributees, or to any corporation, or organization, created by the tribe or at its direction pursuant to section 8, P.L. 83-399, as amended, and no issuance of stocks, bonds, certificates of indebtedness, voting trust certificates or other securities by any such corporation or organization, or voting trust, to such members of the tribe or their lawful distributees shall be subject to income taxes under this chapter; provided, that so much of any cash distribution made under said P.L. 83-399 as consists of a share of any interest earned on funds deposited in the treasury of the United States pursuant to the supplemental appropriation act, 1952, (65 Stat. 736, 754) shall not by virtue of this subsection be exempt from the individual income tax of this state in the hands of the recipients for the year in which paid. For the purpose of ascertaining the gain or loss resulting from the sale or other disposition of such assets and stocks, bonds, certificates of indebtedness and other securities under this chapter, the fair market value of such property, on termination date as defined in s. 70.057 (1), 1967 stats., shall be the basis for determining the amount of such gain or loss.
71.05(5) (5)Fractional year. When an income tax return is required to be filed for a fractional part of a year under s. 71.03 (3), the Wisconsin taxable income shall be placed on an annual basis using the method applicable for federal income taxes under section 443 (b) (1) of the internal revenue code.
71.05(6) (6)Modifications and transitional adjustments. Some of the modifications referred to in s. 71.01 (13) and (14) are:
71.05(6)(a) (a) Additions. To federal adjusted gross income add:
71.05(6)(a)1. 1. The amount of any interest, except interest under par. (b) 1., less related expenses, which is not included in federal adjusted gross income, and except the amount of any interest or original issue discount derived from bonds issued under subch. IV of ch. 18.
71.05 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. Tax 3.095, Wis. adm. code.
71.05(6)(a)2. 2. Losses not allocable or apportionable to this state under s. 71.04.
71.05(6)(a)3. 3. Any amount deducted as a capital loss carry-over from any taxable year prior to the 1965 taxable year.
71.05(6)(a)4. 4. The amount of any lump sum distribution taxable under section 402 (d) (1) of the internal revenue code (relating to distributions from employee benefit plans).
71.05(6)(a)5. 5. Any amount deducted as a capital loss carry-over from any taxable year prior to the 1975 taxable year if the capital asset which generated the loss had a situs outside of Wisconsin.
71.05(6)(a)6. 6. Any amount received in taxable year 1979 or thereafter by a Wisconsin resident shareholder as a proportionate share of the earnings and profits of a tax-option corporation which was accumulated prior to the beginning of its 1979 taxable year and not considered a dividend when received under section 1375 (d) (1) of the internal revenue code as amended to December 31, 1978.
71.05(6)(a)7. 7. Any amount deducted under section 170 (i) of the internal revenue code (relating to the deduction of charitable contributions by individuals who do not itemize deductions).
71.05(6)(a)8. 8. Wages paid to an entertainer or entertainment corporation unless the taxpayer complies with ss. 71.63 (3) (b), 71.64 (4) and (5) and 71.80 (15) (b).
71.05(6)(a)9. 9. Any amount excluded from adjusted gross income under section 641 (c) (1) of the internal revenue code (relating to gain on the sale of any property by a trust within 2 years of acquisition).
71.05(6)(a)10. 10. For the taxable year, for a person who is not "actively engaged in farming," as that term is used in 7 CFR 1400.201, combined net losses, exclusive of net gains from the sale or exchange of capital or business assets and exclusive of net profits, from businesses, from rents, from partnerships, from limited liability companies, from S corporations, from estates, or from trusts, under section 165 of the Internal Revenue Code, except losses allowable under sections 1211 and 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code, otherwise includable in calculating Wisconsin income if those losses are incurred in the operation of a farming business, as defined in section 464 (e) 1. of the Internal Revenue Code to the extent that those combined net losses exceed $20,000 if nonfarm Wisconsin adjusted gross income exceeds $55,000 but does not exceed $75,000, exceed $17,500 if nonfarm Wisconsin adjusted gross income exceeds $75,000 but does not exceed $100,000, exceed $15,000 if nonfarm Wisconsin adjusted gross income exceeds $100,000 but does not exceed $150,000, exceed $12,500 if nonfarm Wisconsin adjusted gross income exceeds $150,000 but does not exceed $200,000, exceed $10,000 if nonfarm Wisconsin adjusted gross income exceeds $200,000 but does not exceed $250,000, exceed $7,500 if nonfarm Wisconsin adjusted gross income exceeds $250,000 but does not exceed $300,000, exceed $5,000 if nonfarm Wisconsin adjusted gross income exceeds $300,000 but does not exceed $600,000, and exceed $0 if nonfarm adjusted gross income exceeds $600,000, except that the amounts applicable to married persons filing separately are 50% of the amounts specified in this subdivision.
71.05(6)(a)12. 12. All penalties for early withdrawals from time savings accounts and deposits deducted for federal income tax purposes and paid while the individual charged with the penalty was a nonresident of this state; all reforestation expenses related to property not in this state, deducted for federal income tax purposes and paid while the individual paying the expense was not a resident of this state; all contributions to individual retirement accounts, simplified employee pension plans and self-employment retirement plans and all deductible employee contributions, deducted for federal income tax purposes and in excess of that amount multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the individual's wages and net earnings from a trade or business taxable by this state and the denominator of which is the individual's total wages and net earnings from a trade or business; the contributions to a Keogh plan deducted for federal income tax purposes and in excess of that amount multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the individual's net earnings from a trade or business, taxable by this state, and the denominator of which is the individual's total net earnings from a trade or business; the amount of health insurance costs of self-employed individuals deducted under section 162 (L) of the internal revenue code for federal income tax purposes and in excess of that amount multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the individual's net earnings from a trade or business, taxable by this state, and the denominator of which is the individual's total net earnings from a trade or business; and the amount of self-employment taxes deducted under section 164 (f) of the internal revenue code for federal income tax purposes and in excess of that amount multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the individual's net earnings from a trade or business, taxable by this state, and the denominator of which is the individual's total net earnings from a trade or a business.
71.05(6)(a)13. 13. The amount claimed by a fiduciary as an itemized deduction under section 164 or 216 (a) (1) of the internal revenue code on the federal fiduciary return.
71.05(6)(a)14. 14. Any amount received as a proportionate share of the earnings and profits of a corporation that is an S corporation for federal income tax purposes if those earnings and profits accumulated during a year for which the shareholders have elected under s. 71.365 (4) not to be a tax-option corporation, to the extent not included in federal adjusted gross income for the current year.
71.05(6)(a)15. 15. The amount of the credits computed under s. 71.07 (2dd), (2de), (2di), (2dj), (2dL), (2dm), (2dr), (2ds), (2dx), (3g), (3n), (3s), (3t), (3w), (5b), (5d), [and] (5e), (5f), and (5h) and not passed through by a partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation that has added that amount to the partnership's, company's, or tax-option corporation's income under s. 71.21 (4) or 71.34 (1) (g).
71.05 Note NOTE: Subd. 15. is shown as affected by 3 acts of the 2005 Wisconsin legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c). The bracketed "and" was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 479, but rendered surplusage by 2005 Wis. Act 483. Corrective legislation is pending.
71.05(6)(a)16. 16. Any amount recognized as a loss under section 1001 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code if a surviving spouse and a distributee exchange their interests in marital property under s. 766.31 (3) (b).
71.05(6)(a)17. 17. The amount received under s. 71.07 (3m) (c) or 71.60, or both, that is not included in federal adjusted gross income.
71.05(6)(a)18. 18. Any amount deducted as moving expenses under section 217 of the internal revenue code if the expense relates to a move made by an individual who changes his or her domicile from this state as a result of the move or if the expense relates to a move made by an individual who is not domiciled in this state as a result of the move.
71.05(6)(a)20. 20. The amount of any excess distribution, as that term is used in section 1291 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code, from a passive foreign investment company.
71.05(6)(b) (b) Subtractions. From federal adjusted gross income subtract to the extent included in federal taxable or adjusted gross income unless the modification is an item, other than a capital gain deduction under s. 71.36 or interest on U.S. obligations, that is passed through to an individual from a tax-option corporation and would be included in that corporation's income if it were not a tax-option corporation:
71.05(6)(b)1. 1. The amount of any interest or dividend income which is by federal law exempt from taxation by this state less the related expense in regard to both the distributable and nondistributable interest and dividend income on a fiduciary return.
71.05 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ss. Tax 3.095 and 3.096, Wis. adm. code.
71.05(6)(b)2. 2. Net income not allocated or apportioned to this state under s. 71.04.
71.05(6)(b)3. 3. Any other amount not subject to taxation under this chapter, less any amount allocable thereto which has been deducted in the computation of federal taxable or adjusted gross income except amounts used to calculate the credit under s. 71.07 (5).
71.05 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. Tax 3.098, Wis. adm. code.
71.05(6)(b)3m. 3m. As provided under s. 71.07 (3s) (c) 7., the amount of the credit under s. 71.07 (3s) that the taxpayer added back to income under s. 71.05 (6) (a) at the time that the taxpayer first claimed the credit.
71.05(6)(b)4. 4. Disability payments, if the individual either is single or is married and files a joint return, to the extent those payments are excludable under section 105 (d) of the internal revenue code as it existed immediately prior to its repeal in 1983 by section 122 (b) of P.L. 98-21, except that if an individual is divorced during the taxable year that individual may subtract an amount only if that person is disabled and the amount that may be subtracted then is $100 for each week that payments are received or the amount of disability pay reported as income, whichever is less. If the exclusion under this subdivision is claimed on a joint return and only one of the spouses is disabled, the maximum exclusion is $100 for each week that payments are received or the amount of disability pay reported as income, whichever is less.
71.05(6)(b)5. 5. Any amounts that are recoveries of federal itemized deductions for which no tax benefit was received for Wisconsin purposes.
71.05(6)(b)6. 6. For the original purchaser of small business stock that is purchased at the time that the business is incorporated, the amount of net capital gains on small business stock otherwise subject to the tax under s. 71.02 if the taxpayer has not acquired the stock by gift, has not acquired the stock in a stock-for-stock exchange and submits with the taxpayer's return a copy of the certification under s. 71.01 (10).
71.05(6)(b)8. 8. The difference between the amount included in federal adjusted gross income for the current year and the amount calculated under section 85 of the internal revenue code (relating to unemployment compensation) as that section existed on December 31, 1985.
71.05(6)(b)9. 9. On assets held more than one year and on all assets acquired from a decedent, 60% of the capital gain as computed under the internal revenue code, not including capital gains for which the federal tax treatment is determined under section 406 of P.L. 99-514; not including amounts treated as ordinary income for federal income tax purposes because of the recapture of depreciation or any other reason; and not including amounts treated as capital gain for federal income tax purposes from the sale or exchange of a lottery prize. For purposes of this subdivision, the capital gains and capital losses for all assets shall be netted before application of the percentage.
71.05(6)(b)10. 10. Farm losses added to income under par. (a) 10. in any of the 15 preceding years, to the extent that they are not offset against farm income of any year between the loss year and the taxable year for which the modification under this subdivision is claimed and to the extent that they do not exceed the net profits or net gains from the sale or exchange of capital or business assets in the current taxable year from the same farming business or portion of that business to which the limits on deductible farm losses under par. (a) 10. applied in the loss year.
71.05(6)(b)11. 11. The amount of recapture under s. 71.07 (2di) (e).
71.05(6)(b)12. 12. Any amount recognized as a gain under section 1001 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code if a surviving spouse and a distributee exchange their interests in marital property under s. 766.31 (3) (b).
71.05(6)(b)13. 13. Any amount of basic, special and incentive pay income or compensation, as those terms are used in 37 USC chapters 3 and 5, received from the federal government by a person who is a member of a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces, as defined in 26 USC 7701 (a) (15), and is below the grade of commissioned officer, for services performed for Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm. In this subdivision, "services performed for Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm" means service in a unit of the U.S. armed forces if:
71.05(6)(b)13.a. a. The person is activated for Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm; and
71.05(6)(b)13.b. b. The service occurs during the period that there is in effect a designation by the president of the United States that the service is part of Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm.
71.05(6)(b)14. 14. Up to $500 per month of basic, special and incentive pay income or compensation, as those terms are used in 37 USC chapters 3 and 5, received from the federal government by a person who is a member of a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces, as defined in 26 USC 7701 (a) (15), and is a commissioned officer, for services performed for Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm. In this subdivision, "services performed for Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm" means service in a unit of the U.S. armed forces if:
71.05(6)(b)14.a. a. The person is activated for Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm; and
71.05(6)(b)14.b. b. The service occurs during the period that there is in effect a designation by the president of the United States that the service is part of Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm.
71.05(6)(b)17. 17. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1992, and before January 1, 1994, an amount paid by a self-employed person, or an amount paid by a person who is the employee of another person if the person's employer pays no amount of money toward the person's medical care insurance, for medical care insurance for the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents, calculated as follows:
71.05(6)(b)17.a. a. Twenty-five percent of the amount paid by the person for medical care insurance. In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care insurance policy that covers the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical or other health service coverage, and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a self-insured plan, but "medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity policies or policies with ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss of income resulting from a total or partial inability to work because of illness, sickness or injury.
71.05(6)(b)17.b. b. From the amount calculated under subd. 17. a., subtract the amounts deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal adjusted gross income.
71.05(6)(b)17.c. c. For a person who is a nonresident or a part-year resident of this state, modify the amount calculated under subd. 17. b. by multiplying the amount by a fraction the numerator of which is the person's net earnings from a trade or business taxable by this state and the denominator of which is the person's total net earnings from a trade or business.
71.05(6)(b)17.d. d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 17. b. or c. to the person's aggregate net earnings from a trade or business that are taxable by this state.
71.05(6)(b)18. 18. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1993, and before January 1, 1995, an amount paid by a self-employed person, or an amount paid by a person who is the employee of another person if the person's employer pays no amount of money toward the person's medical care insurance, for medical care insurance for the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents, calculated as follows:
71.05(6)(b)18.a. a. Fifty percent of the amount paid by the person for medical care insurance. In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care insurance policy that covers the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical or other health service coverage, and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a self-insured plan, but "medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity policies or policies with ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss of income resulting from a total or partial inability to work because of illness, sickness or injury.
71.05(6)(b)18.b. b. From the amount calculated under subd. 18. a., subtract the amounts deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal adjusted gross income.
71.05(6)(b)18.c. c. For a person who is a nonresident or a part-year resident of this state, modify the amount calculated under subd. 18. b. by multiplying the amount by a fraction the numerator of which is the person's net earnings from a trade or business taxable by this state and the denominator of which is the person's total net earnings from a trade or business.
71.05(6)(b)18.d. d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 18. b. or c. to the person's aggregate net earnings from a trade or business that are taxable by this state.
71.05(6)(b)19. 19. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1995, an amount paid by a self-employed person for medical care insurance for the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents, calculated as follows:
71.05(6)(b)19.a. a. One hundred percent of the amount paid by the person for medical care insurance. In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care insurance policy that covers the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical or other health service coverage, and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a self-insured plan, but "medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity policies or policies with ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss of income resulting from a total or partial inability to work because of illness, sickness or injury.
71.05(6)(b)19.b. b. From the amount calculated under subd. 19. a., subtract the amounts deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal adjusted gross income.
71.05(6)(b)19.c. c. For a person who is a nonresident or a part-year resident of this state, modify the amount calculated under subd. 19. b. by multiplying the amount by a fraction the numerator of which is the person's net earnings from a trade or business that are taxable by this state and the denominator of which is the person's total net earnings from a trade or business.
71.05(6)(b)19.d. d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 19. b. or c. to the person's aggregate net earnings from a trade or business that are taxable by this state.
71.05(6)(b)20. 20. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1995, and before January 1, 2006, an amount paid by a person who is the employee of another person if the person's employer pays no amount of money toward the person's medical care insurance, for medical care insurance for the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents, calculated as follows:
71.05(6)(b)20.a. a. Fifty percent of the amount paid by the person for medical care insurance. In this subdivision, "medical care insurance" means a medical care insurance policy that covers the person, his or her spouse and the person's dependents and provides surgical, medical, hospital, major medical or other health service coverage, and includes payments made for medical care benefits under a self-insured plan, but "medical care insurance" does not include hospital indemnity policies or policies with ancillary benefits such as accident benefits or benefits for loss of income resulting from a total or partial inability to work because of illness, sickness or injury.
71.05(6)(b)20.b. b. From the amount calculated under subd. 20. a., subtract the amounts deducted from gross income for medical care insurance in the calculation of federal adjusted gross income.
71.05(6)(b)20.c. c. For a person who is a nonresident or a part-year resident of this state, modify the amount calculated under subd. 20. b. by multiplying the amount by a fraction the numerator of which is the person's net earnings from a trade or business taxable by this state and the denominator of which is the person's total net earnings from a trade or business.
71.05(6)(b)20.d. d. Reduce the amount calculated under subd. 20. b. or c. to the person's aggregate net earnings from a trade or business that are taxable by this state.
71.05(6)(b)21.a.a. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2007, the difference between the amount of social security benefits included in federal adjusted gross income for the current year and the amount calculated under section 86 of the Internal Revenue Code as that section existed on December 31, 1992.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?