27.04 27.04 Preliminary survey.
27.04(1)(1) Except as provided under sub. (1m), the commission shall make a thorough study of the county with reference to making reservations and acquisitions of lands therein for public uses, the improvement of such lands for parks, playgrounds, forest reservations, parkways and boulevards; make surveys, lay out maps, other plans and maps of a comprehensive county park system, and a county system of streets and parkways, including contiguous land of whatever shape or area designed to be ultimately used, in whole or in part, for highways, or, in whole or in part, for parkways; gather such further information in relation thereto as it deems useful and report the same to the county board. It shall make such other or further reports as may be requested by the county board. In making such studies, surveys and obtaining such information, and in making such reports, the commission shall give consideration, among other matters, to the health, comfort, enjoyment and general welfare of the people of the county, to the protection of streams, lakes and pools from pollution, to the use by the public of lakes, pools and the banks thereof, to the reforestation for public use and enjoyment of tracts of land, to the conservation of flooded areas, and to the preservation of places of natural beauty and of historic or scientific interest.
27.04(1m) (1m) Any general manager appointed under s. 27.03 (2) shall have the administrative powers and duties prescribed for the commission under sub. (1).
27.04(2) (2) The county board thereafter may by ordinance adopt the plans proposed by the commission or general manager for such comprehensive county park system, or for such a county system of streets and parkways, in whole or in part, and with such changes or modifications as it deems necessary, and may subsequently alter, change, enlarge, extend or modify the same in any respect deemed necessary.
27.04 History History: 1985 a. 29.
27.05 27.05 Powers of commission or general manager. The county park commission, or the general manager in counties with a county executive or county administrator, shall have charge and supervision of all county parks and all lands acquired by the county for park or reservation purposes. The county park commission or general manager, subject to the general supervision of the county board and regulations prescribed by the county board, except as provided under s. 27.03 (2), may do any of the following:
27.05(1) (1) Lay out, improve, maintain and govern all county parks and open spaces.
27.05(1g) (1g) Provide by contract with sanitary districts, counties, towns, cities or villages, subject to the approval of the county board of supervisors, or in any other manner, for the disposal of sewage arising from the use of county parks and take all action necessary to prevent the pollution of park or parkway areas or any portion thereof by sewage emanating from upland areas.
27.05(1m) (1m) Lay out, determine and prescribe building lines along, grade, construct, improve and maintain roads, parkways, boulevards and bridges in county parks or connecting county parks with any other parks or open spaces or with any municipality in the county, using methods and materials that it considers expedient.
27.05(1s) (1s) Make rules for the regulation of the use and enjoyment of the county parks and open spaces by the public.
27.05(2) (2) Accept, in the name of the county, grants, conveyances and devises of land and bequests and donations of money to be used for park purposes.
27.05(3) (3) Acquire, in the name of the county, by purchase, land contract, lease, condemnation, or otherwise, with the approval and consent of the county board, such tracts of land or public ways as it deems suitable for park purposes; including lands in any other county not more than three-fourths of a mile from the county line; but no land so acquired shall be disposed of by the county without the consent of said commission, and all moneys received for any such lands, or any materials, so disposed of, shall be paid into the county park fund hereinafter established.
27.05(4) (4) Acquire in the name of the county by purchase, land contract, lease, condemnation or otherwise, with the approval and consent of the county board, such tract or tracts of land as it deems necessary for the purpose of providing a suitable and convenient place and station upon which airplanes and aircraft generally may land, be cared for, and make flight from; and improve and provide such place with the necessary hangars, and equipment for same; and said county park commission or county park manager further may let, lease or have such lands or station, and make such charge therefor, as they deem proper and advisable; provided, however, that any such lands so acquired, leased or used for such purpose shall not be leased or let, exclusively, to any person, but proper provision in any such use, lease or letting, shall be made for use, by others who may desire to use same; and for the purpose herein specified said county park commission or county park manager may appropriate and use from and out of the county park funds, and the county board of supervisors may appropriate and use from and out of the funds of the county, such sum or sums as may be severally or jointly sufficient to pay for such lands and improvements; and all rents, charges and income received from said lands and the use thereof shall belong to and be paid into the county park fund herein established.
27.05(5) (5) Plant, transplant, remove, trim, spray and otherwise care for and protect all trees and shrubs on or in that part of every road, parkway and boulevard which it has laid out pursuant to this section, lying between the lot line and the curb, or in the center or side plots in all boulevards and parkways.
27.05(6) (6) Let, lease or grant the use of such part or portion of the park lands now owned or hereafter acquired as to it shall seem reasonably necessary, convenient or proper to agricultural and other societies of similar nature for agricultural and industrial fairs and exhibitions and such other purposes as tend to promote the public welfare. All fences and buildings constructed and other improvements made on such lands by societies using the same shall be constructed and made according to plans submitted to, and approved by the county park commission or county park manager, and shall be the property of the county. The county board may appropriate money for and construct buildings and make improvements on any such lands so used in the same manner and to the same extent as provided by s. 59.56 (14) (a) to (c).
27.05(7) (7) Investigate the pollution of streams and lakes wholly or partially within the jurisdiction of each county, by sewage, industrial waste, fertilizers or other probable cause of water pollution and engage in weed control and treatment or any other treatment in order to provide clean, clear water in such lakes and streams. In connection with the exercise of such powers and duties the county park commission or county park manager may conduct investigations, by authorized agents enter upon any lands and buildings in the county at reasonable hours, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, make findings, and report such findings to the county board of supervisors of such county. Each county may join with, cooperate or contract with other counties or municipalities to provide for pollution control or weed control and treatment of lakes and streams wholly or partially within such county.
27.05(8) (8) Have complete and exclusive jurisdiction and control over the improvement and maintenance of that portion of any public alley, street or highway which has heretofore been, or hereafter may be, by consent of the governing body of the town, city or village wherein such alley, street or highway is located, made a part of the county park or parkway system. The installation of privately owned utilities in such portion of said public alley, street or highway shall be made subject to the approval of said county park commission or county park manager; sewers, water mains or other municipally owned utilities or facilities may be installed and maintained by the governing body of the municipality in which such portion of said alley, street or highway is located, upon 5 days' notice in writing to said county park commission or county park manager, which notice shall specify the type of utility to be installed and have plans thereof attached, and provided that the town, city or village shall restore as nearly as practicable to its prior condition any surface, subsurface or structures located above or below the ground that may be disturbed by said installation or maintenance.
27.05 History History: 1985 a. 29 ss. 650, 3200 (56); 1993 a. 246; 1995 a. 201; 1999 a. 83.
27.05 Annotation Although counties may charge reasonable fees for the use of facilities in their county parks, they may not charge such fees only to out-of-state residents while allowing all Wisconsin residents to utilize such facilities free of charge simply because outdoor recreation program funds are involved. Such action would create an arbitrary and unreasonable distinction based on residence and unconstitutionally deny residents of other states equal protection of the laws. 60 Atty. Gen. 18.
27.05 Annotation A county has full power and control over county park lands even though they are located within the limits of a city. 60 Atty. Gen. 282.
27.05 Annotation The practice of a county park commission, in granting free or complimentary season golf passes for the use of the county-owned and operated golf course to elected county officials and certain appointed county officials, is in excess of the authority of the commission when the practice cannot be shown to serve any identifiable public purpose. 63 Atty. Gen. 213.
27.06 27.06 Mill-tax appropriation. The county board may annually, at the same time that other county taxes are levied, levy a tax upon the taxable property of such county for the purchase of land and the payment of expenses incurred in carrying on the work of the park commission. In every county having a population of 500,000 or more, the county park commission shall be subject to s. 59.60.
27.06 History History: 1975 c. 78, 200, 422; 1995 a. 201.
27.06 Annotation The mill annual tax levy limitations set forth in s. 27.06 apply when county parks are operated by a county park commission, pursuant to s. 27.02, et seq., or a county board committee to which the functions and duties of such commission have been transferred but not where county parks are operated under the express provisions of s. 27.015 (now 27.019). Annual taxes levied to pay principal and interest on county indebtedness incurred under ch. 67 for park purposes must be included within the mill limitation set forth in s. 27.06. Proceeds from the sale of part of a county park may be used for capital improvements in county parks in addition to a maximum annual levy under s. 27.06. 60 Atty. Gen. 124.
27.065 27.065 County parks and parkways.
27.065(1) (1) Land acquisition.
27.065(1)(a)(a) The county board of any county which shall have adopted a county system of parks or a county system of streets and parkways, pursuant to s. 27.04, may acquire the lands necessary for carrying out all or part of such plan by gift, purchase, condemnation or otherwise; provided, however, that no lands shall be acquired by condemnation unless and until the common council of the city or the board of trustees of the village or the board of supervisors of the town wherein such land is situated shall consent thereto. The cost of acquiring such lands by purchase or condemnation may be paid in whole or in part by the county or by the property to be benefited thereby, as the county board shall direct but in no case shall the amount assessed to any parcel of real estate exceed the benefits accruing thereto; provided, that no assessment for paying the cost of acquiring lands may be levied or collected against the property to be benefited until the governing body of the city, village or town where such lands are located has by resolution determined that the public welfare will be promoted thereby. Title to all lands acquired hereunder shall be an estate in fee simple.
27.065(1)(b) (b) Before instituting condemnation proceedings or purchasing lands to be paid for in whole or part by assessment of benefits, the county board shall specify in general terms the land to be so acquired and shall refer the same to the county park commission, except that in counties with a county executive or county administrator, the referral shall be to the general manager. The commission or general manager shall thereafter make a report to the county board, giving a particular description of each lot, parcel or subdivision of land to be thus acquired, together with the opinion and recommendations of the commission or general manager upon the matter of acquiring such lands. Thereafter the county board may, by resolution, determine whether or not such lands shall be acquired by condemnation proceedings or otherwise.
27.065(2) (2)Condemnation.
27.065(2)(a)(a) Whenever lands for a county system of parks or parkways are being condemned in accordance with this section, ch. 32, relating to eminent domain with relation to the acquisition of lands for streets, applies to the acquisition of lands for streets and parkways by the county board, excepting that in cases where the whole or any part of the cost of acquiring such lands is to be paid by special assessments the board by resolution may determine that such assessments may be paid in one or more equal annual installments, together with a rate of interest upon the unpaid principal, which interest shall not exceed 6%. Any person whose lands are taken or against whose lands assessments for benefits or damage are made, may appeal from the award of the commissioners to the circuit court of the county as prescribed by s. 32.05 (11). If it appears to the condemnation commissioners or to the court that the public interest will be served by changing the boundaries or increasing or decreasing the amount of land to be acquired, the court or commissioners may so notify the county board, and the condemnation petition filed by the board may be so altered, changed or amended by resolution of the board. Notice may be given and new parties brought in as provided in s. 32.14.
27.065(2)(b) (b) When any assessment of benefits and damages is made in condemnation proceedings the commissioners shall file a copy of their final report in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county and also with the county clerk. The county clerk shall thereupon prepare a list of special taxes to be entered in the tax roll on account thereof, which list shall have set opposite each description against which benefits not offset by damages or an excess of benefits over damages shall have been assessed, the amount of such benefits or excess, which amount shall be levied upon the land described as a special tax and be collected the same as other taxes for county purposes. The amount thereof shall be certified by the county clerk with other state and county taxes and charges, to the clerks of the cities, towns or villages within which the property is located, and the clerks of the respective cities, towns or villages, at the time of making out the next tax roll, shall levy the same on the land described as a special tax to be collected the same as other taxes. The first installment shall include a proportionate part of the principal of the special assessment, together with interest on the whole assessment at the rate fixed by the county board, from the date when the county shall have obtained the right to possession of the land condemned. Payment of the amount of damages awarded to any owner by the commissioners shall be made to such owner regardless of benefits assessed against other lands of the same owner.
27.065(2)(c) (c) The cost of condemnation shall be paid out of the general or contingent county fund, except where a special fund therefor shall have been provided.
27.065(2)(d) (d) For the purpose of anticipating the collection of special assessments on account of such acquisition and after the assessments have been determined the county board may provide that the amount thereof may be paid with certificates against the parcels of real estate so benefited, or in special improvement bonds, or from the proceeds of the sale of such bonds, or that payments may be made part in certificates, part in cash and part in special improvement bonds, and the manner of issuing, the form and content of such certificates and bonds shall be governed by subs. (7) to (12) so far as applicable. The special assessment bonds issued hereunder may contain a general description of the lands against which assessments have been made to pay the cost of acquisition.
27.065(2)(e) (e) The county board may provide for the payment out of the county treasury of all or any portion of the special assessments theretofore levied pursuant to this section and not yet due, and in such event shall, upon verified application, refund to the persons who have made prepayment of such assessments the proportionate amounts of such prepayments.
27.065(3) (3)Parkways and streets, improve. The county board may improve all or any portion of the county's system of streets and parkways by causing the same to be leveled, graded, paved or improved in any other manner, and sidewalks, curbs or gutters or either installed, cause water and sewer mains and laterals, and lighting mains and fixtures, fences, bridges, culverts, viaducts and flood control dams erected and constructed therein, and cause the parkway portions thereof to be planted, seeded or sodded. The county board may establish the grade of all streets and parkways in areas not already established and change and reestablish the same as it deems expedient. Whenever it shall change or alter the permanently established grade of any street or parkway, any person thereby sustaining damages to property owned on the affected street shall have a right to recover the damages in the manner set forth in this section. The grade of all streets and parkways shall be established and described and the adoption of such grades and all alterations thereof shall be recorded by the county clerk. No street or parkway shall be worked until the grade thereof is established and recorded in the office of the county clerk.
27.065(4) (4)Expense of improvement.
27.065(4)(a)(a) The expense of such work or improvement may be paid in whole or in part by the county or by the property to be benefited thereby, as the county board shall direct, but in no case shall the amount assessed to any parcel of real estate exceed the benefits accruing thereto by such improvement, and in no case shall any benefits be assessed except for grading, paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter, sewer or water mains or laterals, and in no case shall any assessment be made upon the real estate for any such work or improvement upon any established and existing road, street or highway until the governing board of the city, village or town in which said road, street or highway is located has by resolution determined that the public welfare will be promoted by such work and improvement.
27.065(4)(b) (b) Where sidewalks have been installed adjacent to private property, s. 66.0907 shall govern in respect to keeping said sidewalks in repair and free from snow, ice and obstructions; provided that the county board shall have the powers in said section vested in the common council, and the county highway committee shall have such powers as are in said section vested in the board of public works, and the word "city" shall mean the county. Where private homes are built upon lands abutting on any portion of a parkway and such houses face the parkway drive and said drive is the means of entrance to said lands, similar to any city street, then the responsibility for maintaining the area between the parkway drive and the private property lot line shall be that of the abutting property owner.
27.065(5) (5)Preliminary estimate; contract or noncontract work.
27.065(5)(a)(a) No such work or improvement shall be commenced by the county board until the county park commission except in counties with a county executive or county administrator, until the general manager, has made a preliminary estimate of the cost thereof and submitted the same, together with a proposed plan of such improvement showing the character and extent of the same to the county board. The county board may thereafter determine the character and extent of the improvements to be made. Such improvements may be made by contract or noncontract work as the county board shall determine. All contracts awarded under this paragraph shall be let by contract to the lowest responsible and reliable bidder. When the work required or directed to be let to the lowest responsible and reliable bidder, plans and specifications for the same containing a description of the work, materials to be used and such other matters as will give an intelligent idea of the work required, shall be prepared and filed with the county clerk for the inspection of bidders, together with a form of contract and bond, with sureties required, and the same shall be furnished to all persons desiring to bid on the work. All contracts shall be entered into in the name of the county and shall be executed and performed under the direction of the county board, except that in any county without a county executive or county administrator the county board may vest its county highway committee or the county park commission with authority to enter into such contracts and to have charge of the performance thereof. In any county without a county executive or county administrator, the county highway commissioner, under the direction of the county board, or the county highway committee or park commission, shall superintend such work.
27.065(5)(b) (b) In any county with a county executive or a county administrator, the county board may vest the county highway commissioner or the county park manager with authority to enter into contracts under par. (a) and to have charge of the performance thereof.
27.065(6) (6)Determination of benefits and damages; notice.
27.065(6)(a)(a) Before the county board shall change or alter any established grade or order any work to be done in any county system of streets or parkways at the expense in whole or in part of the real estate to be benefited thereby, it shall order the county highway commissioner to view the premises and determine the damages and benefits which will accrue to each parcel of real estate affected by such change or alteration of grade, the entire cost of the contemplated work or the improvement upon the street or parkway, the benefits and damages that will accrue to the several parcels of real estate thereby, and the amount that should be assessed to each parcel of real estate as benefits accruing thereto by such contemplated work or improvement.
27.065(6)(b) (b) The county highway commissioner shall make and file in the office of the county clerk and in the commissioner's own office duplicate reports showing the determinations required to be made by the commissioner under par. (a).
27.065(6)(c) (c) Notice shall be given by the county clerk that such report is on file and open for review at this office, and will be so continued for the space of 10 days after the date of such notice, and that on a day named therein, which shall not be more than 3 days after the expiration of said 10 days, the county highway commissioner or such committee of the county board as may be appointed by resolution therefor will be present and will hear all objections that may be made to such report.
27.065(6)(d) (d) Such notice shall be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985.
27.065(6)(e) (e) No irregularity in the form of such report nor of said notice shall affect its validity if it fairly contains the information required to be conveyed thereby.
27.065(6)(f) (f) At the time specified for hearing objections to said report, the county highway commissioner or the committee shall hear all parties interested, who appear for that purpose, reduce to writing all objections that may be made and all evidence that may be offered to sustain the same, and may review, modify and correct said report as they deem just, and thereupon a complete final report shall be made and filed by the county highway commissioner or the committee with the county clerk, together with all objections and evidence taken to sustain the same, and the proof of publication of said notice, as above specified, which shall be received in all cases as presumptive evidence of the facts therein stated.
27.065(6)(g) (g) No irregularity in the form of said report or manner of conducting the proceedings or in the proof of publication shall affect the legality of said report, unless it appears that the owners of the property affected by the proceedings were clearly misled by such irregularity and have not had an opportunity to be heard. At such hearing the county highway commissioner or any member of the committee may administer oaths as necessary when conducting such hearing.
27.065(6)(h) (h) The county clerk shall publish as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, that said report is on file in the county clerk's office and that the county board will, at a meeting to be held at the time stated in the notice, consider said report and hear all objections that may be made thereto, and determine what proportion of the cost of the improvement, if any, shall be paid by the county. The county board may at such meeting confirm or correct such report or refer it back to the county highway commissioner or to its committee for further consideration.
27.065(6)(i) (i) Subject to the limitations hereinbefore mentioned the county board may determine the amount to be paid by the real estate as benefits on account of improvements of a street or parkway and the amount that should be paid by the county.
27.065(6)(j) (j) When the final determination has been reached by the county board, the county clerk shall publish as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, that a final determination has been made as to the damages that will accrue to the real estate because of the change of an established grade or the benefits and damages to be assessed to the real estate in case of the proposed improvement.
27.065(6)(k) (k) The owner of any parcel of land affected by the county board's final determination as to damages who feels aggrieved thereby, may within 20 days after the date of the final determination appeal therefrom to the circuit court of the county in which the affected property is located, by causing a written notice of appeal to be served upon the county clerk, and by executing a bond to the county in the sum of $50, with 2 sureties, to be approved by the county clerk, and conditioned for the faithful prosecution of the appeal, and the payment of all costs that may be adjudged against the owner. The county clerk, in case such appeal is taken, shall file a brief statement of the proceedings had in the matter before the county board with its decision thereon, and shall transmit the same with all the papers in the matter to the clerk of the circuit court. Such appeal shall be tried and determined in the same manner as cases originally commenced in the circuit court; if the claimant recovers a greater sum than the claimant was allowed by the county board the claimant shall recover costs, otherwise the county shall recover costs. No appeal shall affect or delay the proceedings for making the improvement or any contract which may be entered into therefor, but a certificate or improvement bond, as the case may be, against the lot or parcel of real estate in question, for the amount of benefits assessed to that lot, shall be issued notwithstanding such appeal, and in case the appellant shall succeed, the difference between the amount charged in the certificate or bond so issued and the amount adjudged to be paid as benefits accruing to the parcel of real estate described in the certificate or bond shall be paid by the county.
27.065(6)(L) (L) The appeal given by par. (k) from the report of the county highway commissioner or committee of the county board, as confirmed by the county board, shall be the only remedy of the owner of any parcel of land or any person interested therein, for the redress of any grievance the person may have by the making of such improvement, or of the change of any established grade covered by said report, or of any assessment or tax levied on account thereof.
27.065(7) (7)Payment; certificates, bonds.
27.065(7)(a)(a) When under a plan for a county system of streets and parkways adopted by the county board pursuant to s. 27.04, any improvement is made and the cost is in whole or in part chargeable to the real estate to be benefited thereby, the county board may provide that the amount so charged may be paid with certificates against the parcels of real estate so benefited, or in special improvement bonds, or from the proceeds of the sale of such bonds, or that payments may be made part in certificates, part in cash, and part in special improvement bonds.
27.065(7)(b) (b) Such certificates or bonds shall be in such form and bear such interest not exceeding 6% per year as the county board may prescribe, shall be executed as provided in s. 67.08 (1) and may be registered under s. 67.09. They may be made payable to the bearer with interest coupons attached, and the county board may bind the county to make good deficiencies in the collection up to but not exceeding the principal and interest, at the rate fixed, and for the time specified, upon such terms and conditions as the county board may prescribe. If the county board makes good any such deficiencies the county shall become the owner of the certificate or bond and shall succeed to all the rights of such owner in addition to all other rights of the county provided by law in cases of delinquent taxes on lands.
27.065(8) (8)Certificates. Whenever any work or improvement chargeable in whole or in part to the property specially benefited has been completed and the same approved by the county board, the contractor or the county shall be entitled to the certificate therefor as to each parcel of land against which benefits shall have been assessed for the amount chargeable thereto. After the expiration of 9 months from the date of said certificate the same shall be conclusive evidence of the legality of all proceedings up to and inclusive of the issue thereof and it may be transferred by endorsement; provided, however, that this provision shall not affect any appeal from the final determination by the county board. If said certificates are not paid before October 15 in the year in which they are issued, the same may on or before the first day of November in each year, be filed with the county clerk, whose statement of special assessments which shall be paid in the next tax shall include an amount sufficient to pay said certificate with interest thereon at the rate provided in said certificate to the time when the county clerk is required to make return of delinquent taxes, and thereafter the same proceedings shall be had as in case of other taxes.
27.065(9) (9)County improvement notice; bonds.
27.065(9)(a)(a) As soon as the amount chargeable to the real estate under this section is finally determined, the county board shall cause a notice to be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, in substantially the following form:
County Improvement Notice.
Notice is hereby given that under the plan for the county parkway system adopted by the county board, a contract has been (or is about to be) let (or noncontract work be done) for .... (describe the work and location), and that the expense of said improvement chargeable to the real estate has been determined as to each parcel of said real estate, and a statement of the same is on file with the county clerk. It is proposed to issue bonds chargeable only to the real estate to pay the special assessments, and such bonds will be issued covering all of said assessments, except in cases where the owners of the property file with the county clerk, within 30 days after the date hereof, a written notice that they elect to pay the special assessments or a part thereof on their property, describing the same, on presentation of the certificates.
27.065(9)(b) (b) After the expiration of said 30 days the county board may issue special improvement bonds covering all of the assessments except such as the owners have filed notices of election to pay as provided in this section. These bonds shall be executed as provided in s. 67.08 (1) and shall include a statement that they are chargeable to particular property, specifying against which parcels assessments have been made to pay the cost of improvement. This statement need not set forth the particular description of the property at length but shall be sufficient if it contains a reference to the record of such description in the office of the register of deeds of the county, and such particular description of all lands covered by said assessments shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county wherein said lands are situated in addition to being filed in the office of the county clerk.
27.065(9)(c) (c) Said bonds may be annual or semiannual interest coupon bonds or bonds that are registered under s. 67.09 without interest coupons, as the county board may direct, the total issue in each case shall be payable in annual installments for a period not exceeding 10 years from the date of issue, and shall draw interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per year, interest payable annually or semiannually, as the county board may direct; such bonds may be of such denomination as the county board shall determine and shall be sold at not less than par. The proceeds of the sale of such bonds shall be credited by the county treasurer to the special fund for the improvement of such streets or parkways, and may be paid to the contractor for such work when payment is due and the county board shall so direct, or the contractor may take such bonds as payment for work done with the permission of the county board.
27.065(9)(d) (d) The county clerk shall carefully prepare a statement of the special assessments on which the bonds were issued, and record the same, together with a copy of said bonds, in the clerk's office.
27.065(9)(e) (e) The county treasurer shall, out of the special fund hereby created for that purpose, pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds, as the same become due and charge the same to said fund.
27.065(9)(f) (f) In each year after the issuing of said bonds, until all of them are paid, the county clerk, in the clerk's certification of the state and county tax and charges to the clerks of the cities, towns or villages wherein the land covered by said bonds is located, shall include sufficient of the special assessment on each such parcel of land to pay the annual installment of the principal and interest of said special assessment, and this amount shall be extended on the tax roll for the year as a special tax on such property. Thereafter this tax shall be treated in all respects as any other county tax, and when collected the same shall be a special fund for the payment of such bonds and interest, and shall be used for no other purpose. The county treasurer shall, out of this special fund, pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds. Any bondholder or bondholders may redeem from any tax certificate, as fully as if owners of the land, under s. 75.01.
27.065(9)(g) (g) The county may advance or pay any funds required under this section or may purchase any such bonds and shall in such case be entitled to all the rights of any 3rd person in connection therewith, including the right to sell or otherwise dispose of such bonds.
27.065(9)(h) (h) Except as otherwise provided herein or inconsistent herewith, s. 66.0713 shall apply to certificates and bonds issued hereunder.
27.065(10) (10)Lien, foreclosure.
27.065(10)(a)(a) The special improvement bonds herein mentioned shall be equal liens against all lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against which special assessments have been made, without priority one over another, which liens shall take precedence of all other claims or liens thereon, except a lien under s. 292.31 (8) (i) or 292.81, and when issued shall transfer to the holders thereof all the right, title and interest of such county in and to the assessment made on account of the improvement mentioned therein and the liens thereby created, with full power to enforce the collection thereof by foreclosure in the manner mortgages on real estate are foreclosed. The time of redemption therefrom shall be fixed by the court, and a copy of the bond foreclosed may be filed as a part of the judgment roll in said action in lieu of the original thereof.
27.065(10)(b) (b) If within 90 days after the issuance of a tax certificate under s. 74.57, the amount to pay any installment of principal or interest shall not have been collected, the owner or owners of at least one-third in par value of the bonds issued on any single improvement may proceed in the name of that owner or names of those owners to collect the same by foreclosure thereof, and shall recover, in addition to the amount of said bonds and interest, all costs against the property of the party or parties in default.
27.065(10)(c) (c) The owner of any property covered by such bonds, or the holder of a lien thereon or other person interested in the property, may redeem the same at any time before judgment by paying to the county clerk the amount due against such property, together with 10% additional thereon, which shall be in full for all costs chargeable to such property in such action.
27.065(10)(d) (d) Any number of the holders of such bonds for any single improvement may join as plaintiffs in any such action, and any number of the owners of or other persons interested in the property covered by the assessment upon which such bonds are issued and on which they are a lien may be joined as defendants in any such action, and in case more than one action of foreclosure shall be commenced upon the bonds issued on account of a single improvement such actions may be consolidated. Any holders of bonds for the same improvement who do not join as plaintiffs may be made defendants and their rights adjudicated in the action.
27.065(10)(e) (e) Upon the commencement of any such action the plaintiff shall cause a notice thereof to be filed in the office of the county clerk and county treasurer, designating the particular property affected by such foreclosure; and thereafter no redemption of any such property from such assessments shall be had without payment of all costs theretofore accrued in such action except as hereinbefore provided.
27.065(11) (11)Limitation on action to restrain tax levy. Every action or proceeding to avoid any of the special assessments or taxes levied pursuant to the same, or to restrain the levy of such taxes, or the inclusion of lands in a tax certificate for the nonpayment of such taxes, shall be brought within 9 months from the end of the period of 30 days limited by the county improvement notice provided for in this section and not thereafter. This limitation shall cure all defects in the proceedings, and defects of power on the part of the officers making the assessment, except in cases where the lands are not liable to the assessment, or the county has no power to make any such assessment, or the amount of the assessment has been paid or a redemption made.
27.065(12) (12)Actions at law.
27.065(12)(a)(a) If in any action at law for the recovery of damages arising from a failure to make a proper assessment of benefits and damages, or failure to observe any provisions of law, or because of any act or defect in any proceeding in which benefits and damages are assessed, and in any action to set aside any special assessment against property for any purpose, or to set aside any special assessment certificate, special improvement bond or tax certificate based upon such special assessment, the court determines that such assessment is invalid by reason of a defective assessment of benefits and damages, or for any cause, it shall stay all proceedings in such action until a new assessment thereof is made as provided hereinafter; thereupon the proper county authorities shall proceed forthwith to make a new assessment of benefits and damages against the property of the plaintiff as required by law in the case of the original assessment, and the plaintiff shall have the same right to appeal from the new assessment as the plaintiff or the plaintiff's grantors would have had from the original assessment. If the validity of the new assessment is contested by the plaintiff, the court shall summarily try the matter and file an order sustaining or overruling the objection of the plaintiff. If the new assessments are held invalid, subsequent assessments may be made in like manner and similar proceedings resorted to, to determine the validity of such assessments. When the amount to be assessed against the plaintiff's property is finally determined by an assessment of benefits and damages, which the court holds to be valid, or when an appeal is taken, the court shall make an order, requiring the plaintiff to pay into the court for the benefit of the parties entitled thereto, the amount which should be justly assessed against the property in question; upon compliance with said order, judgment shall be entered for the plaintiff with costs. If the plaintiff fails to comply with such order the action shall be dismissed with costs.
27.065(12)(b) (b) Where, in any action mentioned in par. (a), a new assessment has been made which is valid so far as the regularity of the proceedings is concerned, but wherein the plaintiff may feel aggrieved by reason of the amount assessed for benefits and damages, such court shall upon the verified petition of the plaintiff, after notice of not less than 10 days, proceed with the hearing of said cause. It shall not be necessary for the plaintiff in any such action to appeal from such assessment of benefits and damages, but the court may proceed with the hearing and determination of the proper amount thereof, and render final judgment between the parties.
27.065(12)(c) (c) If any special improvement bonds issued pursuant to this section are held invalid, the county board may, as soon as the amount chargeable to the property benefited is finally determined by a new assessment, issue new special improvement bonds in lieu of such original bonds, to the holder thereof upon surrender of the same, for the amount of such new assessment remaining unpaid. Such new special improvement bonds shall be issued, enforced and collected in the manner prescribed in sub. (9). The excess in amount of such invalid special improvement bonds, if any, over such new bonds shall be paid by the county.
27.065(13) (13)Apportionment of assessment on land division.
27.065(13)(a)(a) Whenever in any proceeding under this section, whether for acquisition of land or improvement thereof, any tract of land which at the time of filing of the final assessment of benefits and damages is in one ownership and such tract or any portion thereof shall thereafter be divided or subdivided into 2 or more lots or parcels, either by recorded and filed plat or by conveyance duly recorded, and the special assessment of benefits against the original tract shall be outstanding, in installments or otherwise, the county highway committee, after notice and hearing as hereinafter provided, on verified written request of the owner of such original tract or the owner of any portion thereof shall apportion said assessment of benefits among the several lots or parcels into which the original tract or any portion thereof is divided or subdivided.
27.065(13)(b) (b) Upon receipt of any such verified written request the county highway committee forthwith shall set a time and place for hearing such request for an apportionment of said original assessment. Notice in writing of the time, place and nature of such hearing shall be sent by such committee, by registered mail, to the last-known address of each of the owners of any lot or parcel of land affected or to be affected by the requested apportionment, at least 10 days prior to the time set for such hearing. Such apportionment shall be made in an equitable manner so as to be consistent in method with the intent and purpose of the original assessment. The highway committee may engage the services of a disinterested and qualified real estate appraiser to assist the committee in making said apportionment and the owner making such written request shall pay a reasonable fee for the services of the appraiser in the amount fixed by the highway committee. The sum of the assessments apportioned to the several lots or parcels created from the original tract or any portion thereof shall not exceed the unpaid amount of the original assessment. The determination of said highway committee shall be final, unless, within 20 days after the filing of a certified copy of such determination with the clerk of the municipality wherein such land is situated, as hereinafter provided, the owner or owners of any lot or parcel of land affected by such determination shall commence an action in the circuit court of the county wherein such land is situated to set aside such determination. In any such action the owner or owners of any land affected by such determination and the county highway committee shall be named as parties defendant and the court may adjudicate an apportionment of the original assessment of benefits among the several lots or parcels into which said original tract or any portion thereof is divided or subdivided.
27.065(13)(c) (c) Upon the making of any determination apportioning any such assessment under this subsection, the county highway committee shall file a certified copy of the assessment with the county clerk of the county in which the land affected by the determination is situated. A copy of the county highway committee's determination apportioning any such assessment, certified by the chairperson of the committee or by the county clerk, may be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county in the same manner as conveyances of land. Within 10 days after the making of any such apportionment by the county highway committee, the county clerk shall file a certified copy of the apportionment with the clerk of the municipality in which the land is situated. Thereafter, the assessment as so apportioned shall be levied against each lot or parcel created by division of the original parcel or any portion thereof until the full amount of the apportioned assessment and interest thereon has been paid with the same force and effect as though the apportioned assessment had been levied against the lot or parcel when the original assessment was made. The lot or parcel shall be considered to be relieved from the lien of the original assessment except as to the amount of the assessment apportioned to the lot or parcel as provided in this subsection.
27.065(14) (14)Improved streets under supervision of commission. The system of streets and parkways acquired or improved hereunder shall thereafter be under the charge and supervision of and shall be maintained by the county park commission except in counties with a county executive or county administrator, by the general manager.
27.065(15) (15)Change in restricted use of land. Whenever any regulation, declared by law to be for public health, safety and welfare, shall have been or shall be made affecting the use of any lot or parcel of land against which a special assessment, or apportionment thereof, shall have been or shall be made under this section, any amendment, change or repeal of any such regulation to permit a less restricted use of any such lot or parcel of land shall require a three-fourths vote of the body authorized by law to make such amendment, change or repeal. No such amendment, change or repeal shall be effective unless, prior to the adoption thereof, notice by registered mail of the time and place of hearing on any such proposal shall have been given to the county park commission except in counties with a county executive or a county administrator, to the general manager, by the body authorized by law to make such amendment, change or repeal at least 10 days before the time set for any such hearing.
27.067 27.067 Penalties for damages in county parks.
27.067(1) (1) No person may destroy any notices, posted by a county, or break, tear up or mar trees, vines, shrubs or flowers, dislocate stones or disfigure natural conditions within the boundaries of any county park.
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