33.30(4)(b) (b) Take up and consider such other business as comes before it.
33.30(4)(c) (c) Establish compensation to be paid the district board commissioners.
33.30(4)(d) (d) Create a nonlapsible fund to finance specifically identified capital costs and for maintenance of capital equipment.
33.305 33.305 Special meetings of district.
33.305(1) (1) The board of commissioners of a district may schedule a special meeting of the district at any time. The board of commissioners shall schedule a special meeting upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 10% of the electors and property owners in the district.
33.305(2) (2) Written notice of a special meeting shall be given to the same persons and in the same manner required under s. 33.30 (2) (a).
33.305(3) (3) At a special meeting, electors and property owners may take any action that is required or allowed to be taken at an annual meeting, except they may not do any of the following:
33.305(3)(a) (a) Approve an annual budget but they may consider and vote on amendments to the annual budget.
33.305(3)(c) (c) Consider the dissolution of the district or dissolve the district.
33.305(3)(d) (d) Consider a matter that was resolved during another special meeting that was held since the previous annual meeting.
33.305(4) (4) No absentee ballots or proxies are permitted at a special meeting.
33.305 History History: 1989 a. 159; 1995 a. 349; 2003 a. 275.
33.31 33.31 Power to finance.
33.31(1)(1) Every district may borrow money and use any other financing method prescribed by law. In utilizing financing powers, the commission shall follow the procedures required by statute for the selected financing methods so far as they are applicable and not in conflict with this subchapter.
33.31(2) (2) Any district, when in temporary need, may borrow money under s. 67.12.
33.31(3) (3) The district shall levy an annual, irrepealable tax to pay the principal and interest of the indebtedness incurred under subs. (1) and (2) when they are due. The district shall levy this tax without limitation as to rate or amount on all taxable property within the district. The tax shall be reported in accordance with s. 33.30 (4) (a) and may not be included nor includable in the operations tax limit of s. 33.30 (4) (a).
33.31(4) (4) At an annual or special meeting, the district may not consider or approve any borrowing or any tax to pay the indebtedness incurred under sub. (1) or (2) unless the meeting notice under s. 33.30 (2) (a) or 33.305 (2) includes a statement that borrowing or a tax levy to pay the indebtedness will be considered at the meeting.
33.32 33.32 Special assessments and special charges.
33.32(1)(1) Special assessments for the purpose of carrying out district protection and rehabilitation projects, or for other lake management or sanitary service activities undertaken by the district, may be levied by the commissioners as an exercise of the district's police powers in the following manner:
33.32(1)(a) (a) Upon approval of plans for any work by the annual or by a special meeting of the district, the commissioners shall determine the entire cost to the district of the work to be done.
33.32(1)(b) (b) The commissioners shall then apportion the special assessment within the district, other than state or federal lands, on a reasonable basis. In apportioning the special assessment, the commissioners shall examine each parcel and determine the benefits to each parcel from the project, considering such factors as size, proximity to the lake and present and potential use of the parcel, including applicable zoning regulations. After benefits to each parcel are determined, assessments shall be made in an aggregate amount equal to the cost to the district of the project. Such assessments shall be made in accordance with s. 66.0703, so far as it is applicable and not in conflict with this subchapter.
33.32(1)(c) (c) The commissioners shall file in the office of the county clerk a report of the assessments made. Notice shall be given to each owner, mortgagee, lessee or other person having an interest in an affected parcel that the report is open for review at a specified place within the district for 30 days after the date of the notice and that on a day named therein, which shall not be more than 3 days after the expiration of the 30 days, the commissioners will hear objections that may be made to the report. Notice shall be by mail to each person whose post-office address is known or can be ascertained with reasonable diligence, accompanied by a statement of the assessment, and shall also be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in a newspaper having general circulation within the district.
33.32(1)(d) (d) At the time specified for hearing objections to the report, the commissioners shall hear parties interested who may appear for that purpose and may review, modify and correct the report as they deem just and at the conclusion of the hearing shall make a final determination of assessments. No assessment may be increased without additional notice to affected persons and provisions for hearing objections to such increases.
33.32(1)(e) (e) When a final determination of assessments has been made, the secretary shall publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, within the district that a final determination has been made, and shall notify by mail each person entitled to notice under par. (c) of the amount assessed against the affected parcel.
33.32(1)(f) (f) An owner, mortgagee, lessee or other person having an interest in any parcel affected by the determination who feels aggrieved thereby may, within 40 days after the date of mailing of notice, appeal therefrom to the circuit court of the county in which the district is located by causing a written notice of appeal to be served upon the secretary of the district. The secretary in case such appeal is taken shall make a brief statement of the proceedings had in the matter and shall transmit the same with all papers in the matter to the clerk of the circuit court. Such appeal shall be tried and determined in the same manner as cases originally commenced in said court.
33.32(2) (2) The commissioners of any district may provide that special assessments levied may be paid in annual installments, not more than 10 in number, in the manner provided in s. 66.0715 (3).
33.32(2m) (2m) Any delinquent special assessment or special charge that is collected under s. 66.0627 (4) or 66.0703 (13) shall be levied without limitation as to rate or amount on all taxable property within the district, shall be reported in accordance with s. 33.30 (4) (a) and shall not be included or includable in the operations tax limit of s. 33.30 (4) (a).
33.32(3) (3)
33.32(3)(a)(a) County and municipally owned real estate within a district shall be subject to special assessments.
33.32(3)(b) (b) If a county or municipality fails to pay a special assessment levied by a district, the clerk of the district may certify this fact to the department of administration, and shall state the amount due. The department, at the time of making the next scheduled distribution under s. 79.035, shall deduct the amount claimed from the payment due the county or municipality, and shall forward it to the district.
33.32(4) (4) Outstanding unpaid assessments on privately owned lands shall be paid in full by any public body, including the state, which purchases such lands.
33.32(5) (5) Sewerage system service charges imposed by districts with town sanitary district powers shall be in conformance with s. 66.0821. Special charges may be imposed for other services identified in the annual budget adopted under s. 33.30 (3) (b). The special charges may not exceed the rate of $2.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. The special charges may be certified by the district secretary to the clerk of each municipality having property within the district for collection and settlement in the same manner as provided under ch. 74. The commissioners shall allocate the charges to the property served in a manner prescribed by them unless the manner is specified by a resolution of the annual or of a special meeting. Delinquent special charges shall be governed by s. 66.0627 (4).
33.33 33.33 Merger, attachment, detachment.
33.33(1) (1) Merger. Any district may be merged with a contiguous district by resolution passed by a four-fifths vote of all the members of each board of commissioners. At the next annual or special meeting, whichever occurs first, the electors and property owners shall vote on whether to ratify the merger. If a majority of the electors and property owners present and voting in each district endorse the merger, it takes effect. Following ratification, the boards of commissioners of merging districts shall act jointly until the next annual or special meeting whichever occurs first, at which time the board of the merged district shall be conformed to the requirements specified in s. 33.28. The governing body of the county, town, village or city having the largest portion by valuation within the district shall make the appointments under s. 33.28 (2).
33.33(2) (2)Attachment. Contiguous territory may be attached to a district upon petition by the owner or motion of the commissioners.
33.33(2)(a) (a) Petition. A petition by an owner, directed to the district and requesting attachment, may be accepted by majority vote of the commissioners, upon which the attachment shall become effective.
33.33(2)(b) (b) Motion. If the commissioners by motion initiate attachment proceedings, they shall notify the owners of the territory contemplated for attachment and the county board. The county board shall schedule a hearing on the motion, using the procedure of s. 33.26 as far as is applicable. Following the hearing, the board shall make a finding on the necessity of attachment of territory, using the standards of s. 33.26 (3), and shall declare the territory to be either attached or not. Appeals of the board's decision shall be taken under s. 33.26 (7).
33.33(3) (3)Detachment. Territory may be detached from the district following petition of the owner or motion of the commissioners. Proposals for detachment shall be considered by the commissioners, and territory may be detached upon a finding that such territory is not benefited by continued inclusion in the district. Appeals of the commissioners' decision may be taken under s. 33.26 (7).
33.33 Annotation It is not always necessary for the petitioner in a detachment proceeding to prove that there has been a change in circumstances since the district was created. The finding of benefit to property required under s. 33.26 (3) in forming a district is not the same as the finding that the property is not benefited as required under s. 33.33 (3) to detach a property form the district. The s. 33.26 (3) finding is general and predictive. Section. 33.33 (3) requires an individualized evaluation of property under present circumstances. Donaldson v. Board of Commissioners of Rock-Koshkonong Lake District, 2004 WI 67, 272 Wis. 2d 146, 680 N.W.2d 762, 01-3396.
33.33 Annotation Although not specified, the right to review under sub. (3) is by statutory certiorari. Donaldson v. Board of Commissioners of Rock-Koshkonong Lake District, 2004 WI 67, 272 Wis. 2d 146, 680 N.W.2d 762, 01-3396.
33.35 33.35 Dissolution of districts. A petition to dissolve an existing district created under this chapter may not be considered at an annual meeting of the district unless an elector within the district or a property owner within the district notifies the district board of commissioners in writing at least 90 days before the annual meeting that the elector or property owner intends to petition for dissolution at that annual meeting. The notice of the annual meeting must include a statement that a petition to dissolve the district will be considered. The district may be dissolved upon a two-thirds vote of the electors and property owners present at the annual meeting. The county board shall by order dissolve the district following receipt of the petition if the county board finds that one or more of the standards for the creation of a district under s. 33.26 (3) are not met. The order for dissolution shall be conditioned upon proper petition to the circuit court and appointment of a receiver to administer the winding up of the district under the supervision of the court and a final order of the court. The attorney general shall represent the state and shall be a party to every dissolution proceeding where state money is involved.
33.35 History History: 1973 c. 301; 1989 a. 159.
33.36 33.36 Alteration of districts.
33.36(1) (1) Whenever any territory that contains an entire district is incorporated as a city or village, consolidated with a city or village or annexed to a city or village, the district shall survive and shall be subject to s. 33.23.
33.36(2) (2) Whenever any territory containing less than an entire district is incorporated as a city or village, consolidated with a city or village or is annexed to a city or village, the district shall survive, and the district shall continue to operate under this chapter, subject to the following modifications:
33.36(2)(a) (a) The district shall exercise only those powers granted under this chapter. Sanitary district powers shall not be exercised unless consent for such exercise is obtained in advance from the governing body of the city or village.
33.36(2)(b) (b) The governing body of the city, village or town having the largest portion by valuation of the district within its jurisdiction shall make the appointment under s. 33.28.
33.36(2)(c) (c) Ownership of any water or sewerage system shall be determined according to s. 60.79 (2) (d).
33.36 History History: 1975 c. 197; 1983 a. 532 s. 36; 1989 a. 159.
33.37 33.37 Districts in more than one county.
33.37(1) (1) Where the proposed district is in more than one county, the county board of the county within which the largest portion, by valuation, of the proposed district lies shall have jurisdiction under ss. 33.24 to 33.28.
33.37(2) (2) The county within which the largest portion, by valuation, of a district lies shall have jurisdiction on motions for attachment under s. 33.33 (2) (b) and on petitions for dissolution under s. 33.35.
33.37 History History: 1977 c. 391.
subch. V of ch. 33 SUBCHAPTER V
33.41 33.41 Definitions. In this subchapter:
33.41(1) (1) "Board of commissioners" means the board of commissioners of the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission.
33.41(1m) (1m) "Commission" means the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission created under s. 33.42.
33.41(2) (2) "County" means Dane County.
33.41(3) (3) "County board" means the county board of the county.
33.41(5g) (5g) "Municipality" means any city, village or town.
33.41 History History: 1989 a. 324.
33.42 33.42 Creation. There is created a Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission as part of county government. The board of commissioners shall govern the commission.
33.42 History History: 1989 a. 324.
33.44 33.44 Board of commissioners; composition.
33.44(1) (1) The board of commissioners shall consist of the following persons, all of whom shall be residents of the county:
33.44(1)(a) (a) The county executive of the county or his or her designee.
33.44(1)(b) (b) The mayor of the city of Madison or his or her designee.
33.44(1)(c) (c) Two members who are supervisors on the county board and who represent supervisory districts located entirely outside the city of Madison.
33.44(1)(d) (d) Two members who are supervisors on the county board and who represent supervisory districts located entirely within the city of Madison.
33.44(1)(dm) (dm) One member who is a member of the Yahara Lakes Association.
33.44(1)(e)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., one member who is not a supervisor on the county board, who resides in the city of Madison and whose name is on a list of at least 2 nominees submitted to the county executive by the mayor of the city of Madison.
33.44(1)(e)2. 2. If the list of nominees required under this paragraph is not submitted at least 60 days before the term of the member appointed under this paragraph expires or at least 60 days before the county executive must fill a vacancy under this paragraph, the county executive shall appoint a member who is not a supervisor on the county board and who resides in the city of Madison.
33.44(1)(f)1.1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3., one member who is not a supervisor on the county board, who resides outside the city of Madison and whose name is on a list of at least 2 nominees submitted to the county executive by the Dane County Towns Association.
33.44(1)(f)2. 2. For terms subsequent to the initial term, the person appointed under this paragraph must reside outside the city of Madison and the person's name must be on a list of at least 2 nominees submitted to the county executive by the Dane County Towns Association. Unless the person has served continuously as the member appointed under this paragraph for all previous terms, including the initial term, the person may not be a supervisor on the county board.
33.44(1)(f)3. 3. If the list of nominees required under this paragraph is not submitted at least 60 days before the term of the member appointed under this paragraph expires or at least 60 days before the county executive must fill a vacancy under this paragraph, the county executive shall appoint a member who resides outside the city of Madison and who either has served continuously as the member appointed under this paragraph for all previous terms, including the initial term, or who is not a supervisor on the county board.
33.44(1)(g)1.1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3., one member who is not a supervisor on the county board, whose name is on a list of at least 2 nominees submitted to the county executive by a majority of the chief executives of the villages and cities, except the city of Madison, that are located at least partially in the county, and who is a resident of such a village or city.
33.44(1)(g)2. 2. For terms subsequent to the initial term, the person appointed under this paragraph must not be a supervisor on the county board. Unless the person has served continuously as the member appointed under this paragraph for all previous terms, including the initial term, the name of the person must be on a list submitted to the county executive by a majority of the chief executives of the villages and cities, except the city of Madison, that are located at least partially in the county, and the person must be a resident of such a village or city.
33.44(1)(g)3. 3. If the list of nominees, when required under this paragraph, is not submitted at least 60 days before the term of the member appointed under this paragraph expires or at least 60 days before the county executive must fill a vacancy under this paragraph, the county executive shall appoint a member who is not a supervisor on the county board and who either has served continuously as the member appointed under this paragraph for all previous terms, including the initial term, or who is a resident of a village or city, except the city of Madison, that is located at least partially within the county.
33.44(2) (2) The county executive shall appoint the members listed under sub. (1) (c) to (g) subject to confirmation by the county board.
33.44(2g) (2g) In making the appointments under sub. (1) (c) and (d), the county executive shall appoint persons who will represent the diverse interests of the urban and rural communities in improving the water quality and the scenic and environmental value of the county surface waters and groundwaters.
33.44(2m) (2m) The term of a member appointed under sub. (1) (c) to (g) begins on the 3rd Tuesday in April of the year in which the member is appointed and ends on the 3rd Tuesday in April in the 3rd year following the year in which the member is appointed.
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