70.06 70.06 Assessments, where made; first class city districts; assessors; appointment, removal.
70.06(1) (1) In cities of the 1st class the assessment of property for taxation shall be under the direction of the city commissioner of assessments, who shall perform such duties in relation thereto as are prescribed by the common council, and the assessment rolls of the city shall be made as the council directs, except where such city of the 1st class is under the jurisdiction of a county assessor under s. 70.99. Manufacturing property subject to s. 70.995 shall be assessed according to that section.
70.06(2) (2) The commissioner of assessments may, with the approval of the common council, appoint one chief assessor, one or more supervising assessors and supervising assessor assistants, one or more property appraisers, and other expert technical personnel that the commissioner of assessments considers to be necessary in order that all valuations throughout the city are uniformly made in accordance with the law. The chief assessor, supervising assessors, and supervising assessor assistants shall exercise the direction and supervision over assessment procedure and shall perform the duties in relation to the assessment of property that the commissioner of assessments determines. Together with the chief assessor and the assessment analysis manager, they shall be members of the board of assessors and shall hold office in the same manner as assessors. Certification of the assessment roll shall be limited to the members of the board of assessors.
70.06(3m) (3m) No person may assume the office of commissioner of assessments, chief assessor, assessment analysis manager, systems and administration supervisor, title records supervisor, supervising assessor, supervising assessor assistant, or property appraiser appointed under sub. (2), unless certified by the department of revenue under s. 73.09 as qualified to perform the functions of the office of assessor. If a person who has not been so certified is appointed to the office, the office shall be vacant and the appointing authority shall fill the vacancy from a list of persons so certified by the department of revenue.
70.06(5) (5) This section shall not apply to a city of the 1st class after it has come under a county assessor system.
70.07 70.07 Functions of board of assessors in first class cities.
70.07(1)(1) In all 1st class cities the several assessors shall make their assessments available to the commissioner of assessments on or before the 2nd Monday in May in each year.
70.07(2) (2) The commissioner of assessments shall publish a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, that on the days named, the assessments for the city will be open for examination by the taxable inhabitants of the city. On the 2nd Monday of May the commissioner of assessments shall call together all of the assessors, and the other members of the board of assessors as provided in s. 70.06 (2), and they together with the commissioner of assessments shall constitute an assessment board.
70.07(3) (3) To the end that all valuations throughout the city shall be made on a uniform basis, such board of assessors, under the direction and supervision of the commissioner of assessments, shall compare the valuations so secured, making all necessary corrections and all other just and necessary changes to arrive at the true value of property within the city; and the commissioner of assessments may direct that all objections to valuations filed under s. 70.47 (16) shall be investigated by such board.
70.07(4) (4) The concurrence of a majority of such board of assessors shall be necessary to determine any matter upon which the commissioner of assessments requires it to act. No notice need be given to the owners of the property assessed of any corrections or changes in assessments which are made prior to the day or days fixed in the notice mentioned in sub. (2) on which said assessments are to be open for examination, but any changes made thereafter and before the assessment roll is delivered to the board of review can only be made upon notice by first class mail to the person assessed if a resident of the city or, if a nonresident, the agent of the person assessed if there is one resident therein or, if neither, the possessor of the property assessed if any, if the residence of such owner, agent or possessor is known to any member of said board of assessors.
70.07(5) (5) The commissioner of assessments may provide for such committees of the board of assessors, as the commissioner of assessments may think best, to make investigations including the investigations mentioned in sub. (3) and perform such other duties as are prescribed by the commissioner of assessments. The commissioner of assessments shall be chairperson of the board of assessors, and may appoint as a member or chairperson of the various committees, himself or herself, any assessor or other officer or employee in the commissioner's department.
70.07(6) (6) The board of assessors shall remain in session until all corrections and changes have been made, including all those resulting from investigations by committees of objections to valuations filed with the commissioner of assessments as provided in this subsection, after which the commissioner of assessments shall prepare the assessment rolls as corrected by the board of assessors and submit them to the board of review not later than the 2nd Monday in October. The person assessed, having been notified of the determination of the board of assessors as required in sub. (4), shall be deemed to have accepted the determination unless the person notifies the commissioner of assessments in writing, within 15 days from the date that the notice of determination was issued under sub. (4), of the desire to present testimony before the board of review. After the board of review has met, the commissioner of assessments may appoint committees of the board of assessors to investigate any objections to the amount or valuation of any real or personal property which have been filed with the commissioner of assessments. The committees may at the direction of the commissioner of assessments report their investigation and recommendations to the board of review and any member of any such committee shall be a competent witness in any hearing before the board of review.
70.07(7) (7) This section shall not apply to a city of the 1st class after it has come under a county assessor system.
70.075 70.075 Functions of board of assessors in cities of the 2nd class.
70.075(1)(1) In cities of the 2nd class the common council may by ordinance provide that objections to property tax assessments shall be processed through a board of assessors. In such cases, the city assessor shall publish a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, that on the days named in the notice, the assessments for the city will be open for examination by the taxable inhabitants of the city. On the 2nd Monday of May the city assessor shall call together all of the members of the board of assessors as created in sub. (2) and they, together with the city assessors, shall constitute an assessment board.
70.075(2) (2) In cities of the 2nd class which have elected to have a board of assessors, the board shall have at least 3 members and no more than 7 members, and shall consist of the city assessor, assistant assessors, appraisers or other expert technical personnel appointed by the city assessor and approved by the common council.
70.075(3) (3) To the end that all valuations throughout the city shall be made on a uniform basis, such board of assessors, under the direction and supervision of the city assessor, shall compare the valuations so secured, making all necessary corrections and all other just and necessary changes to arrive at the true value of property within the city. The city assessor may direct that all objections to valuations filed with the city assessor in writing, in the manner provided in s. 70.47 (13), shall be investigated by the board.
70.075(4) (4) The concurrence of a majority of the board of assessors is necessary to determine any matter upon which the city assessor requires it to act. No notice need be given to the owners of the property assessed of any corrections or changes in assessments which are made prior to the day or days fixed in the notice specified under sub. (1) on which the assessments are to be open for examination, but any changes made thereafter and before the assessment roll is delivered to the board of review can only be made upon notice by 1st class mail to the person assessed if a resident of the city or, if a nonresident, an agent if there is one resident in the city or, if neither, the possessor of the property assessed if any, if the residence of the owner, agent or possessor is known to any member of the board of assessors.
70.075(5) (5) The city assessor may provide for committees of the board of assessors to make investigations including the investigations mentioned in sub. (3) and perform such other duties as may be prescribed. The city assessor shall chair the board of assessors, and may appoint as a member or chairperson of the various committees, himself or herself, an assistant assessor, or other officer or employee in the office of the city assessor.
70.075(6) (6) The board of assessors shall remain in session until all corrections and changes have been made, including all those resulting from investigations by committees of objections to valuations filed with the city assessor as provided in this section, after which the city assessor shall prepare the assessment rolls as corrected by the board of assessors and submit them to the board of review not later than the last Monday in July. A person assessed who has been notified of the determination of the board of assessors as required in sub. (4) is deemed to have accepted such determination unless the person notifies the city assessor in writing, within 15 days from the date that the notice of determination was issued under sub. (4), of a desire to present testimony before the board of review. After the board of review meets, the city assessor may appoint committees of the board of assessors to investigate any objections to the amount or valuation of any real or personal property which are referred to the city assessor by the board of review. The committees so appointed may at the city assessor's direction report their investigation and recommendations to the board of review and any member of any such committee shall be a competent witness in any hearing before the board of review.
70.075(7) (7) This section does not apply to a city of the 2nd class if it is contained within a county which adopts a county assessor system under s. 70.99.
70.075 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 20; 2005 a. 49.
70.08 70.08 Assessment district. The term “assessment district" is used to designate any subdivision of territory, whether the whole or any part of any municipality, in which by law a separate assessment of taxable property is made by an assessor or assessors elected or appointed therefor except that in cities of the first class such districts may be referred to as administrative districts.
70.09 70.09 Official real property lister; forms for officers.
70.09(1)(1)Lister, county boards may provide for. Any county board may appoint a county real property lister and may appropriate funds for the operation of the department of such lister.
70.09(2) (2)Duties of lister. The county board may delegate any of the following duties to the lister:
70.09(2)(a) (a) To prepare and maintain accurate ownership and description information for all parcels of real property in the county. That information may include the following:
70.09(2)(a)1. 1. Parcel numbers.
70.09(2)(a)2. 2. The owner's name and an accurate legal description as shown on the latest records of the office of the register of deeds.
70.09(2)(a)3. 3. The owner's mailing address.
70.09(2)(a)4. 4. The number of acres in the parcel if it contains more than one acre.
70.09(2)(a)5. 5. School district and special purpose district codes.
70.09(2)(b) (b) To provide information on parcels of real property in the county for the use of taxation district assessors, city, village and town clerks and treasurers and county offices and any other persons requiring that information.
70.09(2)(c) (c) To serve as the coordinator between the county and the taxation districts in the county for assessment and taxation purposes.
70.09(2)(d) (d) To provide computer services related to assessment and taxation for the assessors, clerks and treasurers of the taxation districts in the county, including but not limited to data entry for the assessment roll, notice of assessments, summary reports, tax roll and tax bills.
70.09(3) (3)Basic tax forms.
70.09(3)(a)(a) The department of revenue shall prescribe basic uniform forms of assessment rolls, tax rolls, tax bills, tax receipts, tax roll settlement sheets and all other forms required for the assessment and collection of general property taxes throughout the state, and shall furnish each county designee a sample of the uniform forms.
70.09(3)(c) (c) If any county has reason to use forms for assessment and collection of taxes in addition to those prescribed under par. (a), the county real property lister and treasurer jointly may prescribe such additional forms for use in their county, upon approval of the department of revenue.
70.09(3)(d) (d) Each county designee who requires the forms prescribed in pars. (a) and (c) shall procure them at county expense and shall furnish such forms to the assessors, clerks and treasurers of the taxation districts within the county, as needed in the discharge of their duties.
70.09 History History: 1977 c. 142; 1983 a. 275; 1985 a. 12 ss. 2, 3, 13; 1991 a. 204; 1995 a. 225.
70.095 70.095 Assessment roll; time-share property. For the purpose of time-share property, as defined in s. 707.02 (32), a time-share instrument, as defined in s. 707.02 (28), shall provide a method for allocating real property taxes among the time-share owners, as defined in s. 707.02 (31), and a method for giving notice of an assessment and the amount of property tax to the owners. Only one entry shall be made on the assessment roll for each building unit within the time-share property, which entry shall consist of the cumulative real property value of all time-share interests in the unit.
70.095 History History: 1983 a. 432; 1985 a. 188 s. 16; 1987 a. 399.
70.10 70.10 Assessment, when made, exemption. The assessor shall assess all real and personal property as of the close of January 1 of each year. Except in cities of the 1st class and 2nd class cities that have a board of assessors under s. 70.075, the assessment shall be finally completed before the first Monday in April. All real property conveyed by condemnation or in any other manner to the state, any county, city, village or town by gift, purchase, tax deed or power of eminent domain before January 2 in such year shall not be included in the assessment. Assessment of manufacturing property subject to s. 70.995 shall be made according to that section.
70.10 History History: 1973 c. 90; 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 20.
70.10 Annotation Nothing in this section requires a property to be classified based on its actual use or prevents an assessor from considering a property's most likely use. West Capitol, Inc. v. Village of Sister Bay, 2014 WI App 52, 354 Wis. 2d 130, 848 N.W.2d 875, 13-1458.
70.105 70.105 Assessment freeze.
70.105(1) (1)Legislative declaration. It is hereby declared that in municipalities in the state, owners of real property from time to time are required to convey the same to public bodies either under threat of condemnation or because of condemnation proceedings. Property conveyed under such circumstances is designed to be used for a public purpose. Because of the circumstances attending such transfer, property owners frequently find that they must purchase on the open market property similar to that which was conveyed and frequently the property so purchased requires greater financial obligations on the part of the owner. In order to minimize the impact of the economic readjustment which results from conveyance of property either under threat of condemnation or through condemnation proceedings, it is deemed reasonable to provide an assessment freeze made applicable to the new property acquired by the owners under the conditions here enumerated.
70.105(2) (2)Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
70.105(2)(a) (a) “Assessment freeze" means the assessment placed upon the real property, both land and improvements, by the taxing authorities in the year immediately preceding the conveyance of such property under threat of condemnation or by virtue of condemnation proceedings to a public body, and which shall include a redevelopment or housing authority, expressway board or commission, or municipal utility. The assessed valuation so determined shall be the assessment of the new property required to replace such conveyed property, subject, however, to the conditions hereinafter set forth.
70.105(2)(b) (b) “Condemnation" means condemnation of property as undertaken under ch. 32 or under any other applicable provisions of law.
70.105(2)(c) (c) “New property" means the property which is acquired by the owner to replace the property which has been conveyed under threat of condemnation or through condemnation proceedings.
70.105(2)(d) (d) “Property" means the real estate plus fixtures attached to the real estate and which together form the basis for the assessment of real property.
70.105(2)(e) (e) “Threat of condemnation" means acquisition of the owner's property which a public entity, including a redevelopment or housing authority, or expressway board or commission, or municipal utility acquires for a public purpose.
70.105(3) (3)Ordinance providing an assessment freeze. The local legislative body of any municipality may by ordinance provide for the granting of an assessment freeze on property acquired by the owner for the purpose of replacing other property which had belonged to such owner and which was either conveyed by such owner under threat of condemnation or which was condemned for the benefit of a public entity to be used for public purposes, provided the newly acquired property shall be devoted by such owner to the same general purposes as was the property conveyed under threat of condemnation or through condemnation procedure. The ordinance so adopted shall specify conditions which must be satisfied in order to obtain the assessment freeze. The following conditions shall be embodied in such ordinance:
70.105(3)(a) (a) The owner of the property shall establish that he or she was the owner in fee thereof which was acquired either under threat of condemnation or by condemnation by a public body and for any of the following purposes:
70.105(3)(a)1. 1. A public expressway, street or highway;
70.105(3)(a)2. 2. A redevelopment project approved under s. 66.1333, or a housing project approved under s. 66.1201;
70.105(3)(a)3. 3. Any other public improvement which has been approved by the local legislative body.
70.105(3)(b) (b) The property conveyed as set forth in par. (a) and the new property acquired shall both be located in the same municipality.
70.105(3)(c) (c) The owner of such property shall be either a person, firm, corporation, partnership, limited liability company or association, and such ownership must be in substance rather than as to form.
70.105(3)(d) (d) The owner of the property conveyed under threat of condemnation or by condemnation shall have been the owner of such property for at least 5 years prior to such conveyance.
70.105(3)(e) (e) The property, which is acquired by the owner and for which an assessment freeze is sought, shall be used for the same general purposes as was the property conveyed or transferred either under threat of condemnation or by condemnation.
70.105(3)(f) (f) The land acquired by the owner and for which an assessment freeze is sought shall not be less than 30,000 square feet in area or in the alternative, the improvements or structures located on the land shall not be less than 200,000 cubic feet in volume. The period of the assessment freeze shall not exceed 5 years from the year in which it is first granted. The maximum amount of the assessment freeze allowed shall not be greater than 50 percent of the assessment of the property acquired and for which an assessment freeze is sought that would have been made by the assessor or the commissioner of taxation, as the case may be, had no assessment freeze been granted. In no event shall the assessment under such assessment freeze be less than the amount of the assessment of the property conveyed under threat of condemnation or by condemnation.
70.105(3)(g) (g) The assessment freeze granted shall terminate in the first year of assessment following conveyance of said real property by the owner.
70.105(3)(h) (h) Such other conditions may be set forth in the ordinance as the local legislative body determines.
70.105(3)(i) (i) The improvements on the land acquired by the owner shall be new or the aggregate amount of such improvements made to existing structures shall be in excess of the assessment on the improvements on the real estate which was conveyed by the owner under threat of condemnation or by condemnation.
70.105(3)(j) (j) In applying the provisions of this section real property functionally related to the real property conveyed under threat of condemnation or by condemnation shall be deemed an integral part of the property conveyed for the purposes of determining the assessment freeze.
70.105(3)(k) (k) This section shall be applicable independent of whether the real property is conveyed under threat of condemnation or condemnation or whether an easement is granted for the purposes set forth in par. (a) 3. in lieu of condemnation.
70.105(4) (4)Findings and certification. The local assessor or the commissioner of assessments in such municipality shall, upon application by an owner seeking an assessment freeze, make a thorough investigation to ascertain whether such application meets the requirements of the ordinance enacted by the local legislative body. The assessor or commissioner of assessments, as the case may be, shall make findings to demonstrate that such application complies with the ordinance and shall submit a certification together with the assessor's or commissioner's findings to the local legislative body for approval. If the local legislative body determines from the commissioner of assessments' certification that an assessment freeze shall operate, the local legislative body shall by resolution provide for such assessment freeze. The local legislative body shall specify the period when such assessment freeze shall commence to operate and when new construction or remodeling of existing structures is required, shall specify the time within which such construction or remodeling shall be completed and the commencement date of the assessment freeze.
70.105 History History: 1991 a. 156, 316; 1993 a. 112; 1999 a. 150 s. 672; 2009 a. 177.
70.109 70.109 Presumption of taxability. Exemptions under this chapter shall be strictly construed in every instance with a presumption that the property in question is taxable, and the burden of proof is on the person who claims the exemption.
70.109 History History: 1997 a. 237.
70.109 Annotation Exemption from payment of taxes is an act of legislative grace; the party seeking the exemption bears the burden of proving entitlement. Exemptions are only allowed to the extent the plain language of a statute permits. For tax exemptions to be valid they must be clear and express, and not extended by implication. In construing tax exemptions, courts apply a strict but reasonable construction resolving any doubts regarding the exemption in favor of taxability. United Rentals, Inc. v. City of Madison, 2007 WI App 131, 302 Wis. 2d 245, 733 N.W.2d 322, 05-1440.
70.11 70.11 Property exempted from taxation. The property described in this section is exempted from general property taxes if the property is exempt under sub. (1), (2), (18), (21), (27) or (30); if it was exempt for the previous year and its use, occupancy or ownership did not change in a way that makes it taxable; if the property was taxable for the previous year, the use, occupancy or ownership of the property changed in a way that makes it exempt and its owner, on or before March 1, files with the assessor of the taxation district where the property is located a form that the department of revenue prescribes or if the property did not exist in the previous year and its owner, on or before March 1, files with the assessor of the taxation district where the property is located a form that the department of revenue prescribes. Except as provided in subs. (3m) (c), (4) (b), (4a) (f), and (4d), leasing a part of the property described in this section does not render it taxable if the lessor uses all of the leasehold income for maintenance of the leased property or construction debt retirement of the leased property, or both, and, except for residential housing, if the lessee would be exempt from taxation under this chapter if it owned the property. Any lessor who claims that leased property is exempt from taxation under this chapter shall, upon request by the tax assessor, provide records relating to the lessor's use of the income from the leased property. Property exempted from general property taxes is:
70.11(1) (1)Property of the state. Property owned by this state except land contracted to be sold by the state. This exemption shall not apply to land conveyed after September, 1933, to this state or for its benefit while the grantor or others for the grantor's benefit are permitted to occupy the land or part thereof in consideration for the conveyance; nor shall it apply to land devised to the state or for its benefit while another person is permitted by the will to occupy the land or part thereof. This exemption shall not apply to any property acquired by the department of veterans affairs under s. 45.32 (5) and (7) or to the property of insurers undergoing rehabilitation or liquidation under ch. 645. Property exempt under this subsection includes general property owned by the state and leased to a private, nonprofit corporation that operates an Olympic ice training center, regardless of the use of the leasehold income.
70.11(2) (2)Municipal property and property of certain districts, exception. Property owned by any county, city, village, town, school district, technical college district, public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, metropolitan sewerage district, municipal water district created under s. 198.22, joint local water authority created under s. 66.0823, long-term care district under s. 46.2895 or town sanitary district; lands belonging to cities of any other state used for public parks; land tax-deeded to any county or city before January 2; but any residence located upon property owned by the county for park purposes that is rented out by the county for a nonpark purpose shall not be exempt from taxation. Except as to land acquired under s. 59.84 (2) (d), this exemption shall not apply to land conveyed after August 17, 1961, to any such governmental unit or for its benefit while the grantor or others for his or her benefit are permitted to occupy the land or part thereof in consideration for the conveyance. Leasing the property exempt under this subsection, regardless of the lessee and the use of the leasehold income, does not render that property taxable.
70.11(2m) (2m)Property leased or subleased to school districts. All of the property that is owned or leased by a corporation, organization or association that is exempt from federal income taxation under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code if all of that property is leased or subleased to a school district for no or nominal consideration for use by an educational institution that offers regular courses for 6 months in a year.
70.11(3) (3)Colleges and universities.
70.11(3)(a)(a) Grounds of any incorporated college or university, not exceeding 80 acres.
70.11(3)(b) (b) The fact that college or university officers, faculty members, teachers, students or employees live on the grounds does not render them taxable. In addition to the exemption of leased property specified in the introductory phrase of this section, a university or college may also lease property for educational or charitable purposes without making it taxable if it uses the income derived from the lease for charitable purposes.
70.11(3)(c) (c) All buildings, equipment and leasehold interests in lands described in s. 36.06, 1971 stats., and s. 37.02 (3), 1971 stats.
70.11(3a) (3a)Buildings at the Wisconsin Veterans homes. All buildings, equipment and leasehold interests in lands described in s. 45.03 (5).
70.11(3m) (3m)Student housing facilities.
70.11(3m)(a)(a) All real and personal property of a housing facility, not including a housing facility owned or used by a university fraternity or sorority, college fraternity or sorority, or high school fraternity or sorority, for which all of the following applies:
70.11(3m)(a)1. 1. The facility is owned by a nonprofit organization.
70.11(3m)(a)2. 2. At least 90 percent of the facility's residents are students enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the facility houses no more than 300 such students.
70.11(3m)(a)3. 3. The facility offers support services and outreach programs to its residents, the public or private institution of higher education at which the student residents are enrolled, and the public.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2015. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?