230.04(10) (10)
230.04(10)(a)(a) The administrator may require all agencies and their officers to comply with the administrator's request to furnish current information pertaining to authorized positions, payroll and related items regarding civil service and employment relations functions.
230.04(10)(b) (b) The administrator shall request from each agency and each agency shall furnish to the administrator relevant racial, ethnic, gender and disability information on every new employee hired by the agency including limited term, project, seasonal and sessional employees. The administrator shall maintain the data to permit a periodic review of the agency's affirmative action plan accomplishments.
230.04(10)(c) (c) The administrator shall request from each agency and each agency shall furnish to the administrator relevant information regarding the prior military service, if any, of every new employee hired by the agency including limited term, project, seasonal and sessional employees. The administrator shall maintain the data to permit a periodic review of the progress being made to provide employment opportunities in civil service for veterans and disabled veterans.
230.04(11) (11)The administrator may provide by rule for an understudy program to assure continuity in selected positions.
230.04(12) (12)The administrator shall keep in the division an official roster of all permanent classified employees which shall include classification titles, pay and employment status changes and appropriate dates thereof.
230.04(13) (13)The administrator shall do all of the following:
230.04(13)(a) (a) Establish standards for plans to increase state employment of recipients of aid under s. 49.19 or benefits under s. 49.147 (3) to (5) prepared by agencies under s. 230.147 (1). The standards shall state the time periods within which these plans shall be prepared.
230.04(13)(b) (b) Review and approve or disapprove plans prepared under s. 230.147 (1) to ensure compliance with the standards established under par. (a).
230.04(13)(c) (c) Monitor, evaluate and make recommendations to agencies to improve progress toward meeting the goal in s. 230.147 (1).
230.04(13)(e) (e) On or before September 30 annually beginning in 1989, prepare and submit to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) a report that includes all of the following information for the fiscal year preceding the date that the report is due:
230.04(13)(e)1. 1. A description of each agency's effort during that fiscal year to employ under s. 230.147 persons who received aid under s. 49.19 or benefits under s. 49.147 (3) to (5).
230.04(13)(e)2. 2. The number of persons receiving aid under s. 49.19 or benefits under s. 49.147 (3) to (5) who were employed by each agency under s. 230.147 during that fiscal year and the job title or classification of each position filled under s. 230.147.
230.04(13m) (13m)The administrator shall establish standards for progressive discipline plans to be prepared by all agencies and applied to all employees in the classified service. The standards shall address progressive discipline for personal conduct and work performance that is inadequate, unsuitable, or inferior. The standards established under this subsection shall allow an appointing authority to accelerate progressive discipline if the inadequacy, unsuitability, or inferiority of the personal conduct or work performance for which an employee is being disciplined is severe.
230.04(14) (14)Except as provided in s. 230.445, the administrator shall establish, by rule, the scope and minimum requirements of a state employee grievance procedure relating to conditions of employment.
230.04(15) (15)The administrator shall review and either approve or disapprove each determination by an agency head regarding the classification of a state employee as a protective occupation participant for purposes of the Wisconsin retirement system.
230.04(17) (17)The administrator shall resolve any dispute raised by a complaint filed under s. 321.64 (1) (c).
230.04(18) (18)The administrator may provide any services and materials to agencies and may charge the agencies for providing the services and materials. The administrator shall establish a methodology for determining the costs of services and materials charged to state agencies under this subsection. All moneys received from the charges shall be deposited in the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (1) (kz).
230.04(19) (19)The administrator shall develop and implement a discretionary merit award program to distribute money under s. 20.928 (1f) to agencies for the purpose of providing lump sum monetary awards to classified employees whose job performance has exceeded agency expectations.
230.04 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ER, Wis. adm. code.
230.04 Annotation The Department of Employment Relations (DER) had no authority to control the recruitment process after certification. It was proper to dismiss DER as a party to an action alleging discrimination in failing to hire a candidate who had been certified for the position. Balele v. Wisconsin Personnel Commission, 223 Wis. 2d 739, 589 N.W.2d 418 (Ct. App. 1998), 98-1432.
230.042 230.042 Wisconsin veterans employment initiative.
230.042(1)(1)In this section, an “agency" includes the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
230.042(2) (2)In consultation with the council on veterans employment, the administrator shall develop and administer a human resources staff training program to increase the recruitment and employment of veterans in agencies.
230.042(3) (3)The appointing authority of each agency with more than 100 authorized permanent full-time equivalent positions shall do all of the following:
230.042(3)(a) (a) Prepare and implement a plan to employ qualified veterans with the goal of making the ratio of the number of veterans holding permanent positions in the agency to the total number of individuals holding permanent positions in the agency equal to or greater than the ratio of the number of veterans in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year to the average number of individuals in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year, as determined by the council on veterans employment.
230.042(3)(b) (b) Prepare and implement a plan to employ qualified veterans with a service-connected disability rating with the goal of making the ratio of the number of veterans with a service-connected disability rating holding permanent positions in the agency to the total number of individuals holding permanent positions in the agency equal to or greater than the ratio of veterans with a service-connected disability rating in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year to the average number of individuals in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year, as determined by the council on veterans employment.
230.042(4) (4)Each appointing authority of an agency with 100 or fewer authorized permanent full-time equivalent positions is encouraged to do all of the following:
230.042(4)(a) (a) Employ qualified veterans with the goal of making the ratio of the number of veterans holding permanent positions in the agency to the total number of individuals holding permanent positions in the agency equal to or greater than the ratio of the number of veterans in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year to the average number of individuals in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year, as determined by the council on veterans employment.
230.042(4)(b) (b) Employ qualified veterans with a service-connected disability rating with the goal of making the ratio of the number of veterans with a service-connected disability rating holding permanent positions in the agency to the total number of individuals holding permanent positions in the agency equal to or greater than the ratio of veterans with a service-connected disability rating in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year to the average number of individuals in the state civilian labor force in the preceding fiscal year, as determined by the council on veterans employment.
230.042(6) (6)The council on veterans employment may establish separate goals that are applicable to an agency for the hiring of qualified veterans or veterans with a service-connected disability rating. If the council on veterans employment establishes such goals, the appointing authority of that agency shall prepare and implement a plan to meet those goals in lieu of the goals specified under subs. (3) and (4).
230.042 History History: 2015 a. 386.
230.046 230.046 Training programs.
230.046(1)(1)Declaration of policy. In order to promote efficiency and economy in the operation of the state government, to provide means for the development of maximum proficiency by employees thereof, to establish and maintain the highest standards of performance in the transaction of the state's business, and to install and utilize effectively the best modern practices and techniques which have been developed, tested and proved, it is necessary and desirable in the public interest that self-improvement be supplemented and extended by state-sponsored training programs. The objective of these programs is to develop skills, knowledge, and abilities which will best qualify state employees for effective performance of their official duties, and to retain skilled and efficient state employees in order to continually improve the quality of public service.
230.046(2) (2)Supervisory training. After initial appointment to a supervisory position, each appointing authority shall ensure that each classified service supervisor successfully completes a supervisory development program. The program shall include such subjects as state personnel policies, grievance handling, discipline, performance evaluation, understanding the concerns of state employees with children, the supervisor's role in management and the concept of the total quality leadership process, including quality improvement through participatory management.
230.046(3) (3)Training programs. Each appointing authority may do any of the following:
230.046(3)(a) (a) Provide off-the-job specialized training courses during working hours to designated employees without loss of pay.
230.046(3)(b) (b) Provide specialized training to qualified persons through educational stipends in lieu of pay, but in no event shall a monthly stipend exceed the minimum pay of the position for which training is undertaken.
230.046(3)(c) (c) Provide specialized training to designated employees through assignment to research projects, prescribed courses of study, institutes and short courses which are related to the performance of official duties and to pay the cost of required tuition and other necessary fees and expense in connection therewith.
230.046(3)(d) (d) Conduct on-the-job courses of instruction deemed necessary for the efficient performance of agency functions and to pay honorariums to qualified experts instructing in such courses.
230.046(3)(e) (e) Conduct other training programs consistent with the standards set by this section.
230.046(4) (4)Records of training program participation. Each agency shall adopt a standardized system for measuring, recording, reporting, accumulating and recognizing employee participation in its training program.
230.046(5) (5)Initiation of programs. Unless otherwise empowered by law, any agency desiring to initiate a training program under sub. (3) shall ensure that:
230.046(5)(a) (a) Unencumbered appropriated funds are available or funds have been so provided by the joint committee on finance;
230.046(5)(b) (b) Training costs estimated to exceed $500, excluding the compensation of participants, have been included in the budget and approved by the legislature or the joint committee on finance, and such costs will be encumbered for training purposes on the records of the agency;
230.046(5)(c) (c) An agreement has been entered into by the trainee and the appointing authority relative to employment with the state, together with such other terms and conditions as may be necessary under the rules of the administrator whenever on-the-job trainees are employed; and
230.046(5)(d) (d) The immediate and necessary work requirements of the agency will not be seriously handicapped because of such training program.
230.046(6) (6)Gifts and grants. Nothing in this section shall nullify the acceptance or the special conditions of training programs financed by gifts, grants, bequests and devises from individuals, partnerships, associations, limited liability companies or corporations and all subventions from the United States, unless such financing has been refused by the state under s. 16.54 or 20.907.
230.046(7) (7)Establish internships. The administrator shall establish in the classified service in-service training internships designed to give rigorous training in public service administration for periods not to exceed 3 years under the direct supervision of experienced administrators.
230.046(8) (8)Cooperate for scholarship loans. To stimulate the interest of qualified students of exceptional merit in government career service, the administrator shall cooperate with the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System in providing opportunities for recipients of public service scholarship loans to secure employment under the internship plan.
230.046(9) (9)Tuition refund program. The administrator may establish by rule in the classified service a tuition refund program to supplement departmental training, to encourage employee job-related development and, upon satisfactory completion of training under this program to refund to the employee, an amount not to exceed the cost of tuition and necessary fees.
230.046(10) (10)Functions of the division. The division may do all of the following:
230.046(10)(a) (a) Conduct off-the-job employee development and training programs relating to functions under this chapter or subch. V of ch. 111.
230.046(10)(b) (b) Charge fees to state agencies whose employees participate in employee development and training programs under this subsection.
230.046 History History: 1971 c. 100 s. 23; 1971 c. 270 ss. 56, 91; Stats. 1971 s. 16.33; 1975 c. 39 s. 732 (1); 1977 c. 29; 1977 c. 196 ss. 60, 103, 130 (4), (6m), (11), 131; Stats. 1977 s. 230.046; 1979 c. 221; 1981 c. 20; 1985 a. 29; 1989 a. 31; 1993 a. 112; 1999 a. 9; 2003 a. 33; 2009 a. 28; 2011 a. 10; 2015 a. 55, 150.
230.046 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. ER 44, Wis. adm. code.
230.047 230.047 Temporary interchange of employees.
230.047(1)(1)Declaration of policy. Intergovernmental cooperation, including that specified in the intergovernmental personnel act of 1970, P.L. 91-648, 84 Stat. 1909, is an essential factor in resolving problems affecting this state. The interchange of personnel on a temporary basis between and among governmental agencies at the same or different levels of government and with institutions of higher education is a significant factor in achieving such cooperation.
230.047(2) (2)Definitions. For the purposes of this section:
230.047(2)(a) (a) “Local government" means any political subdivision, instrumentality or authority of a state or any general or special purpose agency of such a political subdivision, instrumentality or authority.
230.047(2)(b) (b) “Receiving agency" means any department or agency of a foreign government, the federal government or a state or local government, an institution of higher education or other municipal corporate agency which receives an employee of another agency under this section.
230.047(2)(c) (c) “Sending agency" means any department or agency of a foreign government, the federal government or a state or local government, an institution of higher education or other municipal corporate agency which sends any employee thereof to another agency under this section.
230.047(3) (3)Authority to interchange employees. Any department, agency or instrumentality of the state, or institution of higher education or any local government or other municipal corporate agency is authorized to participate in a program of interchange of employees with departments, agencies or instrumentalities of a foreign government, the federal government, another state or local government, an institution of higher education, other municipal corporate agencies or other agencies or instrumentalities of this state as a sending or receiving agency.
230.047(4) (4)Status of employees.
230.047(4)(a) (a) Employees of a sending agency participating in an exchange of personnel as authorized in sub. (3), during such participation, are on detail to regular work assignments of the receiving agency.
230.047(4)(b) (b) Employees who are on detail are entitled to the same salary and benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled and shall remain employees of the sending agency for all purposes, including the payment of their salaries, and their continuous service benefits except that the supervision of their duties during the period of detail may be governed by agreement between the sending agency and the receiving agency, and except that a receiving agency other than a receiving agency of this state may provide supplemental salary and benefits to the employee for the duration of the interchange.
230.047(4)(c) (c) Any employee who participates in an exchange under the terms of this section who suffers disability or death as a result of personal injury arising out of and in the course of an exchange, or sustained in performance of duties in connection therewith, for the purposes of ch. 102, is an employee of the sending agency.
230.047(5) (5)Travel expenses of employees. A sending agency of the state shall not pay the travel expenses of its employees incurred in connection with their work assignments at the receiving agency.
230.047(6) (6)Status of employees of other governments.
230.047(6)(a)(a) When any department, agency or instrumentality of this state acts as a receiving agency, employees of the sending agency who are assigned under authority of this section are on detail to the receiving agency.
230.047(6)(b) (b) Employees who are detailed to the receiving agency shall not by virtue of such detail be considered to be employees thereof, nor shall they be paid a salary or wage by the receiving agency during the period of their detail. The supervision of the duties of such employees during the period of detail may be governed by agreement between the sending agency and the receiving agency.
230.047(7) (7)Travel expenses of employees of other governments. A receiving agency of the state may, in accordance with the travel regulations of such agency, pay travel expenses of persons assigned thereto under this section during the period of such assignments on the same basis as if they were regular employees of the receiving agency.
230.047(8) (8)Administration. The administrator shall promulgate rules for the operation and implementation of this section. The rules shall prescribe the duration, terms and conditions of such interchange.
230.047(9) (9)Salary reimbursements.
230.047(9)(a) (a) Any funds received by a sending agency of the state from a receiving agency as reimbursement for salary expenditures made under an employee interchange agreement shall be credited to the appropriation from which the expenditures were paid.
230.047(9)(b) (b) A receiving agency of the state may, in accordance with the salary provisions of the sending agency, reimburse the sending agency for salary and fringe benefit expenditures for employees on detail to the receiving agency.
230.047 History History: 1971 c. 270 ss. 63, 77; Stats. 1971 s. 16.24; 1975 c. 147 s. 54; 1977 c. 196 s. 55; Stats. 1977 s. 230.047; 1979 c. 89, 221; 1983 a. 27, 189; 1991 a. 75; 2003 a. 33; 2015 a. 55.
230.047 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. ER 47, Wis. adm. code.
subch. II of ch. 230 SUBCHAPTER II
230.05 230.05 Powers and duties of the director.
230.05(1)(1)All powers necessary for the effective administration of the duties specified for the director under this subchapter are reserved to the director.
230.05(2) (2)
230.05(2)(a)(a) Except as provided under par. (b), the director may delegate, in writing, any of his or her functions set forth in this subchapter to an appointing authority, within prescribed standards if the director finds that the agency has personnel management capabilities to perform such functions effectively and has indicated its approval and willingness to accept such responsibility by written agreement. If the director determines that any agency is not performing such delegated function within prescribed standards, the director shall withdraw such delegated function. The director may order transfer to the bureau from the agency to which delegation was made such agency staff and other resources as necessary to perform such functions if increased staff was authorized to that agency as a consequence of such delegation or if the bureau reduced staff or shifted staff to new responsibilities as a result of such delegation subject to the approval of the joint committee on finance. Any delegatory action taken under this subsection by any appointing authority may be appealed to the commission under s. 230.44 (1) (a). The director shall be a party in such appeal.
230.05(2)(b) (b) The director is prohibited from delegating any of his or her final responsibility for the monitoring and oversight of the merit recruitment and selection program under this subchapter.
230.05(3) (3)The director may utilize the services of technical or specialized personnel to assist in implementing and maintaining a sound merit recruitment and selection program. These services may be obtained from persons within or without state service.
230.05(4) (4)The director may issue enforceable orders on all matters relating to the administration, enforcement and effect of the provisions of this subchapter for which responsibility is specifically charged to the director and the rules prescribed thereunder. Any action brought against the appointing authority for failure to comply with the order of the director shall be brought and served within 60 days after the date on which the director's order was issued. Such orders may be appealed to the commission under s. 230.44 (1) (a).
230.05(5) (5)The director shall promulgate rules for the effective operation of the provisions of this subchapter for which responsibility is specifically charged to the director. Notice of the contents of such rules and any modifications thereof shall be given to appointing authorities affected thereby, and such rules and modifications shall also be printed for public distribution.
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