440.945 440.945 Cemetery monuments.
440.945(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
440.945(1)(a) (a) “Installed" means permanently affixed to a cemetery lot.
440.945(1)(b) (b) “Monument" means any object made of granite, bronze, marble, stone, cement or other permanent material that is installed or intended to be installed to identify or memorialize human remains.
440.945(1)(c) (c) “Vendor" means a person who sells, delivers, installs or cares for a monument, other than the cemetery authority of the cemetery in which the monument is installed.
440.945(2) (2) Cemetery authority powers. A cemetery authority may do any of the following:
440.945(2)(a) (a) Adopt regulations, consistent with this section and with standards that the cemetery authority uses for its own monument installations, prescribing requirements and procedures for the sale, delivery, installation or care of monuments, including requirements that each vendor provide reasonable advance notice to the cemetery authority of the date on which the vendor desires to install a monument; that each vendor carry worker's compensation insurance and a minimum amount of comprehensive general liability insurance, such minimum amount not to exceed $300,000; and that each owner of a cemetery lot pay all fees and other amounts due the cemetery authority to satisfy any encumbrances pertaining to the cemetery lot before a monument is installed.
440.945(2)(b) (b) Assist a vendor in marking the location for a monument and inspect the installation of the monument to ensure that it is properly installed by the vendor.
440.945(2)(c) (c) Charge either the owner of a cemetery lot or a vendor a reasonable fee to cover the cemetery authority's labor costs. In this paragraph, “labor costs" means the amount, calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices, that is payable to employees of the cemetery authority for wages and fringe benefits for the period that the employees were engaged in marking the location for and inspecting the installation of the monument to ensure that it was properly installed, and may include any general administrative or overhead costs of the cemetery authority or any other costs that are directly related to marking the location for and inspecting the installation of the monument to ensure that it was properly installed.
440.945(3) (3) Disclosure of information to consumers.
440.945(3)(a) (a) Every cemetery authority shall keep on file and make available for inspection and copying to owners and prospective purchasers of cemetery lots and to other interested persons all of the following information:
440.945(3)(a)1. 1. An itemized list of the amounts charged for any services provided by the cemetery authority relating to the finishing, installation or care of monuments.
440.945(3)(a)2. 2. Any regulations adopted under sub. (2) (a).
440.945(3)(b) (b) Upon the request of any person who is interested in purchasing a monument from a cemetery authority or a vendor, the cemetery authority or vendor shall provide the person with an itemized list of the amount charged for each finished monument in which the person is interested and for any services that may be provided by the cemetery authority or vendor relating to the installation or care of the monument.
440.945(4) (4) Prohibited conduct.
440.945(4)(a)(a) A cemetery authority may not do any of the following:
440.945(4)(a)1. 1. Require the owner or purchaser of a cemetery lot to purchase a monument or services related to the installation of a monument from the cemetery authority.
440.945(4)(a)2. 2. Restrict the right of the owner or purchaser of a cemetery lot to purchase a monument or services related to the installation of a monument from the vendor of his or her choice.
440.945(4)(a)3. 3. Except as provided in sub. (2) (c), charge the owner or purchaser of a cemetery lot a fee for purchasing a monument or services related to the installation of a monument from a vendor, or charge a vendor a fee for delivering or installing the monument. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to prohibit a cemetery authority from charging the owner or purchaser of a cemetery lot a reasonable fee for services relating to the care of a monument.
440.945(4)(a)4. 4. Discriminate against any owner or purchaser of a cemetery lot who has purchased a monument or services related to the installation of a monument from a vendor.
440.945(4)(b) (b) A vendor may not falsely represent to any person any regulations adopted by a cemetery authority under sub. (2) (a) or falsely represent to any person the vendor's relationship with a cemetery authority.
440.945(5) (5) Enforcement.
440.945(5)(a)(a) If the board has reason to believe that any person is violating this section and that the continuation of that activity might cause injury to the public interest, the board may investigate.
440.945(5)(b) (b) The department of justice or any district attorney, upon informing the department of justice, may commence an action in circuit court in the name of the state to restrain by temporary or permanent injunction any violation of this section. The court may, prior to entry of final judgment, make such orders or judgments as may be necessary to restore to any person any pecuniary loss suffered because of the acts or practices involved in the action, if proof of such loss is submitted to the satisfaction of the court. The department of justice may subpoena persons and require the production of books and other documents, and may request the board to exercise its authority under par. (a) to aid in the investigation of alleged violations of this section.
440.945(5)(c) (c) In lieu of instituting or continuing an action under this subsection, the department of justice may accept a written assurance of discontinuance of any act or practice alleged to be a violation of this section from the person who has engaged in the act or practice. An assurance entered into under this paragraph shall not be considered evidence of a violation of this section, but a violation of the assurance shall be treated as a violation of this section.
440.945 History History: 1989 a. 95; 1989 a. 307 ss. 84, 86; Stats. 1989 s. 440.945; 2011 a. 32; 2015 a. 237.
440.947 440.947 Disclosures and representations for certain sales.
440.947(1)(1)In this section:
440.947(1)(a) (a) “Cash advance item" means personal property or a service that is obtained by a person from a 3rd party and that is paid for by the person on behalf of, and subject to reimbursement from, a buyer of a casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise from the person. “Cash advance item" includes cemetery or crematory services, pallbearers, public transportation, clergy honoraria, flowers, musicians or vocalists, nurses, obituary notices, gratuities and death certificates.
440.947(1)(b) (b) “Direct cremation service" means the disposition of human remains by cremation without any formal viewing, visitation or ceremony in which the body of the deceased is present.
440.947(1)(c) (c) “Outer burial container" has the meaning given in s. 157.061 (11g).
440.947(1)(d) (d) “Person" does not include a person issued a funeral director's license under ch. 445 or an operator of a funeral establishment, as defined in s. 445.01 (7).
440.947(2) (2)No person may sell or offer for sale a casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise unless the person has provided to the buyer, prior to the sale, a price list in a clearly legible and conspicuous format that includes each of the following:
440.947(2)(a) (a) The name, address and telephone number of the person's place of business.
440.947(2)(b) (b) The effective date of the price list.
440.947(2)(c) (c) The price and a description of each type of casket, outer burial container and cemetery merchandise that the person usually offers for sale without special ordering. A description required under this paragraph shall enable a buyer to identify and understand the specific casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise that is offered for sale.
440.947(2)(d) (d) If the person usually offers an outer burial container for sale without special ordering, a statement that is identical to the following: “State law does not require that you buy a container to surround the casket in the grave. However, many cemeteries require that you have such a container so that the grave will not sink in. Either a grave liner or a burial vault will satisfy these requirements."
440.947(2)(e) (e) The price and a description of any direct cremation or burial service offered by the person and, if the person offers direct cremation service, a statement that is identical to the following: “If you want to arrange a direct cremation, you can use an alternative container. Alternative containers encase the body and can be made of materials like fiberboard or composition materials (with or without an outside covering). The containers that we provide are .... [insert a description of the containers offered for direct cremation]."
440.947(2)(f) (f) The price and a description of any service offered by the person for the use any facilities, equipment or staff related to a viewing, funeral ceremony, memorial service or graveside service.
440.947(2)(g) (g) The amount and a description of any basic service fee that is charged in addition to any price described under pars. (c), (e) or (f).
440.947(3) (3)A person who sells a casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise shall, immediately after completing the sale, provide the buyer with a form in a clearly legible and conspicuous format that includes each of the following:
440.947(3)(a) (a) The price and a description of the casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise.
440.947(3)(b) (b) The price and a description of any service specified in sub. (2) (e) or (f) that is sold in addition to the casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise.
440.947(3)(c) (c) The amount and a description of any basic service fee that is charged in addition to any price described under par. (a) or (b).
440.947(3)(d) (d) A statement that the buyer may be charged only for the items that he or she has selected or that are required by law and a description and explanation of any items that he or she is required by law to purchase.
440.947(3)(e) (e) A description of any charge for a cash advance item, including any commission, discount or rebate that the person receives for a cash advance item from the 3rd party from which the cash advance item is obtained and that the person does not pass on to the buyer.
440.947(4) (4)No person who sells a casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise may do any of the following:
440.947(4)(a) (a) Provide inaccurate information regarding the information specified in sub. (2) (c), (e), (f) or (g) to a prospective buyer who contacts the person by telephone.
440.947(4)(b) (b) Represent that state or local law requires a prospective buyer to purchase a casket for a direct cremation service.
440.947(4)(c) (c) Misrepresent to a prospective buyer any requirement under federal, state or local law or under the rules of any cemetery, mausoleum or crematory relating to the use of a casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise.
440.947(4)(d) (d) Represent that any casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise will delay the natural decomposition of human remains for a long or indefinite period of time.
440.947(4)(e) (e) Require a buyer to pay an additional fee or surcharge if the buyer purchases a casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise from a 3rd party.
440.947(4)(f) (f) Alter a price specified in sub. (2) (c), (e), (f) or (g) based on the type of casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise purchased by a buyer.
440.947(5) (5)A person who sells a casket, outer burial container or cemetery merchandise shall retain a copy of the price list specified in sub. (2) (intro.) for at least one year after the date of its last distribution to a prospective buyer and shall retain a copy of each form that is provided to a buyer under sub. (3) (intro.) for at least one year after completion of a sale. A person required to retain a copy under this subsection shall make the copy available for inspection by the board upon request.
440.947 History History: 1999 a. 9; 2015 a. 237.
440.95 440.95 Penalties.
440.95(1)(1)Any cemetery authority that is required to be licensed under s. 440.91 (1) and that knowingly fails to be licensed may be fined not more than $100.
440.95(2) (2)Any individual who is required to register as a cemetery salesperson under s. 440.91 (2) and who fails to register may be fined not less than $25 nor more than $200 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both.
440.95(3) (3)Except as provided in subs. (1) and (2), any person who violates s. 440.91 or 440.947 or any rule promulgated under s. 440.91 may be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months, or both, for the first offense and may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months, or both, for each subsequent offense.
440.95(4) (4)Any person who intentionally does any of the following may be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not more than 90 days, or both, for the first offense and may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months, or both, for each subsequent offense:
440.95(4)(a) (a) Fails to register as a preneed seller as required under s. 440.92 (1) (a).
440.95(4)(b) (b) Fails to deposit or invest preneed trust funds or care funds as required under s. 440.92 (3).
440.95(4)(c) (c) Fails to file a report or files an incomplete, false or misleading report under s. 440.92 (6).
440.95(4)(d) (d) Files a false or misleading certification under s. 440.92 (9).
440.95(5) (5)Except as provided in sub. (4), any person who violates s. 440.92 or any rule promulgated under s. 440.92 may be required to forfeit not more than $200 for each offense. Each day of continued violation constitutes a separate offense.
440.95(6) (6)
440.95(6)(a)(a) Any cemetery authority or vendor that fails to disclose information to consumers in violation of s. 440.945 (3) may be required to forfeit not more than $200.
440.95(6)(b) (b) Any cemetery authority or vendor that violates s. 440.945 (4) may be required to forfeit not more than $200 for the first offense and may be required to forfeit not more than $500 for the 2nd or any later offense within a year. The period shall be measured by using the dates of the offenses that resulted in convictions.
440.95 History History: 1989 a. 307 ss. 75, 87; 1999 a. 9; 2005 a. 25; 2015 a. 237.
440.955 440.955 Injunctive relief. Notwithstanding s. 440.21, if it appears upon complaint to the board by any person, or if it is known to the board, that any person is operating a cemetery, practicing as a cemetery salesperson, or practicing as a cemetery preneed seller without a license required under this subchapter, the board, the attorney general, or the district attorney of the proper county may investigate and may, in addition to any other remedies, bring an action in the name and on behalf of the state against the person to enjoin the person from such practice.
440.955 History History: 2015 a. 237 s. 122; 2017 a. 365 s. 110.
subch. X of ch. 440 SUBCHAPTER X
Subch. X of ch. 440 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. SPS 130, Wis. adm. code.
440.96 440.96 Definitions. In this subchapter:
440.96(1) (1)“Interior design" means the design of interior spaces in conformity with public health, safety and welfare requirements, including the preparation of documents relating to space planning, finish materials, furnishings, fixtures and equipment and the preparation of documents relating to interior construction that does not substantially affect the mechanical or structural systems of a building. “Interior design" does not include services that constitute the practice of architecture or the practice of professional engineering.
440.96(2) (2)“Wisconsin registered interior designer" means a person registered as a Wisconsin registered interior designer under this subchapter.
440.96 History History: 1995 a. 322.
440.961 440.961 Use of title. No person may use the title “Wisconsin registered interior designer", use any title or description that implies that he or she is a Wisconsin registered interior designer or represent himself or herself to be a Wisconsin registered interior designer unless the person is registered as a Wisconsin registered interior designer under this subchapter.
440.961 History History: 1995 a. 322.
440.962 440.962 Registration requirements. The department shall register as a Wisconsin registered interior designer an individual who submits an application to the department on a form provided by the department and who satisfies one of the following requirements:
440.962(1) (1)The individual does all of the following:
440.962(1)(a) (a) Submits to the department evidence satisfactory to the department of any of the following:
440.962(1)(a)1. 1. That he or she is a graduate of a 5-year interior design or architecture program and has at least one year of practical experience in interior design of a character satisfactory to the department.
440.962(1)(a)2. 2. That he or she is a graduate of a 4-year interior design or architecture program and has at least 2 years of practical experience in interior design of a character satisfactory to the department.
440.962(1)(a)3. 3. That he or she has completed at least 3 years of an interior design program and has at least 3 years of practical experience in interior design of a character satisfactory to the department.
440.962(1)(a)4. 4. That he or she is a graduate of a 2-year interior design program and has at least 4 years of practical experience in interior design of a character satisfactory to the department.
440.962(1)(b) (b) Satisfies the applicable requirements under s. 440.964.
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