293.21(1)(b)(b) “Parcel” means an identified section, fractional section or government lot.
293.21(1)(c)(c) “Termination” means filling of drillholes and reclamation and revegetation of drilling sites.
293.21(2)(2)License. All persons intending to engage in exploration, or who contract for the services of drillers for purposes of exploration, shall be licensed by the department. Exploration licenses shall be issued annually by the department, and shall be applied for on forms provided by the department. The department shall provide copies of the application form for an exploration license to the state geologist upon issuance of the license. The department shall, by rule, establish an annual license fee plus a schedule of additional fees based on the number of holes drilled. The level of fees shall reflect the department’s actual cost in administering this section. The fees set under this subsection may be adjusted for persons to reflect the payment of fees for the same services to meet other requirements.
293.21(3)(a)(a) Applications for licenses shall be accompanied by a bond in the amount of $5,000 conditioned on faithful performance of the requirements of the department relating to termination.
293.21(3)(b)(b) The department may require that the amount of the bond be increased at any time, if the department determines that a licensee’s current level of activity makes it likely that the bond would be inadequate to fund the termination of all holes drilled for which the licensee is responsible.
293.21(3)(c)(c) The department shall, by rule, establish a procedure for release of exploration sites from bond coverage.
293.21(4)(4)Notice procedure.
293.21(4)(a)(a) Commencement of drilling on a parcel shall be preceded by notice from the licensee to the department of intent to drill, given at least 10 days in advance of the commencement of drilling, and identifying the particular parcel. The department shall transmit a copy of the notice of intent to drill to the state geologist.
293.21(4)(b)(b) The department shall, by rule, establish notification and inspection procedures applicable to the various stages of drilling and termination and procedures for the proper termination of drillholes.
293.21(5)(5)License revocation. The department may revoke or suspend an exploration license issued under this section if it determines, after hearing, that:
293.21(5)(a)(a) Statutes or rules of the department have not been complied with; or
293.21(5)(b)(b) There has been a failure to increase bond amounts to adequate levels as specified by the department.
293.21(6)(6)Exemption. This section does not apply to operators engaged in exploration activities on lands included in a mining and reclamation plan, if the plan contains provisions relating to termination of the exploration activities.
293.21 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 421; 1995 a. 227 s. 755; Stats. 1995 s. 293.21; 2013 a. 1.
293.21 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 130, Wis. adm. code.
293.25293.25Radioactive waste site exploration.
293.25(1)(1)Definitions. In this section and for the purposes of determining the applicability of ss. 293.13, 293.15 (1) to (12), 293.21, 293.81, 293.87, 293.89, 293.93 and 293.95: 
293.25(1)(a)(a) “Person” includes any person operating under a contract or under the direction of a federal agency.
293.25(1)(b)(b) “Radioactive waste” means any of the following:
293.25(1)(b)1.1. Fuel that is withdrawn from a nuclear reactor after irradiation and which is packaged and prepared for disposal.
293.25(1)(b)2.2. Highly radioactive waste resulting from reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel including both the liquid waste which is produced directly in reprocessing and any solid material into which the liquid waste is transformed.
293.25(1)(b)3.3. Waste material containing alpha-emitting radioactive elements having an atomic number greater than 92 in concentrations greater than 10 nanocuries per gram.
293.25(1)(c)(c) “Radioactive waste site exploration” means the on-site geologic examination from the surface of an area by core, rotary, percussion or other drilling for the purpose of determining the subsurface and geologic characteristics of an area in order to establish whether the area is suitable for a radioactive waste disposal site and includes associated activities such as clearing and preparing sites or constructing roads for drilling.
293.25(1)(d)(d) “Radioactive waste disposal site” means any site or facility for the long-term storage or disposal of radioactive waste including any underground storage area and related facilities.
293.25(2)(2)Exploration license and related provisions.
293.25(2)(a)(a) Applicability. Except as provided under par. (b), ss. 293.21 and 293.81 and rules promulgated under those sections apply to radioactive waste site exploration, to activities related to radioactive waste site exploration and to persons engaging in or intending to engage in radioactive waste site exploration or related activities in the same manner as those sections and rules are applicable to nonferrous metallic mineral exploration, to activities related to nonferrous metallic mineral exploration and to persons engaging in or intending to engage in nonferrous metallic mineral exploration or related activities.
293.25(2)(b)(b) Exception. Notwithstanding par. (a) and s. 293.21 (3), the department may waive the bond requirement for a person who is authorized to engage in radioactive waste site exploration by a federal agency if the federal agency provides sufficient guarantees that the person or the federal agency will comply with the requirements of the department relating to termination. Notwithstanding par. (a) and s. 293.21 (3), the department may require a bond in an amount in excess of the amount specified under s. 293.21 (3) (a) to ensure that sufficient funds are available to comply with termination requirements or to abate or remedy any environmental pollution or danger to public health, safety or welfare resulting from radioactive waste site exploration.
293.25(2)(c)(c) Hearing. The department shall conduct a public hearing in the county where radioactive waste site exploration is to occur prior to exploration.
293.25(3)(3)Approval required prior to drilling. No person may engage in radioactive waste site exploration by drilling on a parcel unless notice is provided as required under sub. (2) and s. 293.21 (4) (a) and unless the department issues a written approval authorizing drilling on that parcel. If the person seeking this approval is the federal department of energy or an agent or employee of the federal department of energy, the department may not issue the approval unless the public service commission certifies that the federal department of energy and its agents or employees have complied with any requirement imposed by the public service commission under s. 196.497 or any agreement entered into under that section.
293.25(4)(4)Regulation of exploration and related provisions. Sections 293.13, 293.15 (1) to (12), 293.85, 293.87 and 293.89 and rules promulgated under those sections apply to radioactive waste site exploration, to activities related to radioactive waste site exploration and to persons engaging in or intending to engage in radioactive waste site exploration or related activities in the same manner as those sections and rules are applicable to nonferrous metallic mineral exploration, to activities related to nonferrous metallic mineral exploration and to persons engaging in or intending to engage in nonferrous metallic mineral exploration or related activities.
293.25(5)(5)Groundwater regulations. A person engaging in radioactive waste site exploration shall comply with any restrictions or prohibitions concerning the pollution or contamination of groundwater under this chapter, subch. II of ch. 281 or ch. 283 or any rule or order promulgated under those chapters or that subchapter.
293.25(6)(6)Environmental impact. Radioactive waste site exploration may constitute a major action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. No person may engage in radioactive waste site exploration unless the person complies with the requirements under s. 1.11. Notwithstanding s. 23.40, the state may charge actual and reasonable costs associated with field investigation, verification, monitoring, preapplication services and preparation of an environmental impact statement.
293.25(7)(7)Impact on public service commission. Nothing in this section limits the power or authority of the public service commission to impose more stringent requirements for the negotiation and approval of agreements under s. 196.497.
293.25(8)(8)Impact on other requirements. In addition to the requirements under this section, a person engaged in radioactive waste site exploration shall comply with all other applicable statutory requirements, rules and municipal ordinances and regulations. If a conflict exists between this section and another statute, rule, ordinance or requirement, the stricter provision controls.
293.25 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 27; 1989 a. 31; 1991 a. 25; 1995 a. 27; 1995 a. 227 s. 756; Stats. 1995 s. 293.25; 2013 a. 1.
293.25 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 133, Wis. adm. code.
293.26293.26Bulk sampling.
293.26(1)(1)In this section, “approval” means any permit, license, certification, contract, or other authorization that the department issues, or any other action by the department, that is required to engage in bulk sampling.
293.26(1m)(1m)No person may engage in bulk sampling except as provided in a bulk sampling license issued by the department under sub. (4) or (14m) and any approval required by the department to engage in bulk sampling identified under sub. (4) or sub. (4m). A person who intends to engage in bulk sampling shall file a bulk sampling plan with the department. The collection of data under a bulk sampling plan may include sampling and analysis related to geophysical, geochemical, groundwater, and surface water conditions, as well as any other data or studies necessary to prepare an application for a mining permit, including the mining plan, reclamation plan, mining waste site feasibility study and plan of operation, or any other approval required for the proposed mining.
293.26(2)(2)A person shall include all of the following in a bulk sampling plan:
293.26(2)(a)(a) A description and map of the bulk sampling site, including the number of acres in the site, the number of acres of land that will be disturbed, if any, associated with each bulk sampling location, and the locations and types of sampling or studies to be conducted at each bulk sampling location.
293.26(2)(b)(b) A description of the methods to be used for the bulk sampling.
293.26(2)(c)(c) A site-specific plan for controlling surface erosion that conforms to requirements under ss. 281.33 (3) and 283.33 and that identifies how impacts to plant and wildlife habitats will be avoided or minimized to the extent practicable.
293.26(2)(d)(d) A revegetation plan for each area where bulk sampling will be performed that describes how adverse impacts to the environment will be avoided or minimized to the extent practicable and how the site will be revegetated and stabilized and that identifies how adverse impacts to plant and wildlife habitats will be avoided or minimized to the extent practicable.
293.26(2)(e)(e) The estimated time for completing the bulk sampling and revegetation of the bulk sampling locations.
293.26(2)(f)(f) A description of any known adverse environmental impacts that are likely to be caused by the bulk sampling and how those impacts will be avoided or minimized to the extent practicable.
293.26(2)(g)(g) A description of any adverse effects, as defined in s. 44.31 (1), that the bulk sampling might have on any historic property, as defined in s. 44.31 (3), that is a listed property, as defined in s. 44.31 (4), that is on the Wisconsin inventory of historic places, as defined in s. 44.31 (12), or that is on the list of locally designated historic places under s. 44.45; or any scenic or recreational areas; and plans to avoid or minimize those adverse effects to the extent practicable.
293.26(3)(3)The department shall protect as confidential any information, other than effluent data, contained in a bulk sampling plan and in any application for an approval that is required before the bulk sampling may be implemented, upon a showing that the information is entitled to protection as a trade secret, as defined in s. 134.90 (1) (c), and any information relating to the location, quality, or quantity of a nonferrous metallic mineral deposit, to production or sales figures, or to processes or production unique to the applicant or that would tend to adversely affect the competitive position of the applicant if made public.
293.26(4)(4)Within 14 days of receipt of a complete bulk sampling plan under sub. (2), the department shall identify for the applicant, in writing, all approvals that are required before the bulk sampling may be implemented, any waivers, exemptions, or exceptions to those approvals that are potentially available, and any information that the department needs to issue the approvals or to issue a decision on any waiver, exemption, or exception. If no approvals are required, the department shall notify the applicant that no approvals are required and issue a bulk sampling license to the applicant.
293.26(4m)(ag)(ag) An applicant shall file a revised bulk sampling plan if there are any significant changes to the information provided in the previous bulk sampling plan under sub. (2).
293.26(4m)(ar)(ar) If the revised bulk sampling plan is filed before the department approves or denies any waiver, exemption, or exception under sub. (12), issues any approval under sub. (13) or (14), or issues a bulk sampling license under sub. (14m), within 14 days of receiving the revised bulk sampling plan, the department shall notify the applicant, in writing, of any changes to the information provided to the applicant under sub. (4).
293.26(4m)(b)(b) If the revised bulk sampling plan is filed after the department approves or denies any waiver, exemption, or exception under sub. (12), issues any approval under sub. (13) or (14), or issues a bulk sampling license under sub. (14m), within 14 days of receiving the revised bulk sampling plan, the department shall identify for the applicant, in writing, any modifications to existing approvals or additional approvals that the department requires.
293.26(5)(5)If a storm water discharge permit under s. 283.33 (1) (a) or a water quality certification under rules promulgated under subch. II of ch. 281 to implement 33 USC 1341 (a) is required before bulk sampling may be implemented, the person filing the bulk sampling plan may apply for and be issued the permit or certification.
293.26(6)(6)The department shall act on any required construction site erosion control and storm water management approval, notwithstanding any authorization by the department of a local program to administer construction site erosion control and storm water management requirements.
293.26(7)(7)An applicant shall submit all of the following at the same time:
293.26(7)(a)(a) Applications for individual approvals identified under sub. (4) or (4m) (ar).
293.26(7)(b)(b) Applications for coverage under general permits or registration permits identified under sub. (4) or (4m) (ar).
293.26(7)(c)(c) Applications for waivers, exemptions, or exceptions identified under sub. (4) or (4m) (ar).
293.26(7)(d)(d) A bond, as provided in sub. (9).
293.26(8)(a)(a) Notwithstanding any provision in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or in a rule promulgated under those chapters that is applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the application for any approval, for a waiver, exemption, or exception to an approval, or for a determination that the proposed bulk sampling activity is below the threshold that requires an approval, is considered to be complete on the 30th day after the department receives the application, unless, before that day, the department provides the applicant with written notification that the application is not complete, stating the reason for the determination and describing the specific information necessary to make the application complete.
293.26(8)(b)(b) If the department provides a notice under par. (a), the applicant shall supplement the application by providing the specified information. The application is complete when the applicant provides the information.
293.26(8)(c)(c) If the department determines that the issuance of an approval is contingent upon the issuance of a permit under s. 29.604 (6m), and if the application for the permit under s. 29.604 (6m) is filed with the approval application, the department may not determine that the approval application is incomplete on the basis that the department has not yet issued the permit under s. 29.604 (6m).
293.26(9)(a)(a) A person who intends to engage in bulk sampling shall submit with the bulk sampling plan a bond in the amount of $5,000 that is conditioned on faithful performance of the requirements of this section, that is issued by a surety company licensed to do business in this state, and that provides that the bond may not be canceled by the surety, except after not less than 90 days’ notice to the department in writing by registered or certified mail.
293.26(9)(b)(b) If the surety for a bond submitted under par. (a) issues a cancellation notice, the person who filed the bulk sampling plan shall deliver a replacement bond at least 30 days before the expiration of the 90-day notice period. If the person fails to submit a replacement bond, the person may not engage in bulk sampling until the person submits a replacement bond.
293.26(9)(c)(c) If the license of the surety company for a bond submitted under par. (a) is revoked or suspended, the person who filed the bulk sampling plan, within 30 days after receiving written notice from the department, shall deliver a replacement bond. If the person fails to submit a replacement bond, the person may not engage in bulk sampling until the person submits a replacement bond.
293.26(9)(d)(d) The department may require that the amount of the bond submitted under this subsection be increased at any time, if the department determines that it is unlikely that the bond would be adequate to fund the cost to this state of completing the revegetation plan.
293.26(9)(e)(e) The department shall release a bond submitted under this subsection one year after the time for completing the bulk sampling and the revegetation set forth in the bulk sampling plan if the department determines that the person who engaged in bulk sampling has complied with this section.
293.26(10)(10)Notwithstanding any provision in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or a rule promulgated under those chapters applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall require the bulk sampling activity for which the approval is issued to be conducted at locations that result in the fewest overall adverse environmental impacts.
293.26(11)(a)(a) In determining whether to approve or deny an application for an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall consider the site-specific erosion control plan, the revegetation plan, and any wetland mitigation program.
293.26(11)(b)(b) The department may modify the application for an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m) in order to meet the requirements applicable to the approval, and, as modified, approve the application.
293.26(12)(12)Notwithstanding any inconsistent period in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or in a rule promulgated under those chapters that is applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall approve or deny an application within 30 days after the day on which the application is considered to be complete under sub. (8) if any of the following applies:
293.26(12)(a)(a) The application is for a waiver, exemption, or exception to an approval for a bulk sampling activity or for a determination that the proposed bulk sampling activity is below the threshold that requires an approval.
293.26(12)(b)(b) The application is for a determination of eligibility for coverage or authorization to proceed under a general permit or a registration permit.
293.26(13)(a)(a) Notwithstanding any inconsistent period in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or in a rule promulgated under those chapters that is applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall approve or deny any application for an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m) to which sub. (12) does not apply within 60 days after the date on which the application is considered to be complete under sub. (8), unless the application is for an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval.
293.26(13)(b)(b) The department shall publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, and shall publish notice on the department’s Internet site, that describes the availability of information concerning the activity for which an approval described in par. (a) is required, its proposed decision, its draft approval, information or summaries related to the approval, the department’s analyses and preliminary determinations relating to the approval, any additional information that a law concerning the approval requires to be made available, and the opportunity to submit written comments within 30 days after the date of the publication of the notice. The date on which the department first publishes the notice on its Internet site shall be considered the date of the publication of the notice required to be published under this paragraph.
293.26(13)(c)(c) In the notice under par. (b), the department shall also specify the date, time, and location of the public informational hearing under par. (e). The department shall send the notice to any person to whom the department is required to give notice of any proposed determination, application, or hearing concerning an approval described in par. (a) under the laws relating to the issuance of the approval and to any person who has requested notice. The department’s notice to interested persons under this paragraph may be given through an electronic notification system established by the department.
293.26(13)(d)(d) If there is more than one approval described in par. (a), the department shall issue one notice and coordinate the public comment period for all of the approvals. If possible, the department shall coordinate the notice and the public comment period for an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval with notice and the public comment period for the approvals described in par. (a).
293.26(13)(e)(e) The department shall hold a public informational hearing within 30 days after the date of the publication of the notice under par. (b). The department shall hold the public informational hearing in the county where the majority of the proposed bulk sampling site is located. If there is more than one approval described in par. (a), the department shall hold a single public informational hearing covering all of the approvals. If possible, the department shall include consideration of an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval in the public informational hearing under this paragraph. The public informational hearing under this paragraph is not a contested case hearing under ch. 227.
293.26(14)(a)(a) If it is not possible to coordinate the public comment period and public informational hearing for an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval with the public comment period and public informational hearing under sub. (13), the department shall issue a separate public notice and hold a separate public informational hearing for the approval in accordance with the law governing the approval.
293.26(14)(b)(b) The department shall approve or deny the application for an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval within 180 days after the date on which the application is considered to be complete under sub. (8).
293.26(14m)(14m)Upon issuing all of the approvals required by the department to engage in bulk sampling under subs. (13) and (14), the department shall issue the applicant a bulk sampling license.
293.26(15)(15)An approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m) or a bulk sampling license is issued upon mailing and is final and effective upon issuance.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)