32.61(4)(d)(d) If the city issues particular special improvement bonds under s. 32.67 (2) prior to a judgment reducing the benefits assessed against the property, any foreclosure of the bonds shall be for the reduced amount only of the benefits assessed. The city shall reimburse the bondholder for the difference due on the bonds.
32.61 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236; 1985 a. 135; 1987 a. 378.
32.6232.62Transfer of title.
32.62(1)(1)Fee simple title to city. If the city acquires any property by gift, purchase or condemnation under this subchapter, the city holds fee simple title to the property except that the city may acquire only an easement for streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts or water or sewer mains or branches and may acquire temporary construction easements.
32.62(2)(a)(a) The city acquires title to any property if any of the following occur:
32.62(2)(a)1.1. The city pays the property owner the damages assessed under s. 32.57.
32.62(2)(a)2.2. The city reserves sufficient funds to pay the property owner the damages assessed under s. 32.57 and the board provides the property owner with 10 days’ notice of the availability of the funds prior to acquisition by publication in any newspaper of general circulation in the city.
32.62(2)(a)3.3. The city deposits the damages assessed under s. 32.57 with the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which the property is located for payment by order of the court under par. (c).
32.62(2)(b)(b) Any person entitled to payment for an assessment of damages exceeding $200 shall furnish to the city an abstract of title extended down to date to prove ownership, before the city may pay the assessment of damages. If the assessment of damages does not exceed $200, the claimant may furnish a certificate of title to prove ownership instead of an abstract of title.
32.62(2)(c)(c) The city may deposit the assessed damages with the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which the property is located. Deposit with the circuit court clerk relieves the city of any responsibility for the payment of damages and vests title to the property with the city. The circuit court has jurisdiction over the application of any party interested in the assessed damages, after notifying all interested parties and receiving proof of the applicant’s interest, to distribute the payment of damages.
32.62(2)(d)1.1. The city may deposit the assessed damages with the clerk of the circuit court for the county in which the property is located if either of the following persons fails to accept a payment of damages:
32.62(2)(d)1.a.a. A trustee vested with title to property condemned under this subchapter but who is not authorized to convey the property.
32.62(2)(d)1.b.b. A guardian of a person with an interest in property condemned under this subchapter.
32.62(2)(d)2.2. The city shall notify the trustee or guardian of the deposit under subd. 1. Deposit with the circuit court clerk relieves the city of any responsibility for the payment of damages and vests title to the property with the city. The circuit court has jurisdiction over the application of any trustee or guardian to determine the rights of the parties and distribute the payment of damages.
32.62(2)(e)(e) Payment of damages assessed under s. 32.57 voids all encumbrances to title, including any contract, lease or covenant attached to the property. Payment of assessed damages satisfies the interests in the property of all parties to the encumbrances.
32.62(3)(3)Payment of taxes. The city may collect any unpaid property taxes, including property taxes assessed for the current year prior to transfer of title to the city, by reducing the assessed damages payable to the property owner proportionately. The court with jurisdiction under sub. (2) (c) or (d) may reduce the assessed damages proportionately prior to ordering the distribution of the assessed damages.
32.62(4)(4)Writ of assistance. If the city is unable to obtain possession of the property under sub. (2), a circuit court may grant a writ of assistance with 24 hours’ notice to assist the transfer of title. If the city receives a writ of assistance pending an appeal, the appellant may receive the money paid into court upon the order of the court without prejudice to the appeal.
32.62 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236.
32.6332.63Completing certain improvements.
32.63(1)(1)Application. This section applies to any plan of improvement that includes the acquisition of property either for the purpose of laying out or improving an alley or street, as defined in s. 340.01 (2) and (64), or for the purpose of establishing any park or memorial ground and that includes any of the following improvements:
32.63(1)(a)(a) Creating or improving gutters, curbs or sidewalks of the alley or street.
32.63(1)(b)(b) Improving any park or memorial ground.
32.63(1)(c)(c) Erecting any bridge or viaduct.
32.63(2)(2)Performance. After approving the plan of improvement under s. 32.55, the city may complete the improvement without submitting further estimates of the cost of the improvement to the common council. The common council may not revise its assessment of benefits or damages for the improvement.
32.63 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236.
32.6632.66Bonding. The common council may, by resolution, authorize the issuance of general special improvement bonds or particular special improvement bonds to finance an improvement. The common council may register the bonds as to principal under s. 67.09 and may call the bonds on terms it prescribes.
32.66 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236.
32.6732.67Special improvement bonds.
32.67(1)(1)General special improvement bonds. General special improvement bonds are payable as to principal and interest on April 1, as provided in sub. (3) from the collection of assessments of benefits for any improvement. The city comptroller shall issue the bonds. The common council shall determine the amount and denominations in which the bonds are issued and set the interest rate. The common council may issue the bonds in series. The bonds shall have interest coupons attached, bear the seal of the city and be signed by the mayor, one member of the board of assessment and the city comptroller. The mayor’s signature may be engraved.
32.67(2)(2)Particular special improvement bonds.
32.67(2)(a)(a) The common council may authorize the issuance of particular special improvement bonds directly against any affected property. The city shall set the interest rate for these bonds.
32.67(2)(b)(b) The city comptroller shall issue the bonds for the amounts assessed against the property. The bonds shall be made payable as provided by the authorizing resolution of the common council in equal annual installments plus interest on the unpaid part of the bond accruing to the date of payment on April 1, as provided in sub. (3). The bonds shall be designated “Particular Special Improvement Bonds” (naming the improvement), be made payable to bearer, state the amount of the assessment of benefits due and the amount of each installment plus interest payable and the times of payment, describe the property upon which the bond is assessed, bear the seal of the city, be issued in the city’s name and be signed by the mayor, one member of the board of assessment and the city comptroller. The signature of the mayor may be engraved. Coupons shall be attached to each bond in amounts equal to the installment payments due plus interest remaining on unpaid portions of the bond.
32.67(2)(c)(c) The lien of the bond attaches on the date the assessment is placed on the tax roll under par. (e).
32.67(2)(d)(d) If the city fails to pay any installment of the bond plus interest because the assessment against the property is delinquent, the bondholder may require the entire amount of the bond plus interest to be paid within 3 years after the default. The bondholder may foreclose against the property in the manner provided under s. 75.19. The bondholder may also recover reasonable attorney fees and costs. The time for redemption of the property may be shortened by order of the court. A copy of the bond foreclosed may be filed as a part of the judgment roll in the action in place of the original.
32.67(2)(e)(e) If bonds are issued, the city comptroller shall place benefit assessments against property financing the bonds on the tax roll for the year of issuance or, if the city comptroller is unable to place the assessments on this tax roll, on the next year’s tax roll. Placement of benefit assessments on the tax roll is only for the purpose of collection by the city treasurer at the same time as other taxes are collected. If the owner defaults on payment of the assessment no tax certificate may be issued for the property under s. 74.57. The sole remedy for the enforcement of the payment of the bonds is the foreclosure action against the property under par. (d).
32.67(3)(3)Time of bond payments. Bonds or coupons are payable at the office of the city treasurer on April 1 following the expiration of the tax collection period of each year in which the assessments may be placed on the tax roll for collection, to the extent the assessments financing the bonds or coupons are received.
32.67(4)(4)Not a debt of the city.
32.67(4)(a)(a) No bond issued under this section is a debt of the city, except to the extent the city treasurer collects assessments for payment of the bonds.
32.67(4)(b)(b) The common council may guarantee to pay any deficiencies in the collection of any assessment in an amount up to the principal and interest of any bond or coupon. If the city pays a deficiency it may become the owner of the bond or coupon, subrogated to the rights of the bondholder. The city may apply any redemption payments on delinquent assessments to the payment of any coupons or bonds it holds.
32.67 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236; 1987 a. 378.
32.6832.68Tax delinquent fund. The city may create a tax delinquent fund to cover delinquent payment of assessments. The common council may authorize payment of deficiencies in the collection of assessments to pay the amount due on bonds issued under s. 32.67.
32.68 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236.
32.6932.69Alternative financing by general obligation bonds, taxation or anticipation notes.
32.69(1)(1)Funding. The city may finance any improvement under this subchapter by issuing general obligation bonds, levying a tax or by borrowing on anticipation notes. The city may collect assessments on property that finances bonds under s. 32.67 and apply the assessments to pay the principal and interest of general obligation bonds, or to reduce general taxes if the city levies a tax to finance an improvement. If the city issues no bonds under s. 32.67, the city shall apply all assessments collected to pay the principal and interest of general obligation bonds or to reduce taxes if the city levies a tax to finance an improvement.
32.69(2)(2)General obligation bonding. The common council may adopt an initial resolution to issue general obligation bonds to pay the cost of laying out or improving any alley or street, as defined in s. 340.01 (2) and (64), without submitting the initial resolution to the electors of the city unless a number of electors equal to or greater than 10 percent of the votes cast for governor in the city at the last general election file a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 with the city clerk requesting submission. The city shall conduct any referendum for approval of the initial resolution as provided in s. 67.05 (5).
32.69(3)(3)Anticipation notes. The common council may authorize borrowing on notes signed by the mayor and city comptroller in anticipation of the incoming assessments to pay the cost of any improvement authorized under this subchapter. The city shall pay the notes out of the assessments received in the year of issuance. The city shall pay the notes not later than April 1 following the date of issuance. The city may pay any deficit due to delinquencies in the collection of assessments out of the tax delinquent fund under s. 32.68.
32.69 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236; 1989 a. 192.
32.7032.70Statute of limitations. Unless the action commences within one year after January 1 following the date the assessment of benefits is placed on the tax roll under s. 32.58 (2), no person may contest the sale of property or issuance of any tax certificate for nonpayment of an assessment. Commencing an action is subject to s. 32.61 and does not prevent the issuance or payment of any bonds issued under s. 32.67 or 32.69.
32.70 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236; 1987 a. 378.
32.7132.71Liberal construction. This subchapter shall be liberally construed to provide the city with the largest possible power and leeway of action.
32.71 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236.
32.7232.72Approval by the electorate.
32.72(1)(1)Sections 32.50 to 32.71 do not take effect in any city until the following question is submitted to the electors of the city at a special election and adopted by a majority vote of the electors voting: “Shall subchapter II of chapter 32, Wisconsin Statutes, be effective in the city of ................, thus allowing the city to acquire and condemn property for street widening and similar purposes, financed through assessments of benefits and damages?”. The question shall be filed as provided in s. 8.37.
32.72(2)(2)Notwithstanding sub. (1), this subchapter is effective in any city that has used chapter 275, laws of 1931, to acquire and condemn property before April 27, 1984.
32.72 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 236; 1983 a. 538 ss. 39, 264; 1999 a. 182.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)