348.07(2)(gm)(gm) 28 feet 6 inches for a semitrailer or trailer operated as part of a double bottom on a highway designated under sub. (4).
348.07(2)(gr)(gr) 53 feet for a semitrailer whose length from kingpin to axle does not exceed 43 feet and which is operated as part of a 2-vehicle combination on a highway designated under sub. (4). The length limits in this paragraph do not apply to a trailer or a semitrailer that is authorized to operate under par. (im).
348.07(2)(gv)(gv) 53 feet for a semitrailer whose length from kingpin to axle does not exceed 43 feet and which is operated as part of a 2-vehicle combination, except as provided in par. (gr) or sub. (4m). The length limits in this paragraph do not apply to a trailer or a semitrailer that is authorized to operate under par. (im).
348.07(2)(h)(h) Sixty-six feet for articulated buses operated in urban areas.
348.07(2)(im)(im) Seventy-five total feet for a 2-vehicle combination designed and primarily used for transporting livestock, if the trailer or semitrailer, measured as required by sub. (3) (b), is not longer than 53 feet, the trailer or semitrailer is equipped with at least 2 axles, and the towing vehicle is not a motor truck, truck tractor, road tractor, or combination vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating or actual gross weight of 10,000 pounds or less.
348.07(2)(j)(j) 66 feet for an automobile haulaway plus an additional overhang of 4 feet to the front of the vehicle and 5 feet to the rear of the vehicle.
348.07(2)(k)(k) Sixty feet for a single vehicle, and 120 feet for a 2-vehicle combination, used by a pipeline company or operator, public service corporation, municipal utility, or cooperative association described in s. 196.01 (5) (b) 1., or by a motor carrier operating under contract with a pipeline company or operator, public service corporation, municipal utility, or cooperative association described in s. 196.01 (5) (b) 1., for transportation of poles, pipe, girders and similar materials. A vehicle or vehicle combination described in this paragraph may, in addition to the vehicle length specified in this paragraph, carry a load extending not more than 10 feet beyond the front bumper of the vehicle or foremost vehicle in the vehicle combination.
348.07(2)(L)(L) Forty-six feet for a towed recreational vehicle.
348.07(2a)(2a)Tour trains consisting of 4 vehicles including the propelling motor vehicle may be operated as provided in s. 348.08 (1) (c).
348.07(2m)(2m)Subsection (2) (e) also applies to implements of husbandry while being operated or transported by an implement dealer or farmer for purposes of delivery, repair, or servicing of the implement of husbandry if the implement of husbandry is being operated or transported under either of the following circumstances:
348.07(2m)(a)(a) Directly from a farmer’s owned or leased land to the business location of an implement dealer that is within a 75-mile radius of the farmer’s owned or leased land.
348.07(2m)(b)(b) Directly from the business location of an implement dealer to a farmer’s owned or leased land that is within a 75-mile radius of the implement dealer’s business location.
348.07(2r)(2r)Subsection (2) (e) also applies to implements of husbandry while being transported by trailer or semitrailer on a highway to or from a farm-related destination.
348.07(3)(a)(a) The overall length of a mobile home or recreational vehicle shall be measured from the rear thereof to the rear of the vehicle to which it is attached.
348.07(3)(b)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the length of a semitrailer or trailer shall be measured from the front thereof to the rear of the semitrailer or trailer or cargo, whichever is longer, excluding bumpers, stake pockets, air deflectors and refrigeration units.
348.07(3)(b)2.2. The length of a semitrailer operated as the first trailing unit in a double bottom consisting of a truck tractor and 2 semitrailers does not include a frame extension bearing a fifth-wheel connection by which the 2nd trailing unit is drawn unless the frame extension is more than 8 feet in length. This subdivision does not affect the measurement of length from the front of the semitrailer to the rear of the cargo.
348.07(3)(c)(c) The distance between a kingpin and semitrailer axle shall be measured as follows:
348.07(3)(c)1.1. On a semitrailer having a tandem axle, from the kingpin to a point midway between the first and last axles of the tandem axle.
348.07(3)(c)2.2. On a semitrailer not having a tandem axle, from the kingpin to the center of the rearmost axle.
348.07(4)(4)The secretary shall, by rule, designate the highways to which sub. (2) (f), (fm), (gm), and (gr) and s. 348.08 (1) (a) 2. and (e) apply. The designation of highways under this subsection may not be inconsistent with the designation of highways made by the U.S. secretary of transportation under P.L. 97-424, section 411. The secretary may also designate additional highways by rule. In adopting a rule designating other highways, which may include 2-lane highways, the secretary shall specify the factors which resulted in the determination to designate the highways. These factors shall include, but are not limited to, safety, economics, energy savings, industry productivity and competition. Vehicles to which sub. (2) (f), (fm), (gm), and (gr) and s. 348.08 (1) (a) 2. and (e) apply may also operate on highways not designated under this subsection for a distance of 15 miles or less in order to obtain access to a highway designated under this subsection or to reach fuel, food, maintenance, repair, rest, staging, terminal or vehicle assembly facilities or points of loading or unloading. The secretary may, by rule, designate an access route of more than 15 miles from a highway designated under this subsection when the longer route provides safer and better access to a location which is within the 15-mile limit. Household goods carriers may operate between highways designated under this subsection and points of loading and unloading.
348.07(4m)(4m)The secretary shall, by rule, designate those parts of the state trunk highway system to which sub. (2) (fs) and (gv) do not apply. For each part of the state trunk highway system designated under this subsection, the secretary shall specify the factors that resulted in the determination to designate the part as not suitable to accommodate vehicle lengths as specified in sub. (2) (fs) and (gv). The secretary may, by rule, establish exceptions to the vehicle-combination length limitation specified in sub. (1), including establishing any greater or lesser length limitation than that specified in sub. (1), with respect to specific types of vehicles identified by the secretary or highways designated by the secretary, but the secretary may not establish under this subsection any length limitation inconsistent with sub. (2) or (2a) or s. 348.08 (1).
348.07(5)(5)As often as it deems necessary, the department shall publish maps required for its own use and for free distribution showing the highways designated under subs. (4) and (4m), those parts of the state trunk highway system not designated under sub. (4m), and such other main highways and other features as the department deems desirable.
348.07 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. Trans 276, Wis. adm. code.
348.07 AnnotationThe state may not prohibit 65-foot double-bottom trailers. Raymond Motor Transportation, Inc. v. Rice, 434 U.S. 429, 98 S. Ct. 787, 54 L. Ed. 2d 664 (1978).
348.08348.08Vehicle trains.
348.08(1)(1)No person, without a permit therefor shall operate on a highway any motor vehicle drawing or having attached thereto more than one vehicle, except that:
348.08(1)(a)(a) Two or 3 vehicles may, without such permit, be drawn or attached when such vehicles are being transported by the drive-away method in saddlemount combination and the overall length of such combination of vehicles does not exceed the following:
348.08(1)(a)1.1. When operating on a highway designated as part of the national system of interstate and defense highways under s. 84.29, 97 feet.
348.08(1)(a)2.2. When operating on a highway designated under s. 348.07 (4), 97 feet.
348.08(1)(a)3.3. When operating on a highway not identified in subd. 1. or 2., 75 feet.
348.08(1)(b)(b) Two implements of husbandry may, without such permit, be drawn by, or attached to, another implement of husbandry if the overall length of such combination of vehicles does not exceed 70 feet, or 100 feet if the vehicle combination is traveling at a speed of not more than 25 miles per hour.
348.08(1)(c)(c) Tour trains may, without such permit, be drawn by a motor vehicle upon and along county and municipal roads and streets and across state trunk highways, and upon and along state trunk highways where there are no alternate municipal or county routes or streets for such operation. The following requirements and restrictions shall apply to tour train operations:
348.08(1)(c)1.1. Tour trains shall operate within a radius of 10 miles from the situs of the beginning and ending of the excursion.
348.08(1)(c)2.2. Tour trains shall operate only along those portions of the state trunk highway system approved by the department.
348.08(1)(c)3.3. The towing vehicle shall be of such design and construction that it will safely tow the unit at speeds up to 35 m.p.h. and the towing vehicle shall in no case be a farm-type tractor, but shall be a motor vehicle originally designed and manufactured expressly for operation upon public highways.
348.08(1)(c)4.4. Each unit of a tour train, regardless of weight, shall be equipped with brakes as provided in s. 347.35 (3) (a).
348.08(1)(c)5.5. Tour trains shall be equipped with head lamps, tail lamps, stop lamps, directional signal lamps and reflectors as provided in ch. 347 and in compliance with these provisions as if the train were a single motor vehicle.
348.08(1)(c)6.6. All hitches, couplings, safety chains or cables shall be in compliance with s. 347.47.
348.08(1)(d)(d) Two trailers transporting empty pressurized or nonpressurized tanks used for hauling or storing liquid agricultural fertilizer or 2 implements of husbandry, including 2 empty trailers used primarily as implements of husbandry in connection with seasonal agricultural activities, may, without such permit, be drawn by a motor truck, truck tractor, or agricultural commercial motor vehicle if the overall length of such combination of vehicles and load does not exceed 70 feet or, if the vehicle combination is traveling at a speed of not more than 25 miles per hour, 100 feet. For purposes of this paragraph, “empty” means less than 20 percent full.
348.08(1)(e)(e) A double bottom may be operated on highways designated by the secretary under s. 348.07 (4).
348.08(1)(f)(f) A double bottom transporting dairy products from the point of production to the first point of processing may operate on any highway not designated under s. 348.07 (4) if the overall length of such double bottom does not exceed 60 feet. If the double bottom operates on a highway designated under s. 348.07 (4), s. 348.07 (2) (f), (fm) and (gm) applies.
348.08(1)(g)(g) Three trailers containing only warning signs used exclusively for highway maintenance or construction purposes may, without a permit, be drawn by a motor truck if the overall length of the combination of vehicles does not exceed 60 feet.
348.08(1)(h)(h) Two new trailers or semitrailers to be used for transporting farm products or livestock may, without such permit, be drawn by a motor truck not exceeding 25 feet in length if each trailer or semitrailer is 28 feet 6 inches or less in length and the trailers or semitrailers are being transported directly from a manufacturer to a dealer or directly from a dealer to another dealer. The length of the first trailing unit does not include a frame extension by which the 2nd trailing unit is drawn.
348.08(1)(i)(i) A 3-vehicle combination consisting of a towing vehicle and, in order by weight, with the lighter of the towed vehicles as the 3rd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination unless not structurally possible, a recreational vehicle as the 2nd vehicle, and a recreational vehicle or trailer carrying any vehicle for recreational use or carrying no load as the 3rd vehicle may, without a permit, be operated on a highway if the overall length of the combination of vehicles does not exceed 65 feet and, if the total weight, including any load, of all towed vehicles exceeds 3,000 pounds, one of the towed vehicles is equipped with brakes. No 3-vehicle combination may operate under this paragraph if highway or weather conditions include heavy snow, freezing rain, icy roads, high winds, limited visibility, or upon a highway that is closed or partially closed by the department due to highway conditions.
348.08(1)(j)(j) A 3-vehicle combination not exceeding 70 feet in overall length may, without a permit, be operated on a highway if the towing vehicle serving as the power unit is equipped with a 5th wheel and kingpin connection by which the 2nd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination is drawn, the 2nd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination is a recreational vehicle, including any combination camping-horse trailer, the 3rd vehicle in the 3-vehicle combination is a recreational vehicle or a trailer carrying any vehicle for recreational use, carrying equestrian equipment and equestrian supplies for recreational purposes, or carrying no load, and, if the total weight, including any load, of all towed vehicles exceeds 3,000 pounds, one of the towed vehicles is equipped with brakes. No 3-vehicle combination may operate under this paragraph if highway or weather conditions include heavy snow, freezing rain, icy roads, high winds, limited visibility, or upon a highway that is closed or partially closed by the department due to highway conditions.
348.08(2)(2)Whenever any train of implements of husbandry is being operated under sub. (1) (b), the train shall be equipped as provided in s. 347.21 (1m). Whenever any train of agricultural vehicles is being operated under sub. (1) (d), the train shall be equipped as provided in s. 347.21 (1). The trailer hitches of a train described in this subsection shall be of a positive nature so as to prevent accidental release.
348.08 AnnotationThe state may not prohibit 65-foot double-bottom trailers. Raymond Motor Transportation, Inc. v. Rice, 434 U.S. 429, 98 S. Ct. 787, 54 L. Ed. 2d 664 (1978).
348.09348.09Projecting loads on side of vehicles.
348.09(1)(1)No person, without a permit therefor, may operate on a highway any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer carrying any load extending beyond the fender line on the left side or extending more than 6 inches beyond the fender line on the right side of the vehicle.
348.09(2)(2)This section applies even though the total width of the vehicle and load does not exceed the maximum permitted under s. 348.05.
348.09(3)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), this section does not apply if the load is an implement of husbandry being transported as provided in s. 348.05 (2g) or (3m) or an agricultural commercial motor vehicle being transported as provided in s. 348.05 (3r) or (3t).
348.09(3)(b)(b) No person may transport by trailer or semitrailer on a highway an agricultural commercial motor vehicle exceeding 8 feet 6 inches in total outside width unless the agricultural commercial motor vehicle is equipped with at least 2 amber flashing warning lamps that are lighted and visible from both the front and rear. When lighted, these lamps shall be capable of being seen and distinguished under normal atmospheric conditions during hours of darkness at a distance of 500 feet from the front and rear of the agricultural commercial motor vehicle. These lamps shall be mounted, as nearly as practicable, to indicate the extreme width of the agricultural commercial motor vehicle, but not more than 16 inches from the lateral extremities of the agricultural commercial motor vehicle.
348.09 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 85; 2013 a. 377; 2015 a. 15, 232.
348.10348.10Special limitations on load.
348.10(1)(1)No person, without a permit therefor, may operate on a highway any vehicle or combination of vehicles with any load thereon extending more than 3 feet beyond the front of the foremost vehicle, except as provided in s. 348.07 (2) (j) and (k), and except that a vehicle carrying another vehicle equipped with a crane or boom which extends more than 3 feet beyond the front of the foremost vehicle may be operated without permit if the total length of the vehicle or combination of vehicles, measuring from the end of the foremost projection of the load to the rear of the rearmost vehicle, does not exceed statutory length limitations.
348.10(2)(2)No person shall operate a vehicle on a highway unless such vehicle is so constructed and loaded as to prevent its contents from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom.
348.10(3)(3)No person may operate on a highway any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer carrying logs unless the logs are transported within a cargo body or are securely fastened to the vehicle by chains, steel cables or other attachment devices of equivalent strength whose safety is approved by the department.
348.10(3m)(3m)No person may operate on a highway any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer carrying junk or scrapped vehicles unless one of the following conditions is satisfied:
348.10(3m)(a)(a) Each junk or scrapped vehicle is securely fastened to the vehicle carrying the load by chains, steel cables or other attachment devices of equivalent strength whose safety is approved by the department. In this paragraph, “securely fastened” means that each tier of junk or scrapped vehicles is secured by at least 2 chains, steel cables or other attachment devices across the axis of its width.
348.10(3m)(b)(b) The vehicle carrying the load is equipped with stakes which are securely fastened by chains, steel cables or other attachment devices of equivalent strength whose safety is approved by the department and the top of the load is lower than the top of the stakes.
348.10(3m)(c)(c) The vehicle carrying the load is equipped with sides, sideboards or side stakes and with a rear endgate, endboard or rear stakes. These devices shall be of sufficient strength and height to prevent the cargo from shifting upon or falling from the vehicle. No device may have any aperture large enough to permit cargo in contact with one or more of the devices to pass through the aperture.
348.10(4)(4)All other provisions notwithstanding, no person shall operate on a highway any trailer or semitrailer when the gross weight of the trailer or semitrailer exceeds the empty weight of the towing vehicle, unless the trailer or semitrailer is equipped with brakes as provided in s. 347.35 (3) (a) and (b).
348.10(5)(5)The load imposed upon trailers, semitrailers, recreational vehicles, or mobile homes shall be distributed in a manner that will prevent side sway under all conditions of operation:
348.10(5)(a)(a) All items of load carried by any trailer, semitrailer, recreational vehicle, or mobile home, except bulk material such as sand, gravel, dirt not in containers, shall be secured to, on or in the trailer, semitrailer, recreational vehicle, or mobile home in such manner as to prevent shifting of the load while the trailer, semitrailer, recreational vehicle, or mobile home is being drawn by a towing vehicle.
348.10(5)(b)(b) Boats of any type transported on a trailer or semitrailer being drawn by a towing vehicle shall be secured in position at bow and stern by attachments of such strength and design as to prevent the boat from shifting its position on the trailer or becoming separated from the trailer while being transported thereon.
348.10(5)(c)(c) The load carried by any trailer, semitrailer, recreational vehicle, or mobile home shall be so positioned that a weight of not less than 35 pounds is imposed at the center of the point of attachment to the towing vehicle when parked on a level surface.
348.10 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. Trans 307, Wis. adm. code.
348.105348.105Transport of radiological materials.
348.105(1)(1)In this section:
348.105(1)(a)(a) “Highway route controlled quantity” has the meaning given in 49 CFR 173.403.
348.105(1)(b)(b) “Permit” means a permit for the transport of radiological materials issued under this section.
348.105(2)(2)No person may operate on a highway any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer carrying a highway route controlled quantity of radiological materials without a permit.
348.105(3)(3)The department may issue single-trip permits for the transport of radiological materials. A permit shall include all of the following:
348.105(3)(a)(a) A designated route to be used by the permittee.
348.105(3)(b)(b) A requirement for an escort by the state traffic patrol.
348.105(4)(4)An application for a permit shall be made to the department using an electronic application process established by the department. The department shall charge a fee of $1,800 for a permit. All moneys received from fees imposed by the department under this subsection shall be deposited in the transportation fund.
348.105(5)(5)All of the following apply to a permit:
348.105(5)(a)(a) A permit may be issued only by the department, regardless of the highways to be used.
348.105(5)(b)(b) The department may impose any reasonable conditions for permit application and for operation under a permit that it deems necessary for the safety of travel and protection of the highways.
348.105(5)(c)(c) If an applicant’s proposed route includes a highway under the jurisdiction of a local authority, the department shall, prior to issuing a permit, submit the permit application to the officer in charge of maintenance of that highway. The department may issue the permit, notwithstanding any objections of the officer, if, after consulting with the officer, the department determines that the objections lack merit.
348.105(5)(d)(d) Vehicles, trailers, and semitrailers operated or transported under a permit are exempt from the restrictions and limitations imposed by this chapter on size, weight, and load to the extent stated in the permit. Any person who violates a condition of a permit under which that person is operating is subject to the same penalties as would be applicable if that person were operating without a permit.
348.105(5)(e)(e) The department may require the permittee to file a bond, certificate of insurance, or certified check that holds the state and any city, village, town, or county through which the vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer will be operated harmless from any claim, loss, or damage that results from the granting of the permit or from any action under the permit. The department may require that the bond, certificate of insurance, or certified check be conditioned to require that the permittee pay for restoration, to a condition satisfactory to the officer in charge of the maintenance of the highway, of any pavement, bridge, culvert, sewer pipe, or other improvement that is damaged by the use of the highway by the permittee under the permit. If a permittee refuses to pay for damage caused by the permittee, the department may maintain an action upon a bond, certificate of insurance, or certified check required under this paragraph.
348.105(5)(f)(f) The department may require the permittee to file proof that the permittee has in effect sufficient personal injury and property damage insurance to cover any claim for bodily injury or property damage that may occur in connection with operation under a permit and for which the permittee is legally responsible.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)