59.53(12)(12)Guardian of or conservator for county hospital patients. In any county having a population of 100,000 or more, the board may authorize the county as a body corporate to act as guardian or conservator of the respective estates of patients in its county hospital or mental hospital, and also as guardians or conservators of the respective estates of residents of its county home or infirmary.
59.53(13)(13)Payments for abortions and abortion-related activity restricted.
59.53(13)(a)(a) No county, or agency or subdivision of the county, may authorize funds for or pay to a physician or surgeon or a hospital, clinic or other medical facility for the performance of an abortion except those permitted under and which are performed in accordance with s. 20.927.
59.53(13)(b)(b) No county or agency or subdivision of a county may authorize payment of funds for a grant, subsidy or other funding involving a pregnancy program, project or service if s. 20.9275 (2) applies to the pregnancy program, project or service.
59.53(14)(14)Victims and witnesses of crimes. The board may appropriate money for the implementation and operation of a program under s. 950.06.
59.53(15)(15)Nursing associations. The board may appropriate money toward the support of organized and bona fide nursing associations in the county, such associations to have at least one qualified nurse.
59.53(16)(16)Isolation hospitals.
59.53(16)(a)(a) In counties having a population of 30,000 or more the board may erect, establish and maintain isolation hospitals or places for the care and treatment of all persons afflicted with infectious, contagious and communicable diseases, requiring isolation and quarantine under the laws of the state, who are inmates of the charitable, penal, correctional and other institutions of said county or who are required to be cared for and treated at the expense of said county. The board may also provide for the care and treatment therein of all persons so afflicted, who are required to be cared for by the various municipalities in said counties, under such terms, conditions, rules and regulations, as to apportionment of cost of erection of such buildings and places and the expense of care and treatment of such persons afflicted, as may be agreed upon between the county board and the common council of such cities and the boards of such villages and towns, and each such council or board is hereby vested with power and authority to enter into such contracts and to appropriate such funds as may be necessary to carry into execution all contracts so made.
59.53(16)(b)(b) All isolation hospitals and other places, when erected or established in counties having a county board of administration, shall be conducted under the control and management of the board of administration in the same manner and to the same extent as other institutions under the control of the board of administration, and in other counties the isolation hospitals and other places shall be conducted under the control and management of the county board. Any resident of this state who is not indigent may be received into, treated and cared for in an isolation hospital or other place upon the terms and conditions and at the rate or pay established and fixed by the board having charge of the isolation hospital or other place; provided, however, that indigent and destitute sick persons shall be cared for and have preference of admission to such hospitals and places.
59.53(17)(17)Aid to immigration societies.
59.53(17)(a)(a) A board may appropriate an amount not to exceed $1,000 in any one year for the purpose of assisting a county association of the citizens of the county, or an association composed of the citizens of 2 or more counties of which the citizens of the county are members, organized solely for the purpose of inducing immigration to the state.
59.53(17)(b)(b) The disbursement of an appropriation made under this subsection shall be under the supervision of the chairperson of the board, the clerk and the treasurer, and in all cases after such an appropriation has been made, there shall be filed with the clerk a sworn statement by the treasurer of the immigration society for whose benefit the appropriation was made, showing that the amount of the appropriation has been used by the association for the purpose of inducing immigration to the county making the appropriation and to adjoining counties, and itemized bills for the expenditure of a sum equal to the appropriation duly verified shall accompany the statement of the treasurer. Upon the approval of the statement and the itemized bills, by the county officers above named, the money so appropriated shall be paid by the proper officers of the county making the same into the treasury of the immigration association.
59.53(18)(18)Immigration board.
59.53(18)(a)(a) The county board may create an immigration board consisting of 3 to 5 members, one of whom shall be the county surveyor. The immigration board shall meet, and its members shall receive such compensation and expenses and shall serve for the terms that the county board determines.
59.53(18)(b)(b) The immigration board shall aid in promoting settlement of vacant agricultural lands in the county, and shall protect prospective settlers from unfair practices.
59.53(18)(c)(c) The county board may in any year appropriate for the carrying out of the work of the immigration board a sum not to exceed $5,000.
59.53(19)(19)Joint operation of health-related service. The board may authorize the trustees of county hospitals, together with a private or public organization or affiliation, to organize, establish and participate in the governance and operation of an entity to operate, wholly or in part, any health-related service; to participate in the financing of the entity; and to provide administrative and financial services or resources for its operation on terms prescribed by the board.
59.53(20)(20)Work centers. The board may establish and operate a work center licensed under s. 104.07 to provide employment for severely handicapped individuals, except that in a county with a population of 750,000 or more, the county executive shall be in charge of the operation of the work center.
59.53(21)(21)Operation of relief programs. The board may establish and operate a program of relief for a specific class or classes of persons residing in that county, except that in a county with a population of 750,000 or more, the county executive shall be in charge of the operation of the program of relief. The county may set such eligibility criteria to obtain relief, and may provide such services, commodities or money as relief, as the county determines to be reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. The program may include work components. The county may enact any ordinances necessary or useful to the operation of a relief program under this subsection. Counties may use vehicle registration information from the department of transportation in determining eligibility for relief programs under this subsection.
59.53(22)(22)County housing authorities.
59.53(22)(a)(a) Sections 66.1201 to 66.1211 shall apply to counties, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, or as clearly indicated otherwise by the context.
59.53(22)(b)(b) The powers and duties conferred and imposed by ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211 upon mayors and councils are conferred upon boards, and the powers and duties of specified city officials under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211 are conferred upon county officials performing duties similar to the duties of such specified city officials.
59.53(22)(c)(c) The area of operation of a housing authority created in and for a county is all of the county for which it is created, but a county housing authority may not undertake any housing project within the boundaries of any municipality unless a resolution has been adopted by the governing body of the municipality, and by any housing authority which has been created in that municipality, declaring that there is need for the county housing authority to exercise its powers within that municipality.
59.53(22)(d)(d) County housing authorities created under this subsection are urged to utilize those provisions of the federal housing laws whereby private developers may acquire land, build housing projects according to federal standards and turn them over to such housing authorities for due consideration.
59.53(23)(23)Housing authorities, counties having only one town.
59.53(23)(a)(a) The provisions of ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211 shall apply to any county having only one town, except as otherwise provided in this subsection or clearly indicated otherwise by the context, and any housing authority established under this subsection may participate in any state grants-in-aid for housing in the same manner as city housing authorities created under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211.
59.53(23)(b)(b) The powers and duties conferred and imposed by ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211 upon mayors and councils are conferred upon boards, and the powers and duties of specified city officials under those sections are conferred upon county officials performing duties similar to the duties of the specified city officials.
59.53(23)(c)(c) Eligible low-income residents of the county who are 62 years of age or older may be given first preference in the selection of tenants for housing provided under the authority of this subsection. The housing may, insofar as possible, be designed specifically for the foregoing class of residents.
59.53(23)(d)(d) The area of operation of a housing authority created in and for a county under this subsection is all of the county for which it is created.
59.53(24)(24)Government relations. In any county with a population of 750,000 or more, if the county has an office of intergovernmental relations or a department or subunit of a department that provides lobbying services for the county, that office, department, or subunit shall employ one individual who is responsible for representing the interests of, and reports to, the county executive and one individual who is responsible for representing the interests of, and reports to, the county board.
59.53(25)(25)Milwaukee County mental health. The Milwaukee County board has no jurisdiction and may not take any actions, including under ss. 59.52 (6) and (31), 66.0301, and 66.0607 (2), related to mental health functions, programs, and services.
59.53 AnnotationA county cannot use its funds and employees to improve, reconstruct, or repair homes of private citizens who do not qualify for aid under ch. 49 without utilizing a county housing authority. 64 Atty. Gen. 106.
59.53 AnnotationA county may not, in a manner consistent with federal and state statutes and regulations prohibiting supplementation, contractually obligate itself to pay visiting nurse association funds in addition to those received by such a home health care provider through the Medicaid program. 77 Atty. Gen. 287.
59.53 AnnotationA county board’s powers with respect to health and human services are enumerated in this section, which does not authorize appropriations to private nonprofit food pantries. County boards may establish and operate programs to serve residents of the county who need assistance in securing adequate food, but the statute does not grant authority to make appropriations to nonprofits to perform this task. Because the statute specifically addresses a county board’s authority in this area without granting the authority to make appropriations to nonprofits, county boards do not have the authority, either express or implied, to make such appropriations. OAG 1-17.
59.53 AnnotationThe legislature has given city councils, town boards that adopt a resolution to exercise the powers of village board, and village boards the police power to legislate for the purposes of the health, safety, and welfare of the public. County boards do not have a similarly broad grant of police power. Instead, county boards have the power to appropriate money to carry into effect any of the board’s powers and duties specifically enumerated in this chapter. OAG 1-17.
59.53559.535Veterans affairs.
59.535(1)(1)Certifications and filings for veterans; no charge.
59.535(1)(a)(a) In this subsection, “veteran” has the meaning given in s. 45.01 (12), and includes a person under s. 45.51 (2) (a) 2.
59.535(1)(b)(b) No fee shall be charged by any register of deeds, clerk of circuit court or any other public officer, either state, county or local, having custody of statistical records, for the making and certifying of copies, or examining proofs of any public record or instrument, required for or in connection with, the filing of any claim or application with the U.S. department of veterans affairs or any other federal agency, or to any state agency, or to the regularly established agency of any state, for benefits under federal or state laws, by a veteran or by any dependent of a veteran, when certified proof is required in connection with any claim or application for benefits, under federal or state laws, to which such veteran, or a dependent of a veteran, either living or dead, may be required to file, except, that in the counties where the register of deeds or clerk of circuit court is under the fee system and not a fixed salary, the usual fee for such service shall be paid by the county to the proper officer. The provisions of this subsection shall supersede any provision of law in conflict therewith.
59.535(2)(2)Grave markers; veterans.
59.535(2)(a)(a) The board may furnish upon the petition of 5 residents of any municipality in their county an appropriate metal marker for the grave of each soldier, sailor or marine who served with honor in the U.S. armed forces, buried within the municipality.
59.535(2)(b)(b) The petitioners shall state in the petition the names of the soldiers, sailors or marines buried in the municipality.
59.535(3)(3)War records. The board may appropriate money for the collection, publication or distribution of war records.
59.535(4)(4)Service officer and commission. The board may appropriate funds for the execution of the duties of the county veterans service officer and the county veterans service commission.
59.535 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 201 ss. 123, 135, 141, 365, 385; 2005 a. 22.
59.5459.54Public protection and safety.
59.54(1)(1)Ambulances. The board may purchase, equip, operate and maintain ambulances and contract for ambulance service with one or more providers for conveyance of the sick or injured and make reasonable charges for the use thereof.
59.54(2)(2)Rescue equipment. The board may appropriate money for the purchase of boats and other equipment necessary for the rescue of human beings and the recovery of human bodies from waters of which the county has jurisdiction under s. 2.04 and charge a reasonable fee for the use of such boats and other equipment.
59.54(3)(3)Radio service for fire protection. The board may appropriate money for the purpose of providing radio service for fire protection in the county, in the manner prescribed by the board.
59.54(4)(4)Rural naming or numbering system. The board may establish a rural naming or numbering system in towns for the purpose of aiding in fire protection, emergency services, and civil defense, and appropriate and expend money therefor, under which:
59.54(4)(a)(a) Each rural road, home, business, farm or other establishment, may be assigned a name or number.
59.54(4)(b)(b) The names or numbers may be displayed on uniform signs posted on rural roads and intersections, and at each home, business, farm or other establishment.
59.54(4m)(4m)Rural naming or numbering system; town cooperation. The rural naming or numbering system under sub. (4) may be carried out in cooperation with any town or towns in the county.
59.54(5)(5)Emergency services for hearing and speech impaired persons. In any county having a population of 200,000 or more the board shall install in the sheriff’s department a teletypewriter which shall be available to receive calls from hearing and speech impaired persons seeking emergency services. In cities having a population of 30,000 or more which are not contained in a county having a population of 200,000 or more, the city shall install a teletypewriter for the purposes of this subsection in either the police or fire department. If 2 or more cities having a population of 30,000 or more are contained in one county, the board shall install the teletypewriter in the sheriff’s department and no teletypewriter shall be required in the cities.
59.54(6)(6)Peace and order. The board may enact and enforce ordinances to preserve the public peace and good order within the county including, but not limited by enumeration, ordinances prohibiting conduct that is the same as or similar to conduct that is prohibited by ss. 947.01 (1) and 947.02, and provide a forfeiture for a violation of the ordinances.
59.54(7)(7)Police powers over certain U.S. lands and structures. In counties in which the United States has built a structure extending into a lake or river, the board may by ordinance regulate the use of such a structure by the public consistent with reasonable safety requirements, but nothing contained in the ordinance shall permit any interference with the operations of the United States, its agents, employees or representatives in connection with the structure. The ordinance may also provide that any person who violates the ordinance shall forfeit to the county an amount not to exceed $100 for each offense, plus costs, and in default of payment shall be imprisoned for not more than 30 days. Arrests for violation of the ordinance may be made by the sheriff or by any peace officer of the municipality wherein the structure is located.
59.54(8)(8)Local emergency planning committees.
59.54(8)(a)(a) The board shall do all of the following:
59.54(8)(a)1.1. Create a local emergency planning committee, with members as specified in 42 USC 11001 (c), which shall have the powers and the duties established for such committees under 42 USC 11000 to 11050 and under ss. 323.60 and 323.61.
59.54(8)(a)2.2. Control all expenditures by the committee that is created under this paragraph.
59.54(8)(a)3.3. Within the availability of state funds, take all actions that are necessary to ensure that the committee created under this paragraph properly executes the duties of a local emergency planning committee under 42 USC 11000 to 11050 and under ss. 323.60 and 323.61.
59.54(8)(a)4.4. At least annually, submit to the division of emergency management in the department of military affairs a list of the members of the local emergency planning committee appointed by the county board under this paragraph, including the agency, organization or profession that each member represents.
59.54(8)(b)(b) The board may do any of the following:
59.54(8)(b)1.1. Appropriate funds for the operation of the committee that is created under par. (a).
59.54(8)(b)2.2. Implement programs and undertake activities which are designed to prepare the county to cope with emergencies involving the accidental release of hazardous substances and which are consistent with, but in addition to, the minimum requirements of s. 323.60 and 42 USC 11000 to 11050.
59.54(9)(9)County telecommunication terminal. Every county in the state shall have a telecommunication terminal installed in a county law enforcement agency which is interconnected with the department of transportation and other county, municipal and governmental law enforcement agencies in the TIME (Transaction Information for Management of Enforcement) system. This subsection shall not preclude the connection and participation in the system of any governmental law enforcement agency and the requirements of this subsection shall be effective even though there are additions, deletions or modifications in the system.
59.54(10)(10)Neighborhood watch sign approval. The board may approve the placement, by a town board, of a neighborhood watch sign under s. 60.23 (17m) within the right-of-way of a county trunk highway.
59.54(11)(11)Safety at sporting events. The board may enact and enforce an ordinance to prohibit conduct which is the same as conduct prohibited by s. 167.32 and provide a forfeiture for a violation of the ordinance.
59.54(12)(12)County-tribal law enforcement programs. Pursuant to adoption of a resolution, a board may enter into an agreement and seek funding under s. 165.90.
59.54(13)(13)Arming sheriffs. The board of any county may furnish its sheriff, undersheriff and deputy sheriffs with the necessary arms, ammunition, gas bombs and gas sticks for the carrying out of their respective duties, such arms, ammunition, gas bombs and gas sticks to remain the property of the county.
59.54(14)(14)Courthouse and jail; restrictions.
59.54(14)(a)(a) A county shall provide a courthouse, fireproof offices and other necessary buildings at the county seat and keep them in good repair. A county shall provide a jail or enter into a cooperative agreement under s. 302.44 for the cooperative establishment and use of a jail. The jail and rehabilitation facilities as extensions of the jail need not be at the county seat and may be located outside of the county under a cooperative agreement under s. 302.44.
59.54(14)(b)(b) No jail may be constructed until the construction plans and specifications are approved by the department of corrections.
59.54(14)(c)(c) When the courthouse from any cause becomes unsafe, inconvenient or unfit for holding court, the board shall provide some other convenient building at the county seat for that purpose temporarily, and this building shall then be considered the courthouse for the time being.
59.54(14)(d)(d) The construction of any courthouse shall be in accordance with plans and specifications that are accompanied by the certificate of the circuit judge in whose circuit the building is to be erected, to the effect that after consultation with competent experts the judge is advised and believes that the courtrooms provided for will possess proper acoustical properties. The fee for this advice shall be paid by the county upon the judge’s certificate.
59.54(14)(e)(e) Repairs which amount substantially to a reconstruction of a courthouse shall be governed by the same restrictions that apply to new construction, so far as practicable.
59.54(14)(f)(f) The personnel who are required to comply with ss. 302.41 and 302.42 shall be provided at county expense.
59.54(14)(g)(g) A county may establish extensions of the jail, which need not be at the county seat, to serve as places of temporary confinement. No person may be detained in such an extension for more than 24 consecutive hours, except that a court may order that a person subject to imprisonment under s. 23.33 (13) (b) 2. or 3. or (c), 23.335 (23) (c) 2. or 3. or (d), or 350.11 (3) (a) 2. or 3. or (b) be imprisoned for more than 24 consecutive hours in such an extension. Jail extensions shall be subject to plans and specifications approval by the department of corrections and shall conform to other requirements imposed by law on jails, except that cells may be designed and used for multiple occupancy.
59.54(15)(15)Annual inspection. At least once each year the board of each county, or a committee thereof, shall visit, inspect and examine each jail maintained by the county, as to health, cleanliness and discipline, and the keeper of the jail shall lay before the board or the committee a calendar setting forth the name, age and cause of committal of each prisoner. If it appears to the board or committee that any provisions of law have been violated or neglected, the board or the committee shall immediately give notice of the violation to the district attorney of the county.
59.54(16)(16)Contract with U.S. for custody of federal prisoners. The board may authorize the sheriff or superintendent of the house of correction to contract with the United States to keep in the county jail or house of correction any person legally committed under U.S. authority, but not for a term exceeding 18 months.
59.54(17)(a)(a) Safety and patrol. The board may appropriate money to citizens’ safety committees or to county safety commissions or councils for highway safety and patrol.
59.54(17)(b)(b) Highway commissioner term. The board may enact an ordinance establishing the term of service of a highway commissioner elected under s. 83.01 (1) (a).
59.54(17)(c)(c) Highway safety coordinator. The board chairperson, or the county executive or county administrator in a county having such an officer, may appoint a county highway safety coordinator who shall serve as a member of the county traffic safety commission under s. 83.013 (1) (a).
59.54(18)(18)Civil air patrol. The board may appropriate funds or donate property and equipment to civil air patrol units in the county for the purpose of enabling such civil air patrol units to perform their assigned missions and duties as prescribed by U.S. air force regulations.
59.54(19)(19)Riding horses, regulation. The board may provide by ordinance for the regulation, prohibition and licensing of horses kept for the purpose of riding, whether by private owners for their own use or by commercial stables, riding academies or clubs for hire; for the licensing and regulation of owners of riding horses and the regulation, prohibition and licensing of commercial stables keeping horses for riding purposes for hire. The board may revoke the license of any owner of a horse kept for the purpose of riding for violation of such ordinance after the filing of charges and notice and hearing thereon. Such ordinance may provide that the chairperson of the board, when the board is not in session, shall be authorized to issue such license or to suspend such license of any person violating such ordinance; such issuance of license or the suspension of such license to be acted on by the board at its next meeting. Such ordinance may impose a forfeiture not to exceed $100 for each violation or, in default of payment thereof, imprisonment for not more than 30 days. Such ordinances may not apply within cities, villages and towns that have enacted ordinances regulating the same subject matter.
59.54(20)(20)Dogs running at large. The board may enact ordinances regulating the keeping, apprehension, impounding and destruction of dogs outside the corporate limits of any city or village, but such ordinances shall not conflict with ss. 174.01 and 174.042, and such ordinances may not apply in any town that has enacted an ordinance under s. 60.23 (30).
59.54(21)(21)County disposition of dead animals. The board may remove any dead animal, for burial or disposition at public expense, found upon public or private property within the county, or may contract for such removal and burial or other disposition with any private rendering plant, but the cost of such removal or disposition may be recovered by the county from the owner of the carcass, if the owner is known. The board may delegate powers and duties under this subsection to any political subdivision.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)