60.23(34)(a)(a) Subject to pars. (b) and (c), after December 31, 2016, and before January 1, 2018, and during the one-year period every 3 years after January 1, 2017, enact an ordinance withdrawing the town from coverage of a county zoning ordinance that had previously been approved under s. 59.69 (5) (c) and from coverage by a county development plan that has been enacted under s. 59.69 (3) (a), except that a town board may act under this paragraph only if the town is located in a county with a population on January 1, 2016, of at least 485,000.
60.23(34)(b)(b) Subject to pars. (c) and (d), an ordinance enacted under par. (a) may not take effect until all of the following occur:
60.23(34)(b)1.1. Not later than 180 days before enacting an ordinance under par. (a), the town notifies the county clerk and one or more officials of every other town in the county, in writing, of the town’s intent to enact an ordinance under par. (a).
60.23(34)(b)2.2. The town enacts a zoning ordinance under s. 60.62, a comprehensive plan under s. 66.1001, and an official map under s. 62.23 (6), and the town sends certified copies of such documents to the county clerk.
60.23(34)(b)3.3. The ordinance enacted under par. (a) is approved either at the annual town meeting or in a referendum called by the town board for that purpose at the next spring or general election, to be held not sooner than 70 days after the referendum is called by the town board.
60.23(34)(c)1.1. The zoning ordinance that the town enacts under s. 60.62 must be essentially identical to either the county zoning ordinance that is in effect when the town issues the written notification described in par. (b) 1., or to the model ordinance described in subd. 2. A town that enacts an ordinance that is essentially identical to the county ordinance may amend the ordinance, but only to the extent that the amendment relates to the location of district boundaries, by following the procedures specified in s. 60.62.
60.23(34)(c)2.2. All towns in a county that issue a written notification described in par. (b) 1. shall work together to develop a model zoning ordinance. The model ordinance may be recommended for enactment by a majority vote of the towns that participate in drafting the model ordinance in that county. Once the model ordinance is recommended, a town may enact the ordinance under s. 60.62. The model ordinance may be amended by a majority vote of the towns that have enacted the model ordinance in that county, except that if an amendment affects only the location of district boundaries, each town may unilaterally enact such an amendment.
60.23(34)(c)3.3. A town which enacts either an ordinance that is essentially identical to a county ordinance, as described in subd. 1., or a model ordinance, as described in subd. 2., may switch from having one type of ordinance apply in the town to having the other type of ordinance apply in the town, except that a town may make such a switch not more than once every 3 years, and the switch may occur only during the one-year periods described in par. (a).
60.23(34)(d)(d) A zoning ordinance enacted under s. 60.62, a comprehensive plan enacted under s. 66.1001, and an official map established under s. 62.23 (6), that are enacted in conjunction with an ordinance enacted under par. (a), shall all take effect on the first day of the 3rd month beginning after certified copies of the documents are sent to the county clerk under par. (b) 2.
60.23(35)(35)Town withdrawal from county zoning.
60.23(35)(a)(a) Subject to subds. 1. and 2., after March 31, 2029, enact an ordinance withdrawing the town from coverage of a county zoning ordinance that was approved under s. 59.69 (5) (c) and from coverage by a county development plan that was enacted under s. 59.69 (3) (a). An ordinance enacted under this paragraph may not take effect until all of the following occur:
60.23(35)(a)1.1. Not later than 2 years before enacting an ordinance under this paragraph, the town adopts a resolution of the town’s intent to enact an ordinance under this paragraph and provides a copy of the resolution to the county clerk.
60.23(35)(a)2.2. Not earlier than 2 years and not later than 3 years after adopting the resolution under subd. 1., the town adopts a resolution informing the county of the town’s withdrawal from coverage of the county’s zoning ordinances, and the town sends certified copies of the documents under subd. 3. to the county clerk.
60.23(35)(a)3.3. Not later than the effective date of the resolution adopted under subd. 2., the town enacts a zoning ordinance under s. 60.62, a comprehensive plan under s. 66.1001, and an official map under s. 62.23 (6).
60.23(35)(am)(am) The authority of a town board to withdraw a town from coverage of a county zoning ordinance and from coverage by a county development plan under this subsection does not apply to those portions of the county zoning ordinance or county development plan that regulate quarry operations as defined in s. 66.0441 (2) (h).
60.23(35)(b)(b) Nothing in this subsection authorizes a town to withdraw from a county shoreland zoning ordinance under s. 59.692 or a county floodplain zoning ordinance under s. 87.30.
60.23 NoteNOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 214, which affected this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
60.23 AnnotationOne who deals with a municipality does so at the person’s own risk and may be subject to any provisions of law that might prevent the person from being paid by a municipality even though the services are rendered. Unless the power to bind the municipality financially has been specifically delegated, the only entity with the statutory authority to contract is the municipality. Holzbauer v. Safway Steel Products, Inc., 2005 WI App 240, 288 Wis. 2d 250, 708 N.W.2d 36, 04-2058.
60.23 AnnotationSub. (1) applies to joint undertakings involving a regional project. It did not apply to authorization for building a fire station by a town that provided fire protection through a cooperative arrangement with another town when each town was responsible for furnishing and maintaining its own current fire station and there is nothing in the authorizing resolution that provided for any involvement by the joint fire board in decisions about additional fire stations. The decision to build was subject to town meeting authorization under s. 60.10 (2) (e) and (f). Town of Clayton v. Cardinal Construction Co., 2009 WI App 54, 317 Wis. 2d 424, 767 N.W.2d 605, 08-1793.
60.23 AnnotationWhile sub. (28) permits a town board to construct or acquire a safety building, when read in its entirety, its application is reasonably limited to the construction of joint county-city safety buildings. Sub. (28) extends the provisions of s. 66.0925, as they apply to cities, to towns, and s. 66.0925 addresses county-city safety buildings, or joint safety buildings. Town of Clayton v. Cardinal Construction Co., 2009 WI App 54, 317 Wis. 2d 424, 767 N.W.2d 605, 08-1793.
60.23 AnnotationA county has the authority under both s. 59.69 (1) and (4) and s. 59.70 (22) to enact ordinances regulating billboards and other similar structures. When a town approves a county zoning ordinance under s. 59.69 (5) (c) that includes a billboard ordinance, the town’s billboard ordinance adopted under sub. (29) does not preempt a county’s authority to regulate billboards in that town. Adams Outdoor Advertising, L.P. v. County of Dane, 2012 WI App 28, 340 Wis. 2d 175, 811 N.W.2d 421, 10-0178.
60.2460.24Powers and duties of town board chairperson.
60.24(1)(1)General powers and duties. The town board chairperson shall:
60.24(1)(a)(a) Preside at board meetings. Preside over meetings of the town board.
60.24(1)(b)(b) Preside at town meetings. Preside over town meetings as provided under s. 60.13.
60.24(1)(c)(c) Sign documents.
60.24(1)(c)1.1. Sign all ordinances, resolutions, bylaws, orders, regulations, commissions, licenses and permits adopted or authorized by the town board unless the town board, by ordinance, authorizes another officer to sign specific types of documents in lieu of the chairperson. The board, by ordinance, may authorize use of a facsimile signature under this paragraph.
60.24(1)(c)2.2. Sign all drafts, order checks and transfer orders as provided under s. 66.0607.
60.24(1)(d)(d) Assure administration of statutes. Supervise the administration of statutes relating to the town and town operations to see that they are faithfully executed.
60.24(1)(e)(e) Act on behalf of board. Act, on behalf of the town board, to:
60.24(1)(e)1.1. See that town orders and ordinances are obeyed.
60.24(1)(e)2.2. See that peace and order are maintained in the town.
60.24(1)(e)3.3. Obtain necessary assistance, if available, in case of emergency, except as provided under ch. 323.
60.24(1)(f)(f) Act on authorization of board. If authorized by the town board, act on behalf of the board, to:
60.24(1)(f)1.1. Direct, as appropriate, the solicitation of bids and quotations for the town’s purchase of equipment, materials and services and submit the bids and quotations to the town board for approval.
60.24(1)(f)2.2. Represent, or designate another officer to represent, the town at meetings of, and hearings before, governmental bodies on matters affecting the town.
60.24(2)(2)Administer oaths. The town board chairperson may administer oaths and affidavits on all matters pertaining to the affairs of the town.
60.24(3)(3)Other responsibilities. In addition to the powers and duties under this section, the town board chairperson has the following responsibilities:
60.24(3)(a)(a) Nominate individuals for service as election officials to the town board whenever the town board disapproves the nominee of a party committee under s. 7.30 (4) and the names of additional nominees are not available.
60.24(3)(b)(b) Serve as caucus official under s. 8.05 (1) (c).
60.24(3)(c)(c) Sue on official bonds under s. 19.015.
60.24(3)(d)(d) Execute and sign a certificate of indebtedness in connection with obtaining a state trust fund loan under s. 24.67.
60.24(3)(e)(e) Serve as town fire warden under ss. 26.13 and 26.14.
60.24(3)(f)(f) Appoint members of the board of harbor commissioners under s. 30.37 (3).
60.24(3)(g)(g) Appoint members of library boards under ss. 43.54 (1) (a) and 43.60 (3).
60.24(3)(h)(h) Exercise the powers and duties specified for a mayor under s. 62.13 if the town creates a joint board of police and fire commissioners or joint police or fire department with a village under s. 61.65 (3g) (d) 2. or a board of police and fire commissioners under s. 60.57.
60.24(3)(i)(i) Provide an annual estimate of funds necessary for any utility district established under s. 66.0827 (2).
60.24(3)(j)(j) Appoint, at his or her discretion, one or more commissioners of noxious weeds under s. 66.0517.
60.24(3)(L)(L) If authorized by the town board, represent the interests of the town in connection with appearances before the state tax appeals commission under s. 70.64 (5).
60.24(3)(m)(m) Approve the bond of the town treasurer delivered to the county treasurer under s. 70.67 (1).
60.24(3)(o)(o) Sign orders for payment of work performed and materials furnished on town highways.
60.24(3)(p)(p) See that all tunnels in the town are constructed under s. 82.37 and that they are kept in good repair.
60.24(3)(q)(q) Serve as a member of the county highway committee under s. 83.015 (1) (d).
60.24(3)(r)(r) Close county trunk highways when rendered dangerous for travel and notify the highway commissioner under s. 83.09.
60.24(3)(s)(s) Appoint members to the airport commission under s. 114.14 (2).
60.24(3)(v)(v) Under s. 167.10 (8), enforce regulation of fireworks under s. 167.10.
60.24(3)(w)(w) Perform the town chairperson’s duties related to stray animals and lost goods under ch. 170.
60.24(3)(x)(x) Perform the town chairperson’s duties related to distrained animals under ch. 172.
60.24(3)(xm)(xm) Perform the town chairperson’s duties related to animals that have caused damage in the town under ch. 172.
60.24(3)(y)(y) Perform the town chairperson’s duties related to municipal power and water districts under ch. 198.
60.24(3)(ym)(ym) Cause actions to be commenced for recovery of forfeitures for violations of town ordinances that can be recovered in municipal court under s. 778.11.
60.24(3)(z)(z) Notify the district attorney of forfeitures which may not be recovered in municipal court under s. 778.12.
60.24(3)(zm)(zm) Approve bonds furnished by contractors for public works under s. 779.14 (1m).
60.24 NoteNOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 214, which affected this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
60.24 AnnotationThe offices of president of a common school district board and chairperson of a town board within the school district and the offices of school board member and town clerk are probably compatible. 74 Atty. Gen. 50.
subch. V of ch. 60SUBCHAPTER V
60.3060.30Election, appointment of town officers; general provisions.
60.30(1)(1)Elected town officers.
60.30(1)(a)(a) At the annual spring election in odd-numbered years, each town shall elect:
60.30(1)(a)1.1. Except as provided under par. (b), 3 town board supervisors. One of the supervisors shall be designated on the ballot as town board chairperson.
60.30(1)(a)2.2. Except as provided in sub. (1e), a town clerk and a town treasurer or a person to serve in the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer under s. 60.305 (1).
60.30(1)(a)3.3. A town assessor, if election of the assessor is required, or a person to serve in the combined office of town clerk and town assessor under s. 60.305 (2).
60.30(1)(a)4.4. The number of constables established by the last preceding town meeting unless the office has been abolished and has not been reestablished by the town meeting under s. 60.10 (1) (b) 4.
60.30(1)(b)(b) If the town board has increased the number of supervisors under s. 60.21, town board supervisors shall be elected at the annual spring election as provided in that section.
60.30(1e)(1e)Appointed town officers.
60.30(1e)(a)(a) Notwithstanding sub. (1) (a) 2. and subject to pars. (b) and (c), a town board may enact an ordinance that provides for the appointment of a person by a majority of the members-elect of the town board, as defined in s. 59.001 (2m), to fill the office of town clerk, town treasurer, or both, or to fill the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer under s. 60.305 (1).
60.30(1e)(b)(b) An ordinance enacted under par. (a) may not take effect until it is approved in a referendum called by the town board for that purpose at the next spring or general election, to be held not sooner than 70 days after the referendum is called by the town board. The referendum question shall be: “Shall the person holding the office of ... [town clerk or town treasurer, or both; or the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer] in the town of ... be appointed by the town board?”.
60.30(1e)(c)(c) If an ordinance is approved in a referendum under par. (b), the change from an elective office to an appointive office may not take effect until the term of office of the incumbent town clerk, town treasurer, or combined town clerk and town treasurer expires. If an ordinance is approved under par. (b) at a general election, the ordinance takes effect upon the expiration of the term or terms of the incumbent officer or officers. If an ordinance is approved under par. (b) at a spring election at which the office of town clerk or town treasurer is filled, the ordinance takes effect upon the expiration of the term or terms of each officer who is elected at that election. A person appointed to the office of town clerk or town treasurer, or to the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer, shall serve for a term, not to exceed 3 years, that is set by the town board. The person may be reappointed and may be dismissed by the board only for cause, as defined in s. 17.001.
60.30(1e)(d)(d) Not sooner than 2 years after an ordinance is approved in a referendum under par. (b), the town board may enact an ordinance to return to a system of electing the town clerk and town treasurer or the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer, under sub. (1) (a) 2., without a referendum. If the ordinance under this paragraph is enacted on or after the date of the spring election and on or before November 1 in any year, a town clerk, town treasurer or combined town clerk and town treasurer shall be elected to succeed the appointive officer at the next spring election following enactment of the ordinance. If the ordinance is enacted on any other date, a town clerk, town treasurer or combined town clerk and town treasurer shall be elected to succeed the appointive officer at the 2nd spring election following enactment of the ordinance.
60.30(1e)(e)(e) Notwithstanding sub. (1) (a) 2. and subject to pars. (f) and (g), a town board that is authorized to do so by a town meeting under s. 60.10 (1) (b) 2m. shall appoint, by a majority of the members-elect of the town board, as defined in s. 59.001 (2m), a person to fill the office of town clerk, town treasurer, or both, or to fill the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer under s. 60.305 (1).
60.30(1e)(f)(f) If a person is appointed to office under par. (e), the person initially appointed may not take office until the term of office of the incumbent town clerk, town treasurer, or combined town clerk and town treasurer expires. A person appointed to the office of town clerk or town treasurer, or to the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer, shall serve for a term, not to exceed 3 years, that is set by the town board. The person may be reappointed and may be dismissed by the board only for cause, as defined in s. 17.001.
60.30(1e)(g)(g) Not sooner than 2 years after a person is appointed to office under par. (e), the town board may enact an ordinance to return to a system of electing the town clerk and town treasurer or the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer, under sub. (1) (a) 2. without a vote of a town meeting. An ordinance enacted under this paragraph shall follow the procedures in par. (d).
60.30(1m)(1m)Part-time supervisors. Town board supervisors shall be part-time officers, unless designated as full-time by the town meeting under s. 60.10 (1) (b) 6.
60.30(2)(a)(a) Only an elector of the town may hold a town office, other than an assessor appointed under s. 60.307 or a town clerk, town treasurer or combined town clerk and town treasurer appointed under sub. (1e).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)