61.34   Powers of village board.
61.342   Direct legislation.
61.345   Recycling or resource recovery facilities.
61.35   Village planning.
61.351   Zoning of wetlands in shorelands.
61.352   Required notice on certain approvals.
61.353   Zoning of annexed or incorporated shorelands.
61.354   Construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning.
61.36   Streets, sidewalks, sewers and watercourses.
61.39   Service pipes and sewers.
61.44   Railroads, dust prevention.
61.46   Village taxes.
61.47   Street and sidewalk improvement tax.
61.48   County aid for construction and repair of bridges and culverts.
61.50   Ordinances; contracts; other instruments; how executed.
61.51   Auditing accounts.
61.54   Public works.
61.57   Acquisition of facilities without bids.
61.61   Village orders; borrowing money.
61.64   Ambulance service.
61.65   Police and fire departments; pension funds.
61.66   Combined protective services.
61.71   Consolidated plats; numbering of buildings.
61.72   Pest and disease prevention.
61.73   Village housing authorities.
61.74   Detachment of farm lands from villages.
61.75   Rewards.
61.187(1)(1)Procedure. Whenever a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40, signed by at least one-third as many electors of any village as voted for village officers at the next preceding election for village officers in that village, shall be presented to the village board, and filed as provided in s. 8.37, praying for dissolution of the village, the village board shall submit to the electors of the village the question whether or not the village shall be dissolved. The question shall be determined by ballot, in substantially the manner provided by ss. 5.64 (2) and 10.02, at a general election or at a special election called by the village board for that purpose.
61.187(2)(2)Date of; property; claims; territory.
61.187(2)(a)(a) Subject to par. (c), if two-thirds of the ballots cast at the election under sub. (1) are in favor of dissolution, the village shall, at the expiration of 6 months from the date of the election, cease to be a village.
61.187(2)(c)(c) The territory included within the village at the time of its dissolution shall revert to and become a part of the town or towns from which it was taken or in which it is then located, except that if the town or towns from which all of the village territory was taken is no longer in existence, the village may not dissolve. The assets and liabilities of the village shall be apportioned under s. 66.0235 and, in accordance with that section, all assets and liabilities of the village shall become the assets and liabilities of the town or towns to which the village territory reverts.
61.187(2)(d)(d) If, in accordance with par. (a), the results of the election under sub. (1) provide for dissolution, the village clerk shall, within 10 days after the election, record the petition and determination of the village board of canvassers in the office of the register of deeds of the county or counties in which the village is located and file with the secretary of administration certified copies of the petition and the determination of inspectors of election. The village clerk shall also record in the office of the register of deeds a certificate by the village clerk showing the date on which the dissolution takes effect and file with the secretary of administration 4 copies of the certificate. These documents shall be recorded and indexed by the register of deeds. The index shall include the document number of the original documents and, if given on the original documents, the volume or reel and the page or image number where the original documents are filed or recorded. The secretary of administration shall forward 2 copies of the certificate to the department of transportation and one to the department of revenue.
61.18861.188Certain villages may become cities by charter ordinance. Any village having a population of 1,000 or more may proceed under s. 66.0101 to organize as a city of the appropriate class. The village may by charter or charter ordinance adopted under s. 66.0101 elect not to be governed by ch. 62 or 66 in whole or in part or may create that system of government considered by the village to be most appropriate. The charter or charter ordinance may include the following: method of election of members of the council by districts, at-large or by a combination of methods, procedure for election of the first common council, creation and selection of all administrative officers, departments, boards and commissions, powers and duties of all officers, boards and commissions and terms of office. The charter or charter ordinance may not alter those provisions of ch. 62 dealing with police and fire departments or chs. 115 to 121 dealing with education. Any village incorporated after August 12, 1959, may not become a city under this section unless it meets the standards for incorporation in ss. 66.0205 and 66.0207.
61.188 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 150 s. 25.
61.18961.189Villages of 1,000 may become cities.
61.189(1)(1)Whenever the resident population of any village exceeds 1,000 as shown by the last federal census or by a census provided for under sub. (3), the village may become a 4th class city, and the trustees of the village may at a regular meeting, by a two-thirds vote of the members thereof, by resolution, so determine. The resolution shall observe the requirements of s. 5.15 (1) and (2) for wards, and shall fix the number and boundary of the aldermanic districts into which the city shall be divided and fix the time for holding the first city election, which shall not be less than 20 days from the date of such resolution, shall designate a polling place for each ward, and shall provide for the appointment of initial inspectors of election in the manner provided in ss. 7.30 and 7.32.
61.189(2)(2)The election shall be noticed and conducted and the result canvassed and certified as in the case of regular village elections and the village clerk shall immediately file with the secretary of administration 4 copies of a certification certifying the fact of holding such election and the result thereof and a description of the legal boundaries of such village or proposed city and 4 certified copies of a plat thereof; and thereupon a certificate of incorporation shall be issued to such city by the secretary of administration. Two copies of the certification and plat shall be forwarded by the secretary of administration to the department of transportation and one copy to the department of revenue. Thereafter such city shall in all things be governed by the general city charter law. All debts, obligations and liabilities existing against such village at the time of such change shall continue and become like debts, obligations and liabilities against such city, and such city may carry out and complete all proceedings then pending for the issue of bonds for improvements therein.
61.189(3)(3)If the last federal census figures are not used the village trustees shall cause to be taken an accurate census of the resident population of the village on some day not more than 10 weeks previous to the time of the adoption of such resolution, exhibiting the name of every head of a family and the name of every person a resident in good faith on such day and the lot on which that person resides, which shall be verified by the affidavit of the person taking the same affixed thereto. The original of such census shall be filed in the office of the village clerk and a duly verified copy filed with the clerk of the circuit court of the county wherein such village is situated.
61.189(4)(4)Any village incorporated after August 12, 1959, may not become a city unless it meets the standards for incorporation in ss. 66.0205 and 66.0207.
61.1961.19Annual elections; appointments. At the annual spring election in each village in odd-numbered years, except as otherwise provided herein, there shall be chosen: A president, a clerk, a treasurer, an assessor if election of the assessor is provided and a constable. In villages in counties having a population of 750,000 or more, the officers named shall be elected for a term of 2 years on the first Tuesday of April of each even-numbered year. Any other officers shall be appointed annually by the village board at their first meeting after the first Tuesday in April unless the board otherwise provides. No person not a resident elector in such village shall be elected to any office therein. The village clerk may appoint a deputy clerk for whom the clerk shall be responsible, and who shall take and file the oath of office, and in case of the absence, sickness or other disability of the clerk, may perform the clerk’s duties and receive the same compensation unless the village board appoints a person to act as such clerk. No assessor shall be elected or appointed if the village has come within the jurisdiction of a county assessor under s. 70.99.
61.19 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 90; 1991 a. 316; 1995 a. 16 s. 2; 2017 a. 207 s. 5.
61.19161.191Population, use of federal census. Except as provided in s. 61.189 (3), where the census of a village is required the last federal census, including a special federal census, if any, shall be used.
61.19361.193Establishing and changing compensation for elective offices.
61.193(1)(1)In this section, “compensation” means a salary, a per diem compensation for each day or part of a day necessarily devoted to the service of the village and the discharge of duties, or a combination of salary and per diem compensation.
61.193(2)(2)Except as provided in sub. (3), and subject to s. 61.32, the compensation for an elective village office shall be established before the earliest time for filing nomination papers for the office or, if nomination papers are not used, before the caucus date determined under s. 8.05 (1) (a). After that time or date, no change may be made in the compensation for the office that applies to the term of office for which the deadline or date applies. The compensation established for an elective office remains in effect for ensuing terms unless changed.
61.193(3)(3)In a newly incorporated village, the compensation for an elective office may be established during the first term of office.
61.193 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 173.
61.19561.195Discontinuance and change of term of offices. Any village may proceed pursuant to s. 66.0101 to discontinue the office of marshal or constable, to change the method of selection of or tenure of any officer other than members of the village board, to consolidate any such office or to change the term of office of members of the village board.
61.195 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
61.19761.197Selection of officers.
61.197(1)(1)Officers other than members of the village board and municipal judges except as provided in s. 61.65, shall be selected by one of the following methods:
61.197(1)(a)(a) Appointment by the village president.
61.197(1)(b)(b) Appointment by the village president subject to confirmation by the village board.
61.197(1)(c)(c) Appointment by the village board.
61.197(1)(d)(d) Election by the voters of those officers so enumerated in s. 61.19, unless otherwise provided pursuant to s. 61.195.
61.197(1)(e)(e) Selection under any of the above methods, the selection to be from an eligible list established pursuant to s. 66.0509.
61.197(1)(f)(f) A corporation or an independent contractor may be appointed as the village assessor. The corporation or independent contractor so appointed shall designate the person responsible for the assessment. The designee shall file the official oath under s. 19.01, and sign the affidavit of the assessor attached to the assessment roll under s. 70.49. No person may be designated by any corporation or independent contractor unless he or she has been granted the appropriate certification under s. 73.09. For purposes of this subsection, “independent contractor” means a person who either is under contract to furnish appraisal and assessment services or is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, business or profession in which the services are offered to the general public.
61.197(2)(2)Such officers shall continue to be selected in the manner prevailing on April 15, 1939, provided one of the above plans was in force on that date. Such method shall be continued until changed in the manner provided by s. 66.0101. However, any village may require that selection be made from an eligible list as specified under sub. (1) (e) by the enactment of an ordinary ordinance.
61.197 HistoryHistory: 1973 c. 90; 1977 c. 305 s. 64; 1979 c. 221; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
61.2061.20Election of trustees; terms; number.
61.20(1)(1)Villages shall have 6 trustees, except as provided otherwise in sub. (3), whose term of office shall be 2 years, 3 of whom shall be elected each year.
61.20(3)(3)Villages having a population of 350 or less shall have 2 trustees, who together with the president shall constitute the village board, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum. One trustee shall be elected each year for a term of 2 years.
61.20(4)(4)Any village may by ordinance change the number of trustees, but such change in the number of trustees shall not affect the term of office of trustees elected prior to the adoption of such ordinance authorizing such change.
61.2161.21Clerk to notify officers-elect; oath of office. Within 5 days after the election or appointment of any village officer the village clerk shall notify the person so selected thereof, and every person elected or appointed to any office named in s. 61.19 shall within 5 days after notice of election or appointment take and file the official oath, except that an elected assessor shall take and file the official oath within 5 days before June 1.
61.21 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 20; 1983 a. 484.
61.2261.22Official bonds; officers not to be sureties. Every bond required of a village officer shall be executed with sufficient sureties in a sum fixed by the village board when not otherwise prescribed and be approved by the president. Whenever the village board deems any bond insufficient they may require an additional bond to be executed and filed in a sum and within a time not less than 10 days, to be fixed by them. The village board may provide a schedule or blanket bond that includes any or all village officers or officials.
61.22 HistoryHistory: 2003 a. 204.
61.2361.23Terms; temporary vacancy.
61.23(1)(1)Except as otherwise provided by law, the term of office of all village officers is 2 years. Persons serving in appointive offices shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualify, unless otherwise provided by ordinance. If any officer other than a trustee is absent or temporarily incapacitated from any cause the board may appoint some person to discharge the officer’s duties until the officer returns or until such disability is removed. If a trustee is temporarily incapacitated because of physical or mental disability, the board may appoint a person to discharge the trustee’s duties until the disability is removed.
61.23(2)(2)The regular term of office of village president and trustees shall commence on the 3rd Tuesday of April in the year of their election. The regular terms of other officers shall commence on May 1 succeeding their election unless otherwise provided by ordinance or statute.
61.23 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 484; 1997 a. 257; 2009 a. 173.
61.2461.24President. The president shall be by virtue of the office a trustee and preside at all meetings of the board and have a vote as trustee, sign all ordinances, rules, bylaws, regulations, commissions, licenses and permits adopted or authorized by the board and all orders drawn on the treasury except as provided by s. 66.0607. The president shall maintain peace and good order, see that the ordinances are faithfully obeyed, and in case of disturbance, riot or other apparent necessity appoint as many special marshals as the president shall deem necessary, who for the time being shall possess all the powers and rights of constables. The president shall have charge of the village jail, which the president shall conduct in the manner provided in s. 62.09 (13) (c); but the president may delegate this duty to the constable or any police officer of the village.
61.24 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 323 s. 33; 1991 a. 316; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
61.2561.25Clerk. If required to do so by the village board, the village clerk shall execute and file an official bond. If the village board does not require the clerk to execute and file an official bond, the board shall obtain a dishonesty insurance policy or other appropriate insurance policy that covers the clerk, in an amount determined by the board, in lieu of the bond requirement. It shall be the village clerk’s duty:
61.25(1)(1)To perform any duties prescribed by law relative to elections, to keep subject to inspection all election returns required to be filed in the clerk’s office, and to notify persons elected or appointed to village offices.
61.25(2)(2)To transmit to the county clerk, within 10 days after election or appointment and qualification, a certified statement of the name and term for which elected or appointed, of the president, clerk, treasurer and assessor; and to the clerk of the circuit court immediately after their election or appointment and qualification, a like statement of the time and term for which elected or appointed of every municipal judge, chief of police, marshal or constable of the village.
61.25(3)(3)To attend all meetings of the village board; to record and sign the proceedings thereof and all ordinances, rules, bylaws, resolutions and regulations adopted, and to countersign and keep a record of all licenses, commissions and permits granted or authorized by them, and for such purpose to keep the following books: A minute book, in which shall be recorded in chronological order full minutes of all elections, general or special, and the statements of the inspectors thereof; full minutes of all the proceedings of the board of trustees; the titles of all ordinances, rules, regulations and bylaws, with reference to the book and page where the same may be found. An ordinance book, in which shall be recorded at length, in chronological order, all ordinances, rules, regulations and bylaws. A finance book, in which shall be kept a full and complete record of the finances of the village, showing the receipts, the date, amount and sources thereof, and the disbursements, with the date, amount and object for which paid out; and to enter in either such other matters as the board prescribes, and such other books as the board directs.
61.25(4)(4)To countersign and cause to be published or posted every ordinance, bylaw or resolution as required by law, and to have proper proof thereof made and filed.
61.25(5)(5)To be the custodian of the corporate seal, and to file as required by law and to safely keep all records, books, papers or property belonging to, filed or deposited in the clerk’s office, and deliver the same to the clerk’s successor when qualified; to permit, subject to subch. II of ch. 19, any person with proper care to examine and copy any of the same, and to make and certify a copy of any thereof when required, on payment of the same fees allowed town clerks therefor.
61.25(6)(6)To draw and countersign all orders on the village treasury ordered by the board and none other.
61.25(6m)(6m)To stamp or endorse street trade permits at the request of an employer under s. 103.25 (3m) (b).
61.25(6p)(6p)To stamp or endorse traveling sales crew worker permits at the request of an employer under s. 103.34 (11) (c).
61.25(8)(8)To make and deliver to the village treasurer a tax roll and to make and transmit to the county treasurer, on forms provided by the department of revenue, a statement showing the total amount of all taxes levied in the village.
61.25(9)(9)To perform all other duties required by law or by any ordinance or other direction of the village board.
61.25(10)(10)To notify the treasurer of the county in which the village is located, by February 20, of the proportion of property tax revenue and of the credits under s. 79.10 that is to be disbursed by the taxation district treasurer to each taxing jurisdiction located in the village.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)