66.0823(10)(b)(b) The authority may sell the bonds at public or private sales at the price or prices determined by the authority.
66.0823(10)(c)(c) If an officer whose signatures appear on any bonds or coupons ceases to be an officer of the authority before the delivery of such obligations, the officer’s signature shall, nevertheless, be valid for all purposes as if the officer had remained in office until delivery of the bonds.
66.0823(11)(11)Covenants. An authority may do all of the following in connection with the issuance of bonds:
66.0823(11)(a)(a) Covenant as to the use of any or all of its property, real or personal.
66.0823(11)(b)(b) Redeem the bonds, or covenant for the redemption of the bonds, and provide the terms and conditions of the redemption.
66.0823(11)(c)(c) Covenant as to charge fees, rates, rents and charges sufficient to meet operating and maintenance expenses, renewals and replacements to a project, principal and debt service on bonds, creation and maintenance of any reserves required by a bond resolution, trust indenture or other security instrument and to provide for any margins or coverages over and above debt service on the bonds that the board of directors considers desirable for the marketability of the bonds.
66.0823(11)(d)(d) Covenant as to the events of default on the bonds and the terms and conditions upon which the bonds shall become or may be declared due before maturity, as to the terms and conditions upon which this declaration and its consequences may be waived, and as to the consequences of default and the remedies of bondholders.
66.0823(11)(e)(e) Covenant as to the mortgage or pledge of, or the grant of a security interest in, any real or personal property and all or any part of the revenues from any project or any revenue producing contract made by the authority to secure the payment of bonds, subject to any agreements with the bondholders.
66.0823(11)(f)(f) Covenant as to the custody, collection, securing, investment and payment of any revenues, assets, moneys, funds or property with respect to which the authority may have any rights or interest.
66.0823(11)(g)(g) Covenant as to the purposes to which the proceeds from the sale of any bonds may be applied, and as to the pledge of such proceeds to secure the payment of the bonds.
66.0823(11)(h)(h) Covenant as to limitations on the issuance of any additional bonds, the terms upon which additional bonds may be issued and secured, and the refunding of outstanding bonds.
66.0823(11)(i)(i) Covenant as to the rank or priority of any bonds with respect to any lien or security.
66.0823(11)(j)(j) Covenant as to the procedure by which the terms of any contract with or for the benefit of the holders of bonds may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds, the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner in which such consent may be given.
66.0823(11)(k)(k) Covenant as to the custody and safekeeping of any of its properties or investments, the insurance to be carried on the property or investments and the use and disposition of insurance proceeds.
66.0823(11)(L)(L) Covenant as to the vesting in one or more trustees, within or outside the state, of those properties, rights, powers and duties in trust as the authority determines.
66.0823(11)(m)(m) Covenant as to the appointing of, and providing for the duties and obligations of, one or more paying agent or other fiduciaries within or outside the state.
66.0823(11)(n)(n) Make all other covenants and do any act that may be necessary or convenient or desirable in order to secure its bonds, or in the absolute discretion of the authority, tend to make the bonds more marketable.
66.0823(11)(o)(o) Execute all instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers granted under this section or in the performance of covenants or duties, which may contain such covenants and provisions, as a purchaser of the bonds of the authority may reasonably require.
66.0823(12)(12)Refunding bonds. An authority may issue refunding bonds for the purpose of paying any of its bonds at or prior to maturity or upon acceleration or redemption. An authority may issue refunding bonds at such time prior to the maturity or redemption of the refunded bonds as the authority deems to be in the public interest. The refunding bonds may be issued in sufficient amounts to pay or provide the principal of the bonds being refunded, together with any redemption premium on the bonds, any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of payment of the bonds, the expenses of issue of the refunding bonds, the expenses of redeeming the bonds being refunded, and such reserves for debt service or other capital or current expenses from the proceeds of such refunding bonds as may be required by the resolution, trust indenture or other security instruments. To the extent applicable, refunding bonds are subject to subs. (10) and (11).
66.0823(13)(13)Bonds eligible for investment.
66.0823(13)(a)(a) Any of the following may invest funds, including capital in their control or belonging to them, in bonds of the authority:
66.0823(13)(a)1.1. Public officers and agencies of the state.
66.0823(13)(a)2.2. Political subdivisions.
66.0823(13)(a)3.3. Insurance companies.
66.0823(13)(a)4.4. Trust companies.
66.0823(13)(a)6.6. Savings banks.
66.0823(13)(a)7.7. Savings and loan associations.
66.0823(13)(a)8.8. Investment companies.
66.0823(13)(a)9.9. Personal representatives.
66.0823(13)(a)10.10. Trustees.
66.0823(13)(a)11.11. Other fiduciaries not listed in this paragraph.
66.0823(13)(b)(b) The authority’s bonds are securities that may be deposited with and received by any officer or agency of the state or any political subdivision for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds or obligations of the state or any political subdivision is authorized by law.
66.0823(14)(14)Budgets; rates and charges; audit. An authority shall adopt a calendar year as its fiscal year for accounting purposes. The board of directors of the authority shall annually prepare a budget for the authority. Rates and other charges received by the authority shall be used for the general expenses and capital expenditures of the authority and to pay interest, amortization, and retirement charges on bonds. The authority shall maintain an accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall have its financial statements and debt covenants audited annually by an independent certified public accountant.
66.0823(15)(15)Compliance with local ordinances and permit conditions; deviations. The authority shall comply with all local ordinances and permit conditions, unless the authority’s board of directors determines that the ordinance or permit condition imposes unreasonable requirements, costs or delays on the authority’s ability to carry out its responsibilities. If the board of directors determines that an ordinance or permit condition imposes unreasonable requirements, costs or delays, the board of directors shall pass a resolution specifying the ordinance or permit condition, indicating why it is unreasonable and how the authority intends to deviate from the ordinance or permit condition. If the board of directors passes a resolution under this subsection, the authority shall serve a copy of the resolution by certified mail upon the clerk of the county or municipality whose ordinance or permit condition is specified in the resolution. The copy shall be accompanied by a statement that the authority’s determination is subject to review only for a period of 90 days from the date of the postmark. Any aggrieved person may commence an action in the circuit court of the county, or in the circuit court in which the municipality is located, to challenge the authority’s determination. The action must be commenced within 90 days of the postmark of the copy served on the county or municipality. An action under this subsection is the only manner by which the authority’s determination to deviate from an ordinance or permit condition may be challenged. The circuit court shall give the matter precedence over other matters not accorded similar precedence by law. Failure to commence an action within 90 days from the date of the postmark bars the person from objecting to the authority’s determination to deviate from the local ordinance or permit condition. If the determination of the authority either is not challenged or is upheld, the authority may deviate from the ordinance or permit condition in the manner specified in the resolution, except that this subsection does not authorize the authority to deviate from floodplain or shoreland zoning ordinances or permit conditions.
66.0823(16)(16)Other statutes. This section does not limit the powers of local governmental units to enter into intergovernmental cooperation or contracts or to establish separate legal entities under s. 66.0301 or any other applicable law, or otherwise to carry out their powers under applicable statutory provisions.
66.0823(17)(17)Construction. This section shall be interpreted liberally to effect the purposes set forth in this section.
66.0823 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 184; 1999 a. 150 s. 212; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0823; 1999 a. 186 s. 49; 2001 a. 30, 102.
66.0823 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also chs. PSC 8, 183, and 185, Wis. adm. code.
66.082566.0825Municipal electric companies.
66.0825(1)(1)Short title. This section shall be known as the “Municipal Electric Company Act”.
66.0825(2)(2)Finding and declaration of necessity. It is declared that the operation of electric utility systems by municipalities of this state and the improvement of the systems through joint action in the fields of the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power and energy are in the public interest; that there is a need in order to ensure the stability and continued viability of the municipal systems to provide for a means by which municipalities which operate the systems may act jointly in all ways possible, including development of coordinated bulk power and fuel supply programs and efficient, community-based energy systems; and that the necessity in the public interest for the provisions in this section is declared as a matter of legislative determination.
66.0825(3)(3)Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
66.0825(3)(a)(a) “Bonds” means any bonds, interim certificates, notes, debentures or other obligations of a company issued under this section.
66.0825(3)(am)(am) “Community-based energy system” means a small-scale energy production system or device which serves a local area or portion thereof, including, but not limited to, a small scale power plant, using coal, sun, wind, organic waste or other form of energy, if the system is located sufficiently close to the community to make the dual production of heat and electricity possible. “Community-based energy system” also means a methane producing system or solar, wind or other energy source system for individual buildings or facilities.
66.0825(3)(b)(b) “Company” and “electric company” mean a municipal electric company.
66.0825(3)(c)(c) “Contracting municipality” means a municipality which contracts to establish an electric company under this section.
66.0825(3)(d)(d) “Municipal electric company” means a public corporation created by contract between 2 or more municipalities under this section.
66.0825(3)(e)(e) “Municipality” means a city, village, or town, or an electric utility, or combined utility, owned or operated by a city, village, or town.
66.0825(3)(f)(f) “Person” means a natural person, a public agency, a cooperative, an unincorporated cooperative association, or a private corporation, limited liability company, association, firm, partnership, or business trust of any nature, organized and existing under the laws of any state, the United States, or any foreign nation or any subdivision of any foreign nation.
66.0825(3)(g)(g) “Project” means any plant, works, system, facilities, and real and personal property of any nature, together with all parts, and appurtenances, used or useful in the generation, production, transmission, distribution, purchase, sale, exchange, or interchange of electric power and energy, or any interest or right to capacity and the acquisition of fuel of any kind for these purposes including: the acquisition of fuel deposits and the acquisition or construction and operation of facilities for extracting fuel from natural deposits, for converting it for use in another form, for burning it in place, for transportation, storage and reprocessing or for any energy conservation measure which involves public education or the actual fitting and application of a device.
66.0825(3)(h)(h) “Public agency” means any of the following:
66.0825(3)(h)1.1. Any municipality, municipal corporation, political subdivision, governmental unit, or public corporation, created under the laws of this state, another state, the United States, or any foreign nation or subdivision of any foreign nation.
66.0825(3)(h)2.2. Any state, the United States, or any foreign nation or subdivision of any foreign nation.
66.0825(3)(h)3.3. Any person, board, or other body, that is declared by the laws of any state, the United States, or any foreign nation or any subdivision of any foreign nation to be a department, agency, or instrumentality of the state, the United States, or the foreign nation or subdivision.
66.0825(4)(4)Creation of municipal electric companies.
66.0825(4)(a)(a) Any combination of municipalities of this state or of this state and other states which operates facilities for the generation, transmission or distribution of electric power and energy may, by contract with each other, establish a separate governmental entity to be known as a municipal electric company to be used by the contracting municipalities to effect joint development of electric energy resources or production, distribution and transmission of electric power and energy in whole or in part for the benefit of the contracting municipalities. The municipalities party to the contract may amend the contract as provided in the contract.
66.0825(4)(b)(b) Any contract entered into under this section shall be filed with the secretary of state. Upon receipt, the secretary shall record the contract and issue a certificate of incorporation stating the name of the company and the date and fact of incorporation. Upon issuance of the certificate, the existence of the company shall begin.
66.0825(5)(5)Contract. Any contract establishing an electric company under this section shall specify:
66.0825(5)(a)(a) The name and purpose of the company and the functions or services to be provided by the company. The name may refer to the company as an agency, authority, company, corporation, group, system or other descriptive title.
66.0825(5)(b)(b) The establishment and organization of a governing body of the company which shall be a board of directors in which all powers of the company are vested. The contract may provide for the creation by the board of an executive committee of the board to which the powers and duties may be delegated as the board specifies.
66.0825(5)(c)(c) The number of directors, the manner of their appointment, terms of office and compensation, if any, and the procedure for filling vacancies on the board. Each contracting municipality may appoint one member to the board of directors and may remove that member at will.
66.0825(5)(d)(d) The manner of selection of the officers of the company and their duties.
66.0825(5)(e)(e) The voting requirements for action by the board. Unless specifically provided otherwise, a majority of directors constitutes a quorum and a majority of the quorum is necessary for any action taken by the board.
66.0825(5)(f)(f) The duties of the board which shall include the obligation to comply with this section and the laws of the state and with each term, provision and covenant in the contract creating the company on its part to be kept or performed.
66.0825(5)(g)(g) The manner in which additional municipalities may become parties to the contract by amendment.
66.0825(5)(h)(h) Provisions for the disposition, division or distribution of any property or assets of the company on dissolution.
66.0825(5)(i)(i) The term of the contract, which may be a definite period or until rescinded or terminated, and the method, if any, by which the contract may be rescinded or terminated. The contract may not be rescinded or terminated while the company has bonds outstanding, unless provision for full payment of the bonds, by escrow or otherwise, has been made pursuant to the terms of the bonds or the resolution, trust indenture or security instrument securing the bonds.
66.0825(6)(6)Powers. The general powers of an electric company include the power to:
66.0825(6)(a)(a) Plan, develop, acquire, construct, reconstruct, operate, manage, dispose of, participate in, maintain, repair, extend or improve one or more projects within or outside the state and act as agent, or designate one or more other persons participating in a project to act as its agent, in connection with the planning, acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance, repair, extension or improvement of the project.
66.0825(6)(b)(b) Produce, acquire, sell, distribute and process fuels necessary to the production of electric power and energy and implement energy conservation measures necessary to meet energy needs.
66.0825(6)(c)(c) Enter into franchises, exchange, interchange, pooling, wheeling, transmission and other similar agreements with any person or public agency.
66.0825(6)(d)(d) Make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers of the company.
66.0825(6)(e)(e) Employ agents and employees.
66.0825(6)(f)(f) Contract with any person or public agency within or outside the state, for the construction of any project or for the sale or transmission of electric power and energy generated by any project, or for any interest in a project or any right to capacity of a project, on the terms and for the period that its board of directors determines.
66.0825(6)(g)(g) Purchase, sell, exchange, transmit or distribute electric power and energy within and outside the state in the amounts necessary and appropriate to make the most effective use of its powers and to meet its responsibilities, and to enter into agreements with any person or public agency with respect to the purchase, sale, exchange, or transmission, on the terms and for the period that its board of directors determines. A company may not sell power and energy at retail unless requested to do so by a municipal member within the service area of that municipal member.
66.0825(6)(h)(h) Acquire, own, hold, use, lease as lessor or lessee, sell or otherwise dispose of, mortgage, pledge, or grant a security interest in any real or personal property, commodity or service or interest in any real or personal property, commodity or service, subject to s. 182.017 (7).
66.0825(6)(i)(i) Exercise the powers of eminent domain granted to public utility corporations under ch. 32.
66.0825(6)(j)(j) Incur debts, liabilities or obligations including the borrowing of money and the issuance of bonds, secured or unsecured, under sub. (11) (b).
66.0825(6)(k)(k) Sue and be sued in its own name.
66.0825(6)(L)(L) Have and use a corporate seal.
66.0825(6)(m)(m) Fix, maintain and revise fees, rates, rents and charges for functions, services, facilities or commodities provided by the company.
66.0825(6)(n)(n) Make, and from time to time amend and repeal, bylaws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with this section to carry into effect the powers and purposes of the company.
66.0825(6)(o)(o) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, invest any funds held in reserve or sinking funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement, including the proceeds from the sale of any bonds, in obligations, securities and other investments that the company deems proper.
66.0825(6)(p)(p) Join organizations, membership in which is deemed by the board of directors to be beneficial to accomplishment of the company’s purposes.
66.0825(6)(q)(q) Exercise any other powers which are deemed necessary and convenient by the company to effectuate the purposes of the company.
66.0825(6)(r)(r) Do and perform any acts and things authorized by this section under, through or by means of an agent or by contracts with any person.
66.0825(6m)(6m)Energy conservation duties. A municipal electric company established by contract under this section shall consider energy conservation measures and the development of efficient, community-based energy systems.
66.0825(7)(7)Public character. An electric company established by contract under this section constitutes a political subdivision and body public and corporate of the state, exercising public powers, separate from the contracting municipalities. It has the duties, privileges, immunities, rights, liabilities and disabilities of a public body politic and corporate but does not have taxing power.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)