88.21 AnnotationA drainage board is subject to shoreland zoning ordinances, as is any other person. Although soil conservation districts and drainage districts are created for a different purpose, some activities of both accomplish similar ends; therefore, each district retains control over those activities that it undertakes for the purposes for which it was created. 63 Atty. Gen. 355.
88.21 AnnotationCh. 30 applies to navigable ditches that were originally navigable streams. If a navigable ditch was originally nonnavigable or had no previous stream history, the Department of Natural Resources’ jurisdiction depends upon the facts of each situation. 63 Atty. Gen. 493.
88.21288.212Required actions for the drainage board. In addition to other powers expressly granted or necessarily implied, the drainage board shall:
88.212(1)(1)Beginning in 2009, and every 3 years thereafter, provide written notice to every person who owns land that is located within the drainage district that such land is in the district. The notice shall also include contact information for every member of the drainage board.
88.212(2)(2)Annually, provide contact information for every member of the drainage board to the state drainage engineer and to the clerk of every city, village, town, and county in which the drainage district is located.
88.212(3)(3)Not later than November 1 of each year, provide the clerk of each taxation district in which the drainage district is located a list of every assessment issued by the drainage board from November 1 of the previous year to October 31 of the current year. The information shall specify the assessment amount for every parcel in the district.
88.212(4)(4)If any portion of a drainage district that is a subject matter of a drainage board meeting is located in a city, village, or town, notify the city, village, or town of the date, time, and subject matter of the meeting. A notification under this subsection may be in an electronic format.
88.212 HistoryHistory: 2007 a. 121; 2017 a. 115.
88.21588.215Landowner petitions. The owners of land in a district may petition the drainage board to hold a district meeting. The petition shall be signed by at least 10 percent of the owners of land within the district or by the owners of at least 10 percent of the lands within the district. The drainage board shall either schedule a district meeting to be held within 60 days after receiving the petition or deny the petition, by issuing a published order, within 60 days after receiving the petition. The drainage board may deny the petition only on the grounds that it is unreasonable.
88.215 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 456.
88.215 NoteNOTE: 1993 Wis. Act 456, which created this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
88.2288.22Power of board to contract with the federal government and other agencies. The drainage board may:
88.22(1)(1)Enter into agreements with the U.S. government or an officer or agency thereof to permit the drainage of lands owned or occupied by such government or agency, through the use of the drains of which the board has charge. Such agreement may result in adding lands to the drainage district, may provide for apportionment of the assessments for costs of repairs, maintenance and administration with respect to the draining of such lands, and may authorize the U.S. government or its officer or agency to repair, maintain, deepen, widen and change drains located upon lands owned or occupied by such government or agency as long as such change does not impair the drainage rights of other owners through such lands. No such agreement shall permit the draining of raw sewerage in any such drains.
88.22(2)(2)Negotiate and obtain a loan from the federal government or any officer or agency thereof, or from any other public or private loan agency, for the purpose of paying or redeeming outstanding bonds and other obligations of a district under its jurisdiction. Such loan may be negotiated upon such terms and conditions as the board deems to be in the best interest of the district, including without restriction by reason of enumeration provisions for:
88.22(2)(a)(a) Extending the time of payment of delinquent and unmatured installments of assessments for cost of construction, inclusive of interest accrued thereon, for a period of not to exceed 40 years.
88.22(2)(b)(b) Deferring payment of any portion of the principal of unpaid and unmatured assessments of cost of construction, inclusive of interest already accrued thereon, for a period of not to exceed 10 years and provide for the payment of such delinquent and unpaid assessments of cost of construction in equal annual installments over a period of years.
88.22(2)(c)(c) Arrange with the holders of bonds and notes and other creditors of the district for surrender of their claims against the district and for accepting money or bonds in payment thereof.
88.22(3)(3)Enter into contracts with the U.S. government or an officer or agency thereof to accept the benefits of any federal law pertaining to flood prevention or the conservation, development, utilization and disposal of water. Without restriction by reason of enumeration, the contracts may provide that the district on whose behalf the contract is negotiated will:
88.22(3)(a)(a) Provide without cost to the United States all lands necessary for the construction of the project and for the subsequent maintenance and operation of the project.
88.22(3)(b)(b) Contribute such part of the first cost of construction of such project as is agreed upon with the United States, either in cash or in credits, for purchase of material or performance of work forming part of the project.
88.22(3)(c)(c) Hold and save the United States harmless from claims for damages to any property resulting from construction of the works of the project.
88.22(3)(d)(d) Maintain and operate all the works after completion of the project in accordance with regulations prescribed by the U.S. government or any officer or agency thereof.
88.22 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 323 s. 27; 1981 c. 346 s. 38; 1993 a. 456; 1995 a. 225.
88.2388.23Power of board to levy assessments for costs.
88.23(1)(1)In addition to the assessments for cost of construction authorized by s. 88.35, the board may issue orders to levy assessments for costs of maintenance and repair or for any other lawful expenditures of a drainage district. All of the assessments shall be apportioned on the confirmed benefits then in effect in the district assessed.
88.23(2r)(2r)The board may authorize one or more owners of land in a drainage district to prepare a proposed assessment for cost of construction or maintenance and repair.
88.23(3)(3)Assessments made under this section are subject to ss. 88.40 to 88.43. In no case may the total assessments against any land exceed the benefits assessed against that land unless an interested person agrees to pay such excess and furnishes the drainage board with sufficient security for the excess benefits or unless the assessment is for the purpose of covering the cost of repair and maintenance as defined in s. 88.63.
88.23(4)(4)The board may borrow money and issue notes or bonds based upon any assessments levied under this section in the same manner as for original assessments.
88.23 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 67; 1993 a. 456.
88.2488.24Board to file annual report. On or before December 1 of each year the board shall file with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection; the town board or town zoning committee; the city council, plan commission, or plan committee; and the county zoning administrator, in which district territory is located, a separate report, for the preceding fiscal year, on each drainage district under the board’s jurisdiction. Unless the board selects a different fiscal year and notifies the department of the selection, the board’s fiscal year begins on September 1 and ends on the following August 31. All local units of government that receive the report shall consider it before making any zoning or planning decisions that may affect a drainage district that is located within its boundaries. The reports shall constitute part of the records of the districts reported on, shall be verified by the oath of one or more of the board members, and shall contain:
88.24(1)(1)A financial statement.
88.24(2)(2)A statement of all bonds paid or issued during the preceding year.
88.24(3)(3)A statement of all work done during the preceding year, specifying where the same was done and the cost thereof.
88.24(4)(4)A statement of the district’s practices and policies.
88.24 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 456; 2007 a. 121; 2017 a. 115.
subch. III of ch. 88SUBCHAPTER III
88.2788.27Who may petition for organization of a drainage district.
88.27(1)(1)Except as provided in sub. (1m), any of the following may petition for the organization of a drainage district under this chapter:
88.27(1)(a)(a) The owners of more than one-half in area of the lands, excluding lands owned by this state, proposed to be included within the drainage district.
88.27(1)(b)(b) The majority of landowners within the proposed drainage district, owning at least one-third in area of the lands, excluding lands owned by this state, proposed to be included within such district.
88.27(1m)(1m)A state agency, as defined in s. 16.61 (2) (d), may not petition for the organization of a drainage district.
88.27(2)(2)No petition having as many signers as are required by this section shall be declared void, but the court may at any time permit the petition to be amended in form and substance to conform to the facts, if the facts justify the organization of a district. All petitions for the organization of the same or substantially the same district filed prior to the hearing under s. 88.34 shall be considered by the court as one petition, and all signatures to such petitions shall be counted in determining the jurisdiction of the court.
88.27 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 456.
88.2888.28Contents of petition.
88.28(1)(1)A petition for organization of a drainage district shall be filed with the court and shall set forth:
88.28(1)(a)(a) A description of the lands proposed to be included in the district and that they will be improved by drainage.
88.28(1)(b)(b) That the public health or public welfare will be promoted by the drainage.
88.28(1)(c)(c) A map or sketch of the area sought to be drained, with the proposed drains shown thereon.
88.28(1)(d)(d) That the cost of construction will not exceed 75 percent of the appraised benefits arising from such drainage.
88.28(1)(e)(e) A proposed name or number for the district.
88.28(1)(f)(f) The names and addresses of the owners and mortgagees of all lands in the district, so far as known to the petitioners.
88.28(1)(g)(g) A request for the organization of the drainage district.
88.28(1)(h)(h) If the purpose of such petition is the enlargement, repair or maintenance of a drain, heretofore constructed under any law of this state, the petition shall give a general description of the drain with such particulars as the petitioners deem important.
88.28(1)(i)(i) The quality and character of soils and subsoils in the proposed district.
88.28(1)(j)(j) A soil map of the proposed district.
88.28(1)(k)(k) The present agricultural value of the lands.
88.28(1)(L)(L) The kind of crops which will be grown on the land after drainage.
88.28(2)(2)In lieu of meeting with the requirements of sub. (1) (d), the petitioners may file with the petition a written agreement that they will pay such portion of the cost of construction as exceeds 75 percent of the appraised benefits to all lands resulting from the construction of the proposed drainage works.
88.28(3)(3)The petition need not be verified.
88.28 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 449; 1993 a. 456; 2007 a. 121 s. 6.
88.2988.29Referral of petition to board; examination of lands; hearing by board.
88.29(1)(1)Upon receipt of a petition for organization of a drainage district the court or judge by order shall refer the petition to the drainage board and order the board to report thereon.
88.29(2)(2)When a petition has been so referred to the board, the board, with the aid of an engineer having the qualifications specified in s. 88.21 (5), shall examine the lands described in the petition and all other lands that the board believes will be benefited or damaged by the proposed work and shall consider whether the drains as proposed in the petition are satisfactory.
88.29(3)(3)The board also shall hold a hearing on the petition to ascertain the sufficiency of the signers and to hear all interested persons who desire to be heard for or against the petition.
88.29(4)(4)The board shall fix a time and place of the hearing on the petition, on or conveniently near the lands described in the petition, and shall give notice of the hearing as provided in s. 88.05 (2) (b) to the persons specified in s. 88.05 (4) (c).
88.29(5)(5)The notice shall describe the lands involved and may be in substantially the following form:
“Notice is hereby given that the drainage board of .... County will meet on the .... day of ...., .... (year), at .... o’clock, .... M. at the (here describe the place of meeting) to consider the petition filed in the circuit court of .... County to drain lands among which are the following: (here describe the lands described in the petition). All persons interested may appear and be heard on the petition.
Dated ....
Drainage Board”.
88.29(6)(6)The board may adjourn the hearing to a time and place that it considers convenient or necessary. The board shall either make a public announcement of the time and place of the adjournment or give notice as provided in s. 88.05 (2) (b) to the persons specified in s. 88.05 (4) (a) and also by publication of the notice once in the vicinity in a newspaper qualified under ch. 985, such publication to be not more than 20 days nor less than 10 days before the date set for the adjourned hearing.
88.29 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 175 s. 50; 1993 a. 456; 1997 a. 250.
88.3188.31Special procedure in cases affecting navigable waters.
88.31(1)(1)If it is necessary to enter upon any waters that may be navigable, or to acquire and remove any dam or obstruction from the waters, or to clean out, widen, deepen or straighten any stream that may be navigable, the board shall file with the department of natural resources an application for a permit to do the work. The board shall file with the application any information that the board or the department of natural resources considers necessary. The department shall specify by rule the information to be included in an application. The application shall state that the public health or welfare will be promoted by the removal of the dam or other obstruction or by the straightening, cleaning out, deepening or widening of the waters and that other public rights in and public uses of the waters will not be materially impaired. The application shall be duly verified.
88.31(2)(2)Upon receipt of the application the department of natural resources shall fix a time and place for a hearing on the application, not less than 3 nor more than 8 weeks from the date of filing, at a place convenient to the interested parties. If the application is for a permit to remove a dam, notice of the hearing shall be given to all interested persons as provided by s. 31.06. In all other cases, the department shall direct the applicant to give notice under s. 88.05 (2) (b) to the persons specified in s. 88.05 (4) (b).
88.31(3)(3)At the hearing on the application, all interested persons may appear and be heard. The department also may make an independent investigation of the situation.
88.31(4)(4)Upon the conclusion of the hearing and investigation, the department of natural resources shall grant the permit if it finds:
88.31(4)(a)(a) That the public health and welfare will be promoted by the proposed removal of the dam or other obstructions or by the proposed straightening, cleaning out, deepening or widening of such waters; and
88.31(4)(b)(b) That the proposed work is necessary to the proper operation of the proposed drainage system; and
88.31(4)(c)(c) That the proposed work will not materially impair the navigability of any such waters and will not materially impair any other public right in or public uses of such waters. The enjoyment of natural scenic beauty is declared to be a public right to be considered along with other public rights.
88.31(4m)(4m)The department of natural resources shall grant or deny the permit within 6 weeks after the conclusion of the hearing on the application.
88.31(5)(5)When granting a permit under this section the department of natural resources also shall establish the minimum level at which the affected waters may be maintained.
88.31(6)(6)The department of natural resources may require the applicant for the permit to submit a plan for the work to be done in the waters in question and may amend or modify such plan before approving it. The department may at any time, on the application of any interested person, further amend such plan when the same can be done without materially impairing the navigability of any such waters and without materially impairing any other public right.
88.31(7)(7)Upon granting a permit under this section, the department forthwith shall transmit to the secretary of the drainage board a copy of the permit and the relevant findings, orders and approved plans.
88.31(7m)(7m)The Duck Creek Drainage District is exempt from the permit requirements and procedures under subs. (1) to (7).
88.31(7r)(7r)A drainage district that is exempt from the individual and general permit requirements under s. 30.20 as specified under s. 30.20 (1g) (d) is exempt from the permit requirements and procedures under subs. (1) to (7) with respect to that removal.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)