Generally, Ch. 222
Account disclosure, Medical Assistance and food stamp eligibility requirement, 49.45 (4m), 224.42
Acquisitions, asset purchases and mergers, 222.0307
Administration of chapter, 222.0107
Fees of division of banking, 222.0105
Applicability of chapter 222 and other banking chapters, 222.0103
Certificate of authority, 222.0205
Eligibility, 222.0203
Procedure, 222.0201
Termination, voluntary, 222.0207
Definitions, 222.0102
Mergers, acquisitions, and asset purchases, 222.0307
Articles and bylaws, 222.0301
Capital and assets, 222.0305
Name, 222.0303
Deposit powers, general, 222.0411
Federal financial institution powers, 222.0401
Investment powers, 222.0405
Loan powers, 222.0403
Necessary and convenient powers, 222.0413
Bank-owned banks; acquisition, holding, 222.0409
Purchase of own stock, 222.0407
Trust powers, 222.0415
Title of chapter, 222.0101
fines FINES
fire FIRE
fire_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Alarm, false, 941.13
Capitol, churches; Christmas tree presumed not a fire hazard, 101.02 (1m), (7e), 101.14 (2)
Criminal, 943.02 to 943.065
Investigations, 165.55
Firewalls, uniform rules, 101.135
Old, dilapidated, 101.14 (1) (a)
Burning material, negligent handling, 941.10
Cigarettes, fire safety standards, 167.35
Cities, reimbursement for fire calls on public highways, 62.13 (8)
Community-based residential facilities, fire prevention and first aid training, 50.035
Counterfeit and unsafe lighters, 100.435
Escapes, law enforcement, 101.02 (15) (b)
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS, 299.48
Fire prevention week, 995.225
Flammable, combustible and hazardous liquids, storage tanks:
Definitions, 168.21
Enforcement, 168.25
Penalties, 168.26
Inventory of petroleum product storage tanks, 168.28
Regulation, generally, 168.22
Rules, 168.23
Secondary containment requirements, 168.24
Flammable fabrics, regulation, 100.41
Citizens to assist, penalty for failure, 26.15
Civil liability for, 26.21
Destruction of protection equipment and signs, 26.19
Emergency wardens, employment, 26.12 (3)
Natural resources department jurisdiction, 26.11
Police powers regarding, pay of officers, 26.14
Protection area, 26.12
Town fire wardens, 26.13
Hotel safety measures, 97.623
Safety and professional services department, fire chiefs, 101.14 (2)
Training of inspectors, 101.14 (3)
Insurance, see Insurance—12. Fire
Interfering with fighting, 941.12
Investigation of cause, 165.55
Locomotives, protection devices, 26.20 (2)
Looting at, 943.20 (3)
Permit, forest protection area, 26.12 (5)
Prevention, 101.14 (1), (4)
Protection, county radio service, 59.54 (3)
Railroads, protection devices, 26.20
Setting, on land, penalty, 26.14 (5) to (8)
Smoke detector requirement, 101.145, 101.615, 101.645, 101.745
Smoking, causing fire in public accommodations, penalty, 97.627
State fire marshal:
Arson investigations, 165.55