2012 Symposia Series on State Income Tax Reform Information

Membership List


  • The steering committee is directed to: conduct information symposia and develop recommendations regarding Wisconsin’s income tax code. The committee shall: review Wisconsin’s current income tax code, the income tax codes of other states, and previously proposed methods for state tax code reform; consider the social and economic effects of tax code reforms as applied to individual and corporate taxpayers as well as the fiscal effects on state revenues; and develop recommendations, in the form of a committee report, for income tax reform that would improve economic growth for residents and businesses in the State of Wisconsin.

June 26, 2012 Meeting [ Agenda ]

July 25, 2012 Meeting [ Agenda ]

September 6, 2012 Meeting [ Agenda ]

October 18, 2012 Meeting [ Agenda ]

December 14, 2012 Mail Ballot [ Notice of Mail Ballot ]