2022 Legislative Council Study Committee on the Commercial Building Permitting Process

Legislative Council Staff

Anna Henning

Ethan Lauer

Julie Learned


Senator Stroebel (Chair)

Representative Summerfield (Vice-Chair)

Representative Baldeh

Robert Brandherm

Representative Conley

Melissa Destree

Frank Gorham

Doug Hoerth

Steve Klessig

Mark Piotrowicz

Robert C. Procter

Cory Scheidler

Peter Tomasi

Hearing Notices

Travel Voucher

Food Options on Capitol Square

Membership List


  • The study committee is directed to review the current commercial building permitting process. This review shall focus on the commercial plan review process within the Department of Safety and Professional Services and municipalities, timelines for environmental permitting, and the role of the Commercial Building Code Council. As part of its review, the study committee shall also evaluate approaches in other states and identify innovative and exemplary policies that could serve as a model for Wisconsin. Following this review, the committee shall recommend legislation to improve the commercial building permitting process.

July 19, 2022 10:30 a.m. Room 411 South, State Capitol [ Agenda | Minutes ]

August 24, 2022 10:30 a.m. Room 411 South, State Capitol [ Agenda | Minutes ]

September 28, 2022 10:30 a.m. Room 300 Northeast, State Capitol [ Agenda | Minutes ]

October 20, 2022 10:30 a.m. Room 300 Northeast, State Capitol [ Agenda | Minutes ]

Recommendation of the Study Committee

November 16, 2022 Mail Ballot

Recommendations to the Joint Legislative Council

Joint Legislative Council Recommendations to the 2023-24 Legislature