The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: [Display of roll call vote omitted; ayes-3, noes-25.] So the motion did not prevail.
  Senator J. D. Swan raised the point of order that Senate Bill 185 required another fiscal note to comply with Wisconsin Stat. 13.10 (2) (a). ( The chair [Lt.Gov. Schreiber] ruled the point of order untimely as the question was only one of concurrence in the amendments.
Senate Journal of June 27, 1973 .......... Page: 1274
[Point of order:]
  Senator Parys raised the point of order that Assembly Bill 689 [relating to filling mid-term vacancies on the Milwaukee county board of supervisors] required a fiscal note. The chair took the point of order under advisement. [Intervening text omitted.]
  As it relates to Assembly Bill 689, the chair [Lt.Gov. Schreiber] ruled a fiscal note was not required.
Senate Journal of May 24, 1973 .......... Page: 1125
[Point of order:]
  Senator Hollander raised the point of order that Senate Bill 203 [relating to the right to be reimbursed under accident and health policies for chiropractic services] required a fiscal note.
  The chair [Lt.Gov. Schreiber] ruled the point of order not well taken.
Fiscal estimate: required
1 9 9 3 S E N A T E
Senate Journal of March 23, 1994 .......... Page: 900
[Point of order:]
  Senator George raised the point of order that Senate Bill 781 [relating to persistent serious felony offenders and providing penalties] does not have a reliable fiscal estimate pursuant to Joint Rule 43 and 49.
138   [Note:] The history of SB 781 indicates that fiscal estimates had been received on March 8 (two) and on March 11. These had been prepared by the department of corrections, the department of administration, and the sentencing commission. Also in the files was a fiscal estimate, dated March 17, from the department of justice.

  The supplementary fiscal estimate, requested on March 23, was received on March 28 (after the bill had passed both houses).

  State agencies are required to furnish the legislature with reliable estimates. The presiding officer does not have the information to decide in each instance whether or not an estimate received is "reliable". In addition, section 13.093 (2) (c) expressly provides that a bill does not require a fiscal estimate when the only assumed cost of the bill derives from the cost of incarcerating convicted offenders.

  [Section 513 (1) of Mason's Manual expressly states that a tie vote on an appeal from a decision of the chair sustains the decision of the chair.]
  The Chair ruled the point not well taken. Senator George appealed the ruling of the Chair. The question was: Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Senate?
  The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: [Display of roll call vote omitted; ayes-16, noes-16.] The decision of the Chair stands as the judgment of the Senate.
  The Chair asked the Chief Clerk to request from the Reference Bureau a supplemental fiscal estimate to be prepared pursuant to Joint Rule 23.
1 9 8 1 A S S E M B L Y
Assembly Journal of February 9, 1982 .......... Page: 2078
  Point of order:
  Representative Tregoning rose to the point of order that Senate Bill 71 [relating to fair-share and maintenance of membership agreements under the state employment labor relations act] required a fiscal estimate and was required to be referred to the Joint Committee on Finance under section 13.10 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The speaker took the point of order under advisement.
Assembly Journal of February 10, 1982 .......... Page: 2091
  A fiscal estimate having been received on Senate Bill 71, the point of order raised by Representative Tregoning on Tuesday, February 9 was ruled moot.
Assembly Journal of October 13, 1981 .......... Page: 1220
  Point of order:
  Representative Shabaz rose to the point of order that Assembly Bill 322 [relating to public employe occupational safety and health and granting rule-making authority] required a local fiscal estimate under section 13.10 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The speaker took the point of order under advisement.
Assembly Journal of October 14, 1981 .......... Page: 1253
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled the point of order on Assembly Bill 322 moot because a local fiscal estimate had arrived.
139Assembly Journal of October 6, 1981 .......... Page: 1134
  Point of order:
  Representative Murray rose to the point of order that Senate Bill 185 [relating to arrest powers for conservation wardens] required a local fiscal estimate under section 13.10 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The speaker took the point of order under advisement.
  [Note:] The following fiscal estimates were printed: Department of Natural Resources (10/7/81), Department of Public Instruction (10/8/81), and Director of State Courts (10/12/81).
Assembly Journal of October 7, 1981 .......... Page: 1143
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled the point of order on Senate Bill 185 moot because a local fiscal estimate had been received.
Assembly Journal of October 7, 1981 .......... Page: 1172
  Point of order:
  Representative Murray rose to the point of order that the local fiscal estimate on Senate Bill 185 was obtained from the wrong agency. The speaker took the point of order under advisement.
Assembly Journal of October 14, 1981 .......... Page: 1253
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled the point of order on Senate Bill 185 moot because a local fiscal estimate had arrived.
1 9 7 9 A S S E M B L Y
Assembly Journal of March 14, 1980 .......... Page: 2801
  Point of order:
  Representative Ferrall rose to the point of order that Assembly Bill 1228 [relating to industrial revenue bonds and projects] was not properly before the assembly under Joint Rule 49 (2).
  [Note:] Joint rule 49 (2) reads: "Bills requiring fiscal estimates shall not be voted on by either house, and shall receive neither a public hearing nor be voted on by a standing committee, prior to the receipt of the original fiscal estimate for the bill".

  According to the bill history of 1979 AB 1228, a fiscal estimate had been received on 3/4/79, prior to the public hearing on the same date.
  Representative Ferrall asked unanimous consent to withdraw his point of order. Granted.
Assembly Journal of October 3, 1979 .......... Page: 1198
  Point of order:
140   Representative Hauke rose to the point of order that Senate Bill 156 [relating to deletion of the requirement for an affidavit from the circulator of nomination papers and providing a penalty] was not properly before the assembly because the bill required a fiscal estimate under Wisconsin Statutes 13.10 (2) and Joint Rule 41 (1). Representative Hauke cited the speaker's ruling on 1977 Assembly Bill 108 (1977 Assembly Journal, page 1068; penalty bills require fiscal estimate) as precedent for his point of order. The chair took the point of order under advisement.
Assembly Journal of October 23, 1979 .......... Page: 1491
  Because fiscal estimates on Senate Bill 156 had been received, the speaker ruled the point of order raised by Representative Hauke on Wednesday, October 3 (Assembly Journal, page 1198) to be moot.
1 9 7 7 A S S E M B L Y
Assembly Journal of March 30, 1978 .......... Page: 4242
  Point of order:
  Representative Lee rose to the point of order that the local fiscal estimate on Senate Bill 569 was not proper under Joint Rule 42 (1) (c).
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled the point of order not well taken.
Assembly Journal of February 23, 1978 .......... Page: 3204
  Point of order:
  Representative Shabaz rose to the point of order that Senate Bill 297 [renaming the department of public welfare in populous counties] required a local fiscal estimate.
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled the point of order well taken.
Assembly Journal of September 15, 1977 .......... Page: 2047
  Point of order:
  Representative Tuczynski rose to the point of order that Senate Bill 322 [relating to permitting credit unions to levy maintenance charges on dormant accounts] required a fiscal estimate.
  Representative Duren rose to the point of order that Representative Tuczynski's point of order was not timely.
  The chair ruled the point of order not well taken.
  The chair ruled Representative Tuczynski's point of order well taken.
  The chief clerk was directed to obtain a fiscal estimate for Senate Bill 322.
Assembly Journal of April 13, 1977 .......... Page: 609
  Point of order:
  Representative Flintrop rose to the point of order that Assembly Bill 108 [relating to battery to persons age 62 or older and providing a penalty] required a fiscal note under Wisconsin Statutes 13.10. The speaker took the point of order under advisement.
Assembly Journal of May 11, 1977 .......... Page: 939
141   The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled well taken the point of order raised by Representative Flintrop on April 13, 1977 that Assembly Bill 108 required a fiscal estimate. The complete text of the speaker's ruling will be printed at a later date.
  [NOTE:] The following 1977 ruling was superseded by the creation of section 13.093 (2) (c) of the statutes in 1983 WisAct 20 (budget act):
  "A bill containing penalty provisions is exempt from the fiscal estimate requirement under par. (a) if the bill contains no other provisions requiring a fiscal estimate under par. (a)."
Assembly Journal of May 24, 1977 .......... Page: 1068
  On April 13, 1977 the gentleman from the 56th Assembly District raised the point of order that 1977 Assembly Bill 108, relating to battery to persons aged 62 or older and providing a penalty, requires a fiscal estimate under Joint Rule 41 (1) and section 13.10 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The chair took the point of order under advisement.
  These two similarly worded regulations require that "any bill making an appropriation and any bill increasing or decreasing existing appropriations or
  state or general local government fiscal liability or revenues" be accompanied in the legislative process by a reliable estimate of the bill's anticipated fiscal effects. Whether or not bills that establish or alter penalties, but do not contain appropriation language, fall into this category of legislation, and thus are subject to the fiscal estimate requirement, is not readily apparent, but rather is a matter for reasoned inference and interpretation.
  In making that interpretation, the chair is persuaded that it should be guided by the purpose, nature and significance of the fiscal estimate requirement; existing precedents; the general significance of the fiscal implications of penalty legislation; an assessment of our capabilities to obtain reliable fiscal information for such legislation; and a consideration of the potential impact of this ruling on the legislative process.
  Purpose, Nature and Significance of Fiscal Estimates
  In 1957, the Wisconsin Legislature became the first state legislature in the Nation to require the publication of fiscal estimates as appendices to certain pending bills. Although the text of this requirement has undergone modification since its original enactment as Joint Rule 24 of 1957, the basic thrust and intent have remained the same: to supply legislators with reliable and handy financial information on bills under consideration in order to facilitate informed decision-making. Fiscal estimates provide information about the availability, source and proposed utilization of financial resources associated with legislative proposals. They are the "price tags" and "financial terms" attached to "commodities" in the legislative "marketplace". In the course of a legislative session, lawmakers are faced with making decisions on a great many separate proposals dealing with a wide variety of subjects, while at the same time they also experience a need to establish and pursue comprehensive goals and policies reaching beyond the purposes of specific pieces of legislation. Because financial considerations are an important "common denominator" of many legislative proposals, fiscal estimates can be a useful, important tool not only for evaluating specific proposals, but also for ordering priorities among them in the pursuit of broader public policies. Their importance takes on added dimensions when one considers the great reliance of legislatures on "the power of the purse" to exert influence in our tripartite framework of government.
142   A Legislative Reference Bureau review of rulings from the chair for the past 20 years located two which are clearly relevant to the current point-of-order. The first of these was established on April 21, 1959, when Lieutenant Governor Philleo Nash ruled (1959 Senate Journal, page 575) that 1959 Senate Bill 284, a penalty bill making it a felony to issue checks with intent to defraud, did not require a fiscal estimate. This ruling appears to be based primarily on an assessment that the fiscal impacts stemming from this legislation could not be reliably estimated. The ruling states in part:
  "...The only increase in the State's fiscal liability would arise in the event of a conviction under the criminal statutes and imprisonment at State expense." "In the opinion of the Chair, to require a fiscal note for such a remote, indefinite and uncertain obligation of the State, goes far beyond the meaning of Joint Resolution (sic) 24 and the intent of the legislature in enacting it."
  This 1959 ruling appears to have served as the generally controlling precedent for legislative practice with respect to penalty bills for nearly two decades.
  The other relevant precedent occurred on May 8, 1973 and limited the application of the Nash ruling by distinguishing between penalty bills in general and a sub-type of such bills. On that date, Lieutenant Governor Schreiber ruled (1973 Senate Journal, page 971) that penalty bills proposing a change in the treatment of offenders within the corrections system are subject to the fiscal estimate requirement. The specific proposal giving rise to the ruling, 1973 Senate Bill 227, made it mandatory for males aged 16 to 25 sentenced to prison for one year or more, to be placed first at the State Reformatory at Green Bay. Materials furnished to the Lieutenant Governor at the time by the state budget office indicated that the bill would have a direct, predictable effect on the costs of operating the State Reformatory and State Prison, as well as a possible indirect effect on the operational costs of the state's other correctional institutions. In arriving at his decision, the Lieutenant Governor appears to have relied heavily on the fact that at least some of this impact could be anticipated with a reasonable degree of confidence. While coming to different conclusions then, both Lieutenant Governors appear to have based their decisions principally upon assessments of the predictability of the fiscal impacts involved.
  Fiscal Implications of Penalty Legislation
  The typical penalty bill we are concerned with here does not make or alter an appropriation; does not have as a purpose the raising of revenue; does not necessarily increase state or local fiscal liability; and, given the enforcement, prosecutional and sentencing discretion enjoyed by executive and judicial officials, has an impact which, at best, is difficult to anticipate.
  Having said all this, it is nevertheless still true that most penalty bills do have potential fiscal impacts upon state and local treasuries and that such impacts can be substantial. This can be seen in the costs associated with implementing existing penalty legislation. The budget for the Division of Corrections in the current biennium is $116 million, and the Governor's proposed budget for this agency for the next biennium is $145 million, one of the greatest percentage increases for a state agency in the budget bill currently before the Legislature. According to the Division of Corrections, the cost of caring for each individual sentenced to a state prison is presently about $9,000 per year, and, since there currently is no unused bed capacity in the system, for every 25 to 30 individuals added to the prison system, capital expenditures of approximately $452,000 are required for facilities. Add to this the costs of enforcement and adjudication and it becomes clear that the cumulative impact of penalty legislation is indeed substantial and significant.