59.605(3)(3)Referendum, responsibility transfers.
59.605(3)(a)1.1. If the governing body of a county wishes to exceed the operating levy rate limit otherwise applicable to the county under this section, it shall adopt a resolution to that effect. The resolution shall specify either the operating levy rate or the operating levy that the governing body wishes to impose for either a specified number of years or an indefinite period. The governing body shall call a special referendum for the purpose of submitting the resolution to the electors of the county for approval or rejection. In lieu of a special referendum, the governing body may specify that the referendum be held at the next succeeding spring primary or election or partisan primary or general election to be held not earlier than 70 days after the adoption of the resolution of the governing body. The governing body shall file the resolution to be submitted to the electors as provided in s. 8.37.
59.605(3)(a)2.2. The clerk of the county shall publish type A, B, C, D and E notices of the referendum under s. 10.01 (2). Section 5.01 (1) applies in the event of failure to comply with the notice requirements of this subdivision.
59.605(3)(a)3.3. The referendum shall be held in accordance with chs. 5 to 12. The governing body shall provide the election officials with all necessary election supplies. The form of the ballot shall correspond substantially with the standard form for referendum ballots prescribed by the elections commission under ss. 5.64 (2) and 7.08 (1) (a). If the resolution under subd. 1. specifies the operating levy rate, the question shall be submitted as follows: “Under state law, the operating levy rate for the .... (name of county), for the tax to be imposed for the year .... (year), is limited to $.... per $1,000 of equalized value. Shall the .... (name of county) be allowed to exceed this rate limit for .... (a specified number of years) (an indefinite period) by $.... per $1,000 of equalized value that results in an operating levy rate of $.... per $1,000 of equalized value?” If the resolution under subd. 1. specifies the operating levy, the question shall be submitted as follows: “Under state law, the operating levy rate for the .... (name of county), for the tax to be imposed for the year .... (year), is limited to $.... per $1,000 of equalized value. Notwithstanding the operating levy rate limit, shall the .... (name of county) be allowed to levy an amount not to exceed $.... (operating levy) for operating purposes for the year .... (year), which may increase the operating levy rate for .... (a specified number of years) (an indefinite period)? This would allow a ....% increase above the levy of $.... (preceding year operating levy) for the year .... (preceding year).”
59.605(3)(a)4.4. Within 14 days after the referendum, the clerk of the county shall certify the results of the referendum to the department of revenue. A county may exceed the operating levy rate limit otherwise applicable to it under this section in that year by an amount not exceeding the amount approved by a majority of those voting on the question.
59.605(3)(b)1.1. If an increased operating levy rate is approved by a referendum under par. (a) for a specified number of years, the increased operating levy rate shall be the operating levy rate limit for that number of years for purposes of this section. If an increased operating levy rate is approved by a referendum under par. (a) for an indefinite period, the increased operating levy rate shall be the operating levy rate limit for purposes of this section.
59.605(3)(b)2.2. If an increased operating levy is approved by a referendum under par. (a), the increased operating levy shall be used to calculate the operating levy rate limit for the approved year for purposes of this section. After the approved year, the operating levy rate limit in the approved year or the operating levy rate limit that would have been applicable if there had been no referendum, whichever is greater, shall be the limit for the specified number of years or for an indefinite period for purposes of this section.
59.605(3)(c)1.1. If a county transfers to another governmental unit responsibility for providing any service that the county provided in the preceding year, the levy rate limit otherwise applicable under this section to the county in the current year is decreased to reflect the cost that the county would have incurred to provide that service, as determined by the department of revenue. The levy rate limit adjustment under this subdivision applies only if the county and transferee governmental unit file a notice of service transfer with the department of revenue.
59.605(3)(c)2.2. If a county increases the services that it provides by adding responsibility for providing a service transferred to it from another governmental unit in any year, the levy rate limit otherwise applicable under this section to the county in the current year is increased to reflect the cost of that service, as determined by the department of revenue. The levy rate limit adjustment under this subdivision applies only if the county and transferor governmental unit file a notice of service transfer with the department of revenue.
59.605(4)(4)Penalties. If the department of revenue determines that a county has a penalized excess in any year, the department of revenue shall do all of the following:
59.605(4)(a)(a) Reduce the amount of the shared revenue payments to the county under subch. I of ch. 79 in the following year by an amount equal to the amount of the penalized excess.
59.605(4)(b)(b) If the amount of the reduction made under par. (a) is insufficient to recover fully the amount of the penalized excess, request the department of transportation to reduce the aids paid in that following year to the county under s. 86.30 (2) (e) by the amount needed to recover as much of the remainder as is possible.
59.605(4)(c)(c) Ensure that the amount of any reductions in shared revenue payments under par. (a) lapses to the general fund.
59.605(4)(d)(d) Ensure that the amount of the penalized excess is not included in determining the limit described under sub. (2) for the county for the following year.
59.605(5)(5)Rate comparison. Annually, the department of revenue shall compare the operating levy rate limit of each county under this section to the actual operating levy rate imposed by the county.
59.605(6)(6)Sunset of the limit. This section does not apply to a county’s levy that is imposed in December 2011 or any year thereafter.
59.605 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 16, 490; 1999 a. 150 s. 568; Stats. 1999 s. 59.605; 1999 a. 182 s. 207; 2007 a. 1, 115; 2011 a. 32, 75; 2013 a. 20; 2015 a. 118; 2017 a. 365 s. 111; 2023 a. 12.
59.6159.61Financial transactions.
59.61(1)(1)Receipts and deposits of money; accounts. Every county officer and employee and every board, commission or other body that collects or receives money for or in behalf of the county shall:
59.61(1)(a)(a) Give such receipts therefor and file such duplicates thereof with the clerk and treasurer as the board directs.
59.61(1)(b)(b) Keep books of account and enter accurately in the books from day to day with ample description, the items of that person’s or that body’s official service, and the fees therefor.
59.61(1)(c)(c) Pay all such money into the county treasury at the time that is prescribed by law, or if not so prescribed daily or at the intervals that are prescribed by the board.
59.61(1)(d)(d) Perform all other duties in connection therewith that are required by law.
59.61(2)(2)Depositories; designation.
59.61(2)(a)(a) The board of each county having a population of 200,000 or more shall designate 2 or more, and in other counties the board, or when the occasion arises and the board is not in session, then a committee of the board which has been authorized to do so shall designate one or more credit unions, banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, or trust companies organized and doing business under the laws of this state or federal law, located in this state, as county depositories, one or more of which shall be designated as working credit unions, savings banks, savings and loan associations or banks, all deposits in which shall be active deposits.
59.61(2)(b)(b) In addition to the depositories specified in par. (a), the local government pooled-investment fund may be designated as a depository for investment purposes.
59.61(3)(3)Funds to be placed in depositories; reports; cash balance.
59.61(3)(a)(a) Whenever a board has designated a county depository under sub. (2), the treasurer shall deposit therein as soon as received all funds that come to the treasurer’s hands in that capacity in excess of the sum the treasurer is authorized by the board to retain. Any sum on deposit shall be considered to be in the county treasury, and the treasurer shall not be liable for any loss thereon resulting from the failure or default of such depository. The board, a committee of the board designated by it or the treasurer acting under s. 59.25 (3) (s) may invest any funds that come into the county treasurer’s hands in excess of the sum the treasurer is authorized by the board to retain for immediate use in the name of the county in the local government pooled-investment fund, in interest-bearing bonds of the United States or of any county or municipality in the state or in any other investment authorized by statute. The board, committee or the county treasurer acting under s. 59.25 (3) (s) may sell such securities when considered advisable.
59.61(3)(b)(b) Every such depository shall on the first business day of each month, and more often when required, file with the clerk a statement of the amount of county money deposited with it during the preceding month, and the treasurer shall at the same time file with such clerk a statement showing the amount of moneys received and disbursed by the treasurer during the previous month.
59.61(3)(c)(c) The board may fix the amount of money which may be retained by the treasurer but in no case shall the sum exceed $3,000; provided, that in all counties having a population of 200,000 or more inhabitants, the treasurer may retain such sum as may be fixed by the board.
59.61(3)(d)(d) Such treasurer and clerk, whenever the cash balance does not amount to the sum authorized by the board to be retained, may increase it to such amount by their check on the county depository or depositories in favor of such treasurer.
59.61 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 201 ss. 392, 422, 424, 425.
59.61 AnnotationOne who deals with a municipality does so at his or her own risk and may be subject to any provisions of law that might prevent him or her from being paid by a municipality even though the services are rendered. Unless the power to bind the municipality financially has been specifically delegated, the only entity with the statutory authority to contract is the municipality. Holzbauer v. Safway Steel Products, Inc., 2005 WI App 240, 288 Wis. 2d 250, 712 N.W.2d 35, 04-2058.
59.61 AnnotationBased on the plain meaning of the word “investment,” the exchange of surplus county funds for U.S. gold coins would be an investment within the meaning of sub. (3). Section 66.0603 provides the authorized list of investments that a county can make with county funds, and the statute does not authorize an investment in U.S. gold coins. OAG 2-13.
59.6259.62Investment authority delegation.
59.62(1)(1)The board may delegate to any officer or employee any authority assigned by law to the board to invest county funds. The delegation shall provide that the officer or employee be bonded.
59.62(2)(2)The board may impose any restriction on the delegation or exercise of authority delegated under this section considered desirable by the board. If the board delegates authority under this section, the board shall periodically review the exercise of the delegated authority by the officer or employee.
59.62 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 201 s. 207.
59.6359.63Treasurer’s disbursement of revenue. The treasurer may make disbursements of property tax revenues and of credits under s. 79.10 according to the proportions that are reported under ss. 60.33 (10m), 61.25 (10) and 62.09 (11) (j).
59.63 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 395; 1985 a. 39 s. 17; 1989 a. 56 s. 259; 1995 a. 201 s. 272; Stats. 1995 s. 59.63.
59.6459.64Claims against county.
59.64(1)(1)Claims, how made; procedure.
59.64(1)(a)(a) In general. Every person, except jurors, witnesses and interpreters, and except physicians or other persons who are entitled to receive from the county fees for reporting to the register of deeds births or deaths, which have occurred under their care, having any claim against any county shall comply with s. 893.80. This paragraph does not apply to actions commenced under s. 19.37, 19.97 or 281.99.
59.64(1)(b)(b) Of court officers, certified by district attorney. No claim for official services, in any criminal action or proceeding before a judge, shall be allowed by any board until the same has been examined and a written report made thereon by the district attorney of the proper county as required by par. (d); nor shall the claim of any sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or other such officer for the services or expenses of an assistant in making an arrest or commitment be allowed unless the judge before whom the prisoner is brought certifies that there was a necessity for such assistance because of the dangerous character of the defendant or because 2 or more persons were arrested at the same time.
59.64(1)(c)(c) Of circuit and supplemental court commissioners.
59.64(1)(c)1.1. Circuit and supplemental court commissioners shall, on or before the first Monday of November in each year, forward to the clerk of their respective counties a correct statement of all actions or proceedings had before them, during the immediately preceding year, in which the county became liable for costs. The statement shall include all of the following:
59.64(1)(c)1.a.a. The names of the parties in each action or proceeding.
59.64(1)(c)1.b.b. The nature and result of each action or proceeding.
59.64(1)(c)1.c.c. The amount of costs in detail in each action or proceeding.
59.64(1)(c)1.d.d. The items of costs awarded, if any, which have been paid and the amount of each payment.
59.64(1)(c)2.2. The clerk shall file the statements described in subd. 1. in his or her office. Any circuit or supplemental court commissioner who neglects to make and return the statements within the time prescribed in subd. 1. shall not receive any compensation from the county for any service rendered by him or her in any criminal case or proceeding during the year next preceding the time when the statement is required to be made and returned.
59.64(1)(d)(d) Of court officers; certification; audit by district attorney; waiver. Fees of officers, in any action or proceeding before a circuit or supplemental court commissioner, shall be certified to and allowed by the board in the following manner:
59.64(1)(d)1.1. At least 10 days before the annual meeting of the board, every circuit and supplemental court commissioner shall make and file with the clerk a certified statement of all actions or proceedings had or tried before him or her within the year next preceding the date of the statement in which the state was a party and in which the county became liable for the fees of officers who appeared on the part of either the state or a defendant. The statement shall include all of the following:
59.64(1)(d)1.a.a. The title and nature of the action or examination.
59.64(1)(d)1.b.b. The date of trial.
59.64(1)(d)1.c.c. The names of all officers who actually attended court and gave in a statement of their attendance and travel.
59.64(1)(d)1.d.d. The amount to which they are severally entitled.
59.64(1)(d)1m.1m. The statement described in subd. 1 shall be substantially in the following form:
State of Wisconsin
In Circuit Court for .... County
Complaint for ....
Before ...., .... Circuit or Supplemental Court Commissioner.
Heard the .... day of ...., ....(year)
To the County Board of .... County:
I hereby certify that in the foregoing entitled action the following named persons rendered services and attended before me in the capacity stated. I further certify that the following named persons are severally entitled to the amounts specified below for services, attendance and travel, that the services were actually and necessarily rendered, and that the action was prosecuted in good faith:
A.B. .... (constable or sheriff), actually and necessarily traveled in serving the .... herein, .... miles, and attended court .... days, and is entitled to $.... for other just and lawful services in the cause, and in all is entitled to $.....
Dated this .... day of ...., .... (year)
59.64(1)(d)2.a.a. The clerk shall deliver the statement filed under subd. 1. to the district attorney, who shall examine the statement and make a report in writing thereon to the board, specifying the items in each for which the county is or is not liable, and the extent of its liability if it is liable for a part only of any item. The statement and report shall be laid before the board by the clerk and insofar as the items charged in the statement are approved by the district attorney the statement shall be prima facie evidence of the claims of the persons named in the statement.
59.64(1)(d)2.b.b. The board shall examine the statement, allow the fees that are legal, and direct that orders be drawn for the amount allowed to each person named therein. If any person in whose favor any order is drawn under this subdivision shall not call for the fees within 2 years from the time the claim is allowed, the person’s right to any compensation for services shall be considered waived and the board shall cancel the order.
59.64(1)(e)(e) Fees for statements and certificates. Every circuit or supplemental court commissioner shall receive from the treasurer $1 per page for making statements and returns required by par. (c) and $1 for making each certificate required by par. (d). All such statements and certificates shall be transmitted to the clerk by certified mail and for transmitting the statements and certificates the circuit or supplemental court commissioner shall receive $1.
59.64(1)(f)(f) Circuit and supplemental court commissioners. The board at any session thereof may as provided in par. (d) 2. examine and allow any statement, account or claim of any circuit or supplemental court commissioner which is on file with the clerk before the opening of the session of the board.
59.64(1)(g)(g) Payment of juror, witness, interpreter, attorney, guardian ad litem and transcript fees; penalty. If a county is liable for juror fees or for witness, interpreter, attorney, guardian ad litem or transcript fees which are on the part of the state or of the defendant in any action or proceeding before a judge of the circuit court or before the medical examiner of the county, the procedure to secure payment of the fees shall be as follows:
59.64(1)(g)1.1. The clerk of the respective court, the register of probate, or the medical examiner as the case may be shall issue to the person an order directing the treasurer to make payment of the fee. The order shall state the name of the person to whom payable, the time served, the number of miles traveled by the person, and the amount of compensation to which the person is entitled, together with the title of the action in which the person served, the capacity in which the person served and the date or dates of service, or in case of transcript fees, the title of the action and the dates on which the testimony for the transcript was taken.
59.64(1)(g)2.2. The person to whom the certificate or order is issued shall be required to endorse it prior to receiving payment and thereby indicate that he or she is the person mentioned in the certificate or order, that the number of miles traveled and the capacity in which he or she served and the work which he or she performed is true and correct as stated and that he or she has not at any time received any compensation therefor.
59.64(1)(g)3.3. Upon presentation of the certificate or order properly signed and endorsed, the treasurer shall pay to the holder, upon surrender of the certificate or order, the amount set forth in the certificate or order, and the order or certificate shall in all other respects be handled by the treasurer in the same manner as all other county orders drawn upon him or her are handled.
59.64(1)(g)4.4. Any judge or circuit or supplemental court commissioner, juror, witness, interpreter, attorney, guardian ad litem or recipient of transcript fees who makes, signs or endorses any such certificate or order which is untrue in respect to anything material, which he or she knows to be false, or which he or she does not have good reason to believe is true, shall be punished as provided in s. 946.12.
59.64(2)(2)Special counties; classification of claims. In counties with a population of more than 300,000, the county auditor shall classify all such claims according to the budgetary funds provided for in s. 59.60, against which they are chargeable, before such claims are laid before such board. The county auditor shall then submit with the claims chargeable against each fund, a statement of the balance in such fund against which no county orders have been issued. If such balance in any fund is less than the total of the claims chargeable against such fund, the auditor shall call the attention of the board to that fact, and such board shall not issue county orders in excess of such balance without previously appropriating to such fund an additional sum at least sufficient to cover such orders. If any claims are for a purpose for which no specific appropriation has been made in the budget, such claims shall be considered as chargeable against the contingent fund. When the county auditor countersigns any order on the treasurer for the payment of a claim allowed the auditor shall charge such order against the fund appropriated for that purpose.
59.64(3)(3)Action on claims by board. The clerk shall, on the first day of any meeting of the board, lay before said board all such claims, statements of which have been filed in the clerk’s office since the last meeting of such board, with a schedule of the same showing the amount thereof and the order in which the same were filed; and the board shall act upon all such claims before the adjournment of the next annual session of such board after such statements were filed with the clerk, and shall examine and allow or disallow the same in whole or in part unless withdrawn by leave of the board; and in case of the disallowance of a part of an account or other claim composed of separate items the board shall designate particularly each item disallowed; and when the amount allowed for any claim shall have been accepted and received by the claimant, and no action shall be brought to recover the remainder thereof, no further sum shall thereafter be allowed or paid thereon by the board. The board, or a committee of the board, for the purpose of ascertaining the facts in relation to any claim presented for the board’s or committee’s exemption and allowance, may take such testimony as it considers necessary.
59.64(4)(4)County orders and scrip.
59.64(4)(a)(a) Issuance; limitations. When any claim is allowed by a board, either in whole or in part, the board shall direct an order to be drawn upon the treasurer in favor of the claimant for the amount so allowed, but no order except for the per diem and mileage of the members of the board may be drawn in favor of any claimant within 5 days after the allowance of his or her claim. Any person whose claim has been allowed in part may receive the order drawn for the part so allowed without prejudice to his or her right to appeal as to the part disallowed. No board may issue a greater amount of orders, scrip and certificates of indebtedness than the amount of the county taxes levied in the county for that year. The board may authorize the issuance of orders, scrip or certificates of indebtedness at a rate of interest specified thereon, but not to exceed 6 percent per year; except that the orders, scrip and certificates of indebtedness shall bear no interest if paid and payable within one month from date of issuance, and shall bear no interest after date of publication of redemption notice as provided in this paragraph. The treasurer may publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, that the county will redeem certain outstanding orders, scrip or certificates, which notice shall specify the particular orders, scrip or certificates, or series thereof, then redeemable.
59.64(4)(b)(b) Disbursements on. In all counties with a population of less than 300,000, all disbursements from the county treasury shall be made by the treasurer upon the written order of the clerk after proper vouchers have been filed in the office of the clerk; and in all cases where the statutes provide for payment by the treasurer without an order of the clerk, it shall be the duty of the clerk to draw and deliver to the treasurer an order for payment before or at the time when the payment is required to be made by the treasurer. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all special and general provisions of the statutes relative to the disbursement of money from the county treasury.
59.64(4)(c)(c) Special counties; countersigned by auditor. In all counties with a population of 300,000 or more all orders and warrants drawn upon or against county funds shall be countersigned by the county auditor; and the treasurer of the county shall make no payments of county funds for any purpose unless the order, warrant, certificate, direction or authority given the treasurer for the payment is countersigned by the county auditor. This provision requiring the countersigning by the auditor shall apply to all laws and statutes, special and general, relative to the payment of county funds by the treasurer except certificates or orders issued for the payment of juror, witness, interpreter, attorney, guardian ad litem and transcript fees.
59.64(4)(d)(d) Examination of. The board at its annual session, or more often if it considers it necessary, shall carefully examine the county orders returned paid by the treasurer by comparing each order with the record of orders in the clerk’s office, and cause to be entered in the record opposite to the entry of each order issued the date when the order was canceled. The board shall also make a complete list of the orders so canceled, specifying the number, date, amount, and person to whom the same is made payable, except in counties having a population of more than 750,000, the name of the person to whom the same is made payable may be omitted, which statement shall be entered at length on the journal of the board; and immediately after the above requirements are complied with the orders so canceled shall be destroyed in the presence of the board.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)