71.64(2)(b)2.2. The employee sends a copy of the completed agreement form to the department within 10 days after it is filed with the employer.
71.64(2)(b)3.3. The agreement expires on April 30 of the following year, for calendar year taxpayers, or 4 months following the close of their fiscal year, for fiscal year taxpayers.
71.64(2)(c)(c) Department may void agreement. If the department determines that an agreement under par. (b) would result in an insufficient amount of tax being withheld, the department may void the agreement by notification to the employer and employee.
71.64(3)(3)Withholding from pension or sick pay plan. If a payee furnishes written notification to a payor of any pension or to a 3rd-party payor of any sick pay plan that the payee desires to have Wisconsin income tax withheld from the pension or sick pay plan, the payor shall withhold from each pension payment or sick pay payment an amount in accordance with the withholding tables or the amount that the payee designates to the payor. The amount withheld from each payment may not be less than $5. For purposes of this subsection, “pension” includes any retirement payment plan, and “sick pay” includes any amount paid to an employee as remuneration or paid instead of remuneration for any period when the employee is temporarily absent from work because of sickness or personal injuries. Payors withholding under this subsection are employers for all purposes of this section and shall withhold, remit and be subject to the other requirements of an employer in withholding Wisconsin income tax from employees.
71.64(4)(4)Withholding from payments made to entertainers. For purposes of this section, all payments made to entertainers and entertainment corporations, except payments made as provided under s. 71.80 (15) (b) 2., are presumed subject to withholding unless the recipient provides to the person making the payment a written statement, on a form prescribed by the department, certifying that the payment is exempt under sub. (6) (b) or s. 71.05 (2).
71.64(5)(5)Withholding from entertainer in absence of bond or cash deposit. If no bond or cash deposit is made under s. 71.80 (15) (b) by an entertainer or entertainment corporation at the time of payment of wages to an entertainer, the employer shall either withhold the amount for which a bond should have been provided under s. 71.80 (15) (b) or deduct and withhold the tax reflected by the proper withholding table. If the entertainer establishes to the department’s satisfaction that a lower rate is more appropriate, the department shall notify the employer to withhold at the lower rate. The department may notify the employer that it waives the withholding requirement on the amount specified. Payments to an entertainment corporation shall be withheld at the rate of 6 percent unless the payee establishes to the satisfaction of the department that a lower rate is appropriate, in which case the department may notify the employer to withhold at a lower rate.
71.64(6)(6)Withholding from payments made to nonresidents.
71.64(6)(a)(a) At the time of payment of wages to a nonresident employee which wages were derived from the performance of services both within and without the state, the employer shall deduct and withhold from the wages derived from the performance of services within the state the amount as reflected by the proper withholding table.
71.64(6)(b)(b) No amount shall be withheld from the wages paid to a nonresident employee for services performed in this state if the employer reasonably estimates that during that calendar year the employee will earn less than $2,000; but whenever it appears that the employee will earn more than $2,000 in this state during the calendar year, the employer shall withhold, from wages paid thereafter, such additional amounts as the employer reasonably estimates will be required to offset the amounts not withheld from previous payments.
71.64(6)(c)(c) No amount shall be withheld from wages paid to an out-of-state employee, as defined in s. 323.12 (5) (a) 7., for disaster relief work, as defined in s. 323.12 (5) (a) 3.
71.64(7)(7)Special withholding arrangements. The secretary of revenue, acting within his or her discretion, may authorize special withholding arrangements in hardship cases resulting from situations in which persons, domiciled in Wisconsin, are subjected to withholding in some other state by reason of the performance of substantial personal services in such other state, pursuant to s. 71.07 (7).
71.64(8)(a)(a) The employer of any employee domiciled in a state with which Wisconsin has reciprocity under s. 71.05 (2) is not required to withhold under this subchapter from the wages earned by such employee in this state.
71.64 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. Tax 2.02, Wis. adm. code.
71.64(8)(b)(b) This subchapter shall not apply to any county fair association in regard to any employee receiving less than $500 annually in wages or salary from the association.
71.64(8)(c)(c) The department of corrections is not required to withhold under sub. (1) from wages paid to an inmate working in a prison listed in s. 302.01, and if the inmate’s wages do not exceed $2,000 per year the department of corrections is not required under s. 71.65 (3) to file reports relating to those wages.
71.64(9)(9)Withholding tables.
71.64(9)(a)(a) The department shall prepare, promulgate and publish in the official state paper, without regard to the requirements of ch. 227, rules establishing withholding tables prepared on a weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, and daily or miscellaneous pay period basis. Those rules shall also provide instructions for withholding with respect to quarterly, semiannual and annual pay periods.
71.64(9)(b)(b) The department shall from time to time adjust the withholding tables to reflect any changes in income tax rates, any applicable surtax or any changes in dollar amounts in s. 71.06 (1), (1m), (1n), (1p), (1q), and (2) resulting from statutory changes, except as follows:
71.64(9)(b)1.1. The department may not adjust the withholding tables to reflect the changes in rates in s. 71.06 (1m) and (2) (c) and (d) and any changes in dollar amounts with respect to bracket indexing under s. 71.06 (2e), with respect to changes in rates under s. 71.06 (1m) and (2) (c) and (d), and with respect to standard deduction indexing under s. 71.05 (22) (ds) for any taxable year that begins before January 1, 2000.
71.64(9)(b)2.2. The department shall adjust the withholding tables to reflect the changes in rates in s. 71.06 (1n), (1p) and (2) (e), (f), (g) and (h) and any changes in dollar amounts with respect to bracket indexing, with respect to changes in rates under s. 71.06 (1p) and (2) (g) and (h) on July 1, 2000.
71.64(9)(c)(c) The tables shall account for the working families tax credit under s. 71.07 (5m). The tables shall be extended to cover from zero to 10 withholding exemptions, shall assume that the payment of wages in each pay period will, when multiplied by the number of pay periods in a year, reasonably reflect the annual wage of the employee from the employer and shall be based on the further assumption that the annual wage will be reduced for allowable deductions from gross income. The department may determine the length of the tables and a reasonable span for each bracket. In preparing the tables the department shall adjust all withholding amounts not an exact multiple of 10 cents to the next highest figure that is a multiple of 10 cents. The department shall also provide instructions with the tables for withholding with respect to quarterly, semiannual and annual pay periods.
71.64 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ss. Tax 2.90 and 2.91, Wis. adm. code.
71.6571.65Filing returns or reports.
71.65(1)(1)Employer must furnish statement to employee.
71.65(1)(a)(a) Every person, partnership or limited liability company required to deduct and withhold from an employee under the general withholding provisions of this subchapter shall furnish to each such employee in respect of the remuneration paid by such person, partnership or company to such employee during the calendar year, on or before January 31 of the succeeding year, or if his or her employment is terminated before the close of any such calendar year on the day on which the last payment of remuneration is made, 2 legible copies of a written statement showing the following:
71.65(1)(a)1.1. The name of such person, partnership or limited liability company, and that person’s, partnership’s or company’s Wisconsin income tax identification number, if any.
71.65(1)(a)2.2. The name of the employee and the employee’s social security number, if any, or other number required by the department.
71.65(1)(a)3.3. The total amount of wages.
71.65(1)(a)4.4. The total amount deducted and withheld as required by the general withholding provisions of this subchapter.
71.65(1)(b)(b) The employee shall furnish the department of revenue one copy of such written statement along with his or her return for the year.
71.65(2)(2)Employers’ statements.
71.65(2)(a)(a) Every person required to deduct and withhold from an employee under this subchapter shall furnish, in respect to remuneration paid by the person to the employee during the calendar year, on or before January 31 of the succeeding year, one copy of the statement under sub. (1), except that, if the statement includes a number other than the employee’s social security number, the statement furnished shall include the employee’s social security number.
71.65(2)(b)(b) Every resident of this state and every nonresident carrying on activities within this state, whether taxable or not under this chapter, who pays in any calendar year for services performed within this state by an individual remuneration that is excluded from the definition of wages, in the amount of $600 or more, shall, on or before January 31 of the year following the year in which the payments are made, furnish a statement, in such form as required by the department, disclosing the name of the payor, the name and address of the recipient of the payment, and the total amount paid in the calendar year to the recipient. The person who pays for the services shall, on or before that deadline, furnish the recipient of the payment with a copy of the statement. In any case in which an individual receives wages and also remuneration for services which remuneration is excluded from such definition, both from the same payor, the wages and the excluded remuneration shall both be reported in the report required under this subsection in a manner satisfactory to the department, regardless of the amount of the excluded remuneration.
71.65(3)(3)Filing reports and making deposits of withheld taxes.
71.65(3)(a)(a) Every employer who deducts and withholds any amount under this subchapter shall deposit such amount on a quarterly basis, except that if the amount deducted and withheld in any quarter exceeds $300, the department may require by written notice to the employer, that amounts deducted and withheld on and after the date indicated on such notice be deposited on a monthly basis. Employers who are required to file reports and deposit withheld taxes on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, as the case may be, shall file such reports and deposit such taxes on or before the last day of the month next succeeding the withholding period. If the amount deducted and withheld in any quarter exceeds $5,000, the department may require by written notice to the employer, that for amounts deducted and withheld from the first day of the month through the 15th day of the month, the employer shall file reports and deposit such taxes on or before the last day of such month and that for amounts deducted and withheld from the 16th day of the month through the last day of the month the employer shall file reports and deposit such taxes on or before the 15th day of the next succeeding month. Employers shall file reports and deposit taxes with such public depository in Wisconsin as the department of administration designates a public depository therefor under s. 34.05 to the credit of the general fund. With each deposit the employer shall include a deposit report on a form to be provided by the department. The department may, when satisfied that the revenues will be adequately safeguarded, permit an employer whose withheld taxes do not exceed $50 per month to deposit withheld taxes and reports for other than quarterly periods. The department may revoke such permission at any time. The department, if it deems it necessary in order to ensure payment to or facilitate the collection by the state of the amount of taxes, may require reports or payments of the amount of withheld taxes for other than quarterly periods. The public depository shall record on such deposit report the amount deposited and shall then forward such report to the department in such manner and at such time as the department by rule prescribes. On or before January 31 of each year every employer shall file a withholding report on a form to be provided by the department showing the amount withheld from the wages paid each employee in the previous calendar year, the amount deposited in respect to each employee on wages paid in the previous calendar year and a reconciliation of the aggregate of the amounts deposited in respect to each employee on wages paid in the previous calendar year with the aggregate of the amounts shown on the semimonthly, monthly and quarterly deposit reports filed in respect to such withholding. Every employer who discontinues business prior to the end of a calendar year shall, within 30 days of such discontinuance, deposit withheld taxes not previously deposited and submit a deposit report concerning such deposit with the public depository and file a withholding report with the department covering the period from the beginning of the calendar year to the date of discontinuance. No employee shall have any right of action against an employer in regard to money deducted from wages and deposited with the public depository in compliance or intended compliance with this subchapter.
71.65 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. Tax 1.10, Wis. adm. code.
71.65(3)(b)(b) Upon not less than 6 months’ notice to the public depository designated under par. (a), the secretary of revenue may direct that withheld taxes required to be reported and remitted by employers on and after a date specified be reported and remitted directly to the department of revenue. Every employer who deducts and withholds any amount under this subchapter required to be reported and remitted on or after such date shall report and remit directly to the department. Amounts withheld shall be paid over a quarterly basis but if the amount deducted and withheld in any quarter exceeded $300, the department may require, by written notice to the employer, that amounts deducted and withheld after the date indicated on such notice be paid over a monthly basis. Employers who are required to file reports and pay over withheld taxes on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis shall file such reports and pay over such taxes on or before the last day of the month next succeeding the withholding period. If the amount deducted and withheld in any quarter exceeded $5,000, the department may require by written notice to the employer, that for amounts deducted and withheld from the first day of the month through the 15th day of the month, the employer shall file such reports and pay over such taxes on or before the last day of such month; for amounts deducted and withheld from the 16th day of the month through the last day of the month, the employer shall file such reports and pay over such taxes on or before the 15th day of the next succeeding month.
71.65(3)(c)(c) With each payment the employer shall include a withholding report on forms provided by the department. The department may, when satisfied that the revenues will be adequately safeguarded, permit an employer whose withheld taxes do not exceed $50 per month to pay over withheld taxes and file withholding reports for longer than quarterly periods. Such permission may be revoked at any time. The department, if it deems it necessary in order to ensure payment or to facilitate the collection by the state of the amount of taxes, may require reports or payments of the amount of withheld taxes for shorter than quarterly periods.
71.65(3)(d)(d) On or before January 31 of each year every employer shall file an annual withholding report on forms provided by the department showing the amount withheld from the wages paid each employee in the previous calendar year, the amount deposited or paid over in respect to each employee on wages paid in the previous calendar year and a reconciliation of the aggregate deposited or paid over in respect to each employee on wages paid in the previous calendar year with the aggregate of the amounts shown on deposit and withholding reports filed in respect of such withholding.
71.65(3)(e)(e) Every employer who discontinues his or her business prior to the end of a calendar year shall, within 30 days of such discontinuance, pay over withheld taxes not previously deposited or paid over, and shall file a withholding report covering the period from the beginning of the calendar year to the date of discontinuance.
71.65(3)(f)(f) No employee shall have any right of action against his or her employer in regard to money deducted from his or her wages and paid over to the department in compliance or intended compliance with this subchapter.
71.65(3)(g)(g) If the secretary of revenue elects to discontinue use of the public depository, reasonable notice of the change shall be communicated to employers subject to withholding.
71.65(3)(h)(h) If a single-owner entity that is disregarded as a separate entity under section 7701 of the Internal Revenue Code is an employer subject to withholding under this subchapter and if the entity does not deduct, withhold, report, and deposit the tax as required under this subchapter, the owner of the single-owner entity is liable for any tax, interest, and penalties due under this subchapter.
71.65(5)(a)(a) If an employer applies for an extension and shows good cause why an extension should be granted, the department may grant a 30-day extension for filing a wage statement under sub. (1), an annual reconciliation report under sub. (3) (a) or (d), or a statement of nonwage payments under sub. (2) (b).
71.65(5)(b)(b) No extension under par. (a) extends the time to deposit with the public depository or pay to the department amounts that are required to be deducted and withheld under this subchapter. The department for good cause may extend for a period, not to exceed one month, the time for making any return or paying any amount required to be paid under this subchapter. The extension may be granted at any time if the extension request is filed with the department within or before the period for which the extension is requested.
71.65(6)(6)Construction contractors. Any employer who willfully provides false information to the department, or who willfully and with intent to evade any requirement of this subchapter, misclassifies or attempts to misclassify an individual who is an employee of the employer as a nonemployee shall be fined $25,000 for each violation.
71.65 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. Tax 2.04, Wis. adm. code.
71.6671.66Employee exemption certificates.
71.66(1)(a)(a) On or before the date on which an employee commences employment with an employer each employee shall provide his or her employer with a signed withholding exemption certificate relating to the number of withholding exemptions he or she claims, which shall not exceed the number to which he or she is entitled. If the employee fails to provide such certificate, such employee, for withholding purposes, shall be considered as claiming no withholding exemptions.
71.66(1)(b)(b) If the number of withholding exemptions to which the employee is entitled is less than the number of withholding exemptions claimed by him or her on the withholding exemption certificate then in effect, the employee shall within 10 days after the change occurs provide the employer with a new withholding exemption certificate, which shall not exceed the number to which he or she is entitled.
71.66(1)(c)(c) If the number of withholding exemptions to which the employee is entitled is more than the number of withholding exemptions claimed by him or her on the withholding exemption certificate then in effect, the employee may provide the employer with a new withholding exemption certificate on which the employee must not claim more than the number of withholding exemptions to which he or she is entitled on such day.
71.66(1)(d)(d) A withholding exemption certificate provided to the employer shall take effect as of the beginning of the first payroll period ending after the date on which such certificate is provided.
71.66(1)(e)(e) Any employee who willfully supplies his or her employer with false or fraudulent information regarding his or her withholding exemption or who willfully fails to supply information which would increase the amount to be withheld may be fined not more than $200.
71.66(1)(f)(f) Whenever the internal revenue code or regulations or rulings of the internal revenue service require an employer to submit copies of, or information taken from, an employee’s withholding allowance certificate to the internal revenue service, the employer shall also provide copies of, or information taken from, the certificate to the department within 15 days after the employer is required to file the certificate or information with the internal revenue service.
71.66(2)(2)An employee receiving wages shall be entitled to either the number of withholding exemptions allowable for federal withholding tax purposes or the following withholding exemptions that apply:
71.66(2)(a)(a) An exemption for himself or herself.
71.66(2)(b)(b) If the employee is married, an exemption to which his or her spouse is entitled, or would be entitled if such spouse were an employee receiving wages, but only if such spouse does not have in effect a withholding exemption certificate claiming such exemption.
71.66(3)(3)An employer is not required to deduct and withhold any tax whenever an employee certifies to the employer, on a form prescribed by the secretary, that the employee incurred no liability for income tax imposed by this chapter for the employee’s preceding taxable year and anticipates that the employee will incur no liability for the employee’s current taxable year.
71.66 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. Tax 2.90, Wis. adm. code.
71.66(4)(a)(a) The department may verify any withholding exemption certificate, form or agreement filed by an employee with an employer directly from the books and records of any person or from any other sources of information. To ascertain the correctness of any withholding exemption certificate, form or agreement, the department may examine or cause to be examined by any agent or representative designated by it any books, papers, records or memoranda bearing on the certificate, form or agreement and may require the production of books, records and memoranda, and may require testimony and proof relevant to its investigation.
71.66(4)(b)(b) If it appears that a person has filed an incorrect certificate, form or agreement with an employer, the department may void the certificate, form or agreement by notifying the employer and employee. The employer shall then withhold based on the number of exemptions prescribed by the department in its notice. If an employee fails to furnish information requested by the department to verify the correctness of the certificate, form or agreement, the employee shall be considered as claiming no withholding exemptions and the employer shall withhold on that basis upon notification by the department to the employer and the employee.
71.66 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 312; 1991 a. 39; 1997 a. 27; 2021 a. 127.
71.66 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. Tax 2.92, Wis. adm. code.
71.6771.67General provisions.
71.67(1)(1)Agreement with U.S. secretary of treasury. The secretary of revenue is authorized to enter into an agreement with the secretary of the treasury of the United States pursuant to P.L. 82-587 enacted July 17, 1952.
71.67(2)(2)Provisions of this chapter apply. All provisions of this chapter on the following subjects relating to income taxes that are not in conflict with this subchapter apply to the administration of this subchapter: assessment, hearing and appeal procedures, preparation of assessments, certification of taxes due and correction of them, interest, penalties, collection, including s. 71.80 (3) and subch. XV, and refund procedures.
71.67(3)(3)Withheld amounts are funds held in trust for the state. Whenever any person is required to withhold any Wisconsin income tax from an employee, until such amount is deposited with the public depository prescribed by s. 71.65 (3) (a) or paid over to the department as prescribed by s. 71.65 (3) (b), the amount so withheld shall be held to be a special fund in trust for the state. The amount of such fund may be assessed and collected from such person by the department as income taxes are assessed and collected, and such collection shall not abate any penalty imposed.
71.67(4)(4)Withholding from lottery winnings.
71.67(4)(a)(a) The administrator of the lottery division in the department under ch. 565 shall withhold from any lottery prize of $2,000 or more an amount determined by multiplying the amount of the prize by the highest rate applicable to the person who claims the prize. The administrator shall deposit the amounts withheld, on a monthly basis, as would an employer depositing under s. 71.65 (3) (a).
71.67(4)(b)(b) The administrator shall furnish to each payee whose winnings are subject to withholding under par. (a) during the year, on or before January 31 of the succeeding year, 2 legible copies of a written statement showing the following:
71.67(4)(b)1.1. The name of the payer and that payer’s Wisconsin income tax identification number, if any.
71.67(4)(b)2.2. The name of the payee and that payee’s social security number, if any.
71.67(4)(b)3.3. The gross amount of lottery prize winnings that are subject to withholding under par. (a).
71.67(4)(b)4.4. The total amount deducted and withheld as required under par. (a).
71.67(4)(c)1.1. The payee shall furnish the department of revenue with one copy of the written statement he or she receives under par. (b) along with his or her income or franchise tax return for the year.
71.67(4)(c)2.2. The administrator shall furnish the department of revenue with a copy of the statement that he or she furnishes to the payee under par. (b).
71.67(5)(5)Withholding from pari-mutuel wager winnings.
71.67(5)(a)(a) Wager winnings. A person holding a license to sponsor and manage races under s. 562.05 (1) (b) or (c) shall withhold from the amount of any payment of pari-mutuel winnings under s. 562.065 (3) (a) or (3m) (a) an amount determined by multiplying the amount of the payment by the highest rate applicable to individuals under s. 71.06 (1) (a) to (c), (1m), (1n), (1p), or (1q) if the amount of the payment is more than $1,000.
71.67(5)(b)(b) Deposits. The licensee under s. 562.05 (1) (b) or (c) shall deposit the amounts withheld under this subsection as would an employer depositing under s. 71.65 (3).
71.67(5)(c)(c) Statement of winnings to payee. The licensee shall furnish to each payee whose winnings are subject to withholding under par. (a) during the year, on or before January 31 of the succeeding year, 2 legible copies of a written statement showing the following:
71.67(5)(c)1.1. The name of the payer and that payer’s Wisconsin income tax identification number, if any.
71.67(5)(c)2.2. The name of the payee and that payee’s social security number, if any.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)