76.30(5)(b)1.1. If the department has referred the case to a district attorney, the department may make disclosure on its own motion.
76.30(5)(b)2.2. If a district attorney requests examination of information relating to a person, the request must be in writing, clearly identify the requester and the person to whom the information relates and explain the need for the information. The department may then allow the examination of information so requested and the information may be examined and used solely for the proceeding or investigation for which it was requested.
76.30(5)(c)(c) Such information may be examined for use in preparation for any administrative or judicial proceeding or an investigation which may result in such proceeding pertaining to the enforcement of a specifically designated state criminal statute not involving tax administration to which this state or a governmental subdivision thereof is a party. Such information may be used solely for the proceeding or investigation for which it is requested.
76.30(5)(d)(d) The department may allow an examination of information under par. (c) only if a district attorney petitions a court of record in this state for an order allowing the examination and the court issues an order after finding all of the following:
76.30(5)(d)1.1. There is reasonable cause to believe, based on information believed to be reliable, that a specific criminal act has been committed.
76.30(5)(d)2.2. There is reason to believe that such information is probative evidence of a matter in issue related to the commission of the criminal act.
76.30(5)(d)3.3. The information sought to be examined cannot reasonably be obtained from any other source, unless it is determined that, notwithstanding the reasonable availability of the information from another source, the information constitutes the most probative evidence of a matter in issue relating to the commission of such criminal act.
76.30(5)(e)(e) If the department determines that examination of information ordered under par. (d) would identify a confidential informant or seriously impair a civil or criminal tax investigation, the department may deny access and shall certify the reason therefor to the court.
76.30 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 39; 2005 a. 25; 2015 a. 216.
76.3176.31Determination of ad valorem tax receipts for hub facility exemptions. Annually, by July 1, the department shall determine the total amount of the tax imposed under subch. I of ch. 76 that was paid by each air carrier company, as defined in s. 76.02 (1), whose property is exempt from taxation under s. 76.074 (2) for the most recent taxable year that the air carrier company paid the tax imposed under subch. I of ch. 76. The total amount determined under this section shall be transferred under s. 20.855 (4) (fm) to the transportation fund.
76.31 HistoryHistory: 2001 a. 16; 2023 a. 12.
subch. II of ch. 76SUBCHAPTER II
76.3976.39Car line taxes.
76.39(1)(1)For the purposes of this section:
76.39(1)(am)(am) “Average net rate of taxation” means the average net rate of taxation determined under s. 76.126 as of June of the year prior to the assessment.
76.39(1)(b)(b) “Car line company” means any person, not operating a railroad, engaged in whole or in part in the business of leasing or furnishing car line equipment to a railroad.
76.39(1)(c)(c) “Car line equipment” means any railroad car or other equipment used in railroad transportation under an agreement providing for rental of such car or other equipment.
76.39(1)(cm)(cm) “Department” means the department of revenue.
76.39(1)(d)(d) “Gross earnings” means all receipts by a car line company from operation of car line equipment.
76.39(1)(e)(e) “Gross earnings in this state” means all gross earnings on intrastate business of a car line company from operation of car line equipment, and also gross earnings on interstate business in the proportion that the Wisconsin car miles are of the total car miles of such interstate business. The gross earnings not based on mileage shall be allocated to this state in the ratio of each carrier’s average annual freight car miles in Wisconsin to the carrier’s total freight car miles in all states.
76.39(2)(2)There is levied annually a gross earnings tax in lieu of all property taxes on the car line equipment of a car line company equal to the gross earnings in this state multiplied by the average net rate of taxation. Every railroad company operating in this state shall, upon making payment to each car line company for use of its cars, withhold the amount of the tax imposed under this subsection on the car line company.
76.39(3)(3)Every railroad company operating in this state shall file annually with the department, on or before April 15, on a form prepared by the department, a true and accurate statement of all rentals paid to each car line company during the previous calendar year and shall remit to the department the amount of the tax required to be withheld under sub. (2). Every car line company, which during the previous calendar year has received gross earnings in this state from a source other than a railroad company operating in this state, shall, on or before April 15, on a form prepared by the department, file with the department a true and accurate statement of such gross earnings in this state and the name of the company from which received and shall remit to the department the amount of the tax imposed under sub. (2) on such gross earnings in this state. The payment dates provided for in sub. (3a) shall apply. Upon written request received by the department before April 15, the department may grant an extension of not to exceed 30 days for the filing of the report and the payment of the taxes levied in this section. If any railroad company or car line company fails to file such report when due, or as extended by the department, and upon a showing by the department under s. 73.16 (4), there shall be added to the amount required to be shown as gross earnings tax on the report 5 percent of the amount thereof if the failure is for not more than one month, with an additional 5 percent for each additional month or fraction thereof during which the failure continues, not exceeding 25 percent in the aggregate. If any railroad company or car line company fails to pay all taxes due within the time prescribed or as extended by the department, the unpaid taxes shall be delinquent, and shall be subject to interest under sub. (4). All taxes, late filing fees, penalties and interest shall be deposited in the general fund.
76.39(3a)(3a)The tax due under this section shall be paid to the department. Payments of semiannual installments of the total liability for the calendar year shall be due on or before September 10 of the year prior to the assessment and on April 15 of the year of the assessment. If any railroad company or car line company fails to pay on or before September 10 at least 50 percent of the tax liability for the current calendar year or 50 percent of the tax liability for the subsequent calendar year, the amount not paid is delinquent and is subject to interest under sub. (4) (c). If any railroad company or car line company fails to pay on or before April 15 the difference between the current year’s assessment and the amount paid toward that assessment, the amount not paid is delinquent and is subject to interest under sub. (4) (c). Companies with a tax liability under this section of less than $2,000 are not required to make semiannual payments but shall pay the full amount of taxes due on or before April 15 of the year of the assessment.
76.39(4)(a)(a) The records, books, leases and all accounts pertaining to the car line business of any railroad or car line company shall be subject to audit by the department. In any case in which it is determined that the amount of tax paid was in error, the department shall determine the additional tax or refund, as the case may be.
76.39(4)(b)(b) Additional assessments may be made provided notice thereof is given within 4 years of the date the annual statement was filed; however, if no statement was filed or if the statement filed was incorrect and was filed with intent to defeat or evade the tax, an additional assessment may be made at any time upon the discovery of gross earnings in this state by the department. Refunds may be made provided claim therefor is filed in writing with the department within 4 years of the date the annual statement was filed.
76.39(4)(c)(c) All additional assessments and claims for refund shall be subject to the same procedure for review and final determination as is provided with respect to additional assessments and refunds of income or franchise taxes in chs. 71 and 73, except that appeals of denials of claims for refunds shall be made directly to the tax appeals commission and except as the same may conflict with this section. Delinquent taxes shall be subject to interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month until paid.
76.39(4)(d)(d) All refunds shall be certified by the department to the department of administration which shall audit the amount of the refunds and the secretary of administration shall pay the amount, together with interest at the rate of 3 percent per year from the date payment was made. All additional taxes shall bear interest at the rate of 12 percent per year from the time they should have been paid to the date upon which the additional taxes shall become delinquent if unpaid.
76.39(5)(5)Delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and late filing fees shall be a lien upon the property of any railroad company or car line company prior to all other liens, claims and demands, except as provided in ss. 292.31 (8) (i) and 292.81, which lien may be enforced in any action in the name of the state in any court of competent jurisdiction. All provisions of law for enforcing payment of delinquent income or franchise taxes under ch. 71 or enforcing payment of delinquent taxes based on the value of property under this chapter shall be available to collection of taxes on gross receipts in this state levied under this section.
76.39 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. TA 1, Wis. adm. code.
76.4676.46Powers of investigation.
76.46(1)(1)The department may, whenever in its opinion such action is necessary, examine or cause to be examined the books and records of any railroad company or car line company in order to verify the accuracy of the reports submitted to the department.
76.46(2)(2)If any railroad company defined in s. 76.02, or any car line company defined in s. 76.39, refuses or neglects to make any reports required under subch. I, or refuses or neglects to permit an examination of its books and records, accounts and papers, when requested so to do by the department, or refuses or neglects to appear before the department in obedience to its summons, it shall be estopped to question or impeach the action or determination of the department, or validity of any assessment made by the department.
76.46(3)(3)No such company shall be allowed in any action or proceeding to question the assessment and taxation of its property as determined by the department, unless it has made and filed with such department a full and complete report of the facts and information prescribed by law and called for by the department.
76.46 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 102 s. 237.
76.4876.48License fees, electric cooperatives.
76.48(1g)(1g)In this section:
76.48(1g)(a)(a) “Apportionment factor” has the meaning under s. 76.28 (1) (a).
76.48(1g)(b)(b) “Book cost of utility plant” has the meaning set forth in the uniform system of accounts prescribed by the U.S. rural electrification administration in bulletin 181-1, dated January 1, 1978.
76.48(1g)(c)(c) “Electric cooperative” means a cooperative association organized under ch. 185 that carries on the business of generating, transmitting or distributing electric energy to its members at wholesale or retail.
76.48(1g)(d)(d) “Gross revenues” means total operating revenues, except revenues for interdepartmental sales and for interdepartmental rents, less deductions from the sales and use tax under s. 77.61 (4) and, in respect to any electric cooperative that purchases more than 50 percent of the power it sells, less the actual cost of power purchased for resale by an electric cooperative, if the revenue from that purchased electric power is included in the seller’s gross revenues or if the electric cooperative purchased more than 50 percent of the power it sold in the year prior to January 1, 1988, from a seller located outside this state. For an electric cooperative, “gross revenues” does not include grants awarded to the electric cooperative under s. 16.958 (2) (b). For a retail electric cooperative, “gross revenues” does not include low-income assistance fees collected by the retail electric cooperative under s. 16.957 (5) (a), low-income assistance fees received by the retail electric cooperative from a retail electric cooperative or municipal utility under a joint program established under s. 16.957 (5) (f). For a wholesale supplier, as defined in s. 16.957 (1) (w), “gross revenues” does not include any low-income assistance fees that are received from a municipal utility, as defined in s. 16.957 (1) (q), or retail electric cooperative or under a joint program established under s. 16.957 (5) (f).
76.48(1g)(dm)(dm) “Municipal utility” has the meaning given in s. 16.957 (1) (q).
76.48(1g)(e)(e) “Payroll factor” has the meaning under s. 76.28 (1) (f).
76.48(1g)(f)(f) “Property factor” has the meaning under s. 76.28 (1) (g).
76.48(1g)(fm)(fm) “Retail electric cooperative” has the meaning given in s. 16.957 (1) (t).
76.48(1g)(g)(g) “Sales factor” means a fraction the numerator of which is the electric cooperative’s total sales of electricity in this state, not including sales to out-of-state purchasers that are delivered to transmission facilities in this state, for the tax period and the denominator of which is the electric cooperative’s total sales of electricity for the tax period.
76.48(1g)(h)(h) “Tax period” has the meaning under s. 76.28 (1) (i).
76.48(1r)(1r)Except as provided in s. 76.29, every electric cooperative shall pay, in lieu of other general property and income or franchise taxes, an annual license fee equal to its apportionment factor multiplied by its gross revenues; excluding for the tax period, as defined in s. 76.29 (1) (f), gross revenues that are subject to the license fee under s. 76.29; multiplied by 3.19 percent. Real estate and personal property not used primarily for the purpose of generating, transmitting or distributing electric energy are subject to general property taxes. If a general structure is used in part to generate, transmit or distribute electric energy and in part for nonoperating purposes, the license fee imposed by this section is in place of the percentage of all other general property taxes that fairly measures and represents the extent of the use in generating, transmitting or distributing electric energy, and the balance is subject to local assessment and taxation, except that the entire general structure is subject to special assessments for local improvements.
76.48(2)(2)Every electric cooperative shall on or before March 15 in each year make and return to the department of revenue, in the form and upon the forms that the department prescribes, a true statement of the gross receipts from the operation of the cooperative’s business during the preceding calendar year together with such other information that the department requires to enforce this section. The statement shall be verified by the president and treasurer of the electric cooperative making the return. Upon written request, the department may grant an extension for filing the return, not to exceed 30 days. If any electric cooperative fails to file the return within the time prescribed by law, or as extended by the department, the department shall add to the taxes due from the electric cooperative $25, and the electric cooperative may not contest the imposition of that penalty in any action or proceeding.
76.48(3)(3)On or before May 1 in each year, the department of revenue shall compute and assess the license fees provided for in sub. (1r) and certify the amounts due the secretary of administration. The department shall notify each electric cooperative of the amount of the license fees so assessed. The fees shall become delinquent if not paid when due and when delinquent shall be subject to interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month on the amount of license fee until paid. The interest shall be collected by the department and, upon collection, forwarded to the secretary of administration and retained by the state. The payment dates provided for in sub. (3a) shall apply.
76.48(3a)(3a)License fees due under this section shall be paid to the department on an estimated basis. Payments of semiannual installments of the estimated tax liability for the subsequent year shall be due on or before May 10 and November 10 of the current year. With respect to the license fee assessment under sub. (3), each electric cooperative shall on each May 10 pay or be credited an amount which is equal to the difference between the May 1 assessment and the sum of the semiannual installment payments made in the preceding calendar year. The additional amount shall be added to the semiannual installment due on May 10. If there has been an overpayment the amount of the overpayment shall be credited to the semiannual installment due May 10. If any electric cooperative fails to make semiannual payments of at least 55 percent of the tax assessed for the current calendar year or 50 percent of the tax assessed for the subsequent calendar year, any amounts not paid when due shall become delinquent and shall be subject to interest under sub. (3). Associations with a liability under this section of less than $2,000 are not required to make semiannual payments but shall pay the full amount of license fees due on or before May 10 of the year of assessment.
76.48(4)(4)All license fees provided in sub. (1r) shall be deposited in the general fund for use of the state.
76.48(5)(5)Additional assessments may be made, if notice of such assessment is given, within 4 years of the date the annual return was filed, but if no return was filed, or if the return filed was incorrect and was filed with intent to defeat or evade the tax, an additional assessment may be made at any time upon the discovery of gross revenues by the department. Refunds may be made if a claim for the refund is filed in writing with the department within 4 years of the date the annual return was filed. Refunds shall bear interest at the rate of 3 percent per year and shall be certified by the department to the secretary of administration who shall audit the amounts of such overpayments and pay the amount audited. Additional assessments shall bear interest at the rate of 12 percent per year from the time they should have been paid to the date upon which they shall become delinquent if unpaid.
76.48(6)(6)All additional assessments and claims for refund shall be subject to the same procedure for review and final determination as is provided with respect to additional assessments and refunds of income or franchise taxes under chs. 71 and 73, except that appeals of denials of claims for refunds shall be made directly to the tax appeals commission and except as such procedure conflicts with this section.
76.48 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. TA 1, Wis. adm. code.
76.5476.54Motor carriers and urban transit companies; municipal taxation. No city, village or town shall impose a license tax upon either of the following:
76.54(1)(1)Any common motor carrier of property or of passengers, any contract motor carrier or any private motor carrier on account of any operation of a motor vehicle which is subject to registration or taxation under ch. 341.
76.54(2)(2)Any corporation or other person engaged in urban mass transportation of passengers as defined in s. 71.38.
76.54 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 312 s. 17.
subch. III of ch. 76SUBCHAPTER III
76.6076.60Fire, travel, and marine insurers; license fees. Every insurer doing a fire, travel, or marine insurance business, other than domestic insurers and insurers excepted under s. 76.61, shall pay to the state, in respect to travel or marine insurance a tax of 0.5 percent and in respect to fire insurance a tax of 2.375 percent on the amount of its gross premiums, as calculated under s. 76.62. In case any insurer discontinues business in this state and reinsures the whole or a part of its risks without making payment of this tax, the insurer accepting such reinsurance shall pay the tax. If several insurers make such reinsurance the tax shall be apportioned among the insurers in proportion to the original premiums upon the business in this state so reinsured by each such insurer. Upon the payment of the tax provided in this section, and the fees required by s. 601.31, such insurer may be licensed to transact its business until May 1 in the ensuing year, unless before then its license is revoked or forfeited according to law. In the case of travel insurance, the premiums subject to tax under this section are the premiums for travel insurance, as defined in s. 632.977 (1) (i), paid by an individual who is a resident of this state and who purchases travel insurance coverage under an individual or group policy or paid by a person who is a resident of or has a principal place of business in this state and who purchases blanket travel insurance, as defined in s. 632.977 (1) (a).
76.60 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 125; 1979 c. 102 s. 20; Stats. 1979 s. 76.60; 1989 a. 31; 2021 a. 111.
76.6176.61Town mutual insurers; taxes, charges, dues and license fees. No town mutual insurer organized under or subject to ch. 612 shall be required to pay any taxes, charges, dues or license fees to the state except those charges and dues provided for in ss. 601.31, 601.32, 601.45 and 601.93.
76.61 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 125; 1973 c. 243; 1975 c. 372 s. 41; 1979 c. 102 ss. 21, 236 (3), (4); Stats. 1979 s. 76.61.
76.6276.62License fees; calculation of. All license fees and taxes levied under any provision of law upon gross premiums other than life insurance premiums against any insurer shall be uniformly calculated on the amount of gross premiums received for direct insurance less return premiums and cancellations and returns from savings and gains on all insurance other than reinsurance by the insurer during the preceding year in this state.
76.62 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 102 s. 22; Stats. 1979 s. 76.62; 1989 a. 31.
76.6376.63Casualty insurance; license fees.
76.63(1)(1)Every insurer doing a casualty or surety business, other than domestic insurers and insurers exempted under s. 76.61, shall pay to the state 2 percent of its gross premiums, as calculated under s. 76.62, on all policies or contracts which have been written on the lives of residents or on property in this state.
76.63(2)(2)Every domestic stock insurer which insures against financial loss by reason of nonpayment of principal, interest and other sums agreed to be paid under the terms of any note or bond or other evidence of indebtedness secured by a mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument constituting a lien or charge on real estate shall pay to the state on or before March 1 in each year 2 percent of its gross premiums, as calculated under s. 76.62, on all policies or contracts which have been written on the lives of residents or on property in this state.
76.63 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 125; 1975 c. 372; 1979 c. 102 s. 23; Stats. 1979 s. 76.63; 1989 a. 31.
76.63576.635Credit for investment in certified capital companies.
76.635(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
76.635(1)(a)(a) “Certified capital company” has the meaning given in s. 560.29 (1) (a), 2009 stats.
76.635(1)(b)(b) “Certified capital investment” has the meaning given in s. 560.29 (1) (b), 2009 stats.
76.635(1)(c)(c) “Investment date” has the meaning given in s. 560.29 (1) (d), 2009 stats.
76.635(1)(d)(d) “Investment pool” has the meaning given in s. 560.29 (1) (e), 2009 stats.
76.635(1)(e)(e) “Qualified investment” has the meaning given in s. 560.29 (1) (g), 2009 stats.
76.635(2)(2)Credit. An insurer that makes a certified capital investment may credit against the fees due under s. 76.60, 76.63, 76.65, 76.66 or 76.67, for 10 years beginning with the year of the investment, either 10 percent of that investment or the amount by which the sum of the insurer’s certified capital investments and the insurer’s qualified investments exceeds the insurer’s qualified investments in the taxable year before the insurer first claimed the credit under this section, whichever is less.
76.635(3)(3)Carry-forward. If the credit under sub. (2) is not entirely offset against the fees under s. 76.60, 76.63, 76.65, 76.66 or 76.67 otherwise due, the unused balance may be carried forward and credited against those fees in the following years to the extent that it is not offset by those fees otherwise due in all the years between the year in which the investment was made and the year in which the carry-forward credit is claimed.
76.635(4)(a)(a) If a certified capital company is decertified, or an investment pool is disqualified, under s. 560.37, 2005 stats., before the certified capital company fulfills the investment requirement under s. 560.34 (1m) (a) 1., 2005 stats., with respect to the investment pool, any insurer that has received a credit under this section with respect to that investment pool shall repay that credit to the commissioner of insurance, for deposit in the general fund, and may not claim more credit in respect to that investment pool.
76.635(4)(b)(b) If a certified capital company fulfills the investment requirement under s. 560.34 (1m) (a) 1., 2005 stats., with respect to an investment pool but the certified capital company is decertified, or an investment pool is disqualified, under s. 560.37, 2005 stats., before the certified capital company fulfills the investment requirement under s. 560.34 (1m) (a) 2., 2005 stats., for that investment pool, any insurer that has received a credit under this section with respect to that investment pool shall repay all credits that were claimed for taxable years after the taxable year that includes the 3rd anniversary of the investment date of the investment pool and may claim no more credits for taxable years after the taxable year that includes the 3rd anniversary of the investment date of the investment pool.
76.635(5)(5)Sale of credit. An insurer may sell a credit under this section to another insurer that is subject to taxation under this subchapter if the insurer notifies the commissioner of insurance of the sale and includes with that notification a copy of the transfer documents.
76.635(6)(6)Nullification of credit precluded. This state may not impose a new tax or change an existing tax in order to nullify the credit created under this section.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)