92.02(1)(1)The legislature finds that the soil resources of this state are being depleted by wind and water erosion and that the waters of this state are being polluted by nonpoint sources of pollution. The legislature further finds that these are statewide problems endangering the health and welfare of the state’s citizens, its recreational resources, agricultural productivity and industrial base.
92.02(2)(2)The legislature declares it to be the policy of this state to halt and reverse the depletion of the state’s soil resources and pollution of its waters.
92.02(3)(3)It is the intent of the legislature to implement this policy by enacting this soil and water conservation law to:
92.02(3)(a)(a) Establish goals and standards for conservation of soil and water resources;
92.02(3)(b)(b) Provide for cost sharing, technical assistance, educational programs and other programs to conserve soil and water resources;
92.02(3)(c)(c) Encourage coordinated soil and water conservation planning and program implementation; and
92.02(3)(d)(d) Enable the regulation of harmful land use and land management practices by county ordinance where necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter.
92.02 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 346; 1983 a. 410 s. 2200 (2); 1985 a. 332 s. 251 (8).
92.02592.025State soil erosion control goals. It is the intent of the legislature that:
92.025(1)(1)Statutory goal. The soil erosion rate on each individual cropland field in the state does not exceed the tolerable erosion level on or after January 1, 2000.
92.025(2)(2)Interim goals; counties. The soil erosion rate in each county in the state does not exceed 1.5 times the tolerable erosion level on or after July 1, 1990 and does not exceed the tolerable erosion level on or after July 1, 1993.
92.025(3)(3)Interim goals; individual cropland fields. The soil erosion rate in each individual cropland field in the state does not exceed 3 times the tolerable erosion level on or after July 1, 1990, and does not exceed 2 times the tolerable erosion level on or after July 1, 1995.
92.025(4)(4)Interim goal; state-run farms. The soil erosion rate on individual cropland fields of farms owned by the University of Wisconsin System or any other department or agency of state government does not exceed the tolerable soil erosion level on or after July 1, 1990.
92.025 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 29.
92.0392.03Definitions. In this chapter:
92.03(1)(1)“Agency” means any department, agency, board, commission, committee, council, officer, subdivision or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of this state.
92.03(2)(2)“Board” means the land and water conservation board created under s. 15.135 (4).
92.03(3)(3)“Department” means the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
92.03(4)(4)“Landowner” means any person over 18 years of age and any partnership, limited liability company, firm, or corporation that holds title to land lying within a county, whether or not this land is subject to easement, mortgage, lien, lease, or restrictive covenant, except that this term does not include any person who is under guardianship, a person who is adjudicated incompetent, or a person who is mentally ill. A person, partnership, limited liability company, firm, or corporation is deemed to hold title to land if the person, partnership, limited liability company, firm, or corporation has any of the following:
92.03(4)(a)(a) Title as sole owner.
92.03(4)(b)(b) Title as a joint owner.
92.03(4)(c)(c) Title as owner of an undivided interest.
92.03(4)(d)(d) Title as sole or joint trustee or as sole or joint assignee.
92.03(4)(e)(e) A land contract vendee’s interest therein.
92.03(5)(5)“Land user” means any person who uses land as an operator, lessor or renter.
92.03(6)(6)“Secretary” means the secretary of the department.
92.0492.04Land and water conservation board.
92.04(1)(a)(a) Hearings. The board may hold public hearings in the performance of its functions.
92.04(1)(b)(b) Delegation. The board may delegate to its chairperson or to one or more of its members any of its powers or duties.
92.04(1)(c)(c) Soil and water conservation studies and recommendations. The board may make studies and recommendations on matters relating to soil and water conservation.
92.04(2)(a)(a) Advise secretary and department. The board shall advise the secretary and department on matters relating to exercise of the department’s authority under this chapter.
92.04(2)(b)(b) Review land and water resource management plans. The board shall review land and water resource management plans prepared under s. 92.10 and make recommendations to the department on approval or disapproval of those plans.
92.04(2)(d)(d) Review plans. The board shall review annual grant allocation plans developed under s. 92.14 (6) (b) and make recommendations to the department on approval, modification or disapproval of the plans.
92.04(2)(e)(e) Review joint evaluation plan. The board shall review the evaluation plan prepared under s. 92.14 (13). After its review, the board shall make recommendations on the plan to the department and to the department of natural resources.
92.04(2)(f)(f) Review annual reports. The board shall review the annual reports under ss. 92.14 (12) and 281.65 (4) (o).
92.04(2)(g)(g) Advise the University of Wisconsin System. The board shall advise the University of Wisconsin System annually on needed research and educational programs relating to soil and water conservation.
92.04(2)(h)(h) State erosion control goals; compliance and evaluation. The board shall review compliance with state soil erosion control goals established under s. 92.025. The board shall notify the department and the legislature if these goals are not achieved or if it is unlikely that these goals will be achieved.
92.04(2)(i)(i) Tolerable erosion levels. The board shall establish a tolerable erosion level based on an erosion rate which is acceptable and maintains long-term soil productivity.
92.04(2)(j)(j) Records. The board shall keep a full and accurate record of all proceedings before it and all actions taken by it.
92.04(2)(k)(k) Review of pollution abatement determinations. The board shall review and affirm or reverse decisions of county land conservation committees under s. 281.20 (3) (b) when review is requested under s. 281.20 (5). The board may conduct an informal hearing that is not a contested case under ch. 227.
92.04(2)(L)(L) Review of critical site determinations. The board shall review and affirm or reverse decisions of county land conservation committees under s. 281.65 (7) (a) 2. when review is requested under s. 281.65 (7) (b). The board may conduct an informal hearing which is not a contested case under ch. 227.
92.04(3)(3)Rules review.
92.04(3)(a)(a) Board review. The board shall review all rules of the department relating to implementation of this chapter prior to promulgation.
92.04(3)(b)(b) Submission for review. Before submitting proposed rules to the legislative council staff under s. 227.15, the department shall submit the proposed rules to the board for comment. The board has 30 days to submit comments on the proposed rules to the department.
92.04(3)(c)(c) Emergency rules. If the department promulgates an emergency rule under s. 227.24, it shall provide a copy of the rule to the board prior to publication of the rule in the official state paper.
92.04(3)(d)(d) Hearing. The chairperson of the board, or his or her designee from the board, may cochair with the department any public hearing held by the department on proposed rules.
92.04(3)(e)(e) Dissenting report. The department shall submit to the board a copy of the report required under s. 227.19 (2) on proposed rules. The board may prepare a dissenting report stating its recommendations on the proposed rules. The board shall prepare any dissenting report within 10 days from the date of receipt of the department’s report. The department shall attach the dissenting report to the department’s report, send them to the presiding officer of each house of the legislature and distribute copies under s. 227.19 (2). The department shall cause a statement to appear in the Wisconsin administrative register to the effect that a dissenting report of the board was submitted to the presiding officer of each house of the legislature.
92.04(3)(f)(f) No rule-making power. The board has no rule-making authority on matters relating to soil and water conservation.
92.04 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. ATCP 50, Wis. adm. code.
92.05(1)(1)Central agency. The department is the central agency of this state responsible for setting and implementing statewide soil and water conservation policies and administering the state’s soil and water conservation programs. The department shall coordinate its soil and water conservation program with the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program established under s. 281.65, the inland lake protection and rehabilitation program established under ch. 33 and other programs with objectives related to soil and water conservation administered by the department of natural resources or by other state or federal agencies.
92.05(2)(a)(a) Accept gifts. The department may accept contributions of money or gifts for soil and water conservation purposes.
92.05(2)(b)(b) Require reports. The department may require reports from the counties as needed.
92.05(3)(a)(a) Information. The department shall keep county land conservation committee members generally informed of activities and experience useful to them.
92.05(3)(b)(b) Development; coordination. The department shall assist in developing and coordinating the plans and programs of each county.
92.05(3)(c)(c) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules governing implementation of this chapter and distribution of state or federal funds by the department to the counties. The department shall comply with the procedures under s. 92.04 (3) in promulgating these rules.
92.05(3)(d)(d) Advise University of Wisconsin System. The department shall advise the University of Wisconsin System annually on developing research and educational programs relating to soil and water conservation.
92.05(3)(e)(e) Studies. The department may undertake studies and investigations and make and issue reports and recommendations with respect to state soil and water conservation program needs. Biennially, the department shall prepare a state soil and water conservation report. This report shall include a description of present soil and water resource uses and a projection of future trends, an assessment of soil and water conservation problems in relation to soil and water resource use practices and any actions necessary to correct or solve these problems including specific goals, action schedules, program evaluation criteria and provisions for the coordination of these actions with programs developed by other agencies for the development, management and conservation of soil, water and related natural resources. This report shall include the identification of counties and specific parcels within these counties where soil and water conservation problems are most acute and recommendations for actions necessary to correct or solve these problems.
92.05(3)(f)(f) Nonpoint source water pollution abatement. The department shall perform the duties specified for the department in the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program under s. 281.65 (5).
92.05(3)(g)(g) Watershed protection and flood prevention act. The department has responsibility over programs provided by 16 USC 1001 to 1008 relating to the planning and carrying out of works of improvement for soil and water conservation and other purposes.
92.05(3)(h)(h) Model ordinances. The department shall make available model ordinances for counties and municipalities concerning regulation and control of land use and land management practices as authorized under s. 92.11.
92.05(3)(i)(i) Provide staff. The department shall provide staff to assist the board in performing its statutory duties.
92.05(3)(j)(j) Milkhouse wastewater. The department, in consultation with appropriate state and federal agencies, shall promulgate guidelines for determining eligibility for financial assistance under ss. 92.14 and 281.65 for milkhouse wastewater.
92.05(3)(k)(k) Nutrient management rules. The department shall promulgate rules to improve agricultural nutrient management in this state. The rules shall be consistent with rules promulgated under s. 281.16 (3) and shall include incentives, educational and outreach provisions and compliance requirements.
92.05(3)(L)(L) Technical assistance; performance standards. The department shall provide technical assistance to county land conservation committees and local units of government for the development of ordinances that implement standards adopted under s. 92.07 (2), 92.15 (2) or (3) or 281.16 (3). The department’s technical assistance shall include preparing model ordinances, providing data concerning the standards and reviewing draft ordinances to determine whether the draft ordinances comply with applicable statutes and rules.
92.05 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. ATCP 50, Wis. adm. code.
92.0692.06Land conservation committees.
92.06(1)(1)Creation; membership.
92.06(1)(a)(a) Creation. Each county board shall create a land conservation committee.
92.06(1)(b)(b) Membership.
92.06(1)(b)1.1. The county board shall appoint to the land conservation committee at least 2 persons who are members of the committee on agriculture and extension education created under s. 59.56 (3) (b).
92.06(1)(b)2.2. The county board shall appoint to the land conservation committee a person who is engaged in an agricultural use, as defined under s. 91.01 (2) (a) 1. to 7.
92.06(1)(b)3.3. The county board may appoint to the land conservation committee any number of members who are also members of the county board.
92.06(1)(b)4.4. The county board may appoint to the land conservation committee up to 2 members who are not members of the county board.
92.06(1)(c)(c) Terms. Each member of the land conservation committee shall serve for a term of 2 years or until a successor is appointed, whichever is longer.
92.06(1)(d)(d) Reimbursement. Each member of the land conservation committee shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses and shall be paid the same per diem as members of other county board committees.
92.06(1)(e)(e) Programs and responsibilities. The county board may assign other programs and responsibilities to the land conservation committee.
92.06(2)(2)Designated representatives. The county board shall designate a representative of each county committee with responsibilities related to natural resource management to serve as an adviser to the land conservation committee. The county board shall designate, at a minimum, representatives from any county zoning or land use, forestry, parks and solid waste committees. In addition, the land conservation committee may invite any state, federal or local agency with which the county or committee has a memorandum of understanding to designate a representative to advise the land conservation committee.
92.06(4)(4)Public participation. The committee shall actively solicit public participation in the planning and evaluation of soil and water conservation programs.
92.06 AnnotationAppointments to the conservation committee are made by the county board, not the county executive. 76 Atty. Gen. 173.
92.06 AnnotationDiscussing committee responsibilities and prohibitions of private interests in public contracts. 76 Atty. Gen. 184.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)