As clerk of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, I certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the record of the proceedings preliminary to the issue of ________ bonds by the town, and that the same is a true and correct copy of the proceedings had in connection with the proposed bond issue as initiated by resolution of the town board of the town of ________, passed on the ____ day of ________, 20__.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signature of town clerk]
Note: Section 67.05 (13), Wis. stats., provides that bonds authorized under various initial resolutions may in the discretion of the town board be combined into one issue and designated as “corporate purpose bonds.” If bonds authorized under 2 or more initial resolutions are to be combined into one issue, a resolution similar to the following one should be adopted by the town board and one resolution fixing details and specifying the form of the corporate purpose bond should be adopted for the combined issue instead of one such resolution for each initial resolution. The form of the bond fixed in such resolution, however, should separately itemize the amount of bonds being issued for each of the purposes provided in the underlying initial resolutions.
Town of ________
________ County
The Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders that the general obligation bonds authorized to be issued by the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, in the amount of $________ for the purpose of ________ and the general obligation bonds authorized to be issued by the town in the amount of $________ for the purpose of ________ are combined into one issue of bonds which are hereby designated “corporate purpose bonds” of the town.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
Town of ________
________ County
The Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows:
The town shall issue its [negotiable coupon or registrable] bonds in the amount of $________ for the purpose of ________.
A direct annual irrepealable tax sufficient in amount to pay and for the express purpose of paying the interest on the bonds as the interest falls due and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the town.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
The above resolution was filed in my office on ________ ___, 20__, and recorded in the town bond record book on page ________, on ________ ___, 20__.
[Signature of town clerk]
Notes: This resolution and all other papers connected with the bonding proceeding should be promptly filed by the clerk and so marked, and should at once be recorded (copied) in a book kept for that purpose as required by s. 67.05 (12), Wis. stats.
A resolution is not necessary for bonds issued to finance low-interest mortgage loans under s. 62.237, Wis. stats., unless requested by at least 15% of the electors who cast votes for the governor at the last general election. See s. 67.05 (5) (a), Wis. stats.
Town of ________
________ County
Notice is hereby given that a special election is called and will be held on ________ ___, 20__, at the town hall in the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the town for approval the initial bonding resolution No. ____, adopted by the town board on ________ ___, 20__. The following is a true copy of the resolution: [insert an exact and complete copy of the initial resolution].
Notice is further given that the question to be submitted will be whether the resolution shall be or shall not be approved. The polls will be opened at 7:00 a.m. and closed at 8:00 p.m.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signature of town clerk]
Filed in my office ________ ____, 20__.
Recorded in the town bond record book on page ________, on ________ ____, 20__.
[Signature of town clerk]
68.01 Review of administrative determinations. Any person having a substantial interest which is adversely affected by an administrative determination of a governing body, board, commission, committee, agency, officer or employee of a municipality or agent acting on behalf of a municipality as set forth in s. 68.02, may have such determination reviewed as provided in this chapter. The remedies under this chapter shall not be exclusive. No department, board, commission, agency, officer or employee of a municipality who is aggrieved may initiate review under this chapter of a determination of any other department, board, commission, agency, officer or employee of the same municipality, but may respond or intervene in a review proceeding under this chapter initiated by another.
68.02 Determinations reviewable. The following determinations are reviewable under this chapter:
(1) The grant or denial in whole or in part after application of an initial permit, license, right, privilege, or authority, except an alcohol beverage license.
(2) The suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of an existing permit, license, right, privilege, or authority, except as provided in s. 68.03 (5).
(3) The denial of a grant of money or other thing of substantial value under a statute or ordinance prescribing conditions of eligibility for such grant.
(4) The imposition of a penalty or sanction upon any person except a municipal employee or officer, other than by a court.
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Town of ________
________ County
The Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and declares as follows:
Whereas, the town board has municipal jurisdiction over the lands described as follows:
[insert legal description]; and
Whereas, the town board finds and determines pursuant to s. 70.27, Wis. stats., that the above-described lands meet the criteria for the making of an assessor's plat under s. 70.27, Wis. stats., in that the description of the different parcels within the above-described lands cannot be made sufficiently certain and accurate for the purposes of assessment, taxation, or tax title procedures without noting the correct metes and bounds of the same, or that gross errors exist in lot measurements or locations so that difficulty is encountered in locating new structures, public utilities, or streets; and
Whereas, the town board determines that the making of an assessment plat for the above-described lands will be a local improvement for which the town may charge to the titleholders of the parcels included within the above-described lands [add if applicable including ________ County, Wisconsin, pursuant to s. 66.0705, Wis. stats.,] the costs and expenses of the making of an assessment plat for the above-described lands;
The town board resolves and orders as follows:
1.   An assessor's plat for the above-described lands shall be made for the above-noted purposes pursuant to s. 70.27, Wis. stats.
2.   Initially the costs and expenses for making of the assessor's plat shall be paid by the town.
3.   All of the above-described lands, whether now platted or unplatted parcels, without inclusion of improvements within the assessor's plat, shall be charged with the costs and expense incurred by the town in the making of the assessor's plat and the individual titleholders of the parcels contained within the assessor's plat shall be required to reimburse the town for their share of the actual and necessary costs and expenses incurred by the town in making the assessor's plat that are not paid in whole or in part by other financial sources, as determined by the town board.
4.   The actual and necessary costs and expenses incurred by the town in the making of the assessor's plat that are not timely paid by the titleholders of the parcels contained within the assessor's plat or in whole or in part by other financial sources, as determined by the town board as provided in paragraph 3 above, shall be collected from the titleholders of the parcels contained within the assessor's plat by the town board and charged, if necessary, as a special assessment against the parcels contained within the assessor's plat as provided by s. 66.0703, Wis. stats., or any successor provision.
5.   The town clerk shall notify by mailing, not later than 5 days after adoption of this resolution, a copy of this resolution to all titleholders of record of any parcel, within the above-described lands, for which record title is held by the titleholders on the date of adoption of this resolution.
6.   The town clerk shall, not later than 5 days after adoption of this resolution, file a lis pendens with the Register of Deeds for ________ County, Wisconsin, on the parcels within the above-described lands.
7.   When completed, the assessor's plat shall be filed with the town clerk. The sworn certificate of the surveyor who made the plat that meets the requirements of s. 70.27 (7), Wis. stats., shall be appended to the title page of the assessor's plat.
8.   Within 2 days after the assessor's plat is filed with the town clerk, the town clerk shall transmit the assessor's plat to the State of Wisconsin, Department of Administration.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
TOWN OF ____________ LIS PENDENS s. 70.27, WIS. STATS.
COUNTY OF ________
THE TOWN OF ________, ________ COUNTY
In the matter of a proposed Assessor's Plat, Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, on ________ ___, 20__, the Town Board of the Town of ________ adopted a resolution to have created an assessor's plat that may affect certain platted and unplatted parcels in the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, all located in Section(s) _______ of Township ________, Range ________.
The proposed plat for Section ________ may include all or part of the following:
1.   [insert affected quarter sections, i.e., NW 1/4 NW 1/4]
2.   [so continue]
This Lis Pendens is filed in the Register of Deeds Office, ________ County, Wisconsin, for the purpose of notice to all titleholders and prospective titleholders that an Assessor's Plat has been or may be created affecting the above-noted platted and unplatted parcels in Section(s) ________ in the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin.