Insurance companies, exemptions, 616.82
License, 616.74
  Required of solicitors, 616.79
Misrepresentations prohibited, 616.80
Rehabilitation and liquidation law apply, 645.02 (6)
Solicitors must be licensed, 616.79
Traffic arrest bonds, 345.61
INSURANCE 13a. Motor Vehicle Liability13a. Motor Vehicle Liability
, Ch. 632
Defense of noncooperation, 632.34
Provisions of policies, 632.34
INSURANCE 14. Nondomestic Insurers14. Nondomestic Insurers
, Ch. 618
Alien insurers which are incorporated, requirements for, 618.24
Application for certificate of authority, information to be included, 618.11
Assessment by, notify commissioner, 618.34
Assessment, certificate as evidence, 891.22
Attorney fees to plaintiff if unauthorized insurer fails to make payment in accordance with contract, 618.48
Business plan, changes in, 618.31
Certificate of authority, 618.12
  Revocation, 618.37
Contracts made out of state, servicing, 618.45
Contracts which are illegal, effect of, 618.44
Copies of account books as evidence, 891.23
Corporation law requirements from chs. 180, 181, 610, 611 and 623 applicable to, 618.21
Defense of action by unauthorized person, 618.47
Definitions of chapter, 618.02
Direct procurement of noncompulsory insurance in another state by Wis. policyholder, 618.42
Discontinuation of business, release from regulation, 618.36
Evidence of absence or death, 813.22
Exclusive agency contracts, commissioner may disapprove, 618.22
Exemptions from Wisconsin law, notice and hearing, 618.28
Foreign decrees, reciprocal enforcement of, 618.61
Group liability insurance issued by an unauthorized insurer, 618.415
Illegal contracts, effects of, 618.44
Illegal insurance, duty of adjusters to report, 618.50
Illegal placement of insurance with unauthorized insurer, 618.39
Incorporated alien insurers, requirements for, 618.24
Law requirements from chs. 180, 181, 610, 611 and 623 applicable to, 618.21
Lloyd's type insurers, regulation, 618.25
Management contracts, commissioner may disapprove, 618.22
Nondomestic reciprocals, requirements for, 618.23
Punitive damages where unauthorized insurer knew contract was in violation, 618.48
Purposes of chapter, 618.01
Reciprocal enforcement of foreign decrees, 618.61
Reciprocals (nondomestic), requirements for, 618.23
Report to commissioner on unauthorized insurance, 618.49 (1)
Retaliatory taxation of, 76.66
Revocation of certificate of authority, 618.37
Risk purchasing group, licensed agents, 618.41 (8)
Rustproofing warranties insurance, 618.41 (6m)
Standards from chs. 180, 181, 610, 611 and 623 applicable to, 618.21
Surplus lines insurance, 618.41
  Taxation of, 618.43
Transfer of business, report to commissioner, 618.32
Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40
Tuberculosis sanatoriums, 58.06
Unauthorized insurers, assisting, forbidden, 618.39
  Defense of action by, 618.47
  Failure to make payment in accordance with contract, attorney fees to plaintiff, 618.48
  Taxation of insurance written by, 618.43
Unincorporated nondomestic insurers, requirements for, 618.25
Uninsured property for fire protection, 2% tax for municipalities, 618.49 (2)
Withdrawal from state, release from regulation, 618.36
Absence as evidence of death, provisions invalid, 813.22
Absentee's property, 813.30
Combination of policies, commissioner may establish standards, 627.06
Credit for 60 days permitted, 628.39
Evidence of absence or death, 813.22
Fraternal companies, 632.93
General relief, exemption, assignment, 49.06
Motor vehicle financial responsibility, 344.15, 344.30 (1)
Nonforfeiture provisions, industrial life insurance, 632.43 (6) (c)
Surplus lines insurance, requirements, 618.41 (9)
Vending machines, travel insurance sale through, 628.31
Worker's compensation, regulation, 102.31
INSURANCE 15. Preferred Provider Plans15. Preferred Provider Plans
See 7d. Health Care Plans under this head

Consumer credit transactions, insurance restrictions, 424.301
Indemnity amounts, 632.05
Law, choice of, 632.09
Local government property insurance fund, 605.01 to 605.30
  Administration department, transfer general funds, 605.30
  Appraisal, if disagreement, 605.23 (2)
  Attorney general, suit to recover losses, 605.24 (1)
  Coinsurance, 605.03 (2)
  Coverage, 605.03 (1)
  Deductibles, 605.03 (3)
  Inadequacy of fund, 605.30
  Kinds of property insured, 605.02