Standby guardian appointment by parent: procedures created re petition to juvenile court or written designation signed before witnesses -  Act 334
State superintendent to study school capacity and physical condition, report required; Comm.Dept low-interest loan for certain adult day care services facility construction [partial veto] -  Act 310
Statutory rape prosecution pilot program created; sunset and nursing home forfeiture provisions  -  Act 280
Temporary ``Class B" licenses revised -  Act 259
Tenant property: storage and disposition upon eviction; public warehouse keeper license provision  -  Act 317
Transportation projects: procedures created re use of plats to identify necessary private lands; register of deeds provision -  Act 282
UI employer solvency contribution rates modified; UI information technology system funding provision  -  Act 235
Unborn child: crime and penalties created re causing harm, death or great bodily harm; certain exceptions provided  -  Act 295
Uniform commercial code: investment securities chapter (article 8) repealed and recreated -  Act 297
Uniform commercial code revision re ``sale or return" or consignment sales -  Act 279
Utility work area: penalty doubled for certain traffic violations committed in -  Act 277
Vehicles obstructing freeway or expressway: removal of disabled vehicle; civil liability immunity re damage from removal or storage; stopping at scene of accident  -  Act 258
Violent crime committed against an elder person: penalty enhancement provided -  Act 266
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulations -  Act 324
Wood harvesting slasher exempt from vehicle registration; DOT to define -  Act 269
Worthless check liability provision recreated re 1995 WisAct 449 -  Act 331
f - F -
facsimile machineFacsimile machine, see Telephone
fairFair, see also State fair
County fair admission: sales tax eliminated [Sec. 313eg, 9442 (3b)] -  Act 237
false statementFalse statement, see Fraud
Adoption laws revised re birth parent expenses, advertising, informational resources on adoption instruction, school age parents programs, who may be adopted, time for filing petition for rehearing, placement with relative, application of interstate compact on the placement of children, time for hearing on TPR petition, permanency plan documentation, removal of child for adoptive placement, relative filing petition for adoption and children's code definition of relative  -  Act 104
Badger care program: family definition revised [Sec. 206b] -  Act 237
Battery to or criminal damage to property of witness: prohibitions expanded re threats and family members  -  Act 143
Child abuse and neglect: prevention program created; child abuse and neglect and early childhood family education center grants; domestic abuse training for certain staffs  -  Act 293
Child care certification and eligibility [Sec. 1409, 1653-1655, 1765-1776, 1778-1788, 1838-1845, 1853-1857, 9426 (5)]  -  Act 27
Child welfare, children in out-of-home care, TPR and adoption: laws revised; definition of abandoned infant; procedures re background checks clarified [Sec. 43, 101-103, 105-151, 157m, p, 192, 196, 680, 683-685, 691-697, 701-722, 9109 (1), 9309 (1), (2)] -  Act 237
Community AODA and HIV services programs; foster grandparent funding revision [Sec. 590m, 600m, 604, 1411, 1505, 1506, 1524, 2131, 2132, 2142, 2709m, 2733m-2738m, 2745ag, ar, 2847, 3406, 3407] -  Act 27
Family coverage under mandatory HIRSP plan: DHFS to study [Sec. 9123 (11mp)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains; penalty for sale by purchaser within 2 years of transfer [Sec. 2261c, 2321m, 2332v, 9343 (1c)] [2332v — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Intergenerational transfer of farm and business assets: capital gains penalty modified [Sec. 298s]  -  Act 237
Kinship care: long-term program created -  Act 105
Kinship care under AFDC: eligibility, deadline and federal waiver revisions [Sec. 1611, 1863, 5507]  -  Act 27
Parenting classes: parties in a paternity action may be ordered to attend; responsibility for costs assigned  -  Act 45
Paternity determination proceedings: access to family and juvenile court records -  Act 80
Personnel commission: authority to hear appeals re DMRS decisions and duty to process complaints regarding family or medical leave (remedial legislation) -  Act 216
Snowmobile trail or route regulatory signs: compliance required, exception re land under management or control of ``immediate family" -  Act 34
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  Act 285
Women's health grant program and screening for low-income women; report re health insurance program for uninsured children and families [Sec. 592, 1944, 3482, 9123 (5), (6)] [9123 (5) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Working families tax credit created [Sec. 2262np, 2264s, 2294m, 9343 (2g)] -  Act 27
Wrongful death claims: limit increased; minor sibling provision  -  Act 89
Assignment of earnings, pension, lottery winnings and other benefits for payment of certain fees: laws revised; child support made priority -  Act 148
Cable television records released to DWD re child support enforcement -  Act 191
Child and other support-related payments: DWD to implement statewide automated receipt and disbursement system; support collections trust fund created [Sec. 614b, 618, 629, 631, 638, 639b, 721, 722, 833, 909b, 1407, 1419m-1423p, 1447m, 1571, 1579, 1584, 1877r, 1878, 1989b-1999, 2004, 2162, 2165-2168, 2223, 2225, 4774, 4932, 4958, 4960, 4961, 4966-5019, 5027-5036, 5075-5082, 5112, 5187-5189, 5190, 5191, 5257m-5260, 5266, 5270m-5272m, 9226 (1), 9426 (8)] -  Act 27
Child or family support: court authorized to grant credit in specified circumstances -  Act 273
Child support enforcement: comprehensive provisions [partial veto] -  Act 191
Child support enforcement: DWD authority re subpoena of financial data, access to certain records and genetic testing -  Act 191
Child support enforcement: release of certain SPD records -  Act 191
Child support enforcement responsibility transferred from DHFS to DWD -  Act 191
Child support incentive payments to county agencies [Sec. 1882m, n] -  Act 27
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange; support collections trust fund repealed [partial veto] -  Act 191
Child support: notice and service of process requirements -  Act 191
Child support order from another state: county child support agency may withhold income -  Act 191
Child support revision re accruing interest -  Act 191
Child support revisions re income withholding, adjudicating paternity when mother fails to appear, notice and technical changes -  Act 191
Child support under W-2: assignment of; child support demonstration project permitted [Sec. 1810, 1812, 1812am, 1847, 1848, 4963] -  Act 27
Child welfare, children in out-of-home care, TPR and adoption: laws revised; definition of abandoned infant; procedures re background checks clarified [Sec. 43, 101-103, 105-151, 157m, p, 192, 196, 680, 683-685, 691-697, 701-722, 9109 (1), 9309 (1), (2)] -  Act 237
Dairy plant financial statements and hazardous waste facility records or information: access to confidential documents required re child and spousal support  -  Act 191
Disclosure of certain records to DWD re support, paternity and medical liability support programs  -  Act 191
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DWD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity -  Act 191
DOT records access by DWD re support, paternity and medical support program -  Act 191
Health care coverage for child: notice to new employer of parent's obligation -  Act 191
Hiring reporting system and state directory of new hires: DWD duties set; provision re penalties and uses of information [Sec. 612m, 2631, 9426 (1h)] -  Act 27
KIDS equipment for county child support agencies [Sec. 9126 (5g)] -  Act 27
Kinship care: long-term program created -  Act 105
Nonmarital child taken away or withheld from father with legal custody prohibited (remedial legislation)  -  Act 290
Nonpayment of support: Banking division denial, revocation, suspension or restriction re certain licenses; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: Comm.Dept denial of certain safety licenses; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DATCP and DNR license denial for; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DFI denial, restriction or suspension of certain certificates of registration; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DHFS and DWD to withhold, suspend or restrict certain licenses, permits or certifications; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DHFS denial, nonrenewal, suspension or restriction re certain health licenses; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DNR denial of fish and game approvals; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DOA, DHFS and DOT may deny, suspend or revoke licenses; SSN, subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DOR license suspensions for; SSN required; memorandum of understanding provided  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DORL credential denial, nonrenewal and suspension; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DPI license suspension for failure to pay; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DPI release of confidential information to DWD -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DWD may intercept judgments and settlements -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DWD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: Gaming board suspension of supplier's license; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: LESB denial of certification or recertification; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: lobbyist license and principal registration suspended or not issued for; SSN required; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: log-raising permits denial and suspension; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: retirement payment withholding authorized; statement of statewide concern cited  -  Act 191