skiingSkiing, see Boat
slanderSlander, see Libel
small businessSmall business, see Business
Lac du Flambeau tribe issuance of fish and game approvals and ATV and snowmobile registrations authorized; use of fees specified; JCF approval of natural resource agreements [Sec. 438, 776-781, 783v, 845-847, 969, 979, 999, 1041, 1042, 1081, 2414, 2428, 2440, 3966, 4189, 4190, 4194-4196] [779, 1041, 1042, 4194 — partial veto; 783v — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Snowmobile administration costs funding [Sec. 9236 (3)] -  Act 237
Snowmobile pari-mutuel wagering provisions [Sec. 4549m, 4663e-r] -  Act 27
Snowmobile right-of-way exemption created -  Act 267
Snowmobile trail or route regulatory signs: compliance required, exception re land under management or control of ``immediate family" -  Act 34
Snowmobile trail use sticker requirements created; ``public snowmobile corridor" defined [Sec. 4189g-t, 4190g, r, 4193g, r, 9437 (9g)] -  Act 27
Snowmobile trail use stickers: price increased, issuing fee created; temporary procedure re county clerk issuance; maintenance funding [Sec. 529-531r, 9136 (1), 9236 (3f), 9436 (2f)] -  Act 237
social securitySocial security
Child support revisions re income withholding, adjudicating paternity when mother fails to appear, notice and technical changes -  Act 191
Delinquent taxes: bingo supplier, racing and pari-mutuel wagering license denied for; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 566bi-bn, 9301 (2e)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: Comm.Dept denial of certain licenses; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 327, 9310 (1)]  -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: day care, child welfare and secure facility licensing denial, nonrenewal or revocation for; SSN and federal employe ID number provisions [Sec. 153m-155t, 188m-190m, 505, 9322 (2)-(5)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: DFI denial, suspension or revocation licenses; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 376m-384m, 395-421, 445m-450, 552d, 553d, 9319 (1)]  -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: DHFS denial, nonrenewal or revocation of certain health licenses or certifications; SSN and federal employe ID number provisions [Sec. 255-259, 266-268, 269-273, 389-392, 453-460, 462, 463, 464g, h, i, j, 9322 (2)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: DNR denial and revocation of certain approvals; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 64-66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73-80, 9336 (1)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: DNR denial of environmental licenses for; SSN and federal employer ID number provisions [Sec. 466c, 489, 489c, 9336 (2)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: DORL license denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal for; licensing departments to enter into memorandum of understanding with DOR; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Income tax — Delinquent"] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: DOT licensing penalties for; SSN and federal employer ID provision [Sec. 422m-443p, 512g-k, 513c, 514m-527b, 9301 (1gx), 9348 (1g)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: DPI license denial and revocation for; SSN provision [Sec. 358, 359, 362, 9339 (1)]  -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: lobbyist license suspended or not issued for; SSN provision [Sec. 2, 20, 9318 (1)]  -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: OCI denial, suspension or nonissuance of license for; SSN and federal employer ID number provision [Sec. 571b-575b, 576b-592, 597-602, 9326 (1), (2)]  -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: property tax assessor certification denial for; SSN provision [Sec. 308, 309, 310, 9342 (2)]  -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: state bar membership license denied or suspended for; SSN and memorandum of understanding provisions [Sec. 604, 9145 (1)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: sunken log permit restricted, suspended or revoked for; SSN and federal employer ID number provisions [Sec. 393tg-tv, 9356 (3f)] -  Act 237
Delinquent taxes: tattoo and body piercing license denial, nonrenewal or revoked for; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 457c-g] -  Act 237
Nonpayment of support: Banking division denial, revocation, suspension or restriction re certain licenses; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: Comm.Dept denial of certain safety licenses; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DATCP and DNR license denial for; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DFI denial, restriction or suspension of certain certificates of registration; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DHFS and DWD to withhold, suspend or restrict certain licenses, permits or certifications; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DHFS denial, nonrenewal, suspension or restriction re certain health licenses; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DNR denial of fish and game approvals; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DOA, DHFS and DOT may deny, suspend or revoke licenses; SSN, subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DOR license suspensions for; SSN required; memorandum of understanding provided  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DORL credential denial, nonrenewal and suspension; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DPI license suspension for failure to pay; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DWD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: Gaming board suspension of supplier's license; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: LESB denial of certification or recertification; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: lobbyist license and principal registration suspended or not issued for; SSN required; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: log-raising permits denial and suspension; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: Securities division denial, restriction or suspension of certain licenses; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: state bar membership license denied or suspended for; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: tribal law or ordinance requested re Lac du Flambeau band; failure to provide SSN provision  -  Act 191
Social security integrated annuity under WRS: eligibility revised -  Act 30
SSN release by state or local registrar or DOT restricted [partial veto] -  Act 191
SSN use re student ID number prohibited -  Act 128
W-2 recipient information release to law enforcement officer: requirements revised [Sec. 1895-1900]  -  Act 27
Working recipients of SSI and SSDI: DHFS to establish pilot project; federal waiver requested [Sec. 205, 9222 (1), (2)] -  Act 237
soil and soil conservationSoil and soil conservation, see also Water — Pollution
Contaminated property re offsite discharge of hazardous substances: owner exemption from liability [Sec. 343, 3661] -  Act 27
Nonpoint source changes re watersheds, cost sharing grants for best management practices, bonding authority, local project funding and pilot project to evaluate trading water pollution credits [Sec. 178e, 366, 367, 397, 398, 414g, 728, 730, 730m, 731k, 735ag, 3495m, 3573-3585, 3586-3588, 3588s-3599, 3606, 9437 (3)] [3606 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Nonpoint source water quality standards revised re agricultural facilities and livestock operations; ``erosion control planning program" name changed to ``land and water resource management planning program"; nutrient management provisions [Sec. 766wm, 2488g-i, s-u, 2489c-L, 2490g, 2491dg, dr, L, 3273r, 3487p, 3585m, 3588c, 5197s, 9104 (1h)] [3273r, 3487p — partial veto] -  Act 27
Petroleum contaminated soil handling re contract with DOT: liability exemption [Sec. 678m] -  Act 237
Petroleum contaminated soil transportation: liability exemption created [Sec. 3660g] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Soil and water conservation activities renamed ``land" and water conservation; funding priorities [Sec. 2490L-tm, 2491cm, d, e, h, 4307e, g] -  Act 27
Storm water runoff from highway projects: DOT and local land conservation committees to consider impact on agricultural land [Sec. 2481mm, 2488im] [2481mm — partial veto] -  Act 27
Wind erosion control program termination: statutes repealed [Sec. 177, 2369, 2490] -  Act 27
soldier _ reliefSoldier — Relief, see Veteran — Relief
solid waste managementSolid waste management
Closed landfill purchased by municipality: liability exemption [Sec. 3679p] -  Act 27
Effective recycling law revisions re out-of-state local governmental unit disposal of solid waste in this state, landfill siting programs and capacity fees; exception for certain incinerator [Sec. 883m, 3613g-m, 3614gc-gt, 3638m, mg, 3640gc-gm, 9437 (4d)] -  Act 27
Engine oil filters and other recovered materials: Council on recycling and Recycling market development board duties set; report required -  Act 243
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods; LAB to monitor and report [Sec. 10r, 3789] -  Act 27
Floating trash and debris removal equipment made eligible for funding re recreational boating project [Sec. 1145]  -  Act 27
Landfill and hazardous waste facility negotiation and arbitration law: definition of affected municipality and number of local negotiating committee members revised  -  Act 241
Landfill remediation study [Sec. 9136 (2d)] [vetoed] -  AB-768
Municipal service re garbage and trash disposal and collection [Sec. 2234m, 9343 (9m), 9443 (16p)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Permit guarantee program of DNR expanded -  Act 301
Recycling and yard waste disposal costs: grant formula continued [Sec. 3615-3620] -  Act 27
Recycling program funding [Sec. 277n, 400p, 673m, 3614mg] [3614mg — partial veto] -  Act 27
Recycling program: volume-based solid waste fee criteria modified; civil liability immunity; grant program amended; DNR duties set, report and study required  -  Act 60
Solid waste research and experiments: U.W. funding increased [Sec. 9252 (2)] -  Act 237
Tire manufacturing solid waste: DNR nuisance abatement authority expanded; funding and grants for cleanup [Sec. 341sm, t, 3637m, n, 9137 (4eq), 9437 (7eq)] [9137 (4eq) — partial veto] -  Act 27
Tire waste cleanup: DNR funding revised [Sec. 33, 724, 727g] -  Act 237
special session, 1998 _ aprilSpecial session, 1998 — April