Construction wage rates council eliminated [Sec. 65k] -  Act 27
Rents, royalties and certain payments: reporting to DOR modified (remedial legislation) -  Act 291
wage _ minimumWage — Minimum
Fair employment, vocational rehabilitation, WC, minimum wage and fair housing laws: obsolete terminology updated re handicapped; obsolete reference re equivalent bond eliminated (remedial legislation) -  Act 112
wage _ paymentWage — Payment, see also Garnishment
Community service work under W-2: payment of wage or grant permitted [Sec. 627b, 716t, v, 1751g, 1812f, 1815c, d, 1817b, c, 1845b, 1857m, n, 2004m, 9426 (12w)] [627b — partial veto] -  Act 27
State wage payment and collection law modified [Sec. 354m, p, r, t, 9155 (1f), 9355 (1f)] [354m, r, 9355 (1f) — partial veto; 354p — vetoed] -  Act 237
walworth countyWalworth county
Black Point estate: funding for debt service costs, adapting project for public use and grant to nonprofit conservation organization [Sec. 378m, no, 685m, 735am, 767m]  -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance for Pell lake and Lake Como sanitary districts in Walworth county [Sec. 9137 (8c), 9437 (7f)] -  Act 27
Nonpoint source project funding for Sugar-Honey creek priority watershed project [Sec. 9136 (2v)] [vetoed]  -  AB-768
Commodities in warehouse: sales tax exemption certificate not required [Sec. 2392p, 9443 (19bn)]  -  Act 27
Commodities in warehouse: use tax exemption certificate not required; sales tax provisions modified [Sec. 313et, ev] -  Act 237
Tenant property: storage and disposition upon eviction; public warehouse keeper license provision  -  Act 317
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulations -  Act 324
warrantWarrant, see Subpoena
waste oilWaste oil, see Petroleum
wastepaper recyclingWastepaper recycling, see Recycling
Animal waste management grant revisions [Sec. 2491] -  Act 27
Clean water fund: changes in biennial finance plan [Sec. 3548b, e, 3550, 3555] -  Act 27
Clean water fund changes re notice of intent and applications for financial assistance; priority to small sanitary districts and projects serving more than one community; limit on assistance to certain community [Sec. 297, 3497e, 3509m-3512, 3514, 3528m, 9137 (7x)] [3497e, 3528m — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance application deadline [Sec. 9137 (2hg)] -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance: federal grants for rural communities [Sec. 31, 32, 60-63, 468-481]  -  Act 237
Clean water fund hardship assistance for Pell lake and Lake Como sanitary districts in Walworth county [Sec. 9137 (8c), 9437 (7f)] -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance for the village of Wheeler in Dunn county [Sec. 9137 (8m)] -  Act 27
Clean water fund interest rate changes [Sec. 3524-3527] -  Act 27
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods; LAB to monitor and report [Sec. 10r, 3789] -  Act 27
Environmental law enforcement revisions re time limit on mining and water pollution violations and point source general permit withdrawal by DNR -  Act 193
Floating trash and debris removal equipment made eligible for funding re recreational boating project [Sec. 1145]  -  Act 27
Groundwater and environmental repair accounts merged [Sec. 355, 356, 872-898, 2512, 2581, 2983, 3494, 3600, 3604, 3638, 3641, 3643-3645, 3650, 3685, 3686, 3717, 3719] [873r — vetoed] -  Act 27
Nonpoint source changes re watersheds, cost sharing grants for best management practices, bonding authority, local project funding and pilot project to evaluate trading water pollution credits [Sec. 178e, 366, 367, 397, 398, 414g, 728, 730, 730m, 731k, 735ag, 3495m, 3573-3585, 3586-3588, 3588s-3599, 3606, 9437 (3)] [3606 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Nonpoint source project funding for Sugar-Honey creek priority watershed project [Sec. 9136 (2v)] [vetoed]  -  AB-768
Nonpoint source water quality standards revised re agricultural facilities and livestock operations; ``erosion control planning program" name changed to ``land and water resource management planning program"; nutrient management provisions [Sec. 766wm, 2488g-i, s-u, 2489c-L, 2490g, 2491dg, dr, L, 3273r, 3487p, 3585m, 3588c, 5197s, 9104 (1h)] [3273r, 3487p — partial veto] -  Act 27
Permit guarantee program of DNR expanded -  Act 301
Root river watershed designated a priority watershed for the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program  -  Act 209
Rural nonpoint source cost-share grants; LAB audit [Sec. 35p, q, 481m, 9131 (1p), 9236 (4p), 9436 (3p)] [9131 (1p) — vetoed] -  Act 237
Storm and surface water sewerage system: service charges provision and refund of standby charges  -  Act 53
Storm water runoff from highway projects: DOT and local land conservation committees to consider impact on agricultural land [Sec. 2481mm, 2488im] [2481mm — partial veto] -  Act 27
Sulfide ore mining: permit requirements revised; moratorium provision -  Act 171
Wastewater discharge environmental fee [Sec. 3787e, g] -  Act 27
water conservationWater conservation, see Water supply
water skiingWater skiing, see Boat
water supplyWater supply
Nonpoint source changes re watersheds, cost sharing grants for best management practices, bonding authority, local project funding and pilot project to evaluate trading water pollution credits [Sec. 178e, 366, 367, 397, 398, 414g, 728, 730, 730m, 731k, 735ag, 3495m, 3573-3585, 3586-3588, 3588s-3599, 3606, 9437 (3)] [3606 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Nonpoint source project funding for Sugar-Honey creek priority watershed project [Sec. 9136 (2v)] [vetoed]  -  AB-768
Root river watershed designated a priority watershed for the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program  -  Act 209
Safe drinking water changes [Sec. 7, 10, 154, 155, 287-293, 295, 296, 298, 354, 357, 376, 408, 409, 433, 453, 675-677, 699, 729, 835, 856-863, 865,-870, 2214, 3496, 3497, 3498-3509, 3513, 3515-3523, 3528, 3529-3533, 3535-3547, 3549b, 3551, 3553, 3554, 3556-3559, 3561-3568, 3570, 3571, 9137 (3x)] [3553, 3561, 3570 — partial veto; 3537e — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Safe drinking water: DNR authority revised [Sec. 2158, 2174, 2180, 2181, 2184, 2487, 2804, 2854, 3162, 3487, 3489-3491, 3602, 3603, 5219] -  Act 27
Safe drinking water rules violations: administrative forfeitures revised [Sec. 482] -  Act 237
Soil and water conservation activities renamed ``land" and water conservation; funding priorities [Sec. 2490L-tm, 2491cm, d, e, h, 4307e, g] -  Act 27
South fork of the Hay river designated a priority watershed [Sec. 3599am, 9137 (1hm)] [9137 (1hm) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Water systems not owned by governmental units: loan guarantee program created [Sec. 3375, 3387, 3572]  -  Act 27
Watershed activities and grants to local groups; sunset provided [Sec. 400g, 3599v] [vetoed] -  AB-100
watershedWatershed, see Water supply
waterways and water powerWaterways and water power, see also Harbor; Lakes; Shoreland zoning
Cassville ferry in Grant county: funding for infrastructure and operating expenses [Sec. 9149 (3d)]  -  Act 27
Dam repair and removal program changes; revision re Chair factory dam in Grafton [Sec. 731h, 1147f, g, 5503g]  -  Act 27
Fox and Wolf rivers basin and certain designated areas: DNR to issue general permits; fee and sunset provisions; report required -  Act 174
Kickapoo reserve management board membership and duties revised; certain waste prohibitions expanded; penalties increased re Kickapoo valley reserve  -  Act 194
Linnie Lac dam: funding to Linnie Lac management district for dam repair, removal or reconstruction; considered recreational boating facility [Sec. 1146d] -  Act 27
Permit guarantee program of DNR expanded -  Act 301
Public access to navigable lakes or streams: vacating or discontinuing restricted; adjacent land owners may request shoreline erosion control measures -  Act 172
Root river watershed designated a priority watershed for the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program  -  Act 209
South fork of the Hay river designated a priority watershed [Sec. 3599am, 9137 (1hm)] [9137 (1hm) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox river commission created [Sec. 152m, 378m, no, 1148p, t] [1148t — partial veto; 378m, no — vetoed] -  Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox river commission: DNR funding requirement [Sec. 34, 35, 9136 (2), 9436 (2)]  -  Act 237
Stewardship program changes re bluff protection and certain projects [Sec. 762g-L, 766b-d, i-L, m-u, v, x, 768m] [766b — partial veto; 762g-L, 766c, d, i, m-s, x — vetoed] -  Act 27
Sunken logs on submerged state lands: offset program repealed; percentage of value retained by state revised; maritime project grants created; provisions re Fox river and lakes in certain counties [Sec. 242m, 244e, 693m, 1346e, m, s, 3121g-3129w, 4337m, 9156 (5y), 9350 (1), 9356 (8y)] [693m, 3124, 3129c, 9356 (8y) — partial veto; 244e, 1346e — vetoed] -  Act 27
Water ski platforms and jumps in navigable waterway: regulations created [Sec. 1139zm] -  Act 27
Wausau river edge parkway project enhancement funding [Sec. 9149 (1rm)] -  Act 27
Willow flowage classified as an outstanding water resource [Sec. 3487d] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Joint local water authorities created; PSC duties set -  Act 184
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC; FTE position and assessment provisions; study required [partial veto]  -  Act 229
waukesha countyWaukesha county
Rail passenger service assistance and promotion program revisions; Amtrak extension and commuter rail bonding [Sec. 472m, 476, 477, 732m, 2477-2481h, 9149 (4g)] [9149 (4g) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox river commission created [Sec. 152m, 378m, no, 1148p, t] [1148t — partial veto; 378m, no — vetoed] -  Act 27
waupaca countyWaupaca county
USH 10 interchanges in Waupaca county: lighting for [Sec. 9148 (2t)] -  Act 237
waushara countyWaushara county
Big silver lake in Waushara county: DNR to set high-water mark [Sec. 1139zr] -  Act 27