Law enforcement officer, seizure of property derived from crime and certain vehicles, 973.077 (3)
Limited partnership:
False statement in certificate, 179.17
General partners, 179.33
Liability to third parties of limited partners, 179.23, 179.24
Return of contribution, 179.58
Maintenance of relatives in public institutions, 46.10
Child support standards, application, 46.247
Medical societies, directors or officers, liability limited, 148.23
Mineral exploration data reports to state geologist, 107.15 (4) (e)
Mining companies, liability of, 107.32
Mining damage appropriation, recovery on claims under strict liability, 107.31 (3)
Minor drivers, negligence imputed to parents, 343.15
Euthanizing animals, immunity, 173.25
Limitation, 893.80
Natural resources board and wardens, immunity, 29.944
Nonprofit associations, 184.06
Parental liability for acts of minor children, 895.035
Shoplifting, 943.51
Parked vehicle, immunity to persons removing and storing, 349.13 (5)
Public shelters, immunity, 166.09
Pupils referred to police or removed from school, liability, 118.257
Radioactive waste emergencies, 166.15 (2)
Recreational activities, limitation of property owners, 895.52
Recycling facilities, immunity for donation of materials, 895.517
Relief recipients, health care services, 49.02 (5), (6g)
Rented vehicle damage, 344.574
Retail theft, civil liability, 943.51
Roman Catholic church directors and officers, 187.32
Roman Catholic church volunteers, 187.33
Savings and loan associations, directors and officers, 215.525
School employes, administration of drugs and emergency care to pupils, 118.29, 118.291
Securities law violators, 551.59
Shooting ranges, 895.527
Ski patrol, civil liability exemption, 895.482
Snowmobile races, 350.04 (3)
Suicide intervention, civil liability exemption, 118.295
Sureties, limitation, discharge, 895.33
Technology donations to educational institutions, liability exemption, 895.515
Tort liability, agreements to limit or eliminate void, 895.49
Transfers on death:
Recipients, 854.25, 861.07
Third party payers to beneficiaries, limited liability, 854.23, 861.11
Transplants of human tissue, activities involving, limited liability, 146.31 (3)
Unclaimed property, when holder relieved, 177.20 (1)
Vehicle illegally crossing controlled school crossing, owner's liability, 346.465, 346.49 (1m)
Vendors to state, taxes set off of payments to, 73.12 (5)
Vessel owners, liens, 780.03
Volunteer fire company, maximum recovery level for tort actions, 893.80 (3)
Weather modification activities, 93.35 (14)
Worthless check, civil liability, 403.414 (7), 943.245
Libel and SlanderLIBEL AND SLANDER
Damages, truth or retraction or correction, 895.05
Limitation of action, 893.57
Penalty, proof, truth, 942.01
Pleading, 802.03 (6)
Truth no proof of malice, 891.33
Radio and television, political candidates, 895.052
Real estate, slander of title, 706.13
Threats of, 943.31
Truth a defense, I, 3
, Ch. 43
Blind and visually impaired, 115.55
First class city, 43.54
Joint, 43.54 (1m)
Municipal, composition, 43.54
Organization, 43.54 (2)
Powers and duties, 43.58
Reimbursement, 43.54 (1)
Central depository library, 36.11 (12), 44.11
Circulation records, disclosure, 43.30
Claims against, 43.58 (3)
Computer data base, education dept. to develop, 43.03 (9)
Corporations, 182.027
Consolidated libraries, 43.57
Payment for services, 43.12
Tax, 43.64
County library planning committee, creation, organization, duties, dissolution, 43.11
Defense of property, 939.49 (2)
Definitions, 43.01
Depositories of public documents, 43.05 (5)
Division of library services duties, 43.05
Donations, 43.58 (7)
Employes, 43.58 (4)
Exchanges with school districts, 43.72
Extension and interchange, 43.60