Mosley, Tillman: $9,392.14 income tax overpayment claim -
S 778
Nerenhausen, Donald H., and Associates: $6,494.53 contract loss claim -
S 6
Parks, Eugene: $49,659.70 income tax overpayment claim -
S 778
Peters, Jack P.: $20.05 property damage claim -
S 492
Petersen, Carl: $272.37 medical expenses claim -
S 8
Plach, Charles: $6,100.00 loss claim re vehicle title -
S 6
Price, Daniel J.: $8,280.64 damages re wage claim -
S 725
Reeson, Mareen: $372.32 tire damage claim -
S 491
Resop, Bill: $107.06 tire damage claim -
S 491
Ringhand Meats and Beverages, Inc.: $5,144.05 claim re building modification -
S 777
Ruemmele Farms: $100.00 property damage claim -
S 261
Rush, Barbara Mariann: $93.19 vehicle damage claim -
S 781
Salathe, Ernest: $328.60 boat damage claim -
S 7
Saletra, Robert and Suzanne: $10,426.14 income tax overpayment claim -
Sargent, Jennifer: $220.00 personal property damage claim -
S 151
Sazama, Wayne: $65.00 property damage claim -
S 262
Schram, Todd and Susan: $36,920.77 legal and other expenses claim re child expulsion from school -
S 260
Scott Air Charter, Inc.: $5,223.01 sales tax refund claim -
S 490
Severson, Carlton P.: $58.03 tire damage claim -
S 491
Smith, Delmar L.: $10,954.74 income tax overpayment claim -
S 778
Smith, Thomas C.: $1,188.72 property loss claim -
S 336
Srinivas, Poornima: $1,055.46 vehicle damage claim -
S 5
Stach, Michael A.: $4,121.00 income tax overpayment claim -
S 153
Steffens, Matthew: $748.66 medical expenses and lost wages claim -
S 152
Stelpflug, Gary: $932,331.50 livestock loss claim -
S 5
Stevenson, Marilyn K.: $9,403.40 medical expenses and lost wages claim
S 722
Stieglitz, William E.: $12,000.00 livestock loss claim -
S 723
Supervalu Holdings, Inc.: $151,657.93 fees overpayment claim -
S 262
Swanson, Sandra: $2,500.00 personal property loss claim -
S 152
Syftestad, John L.: $83.52 tire damage claim -
S 491
Tank, Laurie: $250.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 7
Tanzer-Hilliard, Hanneke M.: $629.39 tax overpayment claim -
S 262
Teeters, Jerome L.: $1,268.72 garnishment claim -
S 150
Thompson, Violet: $1,768.77 property loss and vehicle damage claim -
S 150
VanRooy, Thomas: $4,379.65 interest loss re WRS -
S 4
Wagner, Patricia: $2,975.74 tax overpayment claim -
S 262
Ward, Kevin H.: $3,000.00 legal expenses claim -
S 722
Waushara County: $61,963.42 claim for reimbursement of local transportation aid payments -
S 151
Weichelt, James D.: $673.13 claim for delinquent income tax interest -
S 781
Wilkes, Robert: $5,429.11 claim for refund of assessments -
S 335
Wisconsin Association of Life Underwriters of Madison and Life Underwriters PAC: $3,100.00 forfeiture recovery claim -
S 725
Wisconsin Gas Company of Milwaukee: $450.77 property damage
claim -
S 779
Wisconsin Gas Company of Milwaukee: $965.49 property damage
claim -
S 779
Wisconsin Gas Company of Milwaukee: $1,590.07 property damage
claim -
S 779
Wittenwyler, Kenneth: $21.00 tire damage claim -
S 491
Wojcik, Robert G., Sr.: $285.00 personal property loss claim -
S 152
Yaeger, Robert and Alice: $126.00 tire damage claim -
S 491
Assembly resolved into a Committee of the whole for session at the First capitol historic site in Belmont -
A 482
Administrative rules -
A 12,
Aging and long term care -
A 31,
Gard, resignation from -
A 450
Audit -
A 35,
Lazich, resignation from -
A 813
Benevolent retirement home for the aged task force -
A 974,
Campaign finance reform -
A 32,
Children and families -
A 32,
AB-651 (child support collections), Working group to address concerns with -
A 461
Huebsch, temporarily removed from -
A 667
Colleges and universities -
A 32
Corrections facilities -
A 32
Council of state governments' Committee on mid-west Canada relations
A 320
Criminal justice and corrections -
A 32,
Nass, resignation from -
A 813
Rutkowski, resignation from -
A 449
Criminal penalties study committee -
A 952,
Disability board
Kunicki, resignation from -
A 947
Otte, resignation from -
A 828
Truancy, Subcommittee on -
A 138
Elections and constitutional law -
A 32
Employment relations -
A 35
Brancel, resignation from -
A 381
Kunicki, resignation from -
A 947
Baumgart, resignation from -
A 96
Tribal jurisdiction over air and water quality, Subcommittee on -
A 213
Wetlands policy, Subcommittee on -
A 271
Finance -
A 35,
Gard, resignation from -
A 319
Lehman, resignation from -
A 180
Linton, temporary resignation -
A 180