Database or computer system access by the public: DFI may charge fee; fees may be established by rule; assessment criteria set [Sec. 2351-2353] [2353 — partial veto]  -  Act 9
General program operation revision [Sec. 222] -  Act 9
Universal banking provisions; name of Division of savings and loan changed to Division of savings institutions [Sec. 30a, 645a, 884a, 885a, 2166t-2169a, 2308r, 2337a-2341a, 2344a-2350a, 2357a-2359a, 2927a, 3088a, 3243a] -  Act 9
financial responsibility of motor vehicle operatorFinancial responsibility of motor vehicle operator, see Insurance — Motor vehicle
Methamphetamine possession, manufacture, delivery or distribution: penalties revised -  Act 48
fingerprintFingerprint, see Evidence
Fire equipment grant program re assisting DNR in fighting forest fires: sunset repealed [Sec. 319, 719]  -  Act 9
Fire sprinkler systems required in all U.W. system residence halls -  Act 43
fire departmentFire department
Employment-related cancer diseases for municipal firefighters who smoke after January 1, 2001: exemption from presumption [Sec. 3111r] -  Act 9
Federal hazard elimination safety funds: allocation requirements re reduction in vehicle accidents and response time of emergency vehicles [Sec. 1830p, q]  -  Act 9
Fire call on state trunk or interstate highway: DOT reimbursement of costs to towns revised -  Act 131
Fire equipment grant program re assisting DNR in fighting forest fires: sunset repealed [Sec. 319, 719]  -  Act 9
Volunteer fire fighter and EMT service award board and program created; LAB audit required -  Act 105
fire sprinklerFire sprinkler, see Fire
firearms and dangerous weaponsFirearms and dangerous weapons
Firearm prohibitions re transporting in motor vehicles, boats or aircraft do not apply to peace officer  -  Act 158
Gun violations in Milwaukee: funding for prosecution costs, firearm law media campaign and computer system [Sec. 498m, 1592g, 3213c, 9101 (3c)] -  Act 9
first responderFirst responder, see Medical service
fish and fishingFish and fishing
Aquaculture demonstration facility: U.W. to operate; research and training criteria; JCF approval of plan and funding; Indian gaming compact moneys provision [Sec. 293, 294, 549, 571, 643, 887, 9107 (7x), 9154 (3x)] [887 — partial veto; 9107 (7x), 9154 (3x) — vetoed] -  Act 9
Aquatic nuisance species: DNR educational activities; chemical treatment of Eurasian water milfoil [Sec. 319g-j, 793p, q, 867xg, xj, 9436 (5vw), (5vx)] -  Act 9
Barbed hooks for trout fishing: DNR may not prohibit possession -  Act 178
DNR duties re fish ladders and dams; inventory provision [Sec. 867xp-xt, 877d] -  Act 9
Fishery resources within certain areas: PR-S appropriation funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 318, 564] -  Act 9
Spearfishing law enforcement funding [Sec. 9236 (2)] -  Act 9
fish and fishing _ commercialFish and fishing — Commercial
Charter tour boats and commercial fishing equipment: property tax exemption for [Sec. 1653dm, 9443 (7i)]  -  Act 9
Fish microbiologist position provided [Sec. 9104 (2m)] -  Act 9
fish and fishing _ licenseFish and fishing — License
Approvals issued by DNR agents: retention of handling fees permitted [Sec. 722v, 733-736] -  Act 9
Fishing license fee for disabled veterans (Revisor's correction bill) -  Act 47
Group one-day fishing license for the developmentally disabled [Sec. 722tg, 727m, 760m, 9436 (10n)]  -  Act 9
SSN for fish and game licenses: DNR to request LRB drafting of legislation if federal government allows a system not requiring SSN [Sec. 722u] -  Act 9
fish and fishing _ rough fishFish and fishing — Rough fish
Aquatic nuisance species: DNR educational activities; chemical treatment of Eurasian water milfoil [Sec. 319g-j, 793p, q, 867xg, xj, 9436 (5vw), (5vx)] -  Act 9
fish and game wardenFish and game warden
Approvals issued by DNR agents: retention of handling fees permitted [Sec. 722v, 733-736] -  Act 9
fixed retirement investment trust _frit_Fixed retirement investment trust (FRIT), see Retirement — Public
flex_timeFlex-time, see Housing
flood plain zoningFlood plain zoning
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement program redesign; Urban nonpoint water pollution abatement and storm water management and Municipal flood control and riparian restoration programs created [Sec. 1p, r, 188f, 322p, 323v, 331d, e, 333n-r, 628, 631b-632h, 1909m-1926ym, 2487p-t, 2521e-2524s, 2525e-r, 3101m] [331d, e, 333p, 632f, h — partial veto; 1r, 333r, 628 — vetoed]  -  Act 9
flunitrazepamFlunitrazepam, see Drugs
fond du lac countyFond du Lac county
Major highway project enumeration: portion of STH 23 added [Sec. 1818w] -  Act 9
Food service center project at Southern Wisconsin center for the developmentally disabled; to include proposed plans re transfer from DHFS to DVA [Sec. 9101 (19t)]  -  Act 9
Food sold in vending machines: sales tax exemption for [Sec. 1812np, 9443 (7g)] -  Act 9
Ice cream and bread sale requirements [Sec. 1952m, 1953e] -  Act 9
Meat and poultry inspection: model food and meat code [Sec. 1946m-p, 2355mm, 9404 (2g)] -  Act 9
New production bakery for Corr.Dept: DOA to study [Sec. 9101 (18i)] -  Act 9
food stamp planFood stamp plan
Child support establishment or enforcement: persons made ineligible for food stamps re failure to cooperate [Sec. 1209] -  Act 9
Food stamp program administration by W-2 agencies; federal waiver and plan implementation [Sec. 1014p, 1026p, 1222] -  Act 9
Unified application process re MA, Badger care, food stamp, school lunch, and WIC programs [Sec. 9157 (3e)] [vetoed] -  AB-133
foreign corporationForeign corporation, see Corporation
Forest product harvesting laws revised re landowner recovering damages, notifying local units of government and forfeiture on seized property -  Act 190
Forest products at Fort McCoy: DOA to distribute proceeds from sale -  Act 24
Forestry cooperative grant program; Regents to maintain a center for cooperatives at U.W. Madison [Sec. 296g, 702m, 887t, 895s, 1660m] -  Act 9
Forestry, Division of, created in DNR [Sec. 37h, 2361d, 9136 (11g)] -  Act 9
National forest income payment distribution [Sec. 78t, 318x, 1576m] -  Act 9
National forest income payments from federal government: distribution to certain towns; Natural resources magazine revenue provision -  Act 74
North Lakeland discovery center: state forest lease [Sec.718g, r] -  Act 9
Nursery and plant pest detection revisions re license fee, gypsy moth surcharge, Christmas tree growers and additional nursery operation license fee for Christmas tree sales [Sec. 187, 188, 189, 1932, 1934, 9104 (3y), 9204 (1)]  -  Act 9
Scenic development along St. Croix river: urban forestry grant to city of Hudson [Sec. 9136 (11d)] [vetoed]  -  AB-133
Stewardship 2000: funding of Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program; land acquisition and protection; local grants; signage; JCF review; report on land prices; bluff protection; land acquisition in the Baraboo Hills; USH12 construction; funding re Milwaukee lakeshore state park, Sheboygan riverfront park, Rib mountain state park and Rock river recreational corridor [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Natural resource"] -  Act 9
Timber sale: use of bond proceeds; requirements for the sale of timber from public lands [Sec. 306, 722-722s, 9336 (9d)] -  Act 9
Urban forestry grant for Milwaukee [Sec. 9136 (10d)] -  Act 9
Wildlife management activities in forested areas: funding for [Sec. 308m] -  Act 9
forestry _ fireForestry — Fire, see Fire
Dry cleaner environmental response program fraud [Sec. 2644, 2647, 2650-2652] -  Act 9
Flunitrazepam and ketamine: controlled substance schedule and penalties revised; forfeiture provision  -  Act 57
Forest product harvesting laws revised re landowner recovering damages, notifying local units of government and forfeiture on seized property -  Act 190
Motor vehicle registration application: birth date of owner required; forfeiture provision re vehicle involved in certain drug crimes -  Act 110
Operating privilege suspension for failure to pay forfeitures [Sec. 3080mg, 3083m, 3129b, 3159b, 3161b, 9350 (11g)]  -  Act 9
OWI laws revised re seizure or immobilization of motor vehicle for violations, prisoner release restricted, counting convictions, increased penalties and operating privilege suspension for underage drinking and BAC; ignition interlock device and Safe-ride grant programs created; pretrial intoxicated driver intervention grants; studies required [partial veto]  -  Act 109
Public assistance benefit overpayment recovery: enhanced collection methods provided [Sec. 1275, 1276, 1340-1346c, 9157 (4g), 9457 (1)] [1340 — partial veto]  -  Act 9
Smoking in state capitol building and immediate vicinity prohibited; forfeiture provided -  Act 72