Veterans employment report - A 988; S 23, 659
W-2 hiring report - S 636
financial institutions, department of Financial institutions, Department of
Annual report - A 487; S 305
Gaming, Division of, see Administration, Department of
governor Governor
Aquaculture, Governor's blue ribbon task force on - A 303; S 243
Stripper XIX 1999 oil overcharge plan - A 104
Stripper XX 2000 oil overcharge plan - A 1012; S 707
health and family services, department of Health and family services, Department of
Attorney fees and related payments: report under s.227.485(9) and 814.245(10), Wis.Stats. - A 301, 985; S 236, 657
Caregiver background check report - A 50, 676; S 22, 445
Child abuse and neglect annual report - A 36, 998; S 22, 675
Community action agencies activities annual report - A 995; S 673
Community integration program for residents of state centers - A 111, 689
Community integration program for residents of state centers - S 95, 453
Community options program - A 131, 965; S 105, 621
Dental outreach and education plan re Medicaid - A 977; S 643
Emergency medical services plan - A 667; S 445
Environmental impact statement report - A 325; S 266
Guide to Wisconsin hospitals - A 954; S 434, 612, 649
Health care data and teaching physicians - A 597
Health care data: quarterly report - A 349, 565, 587; S 274, 344, 376
Health insurance risk-sharing plan - A 246, 977; S 190, 643
Homeless persons: allocation and expenditure of funds for services
 - A 284, 487, 978, 988; S 216, 313, 646, 660
Hunger prevention - A 15, 678, 972; S 6, 449, 636
Immunization statewide program: annual report - A 284, 977; S 216, 646
Information on systems projects under development - A 16, 579; S 6, 371
Medicaid waiver program - A 80
Mendota juvenile treatment center environmental assessment
 - A 995; S 672
Nursing home Class A violations and forfeitures - A 290, 982; S 223, 652
Uncompensated health care report - A 918, 977; S 585, 643
Written hiring reasons report - S 183
Health information, Bureau of, see Health and family services, Department of
housing and economic development authority Housing and economic development authority
Annual report - A 20, 600; S 5, 388
Development income reserve transfer re repeal of Brownfield remediation loan guarantee program - A 571; S 356
Guarantees report; default rates - A 574
Pork producer loans - A 296; S 230
Wisconsin development reserve fund - S 363
insurance, office of the commissioner of Insurance, Office of the commissioner of
Health care providers and premiums charged - A 207; S 160
investment board Investment board
Annual performance report - A 148; S 114
Annual report on credits (soft dollars) generated with security brokerage firms - A 622
Environmental assessments or impact statements - A 318, 994; S 257, 673
Horizontal market power in Wisconsin electricity markets - A 1015
Investment goals and long-term strategies - A 19, 249, 575, 667, 1015
Investment goals and long-term strategies - (1997-98) S 814; S 190, 367, 439, 712
Policy changes - A 81, 210, 568, 636, 801, 972
Policy changes - S 77, 163, 354, 424, 526, 639
judicial commission Judicial commission
Annual report - S 112
justice, department of Justice, Department of
Attorney general's opinion on the use of risk-based methodologies in response to petroleum contamination re Petroleum environmental cleanup fund - S 183
Cooperative county-tribal law enforcement programs - A 39, 578
Cooperative county-tribal law enforcement programs - S 19, 368
Private incarceration facilities in Wisconsin: reply to questions re construction and operation of - S 171
Telecommunications advocate position - A 110
Wisconsin crime victim compensation program - A 1016
Justice information systems, Bureau of, see Administration, Department of
labor_management council Labor-management council
Annual report - S 95
legislative audit bureau Legislative audit bureau
Biennial report - A 50; S 23
Community long-term care programs - A 176; S 143
Community relations-social development commission - A 925; S 589
County nursing home funding - A 615; S 411
DER training program for state employes - A 147; S 114
Educational communications board - A 18; S 12
Educational communications board radio network - A 1016; S 712
Educational communications board television network - A 1016; S 712
Environmental cooperation pilot program - S 585
Family care pilot projects - A 1010; S 696
Fiscal control and budgetary issues - A 208
Food stamp program - A 980; S 646
Gaming, Division of: evaluation - A 576; S 368
Green Bay Packers, Inc. - S 467
Health insurance-risk sharing plan - A 161, 1010; S 697
Hearing officer use in state government - A 974; S 640
Investment board evaluation - A 372; S 281
Juvenile offender recidivism re effect of secure detention - A 321; S 261
Kickapoo reserve management board - A 210; S 155
Kinship care program - A 19; (1997-98) S 814
Local government property insurance fund financial audit - A 1010; S 694
Maximus, Inc. re W-2 program in Milwaukee - A 983; S 652
Mendota and Winnebago mental health institutes - A 992; S 665
Mental health institutes - A 394; S 293
Miller Park construction costs - A 233; S 184