Cabinet Country, Ltd.: $31.00 bank fees claim -
S 813
Cai, Jin-Yi: $600.00 personal property loss claim -
S 721
Cape, James, and Sons, Inc.: $1,483,781.60 construction claim -
S 493
Carty, Carolyn: $5,122.99 damages claim -
S 815
Check cashing corporation (Racine): $9,983.78 claim for damages related to cashing an SSI benefit check -
S 412
Dangerfield, Alphoncy: $1,126.44 property damage claim -
S 815
Deitz, Don Charles: $398.36 income tax assessment claim -
S 814
Devney, David J.: $350.00 personal property damage claim -
S 82
Dieckman, Gregory G.: $500.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 721
Edwards, Myron: $853.20 personal property loss claim -
S 816
Endres, Lois A.: $2,074.32 lost wages claim -
S 220
Eselby, Sandra C.: $613.32 Medicaid deductible reimbursement claim -
S 81
Freeman, Berrell: $45.80 personal property loss claim -
S 816
Friedman, Brian J.: $420.55 personal injury claim -
S 79
Ganske, Julie and Ken: $3,466.31 vehicle damage claim -
S 222
Garrett, Bryce: $157.80 court costs claim -
S 494
Georgeson, Amy J.: $500.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 721
Glish, Al: $2,955.46 restitution claim -
S 718
Gonnering, Daniel: $500.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 721
Gonzales, Dennis: $15.75 personal property loss claim -
S 816
Gonzales, Dennis: $19.69 personal property loss claim -
S 817
Gonzales, Dennis: $78.22 personal property loss claim -
S 817
Gonzales, Dennis: $214.00 personal property loss claim -
S 817
Gonzales, Dennis: $224.00 personal property loss claim -
S 818
Gray, Anthony: $7,318.24 garnished wages refund claim -
S 79
Grimmenga, Michael and Helen: $14,387.23 garnished wages refund claim
S 718
Henderson, Lynette: $4,940.00 funeral expenses claim -
S 222
Hennecke, Richard W.: $5,000.00 claim for damages related to his retirement from state service -
S 414
Hermsen, Geoffrey T.: $354.66 medical expenses claim -
S 493
HGM Architecture, Inc.: $3,608.58 withholding tax claim -
S 814
Hill, Barbara: $500.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 224
Horkan, Patrick D.: $1,700.00 Farmland Preservation Credit claim -
S 491
Jaskot, Randall and Cindy: $303.49 refund of tax assessment claim -
S 415
Johnson, Anjelika: $3,580.20 lost wages claim -
S 221
Johnson, Arthur W.: $7,501.01 overpayment of taxes claim -
S 414
Johnson, Jay M.: $118.29 vehicle damage claim -
S 81
J.T. Roofing, Inc.: $508,323.00 claim for extra expenses on state building project -
S 223
Kennedy, Alvernest: $2,799.00 tax refund claim -
S 81
Ketterer, Kenneth C.: $7,487.20 overpayment of taxes claim -
S 415
Khachi, Jeral: $33,625.00 lost wages and incarceration expenses claim -
S 80
Kirschbaum, Lynn: $14,370.00 crop damage by deer claim -
S 812
Komassa, John: $5,368.73 attorney fees claim -
S 812
Kratcha, Christopher J.: $1,086.75 claim for reimbursement of stolen personal property -
S 82
Lebanon Athletic Association: $1,478.79 plus interest claim for refund of overpayment of sales taxes -
S 224
McFarland, Jennifer: $270.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 717
Marshall, Jason: $5,000.00 damages claim -
S 815
Meer Electric, Inc.: $8,713.95 damages claim -
S 813
Mentek, James A., Jr.: $1,022.23 lawsuit costs claim -
S 492
Merrill, Amy: $100.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 415
Minniecheske, James D.: $1,543.61 return of restitution claim -
S 718
Mt. Sterling Cheese Coop.: $6,590.48 claim re dumped milk -
S 818
Nielsen, Terri (d/b/a Tech Trak Consulting): $10,842.00 contract termination claim -
S 493
Nielsen, Terri (Tech Trak Consulting): reconsideration of $10,842.00 contract termination claim -
S 819
Nieves, Luis A.: $855.46 return of restitution claim -
S 722
PACE Local 7-0765 (New Berlin): $5,326.51 overpayment of taxes claim
S 415
Pajari, Craig R.: $3,229.94 claim for moneys levied from account re back taxes
S 413
Phillips, Marquita: $2,158.00 income tax return claim -
S 492
Polk, Arthur: $535.00 restitution claim -
S 221
Rasmussen, Andry, and Sons, Inc.: $4,703.00 claim for grant funds re septic system replacement -
S 720
Ray Wilkinson Buick Cadillac, Inc.: $625,864.00 reduced profits claim re highway construction -
S 223
Raz, Jack and Margot: $154,500.00 claim for purchase price of their delicatessen -
S 221
Redlinger, Mary E.: $584.01 overpayment of tax liability claim -
S 814
Renikow, Carl: $6,295.00 overpayment of taxes claim -
S 719
Richards, Patricia: $200.45 vehicle damage claim -
S 722
Rouse, Scott: $1,241.00 overpayment of taxes claim -
S 413
Sampson, James: $100.00 vehicle damage claim each for two cars -
S 722
Schmidt, Jerome: $7,072.20 property damage claim -
S 412
Schupbach, Eugene L.: $79.13 vehicle damage claim -
S 818
Sebastian, Danette M.: $146.32 vehicle damage claim -
S 223
Slater, H. Joseph: $4,607.12 income tax refund claim -
S 78
Smith, Donald W.: $31,214.08 sick leave credits claim -
S 812
Smith, Jerry V.: $131.87 vehicle damage claim -
S 723
Snider, Mary: $50.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 722
Spitz, S.R. and James: $23,377.14 personal injury claim -
S 80
Stebbins, John L. "Jack": $12,536.80 claim for lost wages and benefits
S 717
Steier, Joseph, Jr., and Lindstrom, Margaret: $1,027.85 vehicle damage claim
S 723
T & N Transfer, Inc.: $846.00 damages claim -
S 723
Titoni, Donald J.: $236.30 tax refund claim -
S 721
Walsh, Patrick: $100.00 vehicle damage claim -
S 722
Waukesha school district: $803,149.00 school aid adjustment claim -
S 719
Weberg, Lyndon: $548.75 attorney fees claim -
S 819
Weisbrod, Burton A.: $119,767.00 sick leave credits claim -
S 79
West Side Garage, Inc.: $2,579.34 claim for lost value of a vehicle -
S 493
White, Eleanor A.: $10,280.00 DOR assessment refund claim -
S 82
Wigham, Queen: $2,068.00 medical expenses claim -
S 719
Wilks, Willie J.: $10,439.19 estimated tax assessments claim -
S 491
Wollheim, Donald: $157,947.30 contract termination claim -
S 818
On SB-55, biennial budget bill