In addition, a large price-regulated telecommunications utility may not
require that a telecommunications provider purchase other network elements or
retail services of the utility if the telecommunications provider uses the network
elements platform of the utility that consists solely of combined network elements
and the use is for the purpose of providing telecommunications service to an
end-user customer. Other requirements apply to the use of a network elements
platform, including the requirement that a large price-regulated
telecommunications utility must provide the platform without any disruption of
services to end-user customers.
Finally, the bill requires the PSC to issue an order establishing a compliance
plan for each large price-regulated telecommunications utility that includes
standards for the utility to provide nondiscriminatory access to the utility's services
and network elements to the utility's wholesale customers. The plan must also
include procedures for measuring the utility's compliance with the standards and
requirements for the utility to make specified monetary payments to a wholesale
customer if the utility fails to comply with a standard. The PSC must issue the order
no later than nine months after the effective date of the bill.
Separation of wholesale and retail affiliates
The bill requires the PSC to order a large price-regulated telecommunications
utility to structurally separate its wholesale and retail operations into separate
affiliates if, in any consecutive 24-month period after the effective date of the bill,
the utility has three or more violations of specified requirements under state or
federal law, including the interconnection, collocation, and network elements
requirements described below. The PSC must also issue such an order if, after two
years after the effective date of the bill, less than 50% of the residential or business
access lines in the utility's service territory receive local exchange service from
another telecommunications provider. In addition, the PSC must issue such an order
if it makes other specified findings regarding the market power of the large
price-regulated telecommunications utility or if the PSC finds that the utility's
competitors are not able to obtain equal and reliable access to the utility's unbundled
network elements or operational support systems.

A large price-regulated telecommunications utility that is ordered to
structurally separate must satisfy certain requirements, including the following: 1)
the retail and wholesale affiliates must have separate officers, directors, employees,
and publicly traded stock; 2) no more than 50% of the publicly traded stock of the
wholesale affiliate may be owned by persons that are affiliated with the retail
affiliate; 3) the retail and wholesale affiliates must operate independently of each
other, maintain separate books, records, and accounts, and conduct business
between each other on an arm's length basis; 4) the retail affiliate must use the same
operational support system interfaces that the wholesale affiliate makes available
to unaffiliated telecommunications providers; 5) the retail and wholesale affiliates
may not obtain credit under any arrangement that permits a creditor, upon default,
to have recourse to the assets of the utility or another affiliate of the utility; 6) the
retail and wholesale affiliates may not discriminate between another affiliate of the
utility and any other person in providing or procuring goods, services, facilities, or
information; and 7) the wholesale affiliate may not transfer any network element to
any retail affiliate of the utility.
The bill allows the PSC to approve a transition plan submitted by a large
price-regulated telecommunications utility for phasing in the utility's compliance
with an order to structurally separate. Also, the bill allows a large price-regulated
telecommunications utility voluntarily to structurally separate, subject to the PSC's
Price increase formula
Under current law, a price-regulated telecommunications utility may increase
its service rates according to a formula that is based on annual changes in the gross
domestic product price index (GDPPI). Under the formula, the change in the revenue
weighted price indexes for all services that are subject to price regulation may not
exceed the difference between the most recent annual change in GDPPI and an offset
percentage. In addition, the offset percentage is subject to the following: 1) a penalty
adjustment that increases the offset percentage for inadequate service or insufficient
investment by a telecommunications utility; and 2) an incentive adjustment that
decreases the offset percentage for encouraging infrastructure investment by a
telecommunications utility.
The amount of the offset percentage and the penalty and incentive adjustments
depend on the size of a telecommunications utility. For a large price-regulated
telecommunications utility, the offset percentage is 3%, which is subject to a penalty
adjustment that may not exceed 2% and an incentive adjustment that may not
exceed 2%. The PSC is required to promulgate rules that establish the penalty and
incentive adjustments.
This bill changes the penalty adjustment to the offset percentage for large
price-regulated telecommunications utilities. Under the bill, the penalty
adjustment may not exceed 10%.
Other changes
The bill also does all of the following:
1. The bill allows the PSC to take various enforcement actions against a large
price-regulated telecommunications utility that violates a requirement

administered by the PSC, including ordering the utility to pay damages to a person
who is injured by the violation. The bill also allows the PSC or a court to assess a
forfeiture for such a violation of between $25,000 and $250,000. (This forfeiture
authority does not apply to violations of the retail service standards, which are
subject to the forfeitures described above.)
2. The bill requires a large price-regulated telecommunications utility to issue
credits to end-user customers if the utility fails to satisfy requirements regarding
each of the following: 1) disruption of service; 2) failure to install local exchange
service; 3) failure to keep service or repair appointments; 4) printed directory
mistakes; and 5) directory assistance mistakes. The amount of a credit depends on
the type of requirement and whether a residential or business telephone line is
3. The bill allows a customer of a large price-regulated telecommunications
utility to terminate, without penalty, a contract with the utility for local exchange
service, but only if the customer terminates the contract because the customer enters
into another contract with another telecommunications provider. The deadline for
terminating a contract is the first day of the 25th month beginning after the bill's
effective date. The right to terminate does not apply to a wholesale customer of a
large price-regulated telecommunications utility.
4. The bill requires the PSC, in making all telecommunications-related
decisions and orders, to promote the availability of high-quality telecommunications
services at reasonable rates, facilitate the development of competitive markets for
local telecommunications services, protect the public against monopolies, and ensure
the effective regulation of large price-regulated telecommunications utilities that
have control or market power over essential telecommunications facilities.
5. The bill specifies the circumstances under which the PSC must advise
against the federal communications commission's approval of a petition filed by a
large price-regulated telecommunications utility for interlata long distance
6. The bill provides that, if a large price-regulated telecommunications utility
files a petition with the PSC that the utility's rates are not just and reasonable, the
utility rescinds its election to be price regulated and the PSC must impose
cost-based, rate-of-return regulation on the utility.
7. The bill prohibits a large price-regulated telecommunications utility from
imposing or assessing a charge or fee, or otherwise seeking payment or requiring
compensation from any person for the installation, construction, extension, or use of
telecommunications facilities, equipment, or infrastructure, related to a real estate
8. The bill allows a person to bring an action for damages for an injury caused
by a large price-regulated telecommunications utility's violation of a requirement
administered by the PSC.

For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB408, s. 1 1Section 1. 196.01 (3j) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,7,42 196.01 (3j) "Large price-regulated telecommunications utility" means a
3telecommunications utility that had more than 500,000 access lines in use in this
4state at the time of electing to become price-regulated.
SB408, s. 2 5Section 2. 196.025 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,7,126 196.025 (1m) In making all telecommunications-related decisions and orders,
7including rate setting and rule-making orders, the commission shall promote the
8availability of high quality telecommunications services at reasonable rates,
9facilitate the development of competitive markets for local telecommunications
10services, protect the public against monopolies, and ensure the effective regulation
11of large price-regulated telecommunications utilities that have control or market
12power over essential telecommunications facilities.
SB408, s. 3 13Section 3. 196.194 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 196.194 (1) (a) and
14amended to read:
SB408,8,1615 196.194 (1) (a) Approval. Except as provided in this subsection paragraph,
16nothing in this chapter prohibits the commission from approving the filing of a tariff
17which permits a telecommunications utility to enter into an individual contract with
18an individual customer if substitute telecommunications services are available to
19customers or potential customers of the telecommunications utility and the absence
20of such a tariff will cause the telecommunications utility to be disadvantaged in
21competing for business. A tariff filed under this subsection paragraph shall include

1the condition that any such contract shall be compensatory as determined under s.
2196.204 (5) and (6). The tariff shall include any other condition and procedure
3required by the commission in the public interest. Within 20 days after a contract
4authorized under this subsection paragraph or an amendment to such a contract has
5been executed, the telecommunications utility shall submit to the commission
6written notice of the general nature of the contract and the parties to the contract.
7Upon request, the commission shall inform a person, or direct that the person be
8informed, that notice has been received by the commission of execution of a contract
9under this subsection paragraph. Within 6 months after receiving substantial
10evidence that a contract may be noncompensatory, or upon its own motion, the
11commission shall investigate and determine whether the contract is compensatory.
12If the commission determines that the contract is noncompensatory, the commission
13may make appropriate adjustments in the rates or tariffs of the telecommunications
14utility that has entered into the contract, in addition to other remedies under this
15chapter. The dollar amount of the adjustment may not be less than the amount by
16which the contract was found to be noncompensatory.
SB408, s. 4 17Section 4. 196.194 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,8,1818 196.194 (1) (b) Right to terminate certain contracts. 1. In this paragraph:
SB408,8,2119 a. "Contract" means a contract between a telecommunications provider and a
20person for the telecommunications provider to provide local exchange service to the
SB408,8,2422 b. "Customer" means a person who enters into a contract with a
23telecommunications provider, but does not include a wholesale customer, as defined
24in s. 196.197 (1) (f).
SB408,8,2525 c. "Local exchange service" has the meaning given in s. 196.50 (1) (b) 1.
12. Notwithstanding any provision in a tariff filed under par. (a), no later than
2the first day of the 25th month beginning after the effective date of this subdivision
3.... [revisor inserts date], a customer may terminate, without penalty, a contract
4entered into before the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], with
5a large price-regulated telecommunications utility before the expiration of the
6contract if the customer terminates the contract because the customer enters into a
7contract with another telecommunications provider. Termination of a contract under
8this subdivision is effective when the large price-regulated telecommunications
9utility receives oral or written notice from the customer.
SB408,9,1510 3. A large price-regulated telecommunications utility for which a contract is
11terminated under subd. 2. may not remove, alter, or render unusable any network
12element, as defined in s. 196.196 (7) (a) 1., used to serve the customer who terminated
13the contract, except in accordance with generally recognized telecommunications
14industry engineering standards that relate to the safe, economical, or efficient use
15or operation of the network element.
SB408, s. 5 16Section 5. 196.195 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB408,9,2417 196.195 (5) Commission action. If after the proceedings under subs. (2), (3), and
18(4) the commission has determined that effective competition exists in the market
19for the telecommunications service which justifies a lesser degree of regulation and
20that lesser regulation in that market will serve the public interest, the commission
21may, by order, suspend any of the following provisions of law, except as provided
22under subs. (7) and (8): ch. 201 and s. 196.02 (2); s. 196.05; s. 196.06; s. 196.07; s.
23196.09; s. 196.10; s. 196.12; s. 196.13 (2); s. 196.19; tariffing requirements under s.
24196.194 (1) (a); s. 196.196 (1) or (5); s. 196.20; s. 196.204 (7); s. 196.21; s. 196.22; s.

1196.26; s. 196.28; s. 196.37; s. 196.49; s. 196.52; s. 196.58; s. 196.60; s. 196.604; s.
2196.77; s. 196.78; s. 196.79; and s. 196.805.
SB408, s. 6 3Section 6. 196.196 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB408,11,94 196.196 (1) (c) 1. A price-regulated telecommunications utility may not
5increase its rates for services under par. (a), except for basic message
6telecommunications service, for a period of 3 years after electing to become price
7regulated. Following the initial 3-year period for services under par. (a), except for
8basic message telecommunications service, and at any time for basic message
9telecommunications service, a price-regulated telecommunications utility may
10increase its rates for those services to the extent that the change in the revenue
11weighted price indices does not exceed 2 percentage points less than the most recent
12annual change in the gross domestic product price index, as published by the federal
13government. The commission shall, by rule, create a penalty mechanism for up to
14a one percentage point increase in the percentage offset for inadequate service
15provided by or insufficient investment made by a price-regulated
16telecommunications utility. The commission shall, by rule, create an incentive
17mechanism for up to a one percentage point decrease in the percentage offset to
18encourage infrastructure investment by the price-regulated telecommunications
19utility. For a large price-regulated telecommunications utility with more than
20500,000 access lines in use in this state at the time of electing to become price
, the percentage offset to the change in the gross domestic product price
22index shall be 3 percentage points and, the penalty mechanism shall be up to a 10
23percentage point increase,
and the incentive mechanism shall be up to a 2 percentage
24points point decrease. No earlier than 6 years after September 1, 1994, and no more
25frequently than every 3 years thereafter, the commission may, following notice and

1an opportunity for hearing, by rule increase or decrease the gross domestic product
2price index percentage offset by a maximum of one percentage point in any 12-month
3period to reflect any statewide changes in the productivity experience of the
4telecommunications industry. The commission shall promulgate rules to identify the
5factors that the commission may consider in determining changes in the productivity
6experience of the telecommunications industry. If application of the price regulation
7index formula achieves a negative result, prices shall be reduced so that the
8cumulative price change for services under par. (a), including prior price reductions
9in these services, achieves the negative result.
SB408, s. 7 10Section 7. 196.196 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB408,11,2111 196.196 (1) (c) 2. Annual permitted price increases under this paragraph may
12be deferred and accumulated for a maximum of 3 years into a single increase. The
13first permitted increase after the telecommunications utility elects to become price
14regulated shall be limited by the most recent annual change in the gross domestic
15product price index, less 2 percentage points, plus or minus any penalty or incentive
16adjustment. For a large price-regulated telecommunications utility with more than
17500,000 access lines in use in this state
, the first permitted increase shall be limited
18by the most recent annual change in the gross domestic product price index, less 3
19percentage points, plus or minus any penalty or incentive adjustment. The increase
20in any rate element may not at any time exceed 10% or the increase in the gross
21domestic product price index, whichever is greater.
SB408, s. 8 22Section 8. 196.196 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB408,12,223 196.196 (3) (a) Except to the extent expressly permitted by this section and ss.
24196.19 (1m), 196.194, 196.195, 196.197, 196.1995, 196.20 (1m), 196.204, 196.209,
25and 196.219, the commission may not have jurisdiction over the prices or terms and

1conditions for the offering of any other services, including new telecommunications
2services, offered by a price-regulated telecommunications utility.
SB408, s. 9 3Section 9. 196.196 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB408,12,94 196.196 (3) (b) A price-regulated telecommunications utility shall file tariffs
5with the commission for the provision of any telecommunications service, whether
6or not the service is otherwise subject to this chapter. Except as provided in s. ss.
7196.20 (2) (am) and 196.662 (1) (b) 2., changes in the terms and conditions of tariffed
8services under par. (a) shall be effective one day after filing with the commission,
9unless the tariff specifies a later effective date.
SB408, s. 10 10Section 10. 196.196 (5) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB408,12,1411 196.196 (5) (b) 5. For a large price-regulated telecommunications utility with
12more than 500,000 access lines in use in this state at the time of electing to become
13price regulated
, a level of planned investment in an amount of not less than
14$700,000,000 within the first 5 years of the plan.
SB408, s. 11 15Section 11. 196.196 (6) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,12,1616 196.196 (6) (title) Mandatory credits.
SB408, s. 12 17Section 12. 196.196 (6) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,12,1818 196.196 (6) (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB408,12,2119 1. "Customer" means any person, including a telecommunications provider,
20that uses the services, products, or facilities provided by a large price-regulated
21telecommunications utility.
SB408,12,2522 2. "End-user customer" means a person that receives local exchange service
23from a large price-regulated telecommunications utility or another
24telecommunications provider, and that does not resell the local exchange service or
25use such service to provide telecommunications service to any other customer.
13. "Local exchange service" has the meaning given in s. 196.50 (1) (b) 1.
SB408, s. 13 2Section 13. 196.196 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,13,83 196.196 (6) (b) Service disruptions. 1. If the local exchange service of an
4end-user customer is disrupted by a large price-regulated telecommunications
5utility and remains disrupted for more than 24 hours after the disruption is reported
6to the large price-regulated telecommunications utility, the utility shall issue a
7credit in an amount specified in subd. 2. to the end-user customer unless one of the
8following applies:
SB408,13,109 a. The disruption is caused by the end-user customer or the end-user
10customer's telecommunications equipment.
SB408,13,1211 b. The disruption is caused by a natural disaster, act of God, military action,
12war, insurrection, or riot.
SB408,13,1413 c. The end-user customer fails to keep an appointment to repair the disruption
14and the utility is not able to obtain access to repair the disruption.
SB408,13,1815 2. If service is disrupted for 24 hours or more, the amount of the credit under
16subd. 1. shall be $35 for each primary residential line, $5 for each other residential
17line, $135 for each main billing business line, and $25 for each other business line,
18for each 24-hour period, or portion of a 24-hour period, in which service is disrupted.
SB408, s. 14 19Section 14. 196.196 (6) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,14,220 196.196 (6) (c) Failure to install local exchange service. 1. Except as provided
21in subd. 2., if a large price-regulated telecommunications utility fails to install local
22exchange service or related equipment within 5 business days after an end-user
23customer places an order for the service or equipment, the large price-regulated
24telecommunications utility shall issue a credit to the end-user customer in an
25amount equal to $35 for each residential line and $135 for each business line for each

1business day, or portion of a business day, beyond the 5th business day that the
2service or equipment is not installed.
SB408,14,33 2. Subdivision 1. does not apply to any of the following:
SB408,14,54 a. The installation of service in an undeveloped area where there are no
5telecommunications facilities.
SB408,14,76 b. A failure to install that is caused by a natural disaster, act of God, military
7action, war, insurrection, or riot.
SB408,14,108 c. A failure to install resulting from the end-user customer voluntarily
9changing the installation date without providing notice 48 hours before the
10originally scheduled installation date.
SB408, s. 15 11Section 15. 196.196 (6) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,14,1312 196.196 (6) (d) Failure to keep appointments. 1. A large price-regulated
13telecommunications utility shall do all of the following:
SB408,14,1714 a. Except as provided in subd. 2., if the utility fails to keep an appointment to
15install service or make on-premises or outside repairs for an end-user customer,
16issue a $35 credit for each residential line and a $135 credit for each business line
17that is affected by the failure.
SB408,14,1918 b. Inform an end-user customer about the utility's obligation to issue a credit
19under subd. 1. a. at the time an appointment is made.
SB408,14,2420 2. Subdivision 1. a. does not apply if the large price-regulated
21telecommunications utility provides the end-user customer with 24-hour advance
22notice that the utility is not able to keep the appointment or if a natural disaster, act
23of God, military action, war, insurrection, or riot prevents the utility from keeping
24the appointment.
SB408, s. 16 25Section 16. 196.196 (6) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
1196.196 (6) (e) Printed directory mistakes. If directory information pertaining
2to an end-user customer is stated incorrectly in, or erroneously omitted from, a
3printed telephone directory published by a large price-regulated
4telecommunications utility, the utility shall issue a credit to the end-user customer,
5unless the large price-regulated telecommunications utility demonstrates to the
6satisfaction of the commission that the mistake was caused by the end-user
7customer. The utility shall issue a credit for each local line used by the end-user
8customer, except that if the end-user customer uses more than 3 local lines the utility
9shall issue credits for only 3 of the lines. The credit for each line shall be equal to 3
10times the sum of the end-user customer's local line rate and, if applicable, the
11average monthly usage rate for the line at the time of the mistake. This paragraph
12does not apply to telephone directories that are printed before the effective date of
13this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
SB408, s. 17 14Section 17. 196.196 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,15,2315 196.196 (6) (f) Directory assistance mistakes. If a large price-regulated
16telecommunications utility fails to include an end-user customer's directory
17information accurately in directory assistance, the large price-regulated
18telecommunications utility shall issue a $35 credit for each residential line and a
19$135 credit for each business line for each 5-business-day period, or portion of
205-business-day period, after the date that the large price-regulated
21telecommunications utility is notified about the failure, unless the large
22price-regulated telecommunications utility demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
23commission that the failure was caused by the end-user customer.
SB408, s. 18 24Section 18. 196.196 (6) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
1196.196 (6) (g) Credit procedure. 1. If a large price-regulated
2telecommunications utility is required to provide a credit to an end-user customer
3under this subsection, the large price-regulated telecommunications utility shall
4issue the credit by adjusting the end-user customer's first bill following the event for
5which the credit is required.
SB408,16,96 2. Except for an end-user customer report under par. (b) 1., a large
7price-regulated telecommunications utility may not require an end-user customer
8to provide any notice as a condition for issuing a credit required under this
SB408, s. 19 10Section 19. 196.196 (6) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,16,1211 196.196 (6) (h) Other remedies available. The remedies under this subsection
12are not exclusive.
SB408, s. 20 13Section 20. 196.196 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB408,16,1514 196.196 (7) Separation of wholesale and retail affiliates. (a) Definitions.
15In this subsection:
SB408,16,2116 1. "Network element" means a facility or equipment used to provide
17telecommunications service. "Network element" includes features, functions, and
18capabilities that are provided by means of such a facility or equipment, including
19subscriber numbers, databases, signaling systems, and information sufficient for
20bills or collections, or that are used in transmitting, routing, or otherwise providing
21telecommunications service.
SB408,16,2422 2. "Retail affiliate" means an affiliate through which a large price-regulated
23telecommunications utility provides telecommunications services to retail
13. "Wholesale affiliate" means an affiliate through which a large
2price-regulated telecommunications utility provides telecommunications services
3and network elements to other telecommunications providers, including the utility's
4retail affiliates.
SB408,17,85 (b) Mandatory structural separation. The commission shall, after notice and,
6if requested, a hearing, order a large price-regulated telecommunications utility to
7structurally separate its wholesale and retail operations into separate affiliates as
8provided in par. (d) if any of the following occurs:
SB408,17,119 1. The utility has had, in any consecutive 24-month period after the effective
10date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], 3 or more of any one or combination
11of the following:
SB408,17,1212 a. A violation of s. 196.219 (3).