DNR properties: use regulations [Admin.Code NR 45.03, 45.04, 45.05, 45.06, 45.09, 45.10, 45.11, 45.12, 45.13]  - CR03-035
Exclusion of costs to elevate a nonconforming building or a building with a nonconforming use [Admin.Code NR 116.15] - CR03-064
natural resources, department of _ environmental protectionNatural resources, Department of — Environmental protection
Air management regulations: clarification of compliance language [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 409.02, 410.04, 415.02, 419.07, 42.02, 420.03, 422.02, 422.04, 432.05, 424.03, 431.05, 431.055, 431.06, 439.07, 439.075, 439.08, 439.085, 439.09, 439.095, 439.10, 439.11, 447.02, 447.13, 448.01, 449.01, 484.03, 484.10] -  CR02-146
Air permit programs as required by 2003 WisAct 118 [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 406.04, 406.16, 406.17, 407.02, 407.03, 407.10, 407.105, 410.03] - CR04-107
Air permitting program: changes to [Admin.Code NR 405.01, 405.02, 405.16, 405.18 to 405.22, 408.02, 408.06, 408.10, 408.11 to 408.15, 484.04] -  CR03-118
Air permitting program: interface with federal changes [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 406, 406.03, 406.04, 406.07, 406.075, 406.12, 407, 410, 410.03]  - CR04-106
Ambient air quality standards [Admin.Code NR 404.02, 404.04, 404.06] -  CR03-066
Ammonia discharges to surface waters of the state regulated; minor corrections to errors in chs. NR 105 and 106 [Admin.Code NR 104 Table 1, 104.02, 105 Tables 2, 2C, 4, 4B, 6, 8 and 9, 105.05, 106, 106.05, 106.07, 106.09, 106.10, 106.12, 210.05] -  CR03-050
Aquatic invasive species: grants for control of [Admin.Code NR 198] -  CR04-060
Aquatic plant management [Admin.Code NR 109] -  CR02-061
Arsenic: groundwater quality standards modified [Admin.Code NR 140.10 Table 1] -  CR03-063
Arsenic in public water systems [Admin.Code NR 809, 809.04, 809.09, 809.11, 809.12, 809.21, 809.25, 809.725, 809.835] - CR03-067
Artificial water body: regulation of construction, dredging, and enlargement of [Admin.Code NR 340.02, 343]  - CR04-086
Asbestos permit exemption and inspection fees; program for recovering the exact costs of laboratory fees for sample analysis for the asbestos program [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 410.05]  - CR04-102
Asbestos program violation: citation authority for [Admin.Code NR 447.19] -  CR02-064
Bridges and culverts in or over navigable waterways: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 320.01, 320.02, 320.03, 320.04, 320.05, 320.06, 320.07, 320.08, 320.09] - CR04-084
Brownfield site assessment grant program: administration of [Admin.Code NR 168.03, 168.07, 168.09, 168.11, 168.13, 168.17, 168.19, 168.21] -  CR04-015
Clean water fund program financial assistance [Admin.Code NR 162] -  CR03-027
Dredging in navigable waterways [Admin.Code NR 345] -  CR04-087
Dry cleaner environmental response program [Admin.Code NR 169] -  CR04-128
Dry cleaning facilities: reimbursement of costs for response actions [Admin.Code NR 169] -  CR02-114
Effluent discharge testing: analytical test methods [Admin.Code NR 219.04; Tables A, B, BM, C, D, E, EM, and F]  - CR04-033
Erosion control of inland lakes and impoundments: department standards for [Admin.Code NR 328] - CR02-099
Forest crop land and the managed forest law [Admin.Code NR 46.15, 46.16, 46.18, 46.30] -  CR03-034
Forest crop law and the managed forest law: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.30] -  CR04-048
Grading on bank of navigable waterway: regulation of [Admin.Code NR 340.02, 341] -  CR04-085
Gray wolves: classification of [Admin.Code NR 10.02, 27.03] - CR03-081
Groundwater quality standards [Admin.Code NR 140.10, Table I and Appendix I] -  CR02-095
Groundwater quality standards and the development of an aquifer storage recovery well or the operation of an ASR system by a municipal water utility [Admin.Code NR 140.05, 140.22, 811.02, 811.87] -  CR02-134
Hazardous air contaminants [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 406.04, 406.07, 407.03, 407.05, 407.09, 407.14, 410.03, 410.04, 419.07, 422.03, 423.035, 423.04, 438.03, 439.03, 439.045, 445.01, 445.02, 445.03, 445.04, 445.05, 445.06 to 445.13, 446.02, 447.02, 448.02, 449.02, 468.20, 484.04, 484.05, 484.11] -  CR02-097
Hazardous air pollutants re facilities engaged in the secondary production of aluminum: national emission standards for [Admin.Code NR 406.04, 407.02, 407.04, 421.04, 421.06, 460 Appendix N, 460 Appendix RRR, 463 Subchapter II, 463.01, 463.02, 463.03, 463.04, 463.05, 463.06, 463.07, 463.08, 463.09, 463.10, 463.11, 463.12, 484.05, 484.11]  - CR04-023
Irving, Town of (Jackson county): boundaries of established parts of intensive forest fire control areas [Admin.Code NR 30.01] -  CR03-065
Lake management planning grants [Admin.Code NR 190.002, 190.003, 190.004, 190.005, 190.006, 190.02, 190.03, 190.04, 190.05, 190.07, 190.08, 190.13, 190.15, 190.17, 190.19]  - CR03-013
Lake protection and classification grants [Admin.Code NR 191] -  CR02-122
Landfilling of solid waste [Admin.Code NR 500.03, 504.06, 504.07, 504.095, 506.07, 506.135, 507.215, 512.09, 514.06, 514.07, 514.10, 516.07, 516.08, 520.04]  - CR04-077
Lower St. Croix Scenic Riverway [Admin.Code NR 118.01, 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.05 to 118.07]  - CR03-054
Managed forest law: administration of [Admin.Code NR 46.15, 46.16, 46.165, 46.18, 46.19, 46.23, 46.26]  - CR04-136
Mechanical refrigeration [Admin.Code Comm 45] -  CR03-012
Mercury emissions control to address the atmospheric deposition of mercury [Admin.Code NR 400.02, 405.01, 405.02, 406.04, 408.02, 408.04, 439.075, 445.01, 446 subchapter I (title), 446.01, 446.02, 446.03, 446.04, 446.05, 446 subchapter II, subchapter III (title), 446.14, 484.04, 484.05, 484.10] - CR01-081
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for facilities that apply surface coatings to large appliances [Admin.Code NR 460, 465.01, 465.02, 465.03, 465.04, 465.05, 465.055, 465.07, 465.08, 465.10, 484.04, 484.10, 484.11] - CR03-037
Nitrate, nitrite, or combined nitrate and nitrite standards: reporting of analytical data and the procedure for returning to compliance following an MCL violation of [Admin.Code NR 809.80] -  CR04-061
Nitrogen oxides: control of emissions [Admin.Code NR 428.02, 428.04, 428.06] -  CR03-049
NRB policies on protection and management of public waters [Admin.Code NR 1.016, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07]  - CR04-066
PCBs: land application of materials containing [Admin.Code NR 204.07, 214.18, 219.04, 518.075]  - CR03-036
Permit and water quality certification time limits; exempt activities and identification and delineation of nonfederal wetlands [Admin.Code NR 299.03, 299.04, 299.05, 300.01, 300.02, 300.03, 300.04, 300.05, 300.06, 351, 352]  - CR02-015
Petroleum environmental cleanup fund awards and associated credentials [Admin.Code Comm 5, 5.003, 5.01, 5.10, 5.80, 5.805, 5.81, 47.015, 47.02, 47.025, 47.0258, 47.10, 47.12, 47.115, 47.30, 47.305, 47.31, 47.32, 47.325, 47.33, 47.335, 47.336, 47.337, 47.339, 47.34, 47.35, 47.355, 47.36, 47.37, 47.40, 47.405, 47.41, 47.415, 47.42, 47.54; Tables 5.02, 5.06] - CR04-058
Petroleum off-site contamination and leaking underground storage tank site: notification and investigation [Admin.Code NR 714.05] -  CR01-009
Recycling efficiency incentive grants [Admin.Code NR 549] -  CR02-060
Recycling revisions [Admin.Code NR 502.05, 502.06, 502.07, 502.08, 544.01 to 544.15, 544.16, 545]  - CR04-113
Safe drinking water requirements for public water systems [Admin.Code NR 809.04, 809.26, 809.51, 809.52, 809.548, 809.55, 809.562, 809.563, 809.565, 809.566, 809.567, 809.569, 809.60, 809.75, 809.76] - CR02-147
Septage operator certification [Admin.Code NR 114] -  CR04-047
Small and abandoned dam removal grant program [Admin.Code NR 336] -  CR02-048
Solid waste licensing and plan review fees [Admin.Code NR 520.04] -  CR02-145
Solid waste recycling requirements: pilot program for alternative method of compliance [Admin.Code NR 544.20 to 544.27] - CR02-062
Storm water discharge permits [Admin.Code NR 216] -  CR03-028
Stream classifications [Admin.Code NR 102.01 to 102.04, 102.05 to 102.10] -  CR02-004
Underground injection wells: control of [Admin.Code NR 600.03, 600.04, Chapter 815] -  CR01-104
Wastewater treatment works compliance maintenance [Admin.Code NR 208] -  CR04-022
Wetland conservation activities [Admin.Code NR 150.08, 353] -  CR01-144
Whole effluent toxicity (WET) test methods [Admin.Code NR 106.09, 149.22, 219.04; Table A] - CR04-101
WPDES permit exemptions for private sewage systems with a design capacity of less than 12,000 gallons per day [Admin.Code NR 200.03 (5)] -  CR02-059
natural resources, department of _ hunting and fishingNatural resources, Department of — Hunting and fishing
Bass fishing tournament pilot program re 2003 WisAct 249: live well standards for participants [Admin.Code NR 20.40]  - CR04-112
Captive wildlife [Admin.Code NR 16, 19, 19.05, 19.07, 19.11, 19.26] -  CR03-030
Commercial fishing for smelt on Lake Michigan [Admin.Code NR 25.05, 25.06] -  CR02-144
Commercial fishing in Lake Michigan [Admin.Code NR 25.09] - CR02-143
Commercial fishing in Lake Michigan [Admin.Code NR 25.09] - CR03-106
Commercial fishing in Lake Superior [Admin.Code NR 25.06] - CR02-096
Commercial fishing in Lake Superior and Lake Michigan [Admin.Code NR 25.05, 25.06, 25.09, 25.10]  - CR01-115
Commercial fishing with trap nets in Lake Michigan [Admin. Code NR 25.09] -  CR04-127
CWD and bovine tuberculosis control and management re regulation of baiting and feeding [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.07, 10.11, 19.001, 19.60] -  CR04-078
CWD control and management [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.07, 10.09, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.27, 10.28, 10.41, 10.42, 12.06, 12.10, 45.09]  - CR03-016
CWD control and management [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.06, 10.07, 10.09, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.24, 10.27, 10.28, 10.41, 12.06, 19.02, 45.12]  - CR04-020
CWD control and management re regulation of baiting and feeding deer [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.07, 19.001, 19.60]  - CR03-017
Deer management unit population goals and boundaries [Admin.Code NR 10.104, 10.28] -  CR04-091
Dog training, trials, and clubs [Admin.Code NR 17] -  CR03-031
Fish and wildlife habitat structures in navigable waters [Admin.Code NR 323] -  CR04-064
Fish farms: use of natural bodies of water permitted [Admin.Code NR 19.91, 19.94] -  CR04-013
Fish passages [Admin.Code NR 331] -  CR01-080
Fishing for walleye and sauger in Escanaba Lake, Vilas County [Admin.Code NR 20.20] -  CR02-142
Fishing on the inland and outlying waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 20.05, 20.09, 20.11, 20.20, 20.36]  - CR02-073
Fishing on the inland and outlying waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 19.11, 20.05, 20.10, 20.20, 22.04, 26.32] - CR03-014
Fishing on the inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 20.20, 23.50] - CR04-012
Fishing on the inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin [Admin.Code NR 20.03, 20.07, 20.09, 20.11, 20.12, 20.18, 20.20, 21.02, 21.04, 21.08, 22.02, 23.02, 26.05]  - CR04-024
Hunting and trapping regulation changes [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.02, 10.06, 10.09, 10.10, 10.11, 10.111, 10.13, 10.37, 12.001, 12.10, 12.15, 19.76, 19.79, 19.795, 19.80, 19.81] - CR03-018
Hunting and trapping regulation changes [Admin.Code NR 10.01, 10.102, 10.106, 10.25, 10.27, 10.29]  - CR04-011
Hunting and trapping regulation changes [Admin.Code NR 1.16, 10.001, 10.01, 10.05, 10.06, 10.09, 10.106, 10.12, 10.13, 10.145, 10.22, 10.25, 10.275, 12.16, 19.13]  - CR04-046
Hunting and trapping regulations [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.07, 10.09, 10.12, 10.13, 10.145, 15.022, 15.024] - CR03-015