767.078 Order in case involving dependent child.
767.08 Actions to compel support.
767.081 Information from the office of family court commissioner.
767.082 Suspension of proceedings to effect reconciliation.
767.083 Waiting period in certain actions.
767.085 Petition and response.
767.087 Prohibited acts during pendency of action.
767.09 Power of court in divorce and legal separation actions.
767.10 Stipulation and property division.
767.11 Family court counseling services.
767.115 Educational programs and classes in actions affecting the family.
767.12 Trial procedure.
767.125 Order for appearance of litigants.
767.14 Service on office of family court commissioner and appearance by circuit court commissioner.
767.145 Enlargement of time.
767.15 Service on child support program.
767.16 Circuit court commissioner or law partner; when interested; procedure.
767.19 Record; impounding.
767.20 Name of spouse.
767.21 Full faith and credit; comity.
767.22 Uniform divorce recognition act.
767.23 Temporary orders for support of spouse and children; suit money; attorney fees.
767.24 Custody and physical placement.
767.242 Enforcement of physical placement orders.
767.245 Visitation rights of certain persons.
767.247 Prohibiting visitation or physical placement if a parent kills other parent.
767.25 Child support.
767.253 Seek-work orders.
767.254 Unemployed teenage parent.
767.255 Property division.
767.26 Maintenance payments.
767.261 Family support.
767.262 Award of attorney fees.
767.263 Notice of change of employer, change of address and change in ability to pay; other information.
767.265 Income withholding.
767.266 Effect on transfers at death.
767.267 Account transfers.
767.27 Disclosure of assets required.
767.275 Disposition of assets prior to action.
767.28 Maintenance, legal custody and support when divorce or separation denied.
767.29 Maintenance, child support and family support payments, receipt and disbursement; circuit court commissioner, fees and compensation.
767.293 Affidavit for certain arrearages.
767.295 Work experience and job training orders and child support orders in certain cases.
767.30 Enforcement of payments ordered.
767.303 Enforcement of child support; suspension of operating privilege.
767.305 Enforcement; contempt proceedings.
767.31 Trustee may be appointed.
767.32 Revision of certain judgments.
767.325 Revision of legal custody and physical placement orders.
767.327 Moving the child's residence within or outside the state.
767.329 Revisions agreed to by stipulation.
767.33 Annual adjustments in support orders.
767.37 Effect of judgment.
767.38 Judgment revoked on remarriage.
767.39 Maintenance payments or other allowances pending appeal.
767.40 Contempt proceedings.
767.42 Abandonment; seizure of property.
767.45 Determination of paternity.
767.455 Summons.
767.456 Enlargement of time in a paternity proceeding.
767.457 Time of first appearance.
767.458 First appearance.
767.459 Appearance on behalf of deceased respondent.
767.46 Pretrial paternity proceedings.
767.463 Dismissal if adjudication not in child's best interest.
767.465 Default and stipulated judgments.
767.466 Motion to reopen judgment based on statement acknowledging paternity.
767.47 Testimony and evidence relating to paternity.
767.475 Paternity procedures.
767.477 Temporary orders.
767.48 Genetic tests in paternity actions.
767.50 Trial.
767.51 Paternity judgment.
767.52 Right to counsel.
767.53 Paternity hearings and records; confidentiality.
767.60 Determination of marital children.
767.62 Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity.
767.001 767.001 Definitions. In this chapter:
767.001(1d) (1d) "Department" means the department of workforce development.
767.001(1m) (1m) "Genetic test" means a test that examines genetic markers present on blood cells, skin cells, tissue cells, bodily fluid cells or cells of another body material for the purpose of determining the statistical probability of an alleged father's paternity.
767.001(1s) (1s) "Joint legal custody" means the condition under which both parties share legal custody and neither party's legal custody rights are superior, except with respect to specified decisions as set forth by the court or the parties in the final judgment or order.
767.001(2) (2) "Legal custody" means:
767.001(2)(a) (a) With respect to any person granted legal custody of a child, other than a county agency or a licensed child welfare agency under par. (b), the right and responsibility to make major decisions concerning the child, except with respect to specified decisions as set forth by the court or the parties in the final judgment or order.
767.001(2)(b) (b) With respect to the department of health and family services or a county agency specified in s. 48.56 (1) or a licensed child welfare agency granted legal custody of a child, the rights and responsibilities specified under s. 48.02 (12).
767.001(2m) (2m) "Major decisions" includes, but is not limited to, decisions regarding consent to marry, consent to enter military service, consent to obtain a motor vehicle operator's license, authorization for nonemergency health care and choice of school and religion.
767.001(3) (3) "Mediation" means a cooperative process involving the parties and a mediator, the purpose of which is to help the parties, by applying communication and dispute resolution skills, define and resolve their own disagreements, with the best interest of the child as the paramount consideration.
767.001(4) (4) "Mediator" means a person with special skills and training in dispute resolution.
767.001(5) (5) "Physical placement" means the condition under which a party has the right to have a child physically placed with that party and has the right and responsibility to make, during that placement, routine daily decisions regarding the child's care, consistent with major decisions made by a person having legal custody.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2003. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?