Motor vehicle consumer lease or consumer credit sale of a motor vehicle: material false statement in credit application added to definition of ``default" -  Act 110
Rental vehicle damage: provisions revised re definition of ``accident", storage and government fees, repair estimates, theft, and use of credit -  Act 173
Uniform Commercial Code revisions re letters of credit -  Act 213
credit cardCredit card, see Credit
credit unionCredit union, see also Financial institution
College savings program bank deposit trust fund and college savings program credit union trust fund established  -  Act 478
Credit union branches re limited services established outside the state before certain date: reference removed (remedial legislation) -  Act 131
Wisconsin Credit Union Savings Insurance Corporation: provisions removed (remedial legislation)  -  Act 134
Child unattended in child care vehicle: prohibition created; fine provision; convicted person may not receive kinship care payments, certain child care licenses may be denied, and if death was a consequence, foster care and teaching licenses may be denied for set period -  Act 184
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers -  Act 278
Controlled substances schedule: GBL restriction specified for human consumption; BDO for human consumption added  -  Act 52
Crime related to a felony sexual assault: time limit and DNA exception for prosecuting felony sexual assault expanded to include -  Act 60
DNA evidence: retention and postconviction testing of modified  -  Act 60
Domestic abuse arrests: presumption changed from primary physical aggressor to ``predominant aggressor"; definition, law enforcement policies, and bail provisions  -  Act 104
Financial institutions: property crimes against created, penalty and civil action provisions; penalty created for violating community currency exchange license re check or money order cashing business -  Act 212
Fox Valley Technical College crime prevention center: incentive grants for [Sec. 9146 (1f)] -  Act 25
Funeral or memorial service: certain disruptions and protests prohibited during and 60 minutes immediately preceding and following; blocking access to a facility or impeding vehicles in a funeral procession also prohibited; penalty provisions -  Act 114
Harassment definition modified; harassment and child abuse restraining order or injunction deadlines increased; payment of filing fee for child abuse or vulnerable adult injunction revised -  Act 272
Hazardous substances: abusing or distributing or possessing with intent to abuse or distribute prohibited; definitions and exceptions -  Act 44
Misdemeanors: revisions re length of probation [Sec. 2473-2475d] -  Act 25
Off-duty peace officers outside their territorial jurisdiction but within the state: making arrests or providing aid or assistance permitted under certain conditions; civil and criminal immunity and WC provisions -  Act 414
Operating a motor vehicle with a cancelled, suspended, or revoked privilege or knowingly operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license: penalties for causing property damage, injury, great bodily harm, or death  -  Act 412
Service dog: theft and recklessly or intentionally interfering with use of, injury to, or death of made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions; ``pecuniary loss" includes cases involving law enforcement or fire department animals or service dogs  -  Act 353
Telephone record pertaining to another person: obtaining, soliciting, or selling without the person's consent for fraudulent reasons prohibited; definitions, Internet, damages, and penalty provisions -  Act 261
Witness intimidation: conditions for felony offense expanded re trial or inquiry -  Act 280
crime and criminals _ felonyCrime and criminals — Felony
Custodial interrogation recordings by law enforcement officers: requirements created; juvenile and adult provisions; definitions and exceptions; OJA grant program -  Act 60
Election day procedures: high school student poll workers, poll closing procedures re waiting voters, conduct of election observers, proof of residence, election threats, certain election-related material prohibited, polling place map, lists of felons ineligible to vote, and greeter at polling place  -  Act 451
Felony murder: list of crimes subject to sentence extension expanded -  Act 313
Financial institutions: property crimes against created, penalty and civil action provisions; penalty created for violating community currency exchange license re check or money order cashing business -  Act 212
Funeral or memorial service: certain disruptions and protests prohibited during and 60 minutes immediately preceding and following; blocking access to a facility or impeding vehicles in a funeral procession also prohibited; penalty provisions -  Act 114
GPS tracking of persons on parole, probation, extended supervision, supervised release, or conditional release for committing a serious child sex offense; residency requirements and sex offender registry Web site provisions; Corr.Dept, DHFS, and court duties specified; report required  -  Act 431
Methamphetamine: possession of certain materials with intent to manufacture prohibited; pseudoephedrine products classified as a schedule V controlled substance, definition and restrictions on sale of created; anhydrous ammonia intentionally released without owner's consent prohibited; Pharmacy Examining Board provision re storage of controlled substances; penalty provisions -  Act 14
Service dog: theft and recklessly or intentionally interfering with use of, injury to, or death of made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions; ``pecuniary loss" includes cases involving law enforcement or fire department animals or service dogs  -  Act 353
Sex offender registered with Corr.Dept: intentionally photographing, filming, or videotaping person under age 17 without written consent of parent, guardian, or custodian prohibited; felony provision -  Act 432
Sex offenses against children: certain penalties revised; child pornography surcharge created; computers used to facilitate a child sex crime provision; OJA grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services to sexual assault victims created -  Act 433
Sexual assault of a child by a stepparent or a volunteer or employee of a substitute care facility: prohibitions and penalties provided -  Act 277
Telephone record pertaining to another person: obtaining, soliciting, or selling without the person's consent for fraudulent reasons prohibited; definitions, Internet, damages, and penalty provisions -  Act 261
Voting and registration procedures for convicted felons created; notification re ineligibility to vote during parole or extended supervision [vetoed] -  SB-42
Witness intimidation: conditions for felony offense expanded re trial or inquiry -  Act 280
crime and criminals _ gang activityCrime and criminals — Gang activity
Rental unit tenancy termination re drug or criminal gang activity nuisance: notice by law enforcement agencies expanded; DA authority added -  Act 281
Youth diversion program transferred from OJA to Corr.Dept; funding for contract with organization in City of Racine [Sec. 81r, 88k-p, 295m, 358p, 414t, 415r, wg-x, 2221g, 9101 (9k)] [88p — partial veto; 415x — vetoed]  -  Act 25
crime and criminals _ homicide or murderCrime and criminals — Homicide or murder
Death penalty for first-degree intentional homicide conviction supported by DNA evidence: advisory referendum at November 2006 general election [SJR-5] -  JR-58
Felony murder: list of crimes subject to sentence extension expanded -  Act 313
crime victimCrime victim
Appearance bond: cash deposits may be used to pay restitution to crime victim [vetoed] -  AB-969
Appearance bond: cash deposits may be used to pay restitution to crime victim -  Act 447
Confidential voter registration for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking: procedure modified re affidavit verifying victim's status and certain victim service providers -  Act 278
Court may prohibit defendent, during term of confinement, from contacting victims of the crime; probation and penalty provisions -  Act 32
Crime victim and witness surcharge increased; surcharge on certain forfeitures; county reimbursement for services [Sec. 2450d-r, 2468m-2471, 9307 (2e), 9329 (1), (2)]  -  Act 25
Rights of crime victims: ``family member" definition revised to include adult children -  Act 419
Service dog: theft and recklessly or intentionally interfering with use of, injury to, or death of made a crime; penalty and restitution provisions; ``pecuniary loss" includes cases involving law enforcement or fire department animals or service dogs  -  Act 353
Sex offenses against children: certain penalties revised; child pornography surcharge created; computers used to facilitate a child sex crime provision; OJA grants to nonprofit organizations that provide services to sexual assault victims created -  Act 433
criminal, insaneCriminal, Insane, see Mental health
criminal codeCriminal code
Criminal law revisions re recording custodial interrogations, DNA evidence retention and testing, time limit for prosecuting a crime related to a felony sexual assault, and policies re eyewitness identification of a suspect -  Act 60
criminal identification and investigationCriminal identification and investigation
Caregiver background check fees: DHFS may use revenues for investigation purposes; restriction on amount of fees eliminated [Sec. 328, 1220] -  Act 25
Caregiver background information: if entity required annual disclosure of criminal conviction or charge, the entity is not required to use DHFS form; civil penalty for failure to comply with disclosure policy -  Act 351
Concealed weapon licensing system created; active duty or retired law enforcement officer permitted to carry a concealed firearm, ID card provision; DOJ to consider mental health status re background checks for handgun purchases; grants for shooting ranges; reports required; DOT duties specified [vetoed] -  SB-403
Court decision on custody or physical placement of a child and any modifications: factors to consider include the criminal record of and any abuse or neglect of the child or any child by a person with whom the parent is dating or who regularly or intermittently resides in the custodial household  -  Act 101
Criminal history background check required re applicant to state position which includes fiduciary responsibilities  -  Act 350
FBI background checks on caregivers: provisions re sharing information, limitation on use of, and civil immunity [Sec. 1218, 1219, 9321 (8)] -  Act 25
Fingerprint technologies re background check for teacher licensing and name of Wisconsin Association of Nonpublic Schools changed to Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (remedial legislation)  -  Act 121
Penalty surcharge revisions; youth diversion grant reductions; transfer of receipts to handgun purchaser checks [Sec. 174r, 187g, 291r, 293r, 356c-358n, 358t, 359r, 363r, 394r, 415L-q, s-v, w, 437d, 9109 (1p), 9229 (1p), 9429 (2p), (3p)]  -  Act 25
cwd _chronic wasting disease_CWD (Chronic wasting disease), see Animal — Disease
d - D -
dairy productDairy product
TIF approved purposes re towns: ``agricultural project" expanded to include ``farm product warehousing and storage, refrigerated" -  Act 330
damage _personal injury_Damage (personal injury)
Automated external defibrillator: terms ``automatic defibrillator" and ``semiautomatic defibrillator" changed to; civil liability immunity for acts in good faith without gross negligence and to owner and provider if regular maintenance and testing are performed -  Act 486
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: civil liability immunity for technicians and organizations that provide safety programs re inspection or installation  -  Act 322
Consumer reports: individuals may prohibit a consumer reporting agency from releasing; ``security freeze" notice defined; actions for damages, costs, and attorney fees permitted; DATCP duties specified -  Act 140
Double-decked bus restrictions re operation on highways modified; liability provisions; local authority must approve route and inspect routes annually -  Act 11
Employment discrimination based on creed expanded to include sterilization, abortion, experiments re in vitro human embryos, procedures re fetal tissue, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killings; health care providers and health facilities employees revisions; definitions, disciplinary actions, liability, damages, and patient health care records provisions [vetoed] -  AB-207