Higher Education - UW System Elimination of excess expenditure reports -0379
Higher Education - UW System Lawton grants; create sum certain appropriation -1214
Higher Education - UW System Plan for UW-Milwaukee authority -1399
Higher Education - UW System Repeal nonresident tuition exemptions -1379
Higher Education - UW System Report on reduced spending authority allocation -1402
Higher Education - financial aid Elimination of office of Wisconsin covenant -1231
Higher Education - financial aid Suspension of Wisconsin higher education grant appropriation cap formula -1197
Higher Education - financial aid Tuition remission for veterans -1188
Higher Education - miscellaneous Placement of Arts Board in Department of Tourism and elimination of Percent for Art Program -1097
Higher Education - tech. college Freeze property tax levies -0988
Insurance - health Eliminate contraceptive insurance mandate -1258
Insurance - miscellaneous DRL and OCI appropriations changes -0939
Insurance - other insurance Close enrollment in the State Life Insurance Fund -1206
Justice - civil Eliminate gaming bureau -1350
Justice - criminal Administrative costs for services for sexual assault victims -0158
Justice - criminal Change Structure for Allocation of Justice Information Fee Revenues -0830
Justice - criminal Criminal history search fee -1351
Justice - criminal Discretionary legal settlement funding -0905
Justice - criminal Interoperable communications appropriation -0827
Justice - criminal Penalty surcharge receipts -0107
Justice - criminal Remove CASA allocation -0823
Justice - criminal Victim and witness surcharge part B -0097
Legislature - miscellaneous DOA Secretary Lapse Authority -0207
Local Gov't - counties Allow counties to create, and assess fees for, court self-help centers -1323
Local Gov't - counties Repeal requirement that local government not decrease funding for libraries -1343
Local Gov't - counties Revise local levy limits valuation factor and apply to 2011 and 2012 levies -0644
Local Gov't - munis generally Authorize municipalities to combine protective service departments -1356
Local Gov't - munis generally Repeal requirement that local government not decrease funding for libraries -1343
Local Gov't - munis generally Revise local levy limits valuation factor and apply to 2011 and 2012 levies -0644
Mental Health - AODA Brighter Futures funding -0713
Mental Health - miscellaneous Eliminate requirement to request proposals for pharmacy management services at state mental health treatment facilities -0279
Military Affairs - nat'l guard Tuition Grant Program Application Deadline Extension -0191
Nat. Res. - boats snomos ATVs All-terrain vehicle program lapse -0142
Nat. Res. - boats snomos ATVs Snowmobile supplemental trail aid funding -1442
Nat. Res. - miscellaneous Water resources account lapses -0141
Nat. Res. - nav. waters Bonding increase for the dam safety program -0249
Nat. Res. - nav. waters Dam grant program application process -0137
Nat. Res. - nav. waters Lake management planning grant funding -0139
Nat. Res. - parks and forestry Aids in lieu of taxes and stewardship provisions regarding land acquisitions -1053
Nat. Res. - stewardship Aids in lieu of taxes and stewardship provisions regarding land acquisitions -1053
Nat. Res. - stewardship Costs for stewardship acquisitions -0143
Occupational Reg. - misc DRL and OCI appropriations changes -0939
Occupational Reg. - misc Gifts and Grants Appropriation -0252
Occupational Reg. - misc Substitution of drug equivalents at skilled nursing facilities -1404
Occupational Reg. - prof lic Delete current real estate board and create real estate examining board -1272
Occupational Reg. - prof lic Substitution of drug equivalents at skilled nursing facilities -1404
Public Assistance - Wis works Miscellaneous changes to W-2 -1146
Public Assistance - Wis works Transfer of TANF to CCDBG -1203
Public Assistance - Wis works Wisconsin Shares Reimbursement rates -0148
Public Assistance - Wis works Wisconsin Shares measures -1204
Public Assistance - food stamps FoodShare benefits for qualified aliens -0151
Public Assistance - food stamps Income maintenance administration unit; transfer of SSI programs; cemetery, funeral, and burial expenses appropriation -1019
Public Assistance - food stamps Transfer the food stamp program from DHS to DCF -1195
Public Assistance - health prgms Income maintenance administration unit; transfer of SSI programs; cemetery, funeral, and burial expenses appropriation -1019
Public Assistance - misc Community Services Block Grant Appropriation -0059
Public Assistance - misc Income maintenance administration unit; transfer of SSI programs; cemetery, funeral, and burial expenses appropriation -1019
Public Assistance - misc Provider reimbursement for end stage renal disease aid program -1156
Public Assistance - misc TANF and Child Care appropriations and allocations -0149
Public Assistance - misc Transfer of TANF to CCDBG -1203
Public Assistance - misc Transfer of filled positions -0153
Public Util. - energy Eliminate Office of Energy Independence -1224
Public Util. - energy Low income assistance for weatherization and other energy conservation services -1142
Public Util. - telco Program audit of Universal Service Fund programs -1348
Shared Revenue County and municipal aid reductions -1052
Shared Revenue Eliminate the minimum inflaction factor for expenditure restraint payments -0642
State Finance - bonding 2011-13 Debt Refunding -1428
State Finance - bud generally DOA Secretary Lapse Authority -0207
State Finance - bud generally GPR Limitation -1471
State Finance - bud generally Statutory Required General Fund Balance -1398
State Finance - claims agnst st Liability resulting from MN/WI interchange of employees and services -1448
State Finance - investment board Transfer Local Government Investment Pool function from OST to DOA -0712
State Finance - miscellaneous Elimination of Vacant Positions -1304
State Finance - miscellaneous Transfer EdVest to DOA -0698
State Finance - miscellaneous Transfer Local Government Investment Pool function from OST to DOA -0712
State Govt - miscellaneous Appointment of director/staff of fed-state relations office -1322
State Govt - miscellaneous Base document for budget -0179
State Govt - miscellaneous DOA Office of Business Development -1450
State Govt - miscellaneous Division administrator positions and salaries -1482
State Govt - miscellaneous Elimination of Vacant Positions -1304
State Govt - miscellaneous Elimination of stenographer position in Offices of Secretary of State and State Treasurer -1090
State Govt - miscellaneous Liability resulting from MN/WI interchange of employees and services -1448
State Govt - miscellaneous Madison child care facilities for state employees -1221
State Govt - miscellaneous Transfer of administrative services functions from Secretary of State to DOA -1088
State Govt - miscellaneous Transfer of management service functions from State Treasurer to DOA -1089
State Govt - procurement Department of Administration to maintain list of contractors who have violated procurement requirements -1263
State Govt - procurement Eliminate cost-benefit analysis under state procurement of contractual services -1252
State Govt - procurement Exempt purchases under $500 from energy consuming equipment standards -1259
State Govt - procurement Increase threshold that creates requirement for sealed bids or proposals -1216
State Govt - procurement Use of prison industries in state procurement -1267