Born Waupaca, December 14, 1964; married; 2 children. Graduate Waupaca H.S. 1983; B.S.M.E. U. of New Mexico 1989. Co-owner family-run electronics corporation. Served in U.S. Navy sub service 1983-94, Persian Gulf War veteran. Member U.S. Naval Reserve 1994-2008. Member: Waupaca Co. Republican Party; Waushara Co. Republican Party; VFW Post 1037 (life member); Amvets Post 1887 (life member); American Legion Post 161; United States Submarine Veterans, Inc.; Waupaca Area Chamber of Commerce; New London Chamber of Commerce; National Rifle Association. Town of Dayton Supervisor 2001-07.
Elected to Assembly 2006; reelected since 2008.
(first or second author, first sponsor)
1/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 668
Relating to: rights under certain agreements or qualified financial contracts.
1/8/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 537
Relating to: rights under certain agreements or qualified financial contracts.
11/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 393
Relating to: a property tax exemption for a winter sports club. (FE)
11/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 525
Relating to: a property tax exemption for a winter sports club. (FE)
11/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 509
Relating to: directional signage for the Iola Old Car Show in Marathon, Portage, and Waupaca Counties.
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 382
Relating to: directional signage for the Iola Old Car Show in Marathon, Portage, and Waupaca Counties.
10/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 420
Relating to: various miscellaneous changes to the insurance statutes and granting rule-making authority.
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 384
Relating to: requirements for approval of construction of nuclear power plants and changes to the state's energy priorities policy.
10/6/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 288
Relating to: requirements for approval of construction of nuclear power plants and changes to the state's energy priorities policy.
10/2/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 287
Relating to: various miscellaneous changes to the insurance statutes and granting rule-making authority.
2/2/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 846
Relating to: possessing firearms on school grounds by persons with a license to carry a concealed weapon.
1/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 804
Relating to: one-call system violations; sulfur dioxide compliance plans; assessment authority of the Public Service Commission; funding for statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; public utility contracts with affiliated interests; local access and transport areas for telephone service; railroad telecommunications service; Department of Natural Resources permit application procedures related to the construction of a high-voltage transmission line; navigable water general permits and individual permits related to utility facilities; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 768
Relating to: rules regarding the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 767
Relating to: injunctions against harrassment and abuse.
1/22/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 766
Relating to: review and reporting requirements for the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. (FE)
1/20/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 751
Relating to: special needs scholarship program. (FE)
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 600
Relating to: the regulation of navigable waters and wetlands. (FE)
12/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 582
Relating to: government actions affecting rights to real property; the regulation of shoreland zoning; the substitution of hearing examiners in contested cases; and the property tax treatment of unoccupied property. (FE)
12/4/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 562
Relating to: expenditures relating to the operation of a rail fixed guideway transportation system in a first class city.
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 535
Relating to: an optional incentive program for counties and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in certain public assistance programs, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 543
Relating to: social and financial impact reports. (FE)
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 547
Relating to: trespass and damage to property owned or used by an energy provider and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
11/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 517
Relating to: reporting crimes and other incidents that occur on school property, on school transportation, and at school sanctioned events and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/4/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 481
Relating to: limitations on borrowing by school districts and the use by school districts of resolutions and referenda to authorize bonding for capital projects or increase revenue limits and scheduling of school district referendums to exceed revenue limits. (FE)
10/30/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 81
Relating to: contributions of Bart Starr.
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 457
Relating to: the method used by a county clerk to notify town clerks of certain county zoning actions. (FE)
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 78
Relating to: Department of Veterans Affairs' 70 years of service to veterans.
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 77
Relating to: recognizing the Order of the Arrow, which is the Boy Scouts of America's National Honor Society, on its 100th Anniversary and the significant leadership and service provided to youth and communities across Wisconsin.
10/26/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 455
Relating to: registration of special interest, reconstructed, replica, or street modified vehicles and providing a penalty. (FE)
10/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 452
Relating to: the minimum price of merchandise sold at wholesale or retail. (FE)
10/15/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 409
Relating to: the sales and use tax imposed on a jukebox. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 405
Relating to: exemptions from certain taxes and other requirements for work performed by persons from outside the state during a state of emergency declared by the governor. (FE)
10/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 392
Relating to: methods of voting by members of a cooperative.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 369
Relating to: membership of certain federated public library system boards.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 364
Relating to: reporting, disclosure, and practitioner review requirements under the prescription drug monitoring program; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 366
Relating to: pain clinic certification and requirements, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 367
Relating to: reporting by treatment programs using methadone and requiring review of prescription drug monitoring database.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 365
Relating to: duty of law enforcement officers to report to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and reports of stolen prescription drugs. (FE)
9/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 339
Relating to: eligibility for monthly subsidized guardianship payments of a person who develops a familial relationship with a child or the child's family during the child's placement in out-of-home care, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
8/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 310
Relating to: family planning and preventive health services grants and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
8/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 311
Relating to: billing the Medical Assistance program for prescription drugs by certain entities. (FE)
8/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 305
Relating to: sale and use of fetal body parts and providing a criminal penalty.
8/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 303
Relating to: prohibiting the Department of Workforce Development from requiring a job seeker to furnish his or her social security number to that department as a precondition to using the services of the job center network, including using the job center network Internet site. (FE)
7/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 291
Relating to: the color of clothing required to be worn during the season for hunting deer with firearms.
6/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 43
Relating to: the life and public service of Representative Thomas Archer Lothian.
5/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 237
Relating to: requiring a determination of probable postfertilization age of an unborn child before abortion, prohibiting abortion of an unborn child considered capable of experiencing pain, informed consent, abortion reporting, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
5/20/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 236
Relating to: tax-exempt accounts for qualified expenses incurred by individuals with disabilities and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 222
Relating to: photo identification cards for FoodShare recipients. (FE)
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 232
Relating to: donation of abandoned or seized vehicles.
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 233
Relating to: elimination of sick leave for state senators and representatives to the assembly. (FE)
5/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 220
Relating to: establishing a mandatory minimum period of confinement in prison for a person who possesses a firearm or who uses a firearm to commit certain crimes after being convicted of committing certain violent felonies, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
5/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 200
Relating to: a waiver to limit the number of FoodShare replacement cards. (FE)
4/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 192
Relating to: requiring certain unemployment insurance claimants to submit to drug tests, eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits following a drug test, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 191
Relating to: requiring drug testing and treatment for eligibility for certain work experience programs; requiring the Department of Health Services to request a waiver to screen and, if indicated, test and provide treatment to FoodShare employment and training participants for illegal use of a controlled substance; and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 177
Relating to: limiting the foods that may be purchased under FoodShare; requiring a report on the cost to implement and comply with the food limitations; requiring review, updating, and publication of the list of authorized foods; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 188
Relating to: removing FoodShare benefits from an inactive account and expunging unused benefits after one year. (FE)
4/15/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 167
Relating to: adopting federal law as it relates to an income tax deduction for certain educators. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 157
Relating to: an exemption from civil liability related to the placement of buoys or other markers in waterways.
3/31/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 143
Relating to: regulation of transportation network companies, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 122
Relating to: exempting certain vehicles of utilities from class B highway weight limitations and certain special or seasonal weight limitations. (FE)
3/20/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 107
Relating to: authorizing reimbursement to counties for the costs incurred in processing and donating certain wild turkeys. (FE)
3/17/2015: 2015 Assembly Resolution 6
Relating to: celebrating Saint Patrick's Day on March 17, 2015.
2/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 56
Relating to: University of Wisconsin System reports regarding remedial courses in English and mathematics.
2/17/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 46
Relating to: off-duty law enforcement officers and former law enforcement officers going armed with firearms on or near school grounds.
2/17/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 32
Relating to: elimination of the requirement that laborers, workers, mechanics, and truck drivers employed on the site of a project of public works be paid the prevailing wage. (FE)
1/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 5
Relating to: deleting from the constitution the office of state treasurer (first consideration).
1/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: honoring the service of all military working dogs.
1/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 10
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child and at-risk adult abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
1/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 13
Relating to: the return of a seized firearm to the person who owns the firearm. (FE)
1/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 1
Relating to: election of chief justice (second consideration).
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 716
Relating to: review and reporting requirements for the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. (FE)
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 654
Relating to: one-call system violations; sulfur dioxide compliance plans; assessment authority of the Public Service Commission; funding for statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource programs; public utility contracts with affiliated interests; local access and transport areas for telephone service; railroad telecommunications service; Department of Natural Resources permit application procedures related to the construction of a high-voltage transmission line; navigable water general permits and individual permits related to utility facilities; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 615
Relating to: special needs scholarship program. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 84
Relating to: proclaiming February 2016 as Black History Month.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 626
Relating to: injunctions against harrassment and abuse.
1/21/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 589
Relating to: possessing firearms on school grounds by persons with a license to carry a concealed weapon.
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 457
Relating to: trespass and damage to property owned or used by an energy provider and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 459
Relating to: the regulation of navigable waters and wetlands. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 470
Relating to: reporting crimes and other incidents that occur on school property, on school transportation, and at school sanctioned events and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 464
Relating to: government actions affecting rights to real property; the regulation of shoreland zoning; the substitution of hearing examiners in contested cases; and the property tax treatment of unoccupied property. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 472
Relating to: an optional incentive program for counties and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in certain public assistance programs, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 413
Relating to: social and financial impact reports. (FE)
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 374
Relating to: registration of special interest, reconstructed, replica, or street modified vehicles and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 73
Relating to: Department of Veterans Affairs' 70 years of service to veterans.
11/6/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 371
Relating to: the minimum price of merchandise sold at wholesale or retail. (FE)
11/2/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 69
Relating to: contributions of Bart Starr.
10/29/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 66
Relating to: recognizing the Order of the Arrow, which is the Boy Scouts of America's National Honor Society, on its 100th Anniversary and the significant leadership and service provided to youth and communities across Wisconsin.
10/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 355
Relating to: limitations on borrowing by school districts and the use by school districts of resolutions and referenda to authorize bonding for capital projects or increase revenue limits and scheduling of school district referendums to exceed revenue limits. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 334
Relating to: exemptions from certain taxes and other requirements for work performed by persons from outside the state during a state of emergency declared by the governor. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 313
Relating to: the method used by a county clerk to notify town clerks of certain county zoning actions. (FE)
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 300
Relating to: the sales and use tax imposed on a jukebox. (FE)
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 284
Relating to: methods of voting by members of a cooperative.
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 268
Relating to: reporting, disclosure, and practitioner review requirements under the prescription drug monitoring program; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 269
Relating to: duty of law enforcement officers to report to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and reports of stolen prescription drugs. (FE)
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 271
Relating to: reporting by treatment programs using methadone and requiring review of prescription drug monitoring database.
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 272
Relating to: pain clinic certification and requirements, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/24/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 265
Relating to: membership of certain federated public library system boards.
9/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 260
Relating to: sale and use of fetal body parts and providing a criminal penalty.
9/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 253
Relating to: eligibility for monthly subsidized guardianship payments of a person who develops a familial relationship with a child or the child's family during the child's placement in out-of-home care, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
8/24/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 238
Relating to: billing the Medical Assistance program for prescription drugs by certain entities. (FE)
8/24/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 237
Relating to: family planning and preventive health services grants and granting rule-making authority.
8/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 227
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for building materials that become a part of a facility for a local unit of government or nonprofit organization. (FE)
7/28/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 219
Relating to: prohibiting the Department of Workforce Development from requiring a job seeker to furnish his or her social security number to that department as a precondition to using the services of the job center network, including using the job center network Internet site. (FE)
6/5/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 41
Relating to: recognizing the nineteenth day of June, 2015, as Juneteenth Day.
5/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 183
Relating to: elimination of sick leave for state senators and representatives to the assembly. (FE)
5/22/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 179
Relating to: requiring a determination of probable postfertilization age of an unborn child before abortion, prohibiting abortion of an unborn child considered capable of experiencing pain, informed consent, abortion reporting, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
5/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 165
Relating to: tax-exempt accounts for qualified expenses incurred by individuals with disabilities and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 153
Relating to: donation of abandoned or seized vehicles.
4/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 136
Relating to: a waiver to limit the number of FoodShare replacement cards. (FE)
4/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 130
Relating to: adopting federal law as it relates to an income tax deduction for certain educators. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 110
Relating to: an exemption from civil liability related to the placement of buoys or other markers in waterways.
3/31/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 106
Relating to: regulation of transportation network companies, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 80
Relating to: exempting certain vehicles of utilities from class B highway weight limitations and certain special or seasonal weight limitations. (FE)
3/5/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 70
Relating to: off-duty law enforcement officers and former law enforcement officers going armed with firearms on or near school grounds.
2/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 59
Relating to: University of Wisconsin System reports regarding remedial courses in English and mathematics.
2/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 49
Relating to: elimination of the requirement that laborers, workers, mechanics, and truck drivers employed on the site of a project of public works be paid the prevailing wage. (FE)
1/30/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 7
Relating to: the life and service of Annette Polly Williams.
1/28/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: deleting from the constitution the office of state treasurer (first consideration).
1/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 9
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
1/7/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 2
Relating to: election of chief justice (second consideration).
1/11/2016: 2015 AA1-AB509
10/21/2015: 2015 AA1-AB420