Environment Safe Drinking Water Loan Program Revenue Bonding -1138
Environment TMDL Bonding -2112
Environment Well Compensation Grant -1919
Gambling Provide funding for American Indian tribes to fund a youth wellness center. -0994
Health - abortion/maternal/child Title V and Title X -2164
Health - Medical Assistance Children's Long-term Support Waiver Program -1786
Health - Medical Assistance Critical access payments to dental providers -0546
Health - Medical Assistance Dental therapy training program funding -0548
Health - Medical Assistance Discontinue dental reimbursement pilot program -0545
Health - Medical Assistance False claims private authority -1715
Health - Medical Assistance Hospital access payments -1915
Health - Medical Assistance Long-term care; managed care -0584
Health - Medical Assistance MA post-partum coverage -1966
Health - Medical Assistance MA reimbursement for doula services -1927
Health - Medical Assistance Medicaid community health benefit -1885
Health - Medical Assistance Medicaid dental services for disabled individuals -2056
Health - Medical Assistance Medicaid expansion -0943
Health - Medical Assistance Mental health consultation -2057
Health - Medical Assistance Nursing home direct care -2119
Health - Medical Assistance Personal care direct care -2141
Health - Medical Assistance Repeal child support compliance for Medicaid eligibility -1733
Health - Medical Assistance Repeal health savings account requirement -1732
Health - Medical Assistance Repeal implementation of childless adult demonstration waiver -1567
Health - Medical Assistance Repeal legislative authorization and oversight of requests to federal government -1566
Health - Medical Assistance Repeal state plan amendment submission to legislature for review -1569
Health - Medical Assistance Rural critical care access supplement -2055
Health - Medical Assistance Telehealth definition -0551
Health - mental health Comprehensive mental health consultation program -1121
Health - mental health Crisis intervention -2002
Health - mental health Dementia training for health care providers -0581
Health - mental health Methadone use in opioid and methamphetamine treatment programs -1785
Health - mental health Regional crisis stabilization facilities -2074
Health - miscellaneous Assisted living staffing, fees, and online submission -0556
Health - miscellaneous Dental services (Seal-a-Smile) -1720
Health - miscellaneous Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Increases -1899
Health - miscellaneous Drug importation program -1727
Health - miscellaneous Eliminate birth cost recovery -1963
Health - miscellaneous False claims private authority -1715
Health - miscellaneous Graduate Medical Education Grants -1772
Health - miscellaneous Healthy Aging Programs -2001
Health - miscellaneous Infant mortality prevention program -2092
Health - miscellaneous Lead Abatement Grant -1439
Health - miscellaneous Medical marijuana -1539
Health - miscellaneous Minority Health Grant Language -1764
Health - miscellaneous Pediatric Inpatient Supplement -2090
Health - miscellaneous Repeal FoodShare drug screening requirement -1731
Health - miscellaneous Repeal FoodShare work requirement -1729
Health - miscellaneous Repeal FSET pay-for-performance requirement -1730
Health - miscellaneous Rural crisis grant statutory change -0557
Health - miscellaneous Wisconsin Well Woman statutory change -0559
Health - Public Assistance FoodShare child support compliance -2120
Health - Public Assistance WIC statutory change -0560
Higher Education - financial aid References to handicapped individuals -1640
Higher Education - financial aid Student loan refinancing study -1988
Higher Education - financial aid Talent incentive grants -1871
Higher Education - financial aid Wisconsin Grant Formula Mid-Year Changes -1626
Higher Education - other Early College Credit Changes -0974
Higher Education - other ECB allowed to procure public instruction material -1685
Higher Education - other Loan repayments for rural dentists -0550
Higher Education - tech. college Early College Credit Changes -0974
Higher Education - tech. college Nonresident tuition exemption for undocumented individials -1677
Higher Education - tech. college References to handicapped individuals -1640
Higher Education - tech. college WTCS revenue limits -1381
Higher Education - UW System Early College Credit Changes -0974
Higher Education - UW System Environmental education grants -1866
Higher Education - UW System Fellowship and loan forgiveness program for nurse educators -1918
Higher Education - UW System Lift funding cap provided to UW Stevens Point Paper Science Program -1686
Higher Education - UW System Nonresident tuition exemption for undocumented individials -1677
Higher Education - UW System Outcomes-based funding -0996
Higher Education - UW System Outcomes-based funding suspension for biennium and supplemental pay plan -1678
Higher Education - UW System Student success and attainment -1870
Higher Education - UW System UW Colleges funding -2123
Higher Education - UW System UW resident undergraduate tuition -1001
Higher Education - UW System UW-Extension cooperative county agriculture representation -1869
Housing Eliminate sunset for diesel truck idling reduction grant program -1941
Housing Limit on total amount of WHEDA's tax-exempt bonds and notes -1667
Housing New DEHCR appropriation -2195
Insurance - health Preexisting conditions coverage -2091
Insurance - health Prescription drug transparency -1726
Insurance - other insurance Nonresident insurance appointment fee -2058
Justice Add community policing to beat patrol grants -2025
Justice Beat Patrol OT Grant Funding -2081
Justice DNA Surcharge Transfer -2075
Justice DOJ Settlement Funds -1484
Justice Nonviolent Offender Treatment Diversion Pilot -1999
Justice TAD Expansion -2079
Justice Transfer the office of school safety from DOJ to DPI -1704
Justice Volkswagen Settlement Grants -1846
Landlord-tenant Lease Administration Efficiencies -0689